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1 MP3 曲目 01

system [ `sIstFm ] n. 系統;制度 structure [ `strVktJQ ] n. 結構 process [ `prAsEs ] n. 過程

 You'll have to learn the operating system before you can use this machine. (使用機器前,你要先學習它的操作系統。)


the operating system (機器)操作系統 the educational/education system 教育制度

systematic [ ,sIstF`mXtIk ] a. 有系統的 衍 systematically [ ,sIstF`mXtIkLI ] 似

 Few parents are in favor of the recent changes to the education system. (贊成最近教育制度改革的家長寥寥可數。)

 In an assembly line, everything must be done in a systematic way.


orderly [ `CrdQlI ] a. 有次序的

program [ `progrXm ] n. 節目;(電腦)程式 & vt. 為(電腦)設計程式 三


Level 3

adv. 有系統地

program, programmed, programmed


a. program 作名詞時,美語中 program 一字保持不變,在英式英語中本字則改 為 programme,發音與 program 完全 相同。

b. program 作動詞時,英式及美式寫法相

programmer [ `progrXmQ ] n. 程式設計師


 What kind of TV programs do you enjoy watching? (你喜歡看哪一種電視節目?)

 The program wasn't working, so I had to restart the computer. (這個程式無效,因此我得將電腦重新開機。)

 These computers have been programmed to run the tests once turned on. (這些電腦程式已經被設計成一開機就能跑這些測試。)

Level 4


 Job vacancies for programmers are currently not available. (我們目前不缺程式設計師。) *available [ F`velFbL ] a. 現有的

unite [ ju`naIt ] vt. 使聯合 & vi. 團結 衍

unit [ `junIt ] n. 單位 ① unify [ `junF,faI ] vt. 統整;統一 ⑥


 Our goal is to unite the labor unions to oppose the new policy. (我們的目標是聯合這些勞工團體反對這項新政策。)



If we remain united, there will be nothing we can't achieve. (我們若團結,什麼事都做得了。)

Unit 1


 We should unite, or we'll be defeated by the enemy. (我們要團結,否則會被敵人擊潰。) *defeat [ dI`fit ] vt. 擊敗

unity [ `junFtI ] n. 一致;團結(不可數) 似 teamwork [ `tim,wRk ] n. 團隊合作 用法

unity 可與介詞 with 及 in 並用,形成下 列很好的句子:

 The plot of the drama lacks unity.



 The political party lost the election due to lack of unity. (該政黨選舉失敗是因為不團結。)

Without unity, we'll face failure. (我們若不團結,就會面臨失敗。)

In unity there is strength. (團結就是力量。)

union [ `junjFn ] n. 工會;聯合 延伸

a labor union a trade union


 The union decided to go on strike due to the low wages.



 This car is a perfect union of beauty and technology.



reunion [ ri`junjFn ] n. 重聚,團圓

 Our high school reunion is next Tuesday.




a family reunion 家庭團聚

remain [ rI`men ] vi. 繼續存在;仍保持是(之後接名詞或形容詞作補語) 衍 似

remaining [ rI`menIG ] a. 剩下的 stay [ ste ] vi. 仍保持是


 No one remained in the hall soon after the concert was over. (音樂會結束沒多久,大廳裡一個人影都不剩了。)


a. remain 作『仍保持是』解時,之後須接 名詞或形容詞作主詞補語。

remain a puzzle


*puzzle [ `pVzL ] n. 不解的事物 保持健康 remain healthy b. It remains to be seen + 疑問詞

(when、what、how……)引導的名詞 子句


It remains to be seen whether John can do it. (這件事約翰是否做得來仍有待觀察。)

 It remains to be seen which team will win. (哪一隊會贏尚有待觀察。)

 Though divorced, Anna and David still remain friends. (雖然離婚了,安娜和大衛仍是朋友。)

 The problem still remains unsolved. (這個問題仍然一直沒被解決。)

Vocabulary: Levels 3 & 4

remains [ rI`menz ] n. 遺跡(恆用複數形) 延伸

remains 亦可作『遺體』解,是 body(屍

 The remains are the most famous tourist attraction in the country.




The writer's remains are buried in his hometown.

college [ `kAlIdK ] n. 大學;學院 片

go to college/university


Peter started going to college at age 15. (彼得 15 歲就開始唸大學了。) 似 university [ ,junF`vRsFtI ] n. 大學

university [ ,junF`vRsFtI ] n. 大學 a university student 大學生 = a college student a university of one's choice


 Harry studies at an art college in Los Angeles. (哈利在洛杉磯的一家藝術學院就讀。)

 He was admitted to the university of his choice.


Level 3


Unit 1




probable [ `prAbFbL ] a. 很可能的 似

likely [ `laIklI ] a. 很可能的 ①


 It seems probable that this accident is the result of his carelessness. (看來意外很可能是因為他的粗心所致。)


probably [ `prAbFbLI ] adv. 很可能 似 very likely 很可能 *likely 作副詞時之前應置 very 或 most,

Level 4

It is/seems probable that... = It is/seems likely that...


 We'll probably be there about 30 minutes late. (我們很可能會晚 30 分鐘到。)


方等於 probably

probability [ ,prAbF`bIlFtI ] n. 可能性 似 likelihood [ `laIklI,hUd ] n. 可能性

 The probability is that the match will be postponed.



situation [ ,sItJU`eJFn ] n. 處境,情勢


 This company's financial situation is getting more and more difficult.


本字常與介詞 in 並用。

What would you do in such a situation?



determine [ dI`tRmIn ] vt. 決定;確定 似

resolve [ rI`zAlv ] vt. 決定


下定決心要…… determine to V = resolve to V = make up one's mind to V


 Lilly determined to leave for the hospital at once. (莉莉決定馬上動身去醫院。)

 The police were finally able to determine the cause of the accident. (警方終於能確定這起意外的肇因了。)

determined [ dI`tRmInd ] a. 有決心的 片 be determined to V 決心要……

 I'm determined to quit gambling.

determination [ dI,tRmF`neJFn ] n. 決心 似 willpower [ `wIl,paUQ ] n. 意志力

 His determination to quit smoking turned out to be in vain.



condition [ kFn`dIJFn ] n. 狀況;條件 片

be in good/poor condition 情況不錯/不佳

on condition that... = if...




 The second-hand car is still in excellent condition. (這輛二手車的車況仍相當不錯。)

 I can lend you the money on condition that you pay it back on time. (你若準時還錢,我就借給你。)

air-conditioner [ `ErkFn,dIJFnQ ] n. 空氣調節機,冷氣機 衍

heater [ `hitQ ] n. 暖氣機 ②

 Air-conditioners make hot weather bearable, but they also cause global warming. (冷氣機固然讓炎熱的天氣變得可以忍受,卻也造成全球升 溫。)

air-conditioning [ `ErkFn,dIJFnIG ] n. 空調,冷氣(不可數) 延伸

the central air-conditioning system 中央空調系統

 The auditorium is well built, but it lacks air-conditioning. (大禮堂建得不錯,可是卻沒空調。)

Vocabulary: Levels 3 & 4

rate [ ret ] n. 比率 & vt. 評比為 at any rate rate sth as... At any rate,... = Anyway,... = Anyhow,... 片

無論如何 將某物評比為…… 無論如何,……


 The rate of unemployment has been rising in recent years. (近年來的失業率逐漸上升。)

 This resort is rated as the most beautiful place in the country.  At any rate, their performance did not live up to our expectations.

Unit 1


(無論如何,他們的表現並不如我們所預期。) *live up to sb's expectations 符合某人的期望

political [ pF`lItIkL ] a. 政治的 衍

politically [ pF`lItIkLI ] adv. 政治上地


 The writer fled abroad, seeking political asylum. (這位作家逃到國外尋求政治庇護。)

politics [ `pAlFtIks ] n. 政治

 Most youngsters are not interested in politics.

Level 3

*asylum [ F`saIlFm ] n. 庇護 [1508]

(多數的年輕人都不熱衷政治。 )

politician [ ,pAlF`tIJFn ] n. 政客

 I'd rather trust a hungry wolf than a politician.



process [ `prAsEs ] n. 過程 & vt. 處理 be in the process of + N/V-ing 正在進行……中

We're still in the process of conducting a market survey. (我們尚在做市場調查中。) 延伸

processed foods meat processing

 The process of the contest is lengthy and tedious.

Level 4


(這場競賽的過程冗長又無趣。) *tedious [ `tidIFs ] a. 冗長乏味的

 It will take about 3 weeks to process your application. (處理您的申請約要 3 星期的時間。)

加工食品 肉類加工

processing [ `prAsEsIG ] n. 處理

 We need more manpower to take care of data processing.



activity [ Xk`tIvFtI ] n. 活動 衍


act [ Xkt ] n. 行為;舉動;法案 &

vi. 行為;表現 & vt. 扮演 ① ` action [ XkJFn ] n. 行動;動作 ① active [ `XktIv ] a. 精力充沛的;積極的 ②

 Do you participate in extra-curricular activities at school? (你有沒有參加學校的課外活動?)


an extra-curricular activity


pressure [ `prEJQ ] n. 壓力;壓迫 片 衍

under pressure 處於壓力之下 press [ prEs ] vt. 壓;燙平;勸說 &

vi. 擠;緊迫 & n. 新聞界(之前置定冠 詞 the);燙平 ②


 Some people do very well under pressure. (有些人在壓力下會表現得非常好。)

 Running puts pressure on your feet. (跑步會對腳造成壓迫。)


peer pressure blood pressure a pressure cooker

同儕壓力 血壓 壓力鍋

burden [ `bRdN ] n. 負擔 & vt. 使……負擔 片

shoulder/bear/carry the burden of... 負起……的重擔

burden sb with...



 Ever since his father passed away, John has shouldered the burden of raising his family. (約翰的父親過世後,他就負起養家的重擔。)

 I don't want to burden you with these matters; I can take care of them myself. (我不想讓這些事造成你的負擔;我自己可以處理。)

major [ `medKQ ] a. 大部分的;主要的,重要的 & vi. 主修(與 in 並用)& n. 主修科目 major in... 主修…… = take...as one's major 片


 I have already seen the major part of the film. (這部電影的大部分我已經看過了。)

 He played a major role in the play. (他在這齣戲中扮演一個重要的角色。)

 I majored in accounting in college. = I took accounting as my major in college. (我大學主修會計。)

minor [ `maInQ ] a. 輕微的;不重要的 & vi. 輔修(與 in 並用)& n. 輔修科目 片 minor in... 輔修…… = take...as one's minor

 Sue sustained only minor injuries in the fall. (阿秀跌倒時只受到輕傷。) *sustain [ sF`sten ] vt. 遭受(= suffer)


Vocabulary: Levels 3 & 4

 He got his start with a minor part in a TV series. (他先是在某電視連續劇裡飾演一個小角色這樣起家的。)

 He minored in French. = He took French as his minor. (他輔修法文。)

 The majority of residents on the island can only speak their own dialect.

Unit 1

majority [ mF`dKCrFtI ] n. 大部分 片 the/a majority of... 大部分的……


(這島上大部分的居民只會說他們自己的方言。) *dialect [ `daIFlEkt ] n. 方言

minority [ mF`nCrFtI / maI`nCrFtI ] n. 少數;少數民族 片

the/a minority of... 少部分的……


 Only a minority of the voters approved the tax increase. (只有少數選民贊同這次的加稅。)

Level 3

 The white minority once ruled over South Africa. (白人少數民族曾統治過南非。)

available [ F`velFbL ] a. 可利用的;可得到的;有空的(= free,以人作主詞) 衍

availability [ F,velF`bIlFtI ] n. 易得;可用 ⑤


Are you available now? = Are you free now? = Do you have time now? (你現在有空嗎?) 比較

 The church is available for weddings Monday through Saturday. (那間教堂星期一到星期六可用來舉行婚禮。)

 Tickets are still available at the entrance. (入口處仍有售票。)

 Will you be available this afternoon? = Will you be free this afternoon? (你今天下午有空嗎?)

Level 4

Do you have the time now?



suggest [ sF(g)`dKEst ] vt. 建議;暗示 衍 似

suggestive [ sF(g)`dKEstIv ] a. 引起聯想的 advise [ Fd`vaIz ] vt. 建議;勸告 ③ recommend [ ,rEkF`mEnd ] vt. 建議 ⑤


suggest 表『建議』時,屬意志動詞,


 Frank suggested that we (should) leave early. (法蘭克建議我們應該早點離開。)

 Alice's expression suggests that she's getting impatient. (愛麗斯的表情暗示著她不耐煩了。)

之後 that 子句應使用助動詞 should,而

should 可予省略。

suggestion [ sF(g)`dKEstJFn ] n. 建議;提議 用法


make a suggestion 提出建議


 They accepted our suggestion and changed their plan. (他們接受我們的提議而改變計劃。)

instead [ In`stEd ] adv. 而不是;取代 片 instead of... 取代……;而非…… = rather than... 用法

instead 亦可單獨使用,作獨立副詞表 『相反地』,等於 on the contrary。

John isn't nice. Instead, he is bad. (約翰不是善類。相反地,他很壞。)


 Instead of chicken, I'd like to have fish for dinner. (我晚餐不想吃雞肉而想吃魚肉。)

 Some say that happiness, instead of working hard, is the key to success. = Some say that happiness, rather than working hard, is the key to success. (有人說快樂,而非努力,才是成功的秘訣。)

seek [ sik ] vt. 尋找 三 片 似

seek, sought [ sCt ] , sought seek to V 設法要…… search [ sRtJ ] vt.& vi. 尋找 ②


 The government is seeking new ways to fight against crimes. = The government is looking for new ways to fight against crimes. (政府正在尋找新的方法來打擊犯罪。)

property [ `prApQtI ] n. 財產(不可數);特性(可數) 似

possessions [ pF`zEJFnz ] n. 財產(恆用複數) assets [ `XsEts ] n. 資產(恆用複數) quality [ `kwAlFtI ] n. 特性(可數)


 They lost all their property in the fire. (他們在這場大火中失去了所有財產。)

 One property of diamonds is hardness. (堅硬是鑽石的一項特性。)

opportunity [ ,ApQ`tjunFtI ] n. 機會,良機 似

chance [ tJXns ] n. 機會 ①


a golden opportunity 千載難逢的良機


 This trip is a great opportunity to broaden your horizons and practice your English. (這趟旅行是個拓展視野以及練習英文的好機會。) *broaden one's horizons 增廣見識,拓展視野 horizon [ hF`raIzN ] n. 地平線(單);範圍(複)

actually [ `XktJUFlI ] adv. 事實上,實際上(= in fact) 似

really [ `rIFlI ] adv. 事實上;實際上 ①

 Nick likes to act like a teenager, but actually he's more than 30 years old. (尼克喜歡裝作青少年的樣子,但他事實上已經 30 多歲 了。)


Vocabulary: Levels 3 & 4

actual [ `XktJUFl ] a. 真實的,確實的

 Are you sure that this is the actual truth?

recognize [ `rEkFg,naIz ] vt. 認出;承認,認可 衍

recognizably [ `rEkFg,naIzFbLI ]

 Professor Rollins is recognized as one of the best educators in the country.

adv. 可分辨地;顯著地


recognition [ ,rEkFg`nIJFn ] n. 認出;承認,認可 win recognition 獲得認可 ` credit [ krEdIt ] n. 信譽 acknowledgement [ Fk`nAlIdKmFnt ]

n. 承認

Unit 1

unrecognizable [ Vn`rEkFg ,naIzFbL ] a. 認不出來的


 After being separated for twenty years, he cannot recognize his daughter. (失散 20 年後,他認不出他的女兒來了。)

recognizable [ `rEkFg,naIzFbL ]

a. 可分辨的,認得出的




 There was no recognition in my old friend's eyes when he saw me. (我的老友見到我時沒有認出我來。)


concern [ kFn`sRn ] vt. 使關心,使擔心;與……有關 & n. 關心,掛念 衍 似

concerned [ kFn`sRnd ] a. 有關的;擔心的 worry [ `wRI ] n. 擔心 & vt. 使擔心 ①


be concerned about... 擔心…… = be worried about...



 Public safety concerns all the people of this country. (公共安全引起全國人民的關切。)

 A lot of evidence shows that Peter is concerned in the scandal. (種種證據顯示彼得涉及這件醜聞。) *be concerned in... 涉入……

= be involved in...

Level 4

More and more parents are concerned about school violence.

 Your health is my concern, dad. (老爸,我很擔心你的健康。)

concerning [ kFn`sRnIG ] prep. 關於(= about) 似

regarding [ rI`gArdIG ] prep. 關於 ④


 Mr. Hu mentioned things concerning his boyhood. (胡先生提到有關他童年的往事。)

suppose [ sF`poz ] vt. 想,認為;假定 片

be supposed to V 理應……(語氣比 should 委婉)

Level 3

 The scholar has won international recognition for his great findings.


 It's late, so I suppose you must go home. (時間很晚了,所以我想你必須回家。)

supposed [ sF`pozd ] a. 假定的;被認為的 supposedly [ sF`pozIdlI ] adv. 一般認為上;推想上

 Suppose you are walking on a hot and dusty road. (想像你正走在一條又熱、風沙又大的路上。)

 You are not supposed to wear jeans at such a formal meeting. (在這麼正式的會議上你不應該穿牛仔褲的。)

enjoyable [ In`dKCIFbL ] a. 愉快的 衍

enjoy [ In`dKCI ] vt. 享受(之後接名詞 或動名詞作受詞)②

似 反


enjoyment [ In`dKCImFnt ] n. 享受 ② pleasant [ `plEzFnt ] a. 愉快的 ② boring [ `bCrIG ] a. 無聊的 ③

joyful [ `dKCIfFl ] a. 喜悅的 衍 joy [ dKCI ] n. 喜悅 ① joyfully [ `dKCIfFlI ] adv. 喜悅地


 The party we had Friday night was really enjoyable.

 We were excited and joyful, knowing that our team had won the game. (獲知我隊贏了比賽時,我們既興奮又高興。)

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