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國民中學學生基本學力測驗模擬試題 英語科答案卡 第一回 年 班 號 姓名 畫記說明

1. 請使用 2B 鉛筆作答。 2. 畫填要粗黑、清晰、不可出格,擦拭要清潔,若畫填過輕或污損不清, 不為機器所接受,考生自行負責。 3. 答案卡如需修改答案,請用橡皮擦,切勿使用立可白或其他修正液(帶)。 ※ 範例:正確→● 不正確→○○○○○


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My name is Andy. I'm 24, and I live in Taichung. I just graduated from university, and I'm looking for a job now. I can speak English and a little Japanese. I like to watch movies in my free time.



Hello, I'm Steve. I’m 38 and live in Hualien. I’m crazy about dogs, and love to surf the web. I am a businessman, and I have to go on business trips very often.

Hi, there! I’m David. I’m 27, and I live in Pingtung County. I like to ride my bicycle in the mountains and play sports. I am a teacher at a junior high school.

 graduate 畢業 university 大學 surf the web 瀏覽網路

26. What is true about these men? (A) Steve is the oldest. (B) One of them lives in Taipei. (C) They all have jobs. (D) They are all between 20 and 29 years old. 27. Who will probably choose David as her boyfriend? (A) A girl who likes to travel. (B) A girl who lives in Taichung. (C) A girl who likes ball games. (D) A girl who loves animals.

 probably 可能 travel 旅行

請翻頁繼續作答 讀者有信心 7


Apartments for Rent   Kelly and Mark are looking for an apartment. They see some ads in the newspaper. They are both very busy, and they need to live somewhere close to their offices in the city. They do not have any children now, but would like to have one in the future. Right now, they only have a dog and a cat. Kelly enjoys growing flowers. Read the ads below and then answer the questions. Apartment A

Apartment B

Apartment C

One-bedroom apartment in the city center. Just a few minutes’ walk to some good restaurants. No pets. No children.

This is the best apartment if you want to live away from the busy city. This place is great for a young couple with small children.

Three-bedroom apartment in the city. Close to schools, parks, and restaurants. Perfect for a family with a pet. Apartment has a small garden.

 rent 出租 ads 廣告 couple 一對夫婦 perfect 完美的 39. Which apartment would be best for Kelly and Mark? (A) Apartment C. (B) Apartment B. (C) Apartment A. (D) None of the above.

40. Why wouldn't Apartment B be a good choice for them? (A) Kelly and Mark want to have a child. (B) Kelly wants to grow flowers. (C) It is too far away from the city. (D) It is too expensive.

常春藤叢書 12

none 沒有

choice 選擇 far 遙遠的

國民中學學生基本學力測驗模擬試題 英語科第一回詳解 第一部分

D 1. 請看圖片。這輛車被停放在兩棵樹之間。 理由: a. (A) below [ bJ`lo ] 介 在……的下面 例: I see a mouse below the bed. (我看到床下有隻老鼠。) (B) on top of... 在……的頂端 top [ tap ] 名 頂端 例: My school stands on the top of the hill. (我的學校就座落在山丘的頂端。) (C) in front of... 在……的前面 front [ frVnt ] 名 前面 例: There is a river in front of the mountain. (這座山的前面有條河。) (D) between [ bJ`twin ] 介 在(兩者)之間 例: Who is that boy standing between Susan and Linda? (站在蘇珊及琳達中間的那個男生是誰?)

b. 根據語意及圖片提示,(D) 應為正選。 A 2. 他叔叔是個生意人。他靠買賣鞋子為生。 理由: a. (A) businessman [ `bIznIs:mAn ] 名 生意人(單數) businessmen [ `bIznIs:mEn ] 名 生意人(複數) (B) singer [ `sIGK ] 名 歌手,歌唱者 (C) English teacher 英文老師 (D) fisherman [ `fISKmJn ] 名 捕魚人,討海人,漁夫(單數) fishermen [ `fISKmJn ] 名 捕魚人,討海人,漁夫(複數) b. 根據語意,(A) 應為正選。 必考重點:

make a living = earn a living 謀生

讀者有信心 1

或: He is nice, but I don't like him. (○) (雖然他很好,但是我不喜歡他。)

2) take a taxi to work 搭 計程車 上班 公車 a bus a train 火車 3) wake up 醒來 *wake 的三態為:wake、woke [ wok ]、woken [ `wokJn ]。 B 11. 氣象人員表示,今天下午天氣會變冷。你外出時記得要帶件夾克。 理由: a. (A) umbrella [ Vm`brElJ ] 名 雨傘 (B) jacket [ `djAkIt ] 名 夾克 (C) chance [ tSAns ] 名 機會 (D) newspaper [ `nyuz:pepK ] 名 報紙 b. 根據語意,(B) 應為正選。 B 12. 蘇珊很喜歡她的生日禮物。她把它們帶到學校去現給她的同學看。 理由: a. (A) these [ Tiz ] 代 這些 (B) them [ TEm ] 代 他(她、它、牠)們(作受詞) (C) everyone [ `EvrI:wVn ] 代 每個人 (D) it [ It ] 代 它;牠 b. 由於空格前的句子之中的名詞 her birthday presents(她的生日禮物)是複 數,故用複數代名詞 them,因此 (B) 應為正選。 必考重點: present [ `prEzNt ] 名 禮物 = gift 例: I gave John a watch as his birthday present. = I gave John a watch for his birthday. (我給約翰一只錶當作他的生日禮物。)

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= Yes, he is a nice boy. (甲:他是一個好男孩。) (乙:沒錯,他是一個好男孩。)

d. 若前面敘述的句子含有助動詞(如 will、can、may、should 等)時,則沿 用該助動詞。 例: A: He will come here tomorrow, won't he?

B: Yes, he will.

(甲:他明天會來吧,是不是?) (乙:會的,他明天會來。)

e. 根據上述,空格前有過去式動詞 saw,故應以 did 代替該過去式動詞。 You did? = You saw someone that looked like him on TV last night? = Did you see someone that looked like him on TV last night? (你昨晚真的在電視上看到長得很像他的人嗎?)


Questions 20~22 當今,幾乎每個人都使用網際網路。不管是用來寫作業或只是用來玩樂,網路都 會是很棒的東西。然而,有些人使用過頭了。他們甚至連上班時間都在上網。他們太 沉迷於網路,因此不和他們的朋友出去。他們的家人也很少看到他們。其中有些人甚 至都不想離開電腦。 為什麼他們會這樣呢?問題可能不是網路本身。事實上,有些人上網是為了想要 逃避現實的世界。他們應該要設法少上一點網。但是這件事說來容易做來難啊。

A 20. 理由: a. go online 上網 例: I go online when I am free. (我有空時就上網。)

b. go online 是固定用語,故 (A) 應為正選。 C 21. 理由: a. 本空格測試『也』的用法。 1) 若與肯定句並用時,應使用 "and so+倒裝句" 或 "and..., too"。 常春藤叢書 12

a) 句中若有 be 動詞時,則沿用該 be 動詞: 例: He is nice, and so are you. = He is nice, and you are, too. (他人很好,你也是。)

b) 句中若有助動詞時(如 can、will、should、may 等)時,則沿用該 助動詞。 例: He can sing, and so can I.

= He can sing, and I can, too. (他會唱歌,我也會。)

c) 句中若有一般動詞時,則按照主詞人稱及動詞時態,分別使用 do 、 does、did: 例: He came late, and so did I. 過去式

= He came late, and I did, too. (他遲到了,我也是。)

2) 與否定句並用時,應使用 "nor+倒裝句"、"..., and neither+倒裝句" 或 "and...not, either"。 a) 句中若有 be 動詞時,則沿用該 be 動詞: 例: He isn't nice, nor are you. = He isn't nice, and neither are you. = He isn't nice, and you aren't, either. (他人不親切,你也一樣。) 注意: 上列句構中 nor 本身就是連接詞,表『也不』,故之前不得再有連接 詞 and;而 neither 也表『也不』,但卻只是副詞,故之前需要連接詞 and。

b) 句中若有助動詞(如 can、will、should、may 等)時,則沿用該助 動詞: 例: He cannot sing, nor can I.

= He cannot sing, and neither can I. = He cannot sing, and I can't, either. (他不會唱歌,我也是。)

c) 句中若有一般動詞時,則按照主詞人稱及動詞時態,分別使用 do 、 does、did。 例: He never sings, nor does she. 現在式

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= He never sings, and neither does she. = He never sings, and she doesn't, either. (他從不唱歌,她也是。)

b. 原句空格之前有否定助動詞 don't (= do not),故得知表示『也不』時,應 使用 (C) either。 c. also 亦表『也』,但多用於肯定句中。 例: He is nice, and she is also nice. (他人很好,她也是。)

B 22. 理由: a. (A) therefore [ `TEr:fOr ] 副 因此 (B) however [ hZU`EvK ] 副 然而 (C) also [ `Olso ] 副 也 (D) and [ And ] 連 和;那麼(與命令句並用) b. 根據語意,(B) 應為正選。

重要單字及片語 1. = 2. =

surf the Net 上網 go online the Internet 網際網路 the Net(口語) Internet 的第一個字母一定要大寫,且之前一定要有定冠詞 the。

Questions 23~25 (在游泳池) 海倫:嗨,裘蒂。我不知道妳有報名游泳課耶。 裘蒂:我也不知道妳有啊。 海倫:我很高興我們可以一起練習。 裘蒂:妳覺得興奮嗎? 海倫:興奮啊,但是我也有點擔心。我完全不會游泳。 裘蒂:別擔心。我也不會。這是我第一次學游泳。 海倫:真的嗎?我還以為妳會游泳呢。 裘蒂:不,我不會。但我希望我很快就會游泳。 海倫:噢,所以這就是妳來上游泳課的原因囉。 常春藤叢書 14

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