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1 MP3 曲目 01

federal [ `fEdFrFl ] a. 聯邦的 federal funding 聯邦政府的支助


 This publishing company relies mainly upon federal funding. (這家出版社主要是依賴聯邦政府的支助。)

the Federal Government of the United States (美國)聯邦政府(亦可寫成 the federal

government of the United States)

Unit 1


 The federal government will donate $1 billion to those states that need money for their economic development. (聯邦政府將捐贈十億美元給有經援需求的幾個州以發展他 們的經濟。)

 The football federation is planning to hold more friendly matches this year to promote football development in this country.


(足球聯盟計劃在今年主辦更多場的友誼賽以促進該國的足 球發展。)

issue [ `IJu ] n. 重大議題;爭議;期刊 & vt. 發行 take issue with sb over sth = disagree with sb over sth 片



 The issue of sexual discrimination in the office was widely discussed during the meeting. (會議中辦公室性別歧視的議題被廣泛討論。)

 Susan took issue with Peter over who should be responsible for the mistake.


 What is at issue now is when is the time to deal with the problem.




 The latest issue of Vogue magazine featured an interview with Brad Pitt. (最新一期的《時尚》雜誌特別刊出布萊德•彼特的專 訪。) *feature [ `fitJQ ] vt. 以……為特色

 The government has issued a large number of booklets to explain its new policies. (政府發行很多手冊來解釋它的新政策。)

Level 6

be at issue 在爭論中 = be in disagreement issue sth 發行某物 政治性問題用 issue,一般學科的問題用

Level 5

federation [ ,fEdF`reJFn ] n. 聯盟 似 league [ lig ] n. 聯盟

stock [ stAk ] n. 股票;存貨 & vt. 儲存 片

have...in stock 有……的存貨 the stock market 股市 share [ JEr ] n. 股份;股票 ②


 Stock prices fell due to rumors of a company merge. (因為公司合併的傳聞甚囂塵上,股市價格便下跌了。)

 We have a huge stock of quality sportswear on sale. (我們庫存了許多質料不錯的運動休閒服來拍賣。) *此處 quality 為形容詞,表『有品質的』。

 I'm sorry, but we no longer have that book in stock. (很抱歉,那本書我們現在沒有貨。)

 This shop stocks a wide range of outdoor equipment. (這家店備有多種的戶外用品。)

stockholder [ `stAk,holdQ ] n. 股東〔美〕 比 shareholder [ `JEr,holdQ ] n. 股東〔英〕

 Stockholders will hold a meeting to vote on [3871] the proposed merger with KGM Co. (股東將召開會議投票表決與 KGM 公司的合併案。)

series [ `sIrIz ] n. 系列 複 片

series 單複數同形 a series of + 複數名詞 一系列的…… TV series 電視影集 serial [ `sIrIFl ] n. 一集電視連續劇/影集 a TV serial 一集電視連續劇


 There have been a series of burglaries on the east side of the town. (城市的東區發生了一連串的竊盜案件。) *burglary [ `bRglFrI ] n. 竊盜

 A new television series called "Charming Betty" will be starting next month. (新的電視連續劇《迷人的貝蒂》將於下個月開始播出。)

serial [ `sIrIFl ] a. 連續的 & n. 連續劇的一集,影集的一集 片

a serial number 序號 a serial killer 連續殺人犯 a TV serial 一集電視連續劇 episode [ `EpF,sod ] n. 連續劇中的一集

 The serial killer will face trial this Thursday for the murder of 8 teenage girls. (這名連續殺人犯這個星期四將因為謀殺 8 名少女而接受 法庭審判。) *trial [ `traIFl ] n. 審判

 The TV serial "Charming Betty" last night was boring in terms of plot. (就情節而言,昨晚播出的那一集《迷人的貝蒂》很無 聊。) *plot [ plAt ] n.(小說/電影的)佈局,情節

Vocabulary: Levels 5 & 6

saint [ sent ] n. 聖人


 No one is a saint. In other words, no one is perfect.



若為大寫 Saint 則表某位聖徒,通常縮寫 為 St.。

 The Irish people drink Irish beer and wear green clothes on March 17th in celebration of St. Patrick. (愛爾蘭人在 3 月 17 日會喝愛爾蘭啤酒,並穿著綠色服飾 以慶祝聖者派翠克。)

似 比

enterprise [ `EntQpraIz ] n. 企業 ⑤ cooperation [ ko,ApF`reJFn ] n. 合作 in cooperation with... 與……合作

Unit 1

corporation [ ,kCrpF`reJFn ] n. 企業(= company)


 Mr. Smith runs a major corporation. (史密斯先生經營一家大公司。)

We made a film in cooperation with that big company. (我們和那家大公司合作拍一部電影。)

 We need some corporate sponsors for our event.

Level 5

corporate [ `kCrpFrIt ] a. 企業的


(我們的活動需要一些企業的贊助。) *sponsor [ `spAnsQ ] n. 贊助者

commission [ kF`mIJFn ] n. 回扣 & vt. 委任 片

get a commission on sth 就某事物獲得回扣


commission 作動詞,表『委任』時,與 assign [ F`saIn ] vt. 指派 authorize [ `CHF,raIz ] vt. 授權

 You'll get a 15% commission on everything you sell. (你所賣出的東西都可以抽成 15%。)  The museum commissioned the artist to make a sculpture in remembrance of the curator. (美術館委任這名藝術家製作一座雕像紀念該館長。)

Level 6



*curator [ kjU`retQ ] n. 館長

in remembrance of... 以紀念…… = in memory of... = in commemoration of... *commemmoration [ kF,mEmF`reJFn ] n. 紀念

commissioner [ kF`mIJFnQ ] n. 委任者,長官


 Mike was appointed commissioner of the New York police department. (邁可被任命為紐約警局局長。)

conduct [ kFn`dVkt ] vt. 處理;指揮(樂團)& [ `kAndVkt ] n. 行為(不可數) 似

behavior [ bI`hevjQ ] n. 行為(不可數)


 Police have conducted an investigation into the case. (警方已就該案件進行調查。)

 The local orchestra was conducted by my piano teacher, Mr. Evans. (本地的管絃樂團是由我的鋼琴老師艾文斯先生擔任指


 Brian was charged with disorderly conduct. (布萊恩因行為不檢的罪名而遭起訴。)

conductor [ kFn`dVktQ ] n. 指揮者;導體 延伸

a semi-conductor 半導體

 The conductor raised her baton, indicating to the players to get ready. (指揮者將指揮棒提高,暗示表演者準備好。) *baton [ bX`tAn / `bXtN ] n. 指揮棒

 Copper is a good conductor of heat and electricity. (紅銅是熱與電的良導體。)

misconduct [ mIs`kAndVkt ] n. 行為不良(不可數)


 The sales manager was fired because of his misconduct at work. (業務經理上班時行為不檢而遭開除。)

recommend [ ,rEkF`mEnd ] vt. 建議,推薦 片 似

recommend sb to V 建議某人做某事 suggest [ sF`dKEst ] vt. 建議 ③


recommend 表『建議』時屬意志動詞, 其後 that 子句中要使用助動詞 should, 而 should 往往予以省略。意志動詞為表 示建議、要求、命令、規定等的動詞,例 如:recommend、advise、urge(呼籲)、

propose(提議)、move(提議)、ask、 desire、demand、require、request、 insist(堅持要求)、order、command (命令)、rule、regulate(規定)等。

recommend that + S + (should) + V 建議……


 The teacher recommends us to read the questions twice before answering them. (老師建議我們在回答問題前要把問題先看兩遍。)

 The manager recommended that the meeting (should) be put off. (經理建議將會議時間延期。)

Vocabulary: Levels 5 & 6

recommendation [ ,rEkFmEn`deJFn ] n. 建議 衍

recommendable [ ,rEkF`mEndFbL ]

a. 可推薦的

recommendatory [ ,rEkF`mEndF,tCrI ]


 I'm not sure what to do. What's your recommendation? (我不知道該怎麼做,你有什麼建議嗎?)

a. 推薦的

suggestion [ sFg`dKEstJFn ] n. 建議

grant sb sth 給予某人某物 be granted sth 被給予某物 take it for granted that... 認為……是理所當然的

Unit 1

grant [ grXnt ] vt. 授予,給予;准許


 My father was granted a pension after retirement. (我父親退休後領有退休俸。) *pension [ `pEnJFn ] n. 退休金

 Larry thought he had been working hard all year round, so he took it for granted that he would get a year-end bonus at work. (賴瑞認為他一年到頭都很努力,因此他認為自己會拿到年 終獎金是理所當然的事。)

interpret [ In`tRprIt ] vt. 詮釋,口譯 ④ interpret A as B 將 A 解釋為 B People often interpret a frown as a sign of disapproval. (大家常常將皺眉頭解讀為不同意的表


 Mary said this dance was an interpretation of a poem by Frost. (瑪麗說這支舞蹈是對佛洛斯特一首詩的詮釋。)

 Simultaneous interpretation is an art that takes years of practice. (同步口譯是需要多年的練習才能成就的一門本領。)

徵。) 似

Level 5

interpretation [ In,tRprI`teJFn ] n. 詮釋;口譯

translation [ trXns`leJFn ]

*simultaneous [ ,saImFl`tenIFs ] a. 同時發生的

n. 翻譯(尤指筆譯)④

n. 翻譯人員(尤指筆譯)④

 Nicole acted as an interpreter at the international conference.

Level 6

interpreter [ In`tRprItQ ] n. 口譯人員 似 translator [ trXns`letQ ]



communist [ `kAmjUnIst ] n. 共產主義者 & a. 共產的


 Communists believe in a classless society and equal distribution of wealth. (共產主義者篤信無階級的社會以及財富的公平分配。)

 There is a detailed description about how a communist society works in this book. (本書詳細說明共產主義的社會是如何運作的。)

communism [ `kAmjU,nIzM ] n. 共產主義 反 capitalism [ `kXpFtLIzM ] n. 資本主義

 The main ideas of communism can be found in The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx.


(共產主義的基本信念可以在卡爾•馬克思的著作《共產 主義宣言》裡找到。) *manifesto [ ,mXnF`fEsto ] n. 宣言

mount [ maUnt ] vt. 爬上 & n. 山 片 反

mount the horse 上馬 dismount [ dIs`maUnt ] vt. 下(馬) dismount the horse 下馬


 John mounted his horse and rode off. (約翰騎上馬便飛奔而去。)

 George has finally fulfilled his lifelong dream of climbing Mount Everest. (喬治終於完成他這一生的心願,攀爬喜馬拉雅山。)

spur [ spR ] n. 馬刺 & vt. 鼓勵 片

on the spur of the moment 心血來潮 spur sb (on) to do sth 鼓勵某人…… encourage [ In`kRIdK ] vt. 鼓勵 ②


 After the cocktail party, we took a walk to the beach on the spur of the moment. (雞尾酒會後,我們一時興起散步到海濱。)

 Kevin's comments spurred Rick to ask the beautiful girl out. (凱文的評語激勵了瑞克前去與那個漂亮的女孩外出約 會。)

saddle [ `sXdL ] n. 馬鞍 & vt. 裝上馬鞍 片 saddle up a horse 替馬裝上馬鞍

 It's not easy to ride a horse without a saddle.



 Peter was saddling up his horse in the stable. (彼得在馬廄裡替馬裝上馬鞍。)

rein [ ren ] n. 韁繩:權力(通常使用複數) & vt. 控制,駕馭 take over the reins 掌權 rein in sth 控制某事物 = control sth 衍 reign [ ren ] n. & vi. 統治(與 over 並用) reign over a country 統治某國 片


 Pull the reins if you want the horse to stop. (如果要馬停下來,就把韁繩拉緊。)

 The prince succeeded his father as king and took over the reins for 30 years. (王子繼承父王當上了國王並掌權達 30 年之久。)  You need to rein in your spending or you will go broke. (你必須控制自己的花費,不然你就會破產。)

Vocabulary: Levels 5 & 6

harness [ `hArnIs ] n. 馬具;登山安全帶(集合名詞,不可數)& vt. 利用 似 make use of... 利用…… = take advantage of...


 Jim fell off the mountain because his harness was broken. (吉姆的登山安全帶斷掉,因此他墜入山崖。)

 This device can harness the power of the wind to generate electricity for this building. (這個裝置能利用風力為這棟建築物提供電力。)

be confronted with... 面對…… = be faced with... 片

Unit 1

confront [ kFn`frVnt ] vt.(使)面對


 What would you do if you were confronted with such a problem? (面對這樣一個難題,你將怎麼做?)

confrontation [ ,kAnfrFn`teJFn ] n. 爭論,對抗


Level 5

 Mike wanted to avoid confrontation with the bully at school. (邁可想要避免與這惡霸在學校對決。)

personnel [ ,pRsN`El ] n. 人員,員工(集合名詞);人事處(= human resources) 用法

personnel 是集合名詞,表『人員』或

『員工』,指所有的 workers(員工)或


 All sales personnel are to be strictly trained to increase sales. (所有業務人員均應受到嚴格訓練以增加銷售業績。)

employees(受雇者),視為複數名詞。作 主詞時,動詞亦應為複數。personal [ `pRsNL ] 則為形容詞,表『個人的』或 『私人的』。 人事經理

Level 6

the personnel manager personal letters


distinction [ dIs`tIGkJFn ] n. 卓越;差異 片 似

with distinction 以卓越的表現 ` excellence [ EksLFns ] n. 卓越 difference [ `dIfFrFns ] n. 差異


 John graduated from Harvard with distinction. (約翰以卓越的成績自哈佛畢業。)

 There is a clear distinction between John and Peter. The former is outspoken, whereas the latter is tactful. (約翰與彼得兩人之間有很大的差異。前者直言不諱,後者 則很圓滑。) *outspoken [ aUt`spokFn ] a. 直言的 tactful [ `tXktfFl ] a. 圓滑的

distinctive [ dIs`tIGktIv ] a. 特殊的 比 distinct [ dIs`tIGkt ] a. 清晰的;不同的 ④ distinct pronunciation 清晰的發音 distinct groups 不同的團體

 The policemen of this city wear a distinctive uniform, so they are easily recognized.


entitle [ In`taItL ] vt. 給予權利(資格) 片 衍

entitle sb to V 使某人有資格…… title [ `taItL ] n. 頭銜;標題 ②



 His good academic performance in college entitled John to study at that famous graduate school. (大學時期優異的成績使約翰得以在那個知名的研究所深 造。)

entitle 以過去分詞出現時,可作形容詞 用,表『有資格的』。

be entitled to V be entitled to sth


有資格從事…… 有資格獲得某物

(此處 to 為介詞)

 You're not entitled to check out any books from the library unless you're a student of our school. (除非你是本校的學生,否則沒有資格從圖書館借書。)

 Jack is entitled to a pension when he reaches sixtyfive. (傑克 65 歲時,便有資格支領退休俸。)

rifle [ `raIfL ] n. 來福槍,長槍


 Rifles are designed to shoot things at long distances. (來福槍被設計為長距離射殺用。)

pistol [ `pIstL ] n. 手槍 似 handgun [ `hXndgVn ] n. 手槍

 Watch out! The criminal is holding a loaded pistol.

cannon [ `kXnFn ] n. 大砲

 In the past, people used cannons as weapons to fight.





meantime [ `min,taIm ] n. & adv. 其間 in the meantime 同時 = meanwhile 片


meantime 作名詞用時與 the 並用,置於

介詞 in 之後,以作其受詞;meantime 也 可作副詞,等於 meanwhile。

 I'll do the cooking. In the meantime, you can help me do the laundry. (我來作飯。在此期間,你可以幫我洗衣服。) *laundry [ `lCndrI ] n. 送洗的衣服(集合名詞,不可數)

Vocabulary: Levels 5 & 6

wholesome [ `holsFm ] a. 健康的,有益健康的 似

healthy [ `hElHI ] a. 健康的 ② healthful [ `hElHfFl ] a. 有益健康的

 A good vacation every now and then is important to a wholesome life. (偶而好好度個假對健康的生活很重要。)

ozone [ `ozon ] n. 臭氧 the ozone layer 臭氧層

 The ozone layer blocks out most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. (臭氧層隔絕大部分太陽有害的紫外線。) *ultraviolet [ ,VltrF`vaIFlIt ] n. 紫外線 & a. 紫外線的

Unit 1

adore [ F`dCr ] vt. 喜歡;崇拜 似

admire [ Fd`maIr ] vt. 欣賞 ③ worship [ `wRJIp ] vt. 崇拜


adore 是及物動詞,可表『喜歡』,等於

adorable [ F`dCrFbL ] a. 可愛的 似 cute [ kjut ] a. 可愛的 lovable [ `lVvFbL ] a. 討人喜歡的

 We adore John for his integrity and brilliant academic accomplishments.

Level 5

love;亦可表『崇拜』,等於 admire(崇 拜)或 think highly of(尊敬)之意。

 Jane has 10 grandchildren and she adores all of them very much. (阿珍有 10 個孫子,每一個她都很疼愛。)

(我們敬重約翰的正直和輝煌的學術成就。) *integrity [ In`tEgrFtI ] n. 正直

 Mary keeps an adorable little puppy as a pet. (瑪麗養了一隻可愛的小狗當寵物。)

glacier [ `gleJQ / `glXsIF ] n. 冰河 比

iceberg [ `aIs,bRg ] n. 冰山

 The glacier is moving at a rate of 1 meter a year. (該冰河以每年 1 公尺的速度移動。)

Level 6

haunt [ hCnt ] vt.(鬼魂)常出沒於 片 衍

haunt sb 在某人的腦海中揮之不去 haunted [ `hCntId ] a. 鬧鬼的


a haunted house 鬼屋

 It's said that two ghosts haunt the house. = It's said that the house is haunted by two ghosts. (據說這棟房子有兩隻鬼出沒。)

 The residents are constantly haunted by the fear of an explosion of a nuclear power plant. (這些居民經常提心吊膽,深怕核能電廠爆炸。)

abortion [ F`bCrJFn ] n. 流產  The legislators are discussing whether they should make abortion legal. (立法委員正在討論是否應該將墮胎合法化。)

abort [ F`bCrt ] vt. 流產;(計畫)中止

 Even today, the woman can't help crying thinking of the baby that was aborted two years ago. (這個婦女兩年前小寶寶流產了,即使在今天想到此事她還 是會忍不住哭泣。)

 The rescue mission had to be aborted due to severe weather conditions. (因為惡劣氣候的原因,這項救援計劃必須被迫中止。)

barefoot [ `bEr,fUt ] a. 光腳的(= barefooted [ `bEr,fUtId ]) walk barefoot 光腳走路 = walk barefooted 似 bare [ bEr ] a. 裸露的

 The barefooted boy fell into a pit accidentally.

barehanded [ `bEr,hXndId ] a. 徒手 比 empty-handed [ `EmptI,hXndId ] a. 空手的

 The strong man said he was capable of killing a bear barehanded. = The strong man said he was capable of killing a bear with his bare hands.

Tom hoped he would win something in the game, but he came home empty-handed.



(湯姆希望他可以在遊戲上贏得一些東西, 卻空手而回。)

chant [ tJXnt ] vt. 吟詠 片

chant sutras 唸經,誦經 *sutra [ `sutrF ] n. 佛經

 The monks chant sutras every morning. (這些和尚每天早上都會唸經。)

fluency [ `fluFnsI ] n. 流利,流利度 衍

fluent [ `fluFnt ] a. 流利的 ④ fluently [ `fluFntlI ] adv. 流利地

 The fluency of Andrea's English surprised the visiting foreign guests. (安德雅流利的英文使那些來訪的外賓很驚訝。)

foul [ faUl ] a. 骯髒的;惡劣的 片

by fair means or foul 不擇手段 (foul 之後省略了 means)

= by hook or by crook 似 disgusting [ dIs`gVstIG ] a. 噁心的 ④ mean [ mIn ] a. 卑鄙的


 Garbage dumps emit a foul smell that is revolting. (垃圾堆散發出的臭味真令人噁心。)

 Peter vowed to attain his goal by fair means or foul. (彼得誓言要不擇手段達到目的。)

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