JAKUB KOPEC (*1983) is an architect and researcher. He leads architectural practice n-1. He is a member of editorial board of architectural magazine ERA21 and NGO 4AM Forum for Architecture and Media, he founded a publishing house of the same name. He is a head of Urban Strategies Studio at Department of Architecture at AFAD in Bratislava. Contact: cell/+420 732 619 909, +421 950 725 665 email/email@n-1.cz http://www.n-1.cz Education: since 2015/postgraduate student at AFAD, Bratislava 2003-2009/FA BUT, Brno (Ing. arch.) Pedagogical experiences: since 2018/head of Urban Strategies Studio at AFAD, Bratislava since 2015/postgraduate student at prof. Petr Hájek's Virtual Studio at AFAD, Bratislava 2014/assistant at prof. Ivan Koleček's atelier at FA BUT, Brno Work experiences: 2017-2018/visiting architect SKA since 2016/n-1 2015/Artist in Residence, Krems since 2014/authorised architect ČKA 2013/Visegrad Artist Residency, Truc sphérique, Žilina (novasynagoga.sk) since 2012/member of editorial board of ERA21 2012/editor of architectural magazine ERA21 (www.era21.cz) 2011-2012/cooperation with studio C+HO aR s.c. since 2010/member of non-profit organisation 4AM
Forum for Architecture and Media (forum4am.cz) since 2010/own architectural practice 2009-2011/participation in project BAM - Brno Architecture Manual (bam.brno.cz) 2007-2010/cooperation with Atelier DUM-DUM 2008-2013/cooperation with architect Petr Hurník 2005/cooperation with Architectural Office Radko Květ Selected projects: see portfolio Competition awards: 2017/New Park in Leopoldov/1st prize (with Tomáš Džadoň and Klára Zahradníčková) 2016/Park in the Moravian Square in Brno/2nd prize (with Klára Zahradníčková) 2015/Public area in front of Terminals 1 and 2 of Václav Havel Airport Prague/final round (with Michal Mačuda and Jiří Vítek) 2015/Reconversion of State Farm in Doubravník/3rd prize (with Jiří Vítek and Jiří Železný) 2009/English Embankment in Pilsen/3rd prize (with Jaroslav Sedlák and Jiří Vítek) 2009/Freedom Square in Znojmo/1st prize (with Ondřej Bartůšek, Jaroslav Sedlák and Jiří Vítek) Publication of projects: - ERA21 #01/2017, Forms of Criticism - Czech Architecture Yearbook 2014-2015, Prostor - architektura, interiér, design, 2016 - Czechscape, Portrait of Contemporary Czech Landscape Architecture, Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, 2014 Curatorial and editorial activities: 2018/editor of magazine ZIN #2 - Santiniho jazyk, 4AM Publishers, Brno 2017/curator of exhibition Adaptive strategies #2,
PRAHA, Brno 2016/co-curator of workshop PAVILION 1, with Soňa Borodáčová, tutors: Saman Saffarian, Galo MoncayoAsan, in cooperation with 4AM, PRAHA, Brno 2015/co-curator of workshops ABSTRACTION, ITERATION, APPLICATION (Grasshopper 3D), with Jiří Vítek, tutor: Ján Pernecký, in cooperation with 4AM and rese arch, PRAHA, Brno 2015/curator of ERA21 #01/2015 Curating Architecture 2014/editor of magazine ZIN #1 - Introspection, 4AM Publishers, Brno 2014/curator of project Introspection - preliminary mapping of beginning generation of architects linked to Brno, in cooperation with 4AM, PRAHA, Brno 2013/curator of exhibition Domografia, in cooperation with 4AM and PBlog, FA BUT, Brno 2012/curator of Exposition of One Project, 4AM, Brno 2012/editor of book Compact City, with Szymon Rozwałka, 4AM Publishers, Brno 2011/co-curator of exhibition Compact City, with Petra Hlaváčková and Szymon Rozwałka, 4AM, Brno Other activities: 2018/workshop Shared Cities, Bezistan, Belgrade 2018/ ZIN #2 - Santiniho jazyk, panel discussion and launching, PRAHA, Brno 2017/Working Exhibition, Nová Synagoga, Žilina 2017/symposium Seriality and Repetition as Creative Principles of the Integrated Work of Art, AFAD, Bratislava 2017/symposium and workshop Non-iconic Ruin, Cinema Hviezda, Trnava 2016/symposium Faktum als Exponat, Kunstkolchoz, Mikulovice 2016/workshop LANDSCAPE REVISITED 5, Dúbravica 2016/Tomb of prof. Emmert, member of competition jury, Brno 2016/Superstudio, member of student competition jury, Brno 2015/member of examination board for Bachelor's Final State Exam, FA BUT, Brno 2015/RESE TALK, panel discussion, Bratislava 2015/urbo kune - jour fixe DESHALB AUSCHWITZ, f.e.a., Wien
2015/Curating Architecture, panel discussion and launching ERA21 #01/2015 2014/Superstudio, member of student competition jury, Brno 2013/workshop ELAPSING TIME 2003-2013, FA BUT, Brno 2013/Human Scale, panel discussion after movie projection, Kabinet múz, Brno 2013/South Centre, panel discussion, Vaňkovka Foundry, Brno 2013/Symposium Art and Liberation, Steyr 2013/Pecha Kucha Night Žilina Vol. 23, Stanica ŽilinaZáriečie 2013/exhibition Frejm baj frejm, The Art Gallery of Považie, Žilina 2013/Kontejnery k světu, panel discussion, Plzeň 2013/Kontejnery k světu, lecture, Brno 2012/rese arch, moderator of panel discussion, Nitra 2012/exhibition Asking Architecture, 13th International Architecture Bienale, Czech and Slovak Pavilion, Venice 2012/Pecha Kucha, Cinema Svet, Znojmo 2012/Pecha Kucha, House of Arts, Brno 2011/rese arch, panel discussion, 4AM, Brno 2011/rese arch, panel discussion, Bratislava 2011/workshop URBAN DIVAN, Brno 2011/exhibition STIASSNY 10, Brno-Bratislava 2011/Pecha Kucha, Cinema Aero, Prague 2010/exhibion BLAST OFF, Eastern Bohemia Gallery, Pardubice 2010/Offcity workshop, Pardubice 2010/Pecha Kucha for Haiti, House of Arts, Brno 2008/Sustainability workshop, FA BUT in cooperation with Bern University of Applied Sciences, Brno Selected essays: - Polytypy a multitypy (in: Serialita a repetícia, Zborník z Medzinárodného interdisciplinárneho sympózia, VŠVU, Bratislava, 2017, p. 90-99) - Minimálně manipulace (http://www.stanica.sk/novasynagoga/2013/06/24/ jakub-kopec-minimalne-manipulace/) - Contact City (in: Compact City, 4AM, Brno, 2012, p. 6-29)
Other publication activities: - Mezi analogií a genealogií, review of House in the Orchard in Prague-Kyje (ERA21 #O2/2017, p. 17) - Z frontové linie soudobé péče o architekturu 20. století; review of the exposition in the Czech and Slovak Pavilion at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice (ERA21 #O5/2016, p. 13) - Kusy a kousky velkého úsilí; review of Design Handbook for Cultural Centres (ERA21 #O3/2016, p. 15) - Nabíleno k zabydlení; review of reconstruction and completion of an apartment house on Francouzská street in Brno (ERA21 #O2/2016, p. 37) - Curating architecture; editorial (ERA21 #01/2015, p. 7) - Curating Liberates Architecture; interview with Jan Tabor and Imro Vaško (ERA21 #01/2015, p. 25-29) - Medvědí služba; review of Czech Architecture Yearbook 2012-2013 (ERA21 #O4/2014, p. 11) - Každým coulem Kuzemenský; review of Czech Architecture Yearbook 2011-2012 (ERA21 #05/2013, p. 11) - Der Wandel der Schuhstadt - Architekturspaziergang Zlín (http://www.goethe.de/ins/cz/pra/kul/duc/arc/ars/ de10740064.htm) - Řeči o prázdnu; review of book Bastion XXXI U Božích muk (ERA21 #02/2013, p. 9) - Poetická zpráva o stavu české architektury; review of Czech Architecture Yearbook 2010-2011 (ERA21 #05/2012, p. 9) - Je tady ticho, klid, je tady pokoj, byt; editorial (ERA21 #SPECIÁL/2012, p. 5) - Je dobré nechať volnosť; interview with GutGut (ERA21 #SPECIÁL/2012, p. 30-34) - Inspirativní a limitující; review of exhibition OFIS arhitekti 2002-2012/Inspirující limity (ERA21 #03/2012, p. 11) - Naši absolventi se uplatní nejenom na Ostravsku; interview with Josef Kiszka (still not published) - Útroby Zdeňka Fránka; review of exhibition Útroby architektury (ERA21 #01/2012, p. 9) - Schluss mit Funktionalismus - Architekturspaziergang Brno (http://www.goethe.de/ins/cz/pra/kul/duc/arc/ ars/de8972794.htm)
- Císařovy nové sochy; review of exhibition Sochy v ulicích/Brno Art Open 2011 (ERA21 #04/2011, p. 8) - Tahání za nitky; review of exhibition Čí je to město? (ERA21 #02/2011, p. 9) - Vratislav v Ostravě; review of exhibition Vratislav 20/20, architektura 1990-2010 (ERA21 #01/2011, p. 11) - To je ale nápad; review of international conference Role kreativity v rozvoji města (ERA21 #01/2011, p. 10) - Vila JUDr. Eduarda Lisky na Slezské Ostravě Bazalech; interview with Vladimír Šlapeta (http://www. archiweb.cz/salon.php?action=show&id=9279&type=10) - Kabinet doktora Libeskinda; review of exhibition Daniel Libeskind - Architektura je řeč (ERA21 #05/2010, p. 11) - Vytvořit ostravskou scénu bude dlouhý proces; interview with Radim Václavík (http://www.archiweb.cz/salon.php?action=show&id=9159 &type=11) - Planeta Eden; review of exhibition Planeta Eden Svět zítřka v socialistickém Československu v letech 1948-1978 (ERA21 #04/2010, p. 9)