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All About Me! ............................................... 自我介紹


Unit 2

Daily Routine ................................................ 日常作息


Unit 3

Enjoy Your Free Time ................................... 休閒活動


Unit 4

Telling Time .................................................. 現在幾點?


Unit 5

Let's Go Shopping! ....................................... 逛街血拚


Unit 6

That's Entertainment! .................................... 影音娛樂


Unit 7

Give Me a Call .............................................. 電話用語


Unit 8

Who Is It?...................................................... 人物描述


Unit 9

Keeping Fit ................................................... 運動健身


Unit 10

All in a Day's Work ....................................... 職場概況


Unit 11

Where Is It? ................................................... 地理位置


Unit 12

Getting Around ............................................. 旅遊交通


Unit 13

Under the Weather ........................................ 身體不適


Unit 14

Celebrating the Good Times ......................... 節日慶典


Unit 15

In a Modern World ........................................ 生活科技


全民英檢初級聽力模擬試題共十回 ......................................................


全民英檢初級聽力試題詳解共十回 ......................................................



Unit 1

All About Me! 自我介紹

Listen and repeat ● What is your name?

● What about you?

● My name is Steve Wang.

● There are four members in my family.

● Where are you from? ● Where do you come from? ● Are you from the United States? ● Are you American?

● Where do you live? ● I live in Taipei. ● Do you have any children?

Dialogue A Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary:

Hello. My name is Mary. Hi, Mary. My name is Mr. Brown. Are you from the United States? Yes, I am. Where are you from? I'm from Taiwan. I'm Taiwanese.

Mr. Miss Mrs. Ms. Dr.

先生 小姐(未婚) 太太;夫人(已婚) 女士(可指已婚或未婚) 醫師;博士

Countries and People 國家與人名 Taiwan the United States the United Kingdom Canada France Australia Germany

台灣 美國 英國 加拿大 法國 澳大利亞 德國

Taiwanese / Chinese American British Canadian French Australian German


European Asian African North American


美國人 英國人 加拿大人 法國人 澳大利亞人 德國人

Continents 洲名 Europe Asia Africa North America

歐洲 亞洲 非洲 北美洲

亞洲人 非洲人 北美洲人

讀者有信心 1


Dialogue B Mr. Brown: Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary: Mr. Brown:

What is your last name? My last name is Lai. Are you married? No, I’m not. I’m single. Are you married? Yes, I am.

Marital Status 婚姻狀況 married single engaged divorced

last name first name

姓(= family name) 名(= given name)

已婚的 單身的 訂婚的 離婚的

Dialogue C Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary: Mr. Brown:

How many members are there in your family? There are four members in my family. Do you have any children? Yes, I do. I have two children. Do you have sons or daughters? I have one son and one daughter.

  member [ `mEmbK ] n. 成員  family [ `fAmJlI ] n. 家庭;家人  children [ `tSIldrJn ] n. 小孩(複數形) child [ tSZIld ] n. 小孩(單數形)

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How many + 可數複數名詞 + are there...? 有多少……?

How much + 不可數名詞 + are there...? 有多少……?

Unit 1

All About Me!

Dialogue D Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary:

Where do you live? I live in Taipei. Where do you live? I also live in Taipei. Do you live at home? Yes, I do. I live with my parents and aunt.

  also [ `Olso ] adv. 也(與肯定句並用)  parent [ `pErJnt ] n. 父母(之一)  aunt [ Ant / Ont ] n. 姑;姨;嬸;伯母;舅媽

Family Members 家庭成員 father / mother son / daughter husband / wife brother / sister uncle / aunt nephew / niece grandfather / grandmother father-in-law / mother-in-law

父親/母親 兒子/女兒 丈夫/妻子 兄弟/姊妹 伯;叔;舅;姑丈;姨丈/伯母;嬸;舅媽;姑;姨 姪子;外甥/姪女;甥女

祖父;外公∕祖母;外婆 岳父;公公/岳母;婆婆

Dialogue E Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary: Mr. Brown: Mary:

Where do you work? I work in an office. I have a good job. That’s nice.  What do you do?  What do you do? 你從事什麼行業? I work in a hospital. 比較: Do you like your job? How do you do? 您好/幸會。 Yes, I do. I like it very much.  office [ `OfIs ] n. 辦公室  hospital [ `haspItL ] n. 醫院

讀者有信心 3


Translation Dialogue A 瑪麗:哈囉,我的名字是瑪麗。 布朗先生:嗨,瑪麗。我是布朗先生。 瑪麗:你是從美國來的嗎? 布朗先生:是的,沒錯。妳從哪來的呢? 瑪麗:我從台灣來的。我是台灣人。

Dialogue B 布朗先生:妳姓什麼? 瑪麗:我姓賴。 布朗先生:妳結婚了嗎? 瑪麗:不,還沒。我單身。你結婚了嗎? 布朗先生:是的,我結婚了。

Dialogue C 瑪麗:你家裡有多少人? 布朗先生:我家有 4 口人。 瑪麗:你有小孩嗎? 布朗先生:嗯,是的。我有兩個孩子。 瑪麗:你生的是男孩還是女孩? 布朗先生:我有一男一女。

Dialogue D 瑪麗:你住在哪裡? 布朗先生:我住台北。妳住哪呢? 瑪麗:我也住台北。 布朗先生:妳住家裡嗎? 瑪麗:是的,我跟我父母和阿姨一起住。

Dialogue E 瑪麗:你在哪邊高就? 布朗先生:我是坐辦公室的上班族。我有一份不錯的工作。 瑪麗:真不錯。 布朗先生:妳從事哪一行的? 瑪麗:我在醫院上班。 布朗先生:妳喜歡妳的工作嗎? 瑪麗:是的,我非常喜歡。

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Unit 1

All About Me!

Give It A Try! Exercise A Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions you hear. 1. Where is Mr. Brown from? 2. Where is Mary from? 3. Is Mr. Brown married? 4. Does Mary have children? 5. How many daughters does Mr. Brown have?

Exercise B Listen to the people talk about where they are from. Check the correct answers. 1. □ a. Taiwan □ b. The United States

4. □ a. China □ b. Japan

2. □ a. Canada □ b. The United Kingdom

5. □ a. Australia □ b. Taiwan

3. □ a. Germany □ b. France

6. □ a. Europe □ b. Canada

  check [ tSEk ] vt. 在……上打勾  correct [ kJ`rEkt ] a. 正確的

讀者有信心 5


Exercise C These people are talking about their families. Listen and write the missing information. 1. Yes, I am _______________. 2. No, I am not _______________. I am still _______________. 3. I have _______________ son and two _______________. 4. My _______________ also lives with us. 5. No, my _______________ doesn't work. 6. My sister has three _______________.

 missing [ `mIsIG ] a. 遺漏的

Exercise D Listen to the conversations. What are the people talking about? 1. □ a. their family □ b. their work

4. □ a. work □ b. family members

2. □ a. where they are from □ b. what they do

5. □ a. father-in-law □ b. mother-in-law

3. □ a. children □ b. brothers

6. □ a. last name □ b. first name

  conversation [ :kanvK`seSJn ] n. 會話,談話  where they are from 他們來自的地方

what they do 他們從事的行業

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Unit 1

All About Me!

Answer Key and Tape Scripts Exercise A Answers 1. He is from the United States. 他從美國來的。

2. She is from Taiwan. 她從台灣來的。

3. Yes, he is married. 是的,他已經結婚了。

4. No, she doesn't have any children. 不,她沒有孩子。

5. He has one daughter. 他有一個女兒。

Exercise B Answers 1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. a

6. a

Tape scripts 1. M: Where are you from? W: I'm from Taiwan. What about you? 男:妳是哪裡人? 女:我來自台灣。你呢?

2. W: Are you from Canada? M: No, I'm not. I'm from the United Kingdom. 女:你是從加拿大來的嗎? 男:不是,我是從英國來的。

讀者有信心 7


3. M: Where do you come from? W: I'm from Germany. Are you from France? M: No, I'm not. 男:妳來自哪裡? 女:我來自德國。你是從法國來的嗎? 男:不,我不是。

4. W: Are you Chinese? M: No, I'm not. I'm Japanese. 女:你是中國人嗎? 男:不,我不是。我是日本人。

5. M: My sister lives in Australia. W: Really? I also live there. 男:我的姊姊住在澳大利亞。 女:真的嗎?我也住那裡。

6. W: Are you Canadian? M: No, I'm European. 女:你是加拿大人嗎? 男:不,我是歐洲人。

Exercise C Answers 1. married 2. married; single 3. one; daughters 4. mother-in-law 5. wife 6. sons

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Unit 1

All About Me!

Tape scripts 1. M: Are you married? W: Yes, I am married. 男:妳結婚了嗎? 女:是的,我已經結婚了。

2. W: What about you? Are you married? M: No, I am not married. I am still single. 女:那你呢?你結婚了嗎? 男:不,我未婚。我還是單身。

3. M: Do you have any children? W: Yes, I have one son and two daughters. 男:妳有孩子嗎? 女:有,我有一個兒子和兩個女兒。

4. W: Who lives with you? M: My children and my wife. My mother-in-law also lives with us. 女:誰跟你住在一塊? 男:我的孩子們和我太太。我的岳母也跟我們一起住。

5. W: Does your wife work? M: No, my wife doesn't work. 女:你老婆在上班嗎? 男:沒有,我的老婆不上班。

6. M: Do you have any nieces or nephews? W: Yes, my sister has three sons. 男:妳有任何姪子或姪女嗎? 女:有的,我的姊姊有 3 個兒子。

Exercise D Answer 1. b

2. a

3. a

4. a

5. b

6. a

讀者有信心 9


Tape scripts 1. M: I like my work. W: So do I. I like my job very much. 男:我喜歡我的工作。 女:我也是。我非常喜歡我的工作。

2. M: Where do you come from? W: I come from Germany. Are you from Taiwan? M: Yes, I am. I'm Taiwanese. 男:妳來自哪裡? 女:我來自德國。你從台灣來的嗎? 男:是的。我是台灣人。

3. M: Do you have any children? W: Yes, I do. I have two children. 男:妳有小孩嗎? 女:有的。我有兩個小孩。

4. W: What do you do? M: I work in a post office. 女:你從事什麼行業? 男:我在郵局上班。

5. W: Is that your mother-in-law? M: Yes, it is. That’s my mother-in-law. 女:那是你的岳母嗎? 男:是的,那是我的岳母。

6. M: How do you spell your family name? W: My last name is spelled J-O-N-E-S. 男:妳的姓氏怎麼拼? 女:我的姓氏拼法是 J-O-N-E-S。

  job [ djab ] n. 工作,職業  post office [ `post:OfIs ] n. 郵局  spell [ spEl ] vt. 拼(字) 三態為:spell, spelt / spelled, spelt / spelled。

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