Readying for Change The current national economical outlook has driven some significant changes in how our Air Force will conduct business. Current plans projects the Air Force to downsize by 25,000 Airmen in the next 5 years. These personnel cuts will impact the dynamics of the Air Force for years and affect each one of us in some way. Many of you may be worried about losing your job. The possibility of not being able to serve is unsettling. You have devoted years doing something you love and now it could all be gone in an instance. As the ordeal plays out and you anticipate the results of the force management boards, the following questions may come to mind; are my records the best they can be, will I be the one selected to leave, if so what will I do; how will I support my family. These are all legitimate concerns however no one can answer them but you. You may be thinking if I had just done this or that I would not be at this junction in my life; I could had done better managing my career and financial situation; or I could have been better prepared. You and I can't go back and change the past however we can define our future. Your current situation should be a wakeup call inciting you to do something, adjust or change your lifestyle. Advanced education, financial planning, and goal setting maybe was not important to you before, however now you have to rethink your strategy and start making them important. You may be thinking it is too late; well, it is not. As with any challenge we face in life, this is a learning moment; not an easy pill to swallow but it is here, now, and real; we got to deal with it. I know you may not think so but you are in the driver's seat; you determine where you go from here. It is called preparation. Yesterday probably you were not ready but today you know better. You have resources at your disposal to get geared up regardless of the outcome of the force management boards. No, I am not saying it will be easy or you will hit all the targets however you can't sit around and wait hoping the best will happen. Take control of your life, do the research, know what your options are, tap into resources available to help you at your installation. Take the time to get versed on your military benefits with focus on healthcare, finance, education, and quality of life. Important here is that you know what is available to you and take advantage of it. The only reason we prepare is to equip ourselves in case the worst happens. That means start working on your educational, financial, and family plans. Put yourself in a position to be comfortable with your affairs so whatever happen you will be ready to absorb it. As individuals we are responsible for positioning ourselves to be successful. Regardless if we chose to remain in the Air Force for 4 or 30 years we should create options by continuously organizing our personal affairs, developing ourselves, and investing in our future so whatever course we choose or is chosen for us we will we be okay with it. It is inevitable that the future of the Air Force will change therefore you and I also need to be ready to change.