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欲知詳細節目訊息,請前往國家地理頻道中文網站 www.natgeotv.com 圖文提供:國家地理頻道


18 CD課文朗讀 20 MP3課文講解 44 MP3課文朗讀


科學新發現 On the other hand, would you be prepared

23 Fri


for a nuclear attack if there were one? NGC's he topic that is on people's minds all

Dirty Bombs episode portrays a nuclear bomb

over the world these days is global

going off in a US city. The program follows

warming . Speaking of our planet,

the victims from the time of the blast 4 all the

have you ever thought about how life began

way to the aftermath5. It also gives viewers


on Earth or how you would deal with a nuclear 2


bomb exploding in your city? What about the

useful information in the event that this kind of disaster actually happens in the future.

possibility of humans finding a way to live on the moon? If you are looking for answers, then


you are in luck. All of these questions and more are examined in National Geographic


on the other hand 可單獨使用,亦可與 on the

one hand 並用,形成"on (the) one hand...on the other (hand)..."(一方面……另一方面……)的 用法,其中括弧內的 the 和 hand 均可省略。on the one hand 則不可單獨使用。

In Finding the Origin of Life, scientists explore how life started on Earth as well as why this happened on our planet. Instead of trying to find out the origins of life in the real world, they attempt to create it from scratch in a laboratory3. Can this mystery be solved?

On the other hand, would you be... (另一方面……您做好……了嗎?)

Channel's Naked Science 7 series.


On (the) one hand, Andrew wants to study abroad. On the other (hand), he doesn't have enough money. ( 一方面,安德魯想出國唸書。但另一方面,他又沒有 足夠的錢。)

46 www.ivy.com.tw




► disaster [ dI`zAstK ] n. 災難,災禍

Many people died in the mining disaster. 許多人在這次的礦災中喪生。 PHRASES FOR LEARNING

Extra Words

1. on

+ 所有格 + mind


1. global warming n. 全球暖化

My son's grades are always on my mind.

2. nuclear [ `nyuklIK ] a. 核能的


3. laboratory [ `lAbrJ:tOrI ] n. 實驗室

2. attempt

to + 原形動詞


4. blast [ blAst ] n. 爆炸

Simon attempted to fix the bike on his own.

5. aftermath [ `AftK:mAH ]



3. from



Mike started his business from scratch. 麥克從頭一手建立起他的事業。

Q&A How do scientists explore the mystery of life in Finding the Origin of Life ?

4. On

the other hand, 主詞 + 動詞


I want to go out with you. On the other hand, I have to take care of my brother today. 我想跟你出去。但另一方面,我今天又必須照顧我弟弟。

You CAN Do This!

1. 艾莉絲看起來一臉憂心忡忡的樣子。她在擔心些什麼?

Iris seems very worried. Is there something ______ her ______? 2. 安東尼試圖要約曼蒂出去約會。

Anthony ______ ______ ask Mandy out on a date. 3. 假如我沒在晚上十點前趕回家,我就會被禁足。

I will be grounded ______ ______ ______ that I am not home by 10:00 PM.

5. prepare

+ 人 + for...


The course prepares us for studying abroad. 這門課程讓我們做好出國唸書的準備。

6. go



A bomb went off in that subway station. 一顆炸彈在那座地鐵站裡爆炸了。

7. in

the event + that 子句


I will quit in the event that I get transferred. 如果我被調職的話,我就會辭職。

中文翻譯請見第 64 頁 答案請見第 64 頁

www.ivy.com.tw 47

難易指數: 19 CD課文朗讀 21 MP3課文講解 45 MP3課文朗讀



JOHNSON SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON, TEXAS: LT Col. James Dutton, a NASA astronaut, uses a flight simulator to demonstrate how the Orion crew exploration vehicle will dock with the Earth Departure Stage in Low Earth Orbit before making the final push on to the moon. A highly decorated Air Force Pilot, Jim was recently tapped for the prestigious 19th astronaut class: a.k.a. Project Constellation. His will be a particularly daunting mission: Return America to the moon on an entirely new spacecraft.



JOHNSON SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON, TEXAS: NASA's small pressurized rover (SPR), parked at the Moon Rock Yard. The SPR is a vast improvement over the rovers of the Apollo days. It will increase the range of exploration, provide protection for the astronauts, reduce the amount of time the astronauts must wear pressurized suits, and allow for more scientific research.


JOHNSON SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON, TEXAS: Nicolaus Radford is the Chief Electrical Engineer for Robonaut, a humanoid robot designed by the Robot Systems Technology Branch at NASA's Johnson Space Center. Nicolaus' team is working to develop a smart robot, one that is capable of augmenting the crews ability do their job on the moon.

24 Sat

he future of the world can be frustrating, especially in the face of global warming. But not to worry, there is still hope. Scientists are working around

the clock to find solutions to the problem. One of these is moving to the moon. In NGC's Living on the Moon, watch


how many different nations and even private companies are racing to establish a permanent settlement1 on Earth's neighbor — the moon. The episode follows NASA's ambitious new lunar program called Constellation2. The plan is to send a team


on the first space mission to the moon's south pole in 2020. Through 3-D animation3, the program shows how people, equipment, and supplies will be transported to the moon to build an outpost 4. It also shows what the first moon settlers will need to overcome, such as finding water, making oxygen,


growing food, and protecting themselves from the sun's fatal radiation5. What's more, viewers get a picture of what life may be like on a lively moon settlement in the year 2050. If you long to get the answers to these questions about life, catch NGC's Naked Science 7 series this month. 48 www.ivy.com.tw


Extra Words

1. settlement [ `sEtLmJnt ] n. 新移居地

settler [ `sEtlK ] n. 移民 2. constellation [ :kanstJ`leSJn ] n. 星座

Q&A What will the first moon settlers need to overcome?

3. animation [ "AnJ`meSJn ] n. 動畫 4. outpost [ `ZUt"post ] n. 前哨基地 5. radiation [ "redI`eSJn ] n. 輻射

TIPS INCHECK USE TIPS IN USE / GRAMMAR ...find solutions to the problem. (……找尋此問題的解決之道。)


1. ambitious [ Am`bISJs ] a. 野心勃勃的;有抱負的

The company made an ambitious plan to compete with its rival. 這間公司為了要和對手競爭而做了一個很有野心的計畫。

2. overcome [ :ovK`kVm ] vt. 克服(三態為:overcome, overcame [ :ovK`kem ], overcome。)

Paul wasn't able to overcome his shyness. 保羅無法克服他的羞怯。

3. fatal [ `fetL ] a. 致命的

A fatal plague broke out in that area. 那個地區爆發了一場致命的瘟疫。

...the answers to these questions... (……這些……問題的解答……)

此處的 to 為介詞,表『針對』之意;凡表示『針 對』某一問題或事件的解決方法、答案、關鍵、秘訣或 障礙等時,通常與介詞 to 並用,形成"the solution/ answer/... to + 名詞∕動名詞"的用法。例:

a/the key to... a/the trick to... a/the secret to... an/the obstacle to...

……的關鍵 ……的訣竅 ……的秘訣 ……的障礙∕阻礙

The key to living a healthy life is getting regular exercise. (健康生活的關鍵在於規律的運動。)

4. lively [ `lZIvlI ] a. 熱鬧的;熱烈的

We had a lively discussion in the meeting. 我們在會議中進行了一番熱烈的討論。

Lack of creativity was an obstacle to my promotion. (缺乏創造力是我升遷路上的一個絆腳石。)


1. in

the face of...


Sandra is very calm in the face of danger. 珊卓拉在面對危險的時候非常冷靜。

2. around

the clock

You CAN Do This!


Eric studied around the clock for his exam. 艾瑞克日以繼夜地準備考試。

3. transport...

+ 介詞 + 地方


The vehicle was designed to transport troops into battlefields. 這台車輛是設計用來把部隊載送到戰場上的。

4. long

to + 原形動詞


1. 安妮一直很渴望嫁給一個有錢的男人。

______________________________ 2. 亨利終於克服了他跟女孩子說話的恐懼。

_________________________________ 3. 這支籃球隊在冠軍賽之前日以繼夜地練習。


Connie has always longed to go to Korea. 康妮一直很渴望去韓國。 中文翻譯請見第 64、65 頁 答案請見第 65 頁

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