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曲目序號 CD4-1

Dream a Little Dream of Me .......................................1 夢中有你


Paint the Sky with Stars ............................................ 11 星空彩繪


Three Times a Lady ...................................................19 情定三生


The Look of Love




All the Lies That You Told Me ...................................37 你所說的謊


Fool to Cry ................................................................ 49


Maybe .......................................................................61

愛太傻 也許


Snowbird ................................................................... 71 雲雀


Total Eclipse of the Heart ..........................................81 心之全蝕


Kiss and Say Goodbye ............................................. 97 吻別


You Were Meant for Me ........................................... 107 天作之合


Paint My Love ......................................................... 121 彩繪吾愛


25 Minutes ............................................................. 131 25 分鐘


A Certain Smile ....................................................... 141 某個微笑


Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? ..........................149 明天你是否依然愛我?

附錄:吉他和弦表圖 ......................................................................... 159


Dream a Little Dream of Me


Dream a Little Dream of Me 英文歌詞 Stars shining bright above you. Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you." Birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me. Say "Nighty-night" and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me. While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me. 6

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear, still craving your kiss. I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, just saying this, "Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me." Stars fading, but I linger on, dear, still craving your kiss. I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, just saying this, "Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you. But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me." Da dida dadadada. Da didida dadidada dididida...

中文歌詞 繁星在天上閃耀。夜晚的微風好像在輕 訴著:『我愛你。』鳥兒在無花果樹上 歌唱,做個關於我的小小的夢。 道晚安,親吻我。緊緊地擁抱我,說你 會想我。當我孤單憂鬱的時候,做個關 於我的小小的夢。 群星漸黯,但我徘徊不去,親愛的,依 然渴望著你的吻。我渴望逗留到黎明, 親愛的,我只想說這些:『做個美夢, 直到陽光找到你。做個美夢,拋開所有 的煩憂。在你的夢裡,無論那是什麼, 做個關於我的小小的夢』。 群星漸黯,但我徘徊不去,親愛的,依 然渴望著你的吻。我渴望逗留到黎明, 親愛的,我只想說這些:『做個美夢, 直到陽光找到你。做個美夢,拋開所有 的煩憂。在你的夢裡,無論那是什麼, 做個關於我的小小的夢』。 答 滴答 答答答答答。答 滴滴答答 滴答答滴滴滴答……

字詞句型分析 1. sycamore [ `sIkJ:mOr ] n. 無花果 2. nighty-night [ `nZItI "nZIt ] n. 晚安(俏皮語) 例: Nighty-night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite. (晚安。睡好。不要讓臭蟲給咬了。──童謠)

3. While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.

→ When I'm by myself and feeling sad, I hope that you have me on your



a. blue [ blu ] a. 憂鬱的 例: Leave Paul alone when he's feeling blue. (保羅鬱悶的時候不要吵他。) *原歌詞:

While I'm alone and blue as can be,... = While I'm alone and while I'm as blue as can be,... = While I'm alone and while I'm extremely blue,... (當我孤單而極度憂鬱時,……)

b. have...on one's mind 某人想到…… 例: Having her baby on her mind, Lisa came home right after work. (麗莎因為惦記著她的寶寶,所以一下班就回家。)


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