Portfolio 2017 | Selected Works

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Fabric Pavilion Archaeosphere Two x Two Fog Collection Formworks



FABRIC PAVILION The objective of the Fabric Pavilion project was to create a siteless pavilion. Use of fabric as a primary material, in tandem with performance oriented architecture, served as the predominant constraints. This design utilizes water collection as a means of creating an environmentally driven soundscape.


Dimple Collection Vertices

Initial research into fog harvesting fabric technologies lead to interest in water collection and integration possibilities into fabric based architectures. Drawing its form from a leaf, a natural water repellent and collector itself, the design captures and directs water on its surface into three dimples. Collection is facilitated naturally during rainfall and actively during clear weather using moisture collecting laminate foil.

Preliminary Model

Jointery Study


Water Movement


Foil Insert

Social Condenser

Collection Dimple


Variable Locale

Dimples come to a point beneath the spandex surface and direct water to a water drum. Similar to how stalagmites steadily drip water within a cavern, the pavilion harnesses a natural weather phenomena and transcribes it into an audible soundscape. Water is then concurrently accumulated in a retaining tank below the ground plane for alternative use. Scale Reference


Exploded Axon



ARCHAEOSPHERE ‘Archaeosphere’ focuses on a new field of study related to the anthropocene. Based in Ada Hayden Heritage Park this project manifests themes of history, site, urban sprawl, axial relations, and hackable space into a collaborative research center interested in cross disciplinary studies related to the archaeosphere. Partner - Nick Raap



First - Third

Beginning with initial research into urban sprawl and subsequent development of site surrounds, the project took concern with site identity, affects of adjacent boundaries, site health, and present and future community engagement. The research center positions itself as a space for collaborate research within


Second - Third

the disciplines related to local context including environmental studies, geology, anthropology, hydrology, limnology, animal ecology, and urbanism. In addition, the site anticipates public and private crossover and an overall exchange of knowledge.

1st Floor

Lower Level 1

Lower Level 2


Building Massing

Sections 14.

Key elements of the building include collaborate, or ‘hackable’ space, which is customizable to engage the users. Building form is derived from axial relations including existing and future urban infrastructure, areas of study, river, and wetlands. Building construction consists of rammed earth, taking advantage of local and on-site material. Amphitheater

Within the building, lab and communal space are offered to allow professionals to both research and cross-pollinate ideas. The three story structure lies mostly underground, allowing only the entry floor to be fully exposed above ground plane. An amphitheater caps off the building’s cantilever over Ada Hayden Lake, in a gesture towards the origin of site and building. Atrium Core



TWO X TWO Two x Two was a design-build studio project completed during the Spring semester of 2016 by seventy-seven 2nd year architecture students. Five weeks were spent designing, developing, fabricating, and assembling a large scale installation for the College of Design atrium. The project aimed to redefine the atrium as a public space by introducing new programs and challenging conventions of how the space is used. In September of 2016, ‘2x2’ was recognized by ArchDaily as part of “The Best Student Design-Build Projects Worldwide.”


Reiman Gardens Relocation

In its beginning, the studio began with precedent research into public spaces such as Millennium Park and The High Line, as well as observational studies which collected information on sites around campus and the College of Design atrium. Using data gathered, students responded by developing segments of what would become part of the overall design. Photos by: ISU Photographer


One proposal from each of the five studio sections was selected through a vote and merged together. Inspired by SHoP Architect’s Dunescape, students followed similar methods of construction and use of lumber as a material.


Section Diagrams

Construction Document 20.

Photo by: ISU Photographer

Scale Model

In a system lead and organized by students, fabrication took less than three weeks and assembly a matter of a few days to bring the project to completion prior to its opening ceremony. In total, over 2100 individual pieces of lumber derived from 200 pages of drawings made up the installation. The final installation was well-received and became a popular place for individuals to congregate and share experiences.

Individuals were attracted from across the university to see what had been created. Two x Two set a standard of expectations in its exploration of beauty, expressed construction, and craftsmanship. Following deconstruction at the College of Design, Two x Two was relocated to the university-owned public garden, Reiman Gardens.



FOG COLLECTION Using fog collecting facade technology, this project responds to the ongoing drought crisis in the State of California. Based in the Nob Hill district of San Francisco, the project challenges students to design a mid-rise mixed-use complex with housing units in addition to fog collecting technology and conceptual building techniques to harness the daily fog that occurs as a way to eliminate dependency on the greater California water supply. Partner - Kane Hassebrock


Beginning the semester with research into fog collecting fabric and fog collecting technologies, a series of studies and fog collection mockups were constructed in attempt to harness fog from the environment. Investigations in simulating and creating fog were applied to models made using methods analyzed. Preliminarily models were developed further to produce a final fog collector which was transported to San Francisco for live fog testing.



After traveling to San Francisco to experience the area and explore the Nob Hill Site, information gathered was used to iterate the fog collector created pre-trip. In this model, the beginnings of a facade which is able to parametrically respond to building characteristics was explored.


In the analytical site model shown above, fishing wire is used to represent the predominant fog collecting material that is currently being used in models and mockups. The model aims to bring an understanding between fishing line recycling which can be used in building and facade applications.



The final strucutre is comprised of mixed use high-end residental and an artist residency. The building contains apartments, lobby, artist studios, galleries, workspaces, parking, cafe, balcony, and experiential fog collector deck. The building form is reactionary to fog and aims to direct fog for optimal grey water collection.



FORMWORKS This seminar uses plaster to fabricate a series of autonomous constructions that interrogate the values embedded in how we build at various scales. The primary mean of fabrication explored is plaster casting. Course components consist of weekly readings and casting assignments, with the end goal of developing a unique response and final project towards the context of the class.







Autonomous details have importance beyond inconsistency or subversion, and at their best they constitute an independent narrative. This is the all-encompassing explanation, that the autonomous and subversive detail offers an alternative understanding. The autonomous details are the manifestation of sensibilities in the context of another - the vital in the inert, the naturalistic in the abstract. It is the role of a detail not to resolve the contradiction, but to articulate it. -Edward Ford Ironed Plaster




Redux. Pt. 1



begins an investigation on expectations surrounding patriarchy and perspectives on nonconformity. In connection to subversive masculinity, constraints on gender attempt to be challenged and understood.


JAKE SPANGLER Ames, IA 815.238.2175 spangler@iastate.edu





EDUCATION Iowa State University Cumulative GPA: 3.64 | Dean’s List College of Design | Architecture | 3rd Year College of Business | General Business Minor DATUM | Architecture Journal | Executive Board AIAS | Executive Board Design Ambassadors Council Honors Program

Galena High School GPA: 3.95 | Class Rank 5th (Top 10%) High Honor Roll | 8 Semesters Student Council | President | Vice President National Honor Society Varsity Golf | Concert Band | Jazz Band

EXPERIENCE Iowa State University


Building Improvements Project Intern Architect Oversaw summer residence hall renovations, acting as a general contractor. Consists of coordinating contractors, scheduling, job site supervision, answering questions, analyzing, editing, and creating floor plans, attending meetings, organizing information, and critical thinking. Managed Summer 2016 1.1 million dollar Buchanan Hall renovation.

Eagle Ridge Resort and Spa 05/201508/2015

Bell Staff


Outside Services

Accommodate guests as they arrive and assist them with luggage, room check-in, directions, answering phones, etc. Provide a resort-wide shuttle service to take clients to desired locations. Consists of extensive people skills, organization, timely operation, and driven positive customer service. Bag boy. Welcome and facilitate a wide variety of members and guests as they prepare for their game of golf. Consists of strong customer and co-worker relations, careful organization, recording of tee times, and cleaning golf sets.

Chestnut Mountain Resort 11/2012Present


Powder Pups Ski Instructor Instruct children in all aspects of skiing and snowboarding. Consists of leading group ski/snowboard lessons and activities for children ranging from 3-12 years of age. Adjust and fit equipment for safety standards and help parents with personal child needs.

PROFESSIONAL SKILL AutoCAD Adobe (Photoshop, Rhino

Illustrator, InDesign)

Grasshopper SketchUp Revit Maxwell Render Microsoft Office Fabrication (Model Making, Laser Cutting, CNC, 3D Printing) Communication Logistics



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