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目 錄 Unit 1

Problems of the Social Scientist 人文科學家的困境 ................................................................................................ 1

Unit 2

Play It Safe 確保安全 .............................................................................................................. 5

Unit 3

My Pastime 我的消遣 ............................................................................................................ 10

Unit 4

My Resolution 我的志向 ............................................................................................................ 15

Unit 5

On Health 談健康 ............................................................................................................... 18

Unit 6

War 戰爭 ................................................................................................................... 22

Unit 7

A Sense of Humor 幽默感 ............................................................................................................... 26

Unit 8

A Piece of Advice I Shall Never Forget 我永遠不能忘記的忠告. ....................................................................................... 30

Unit 9

My English Writing Experience 我的英文寫作經驗 .............................................................................................. 34

Unit 10 Our Obligation to Society 我們對社會應盡的義務 ........................................................................................ 37 Unit 11 Water 水 ...................................................................................................................... 41 Unit 12 My Mother 我的母親 ............................................................................................................ 46 Unit 13 My Hobby 我的嗜好 ............................................................................................................ 50 Unit 14 Spotty 小花 ................................................................................................................... 54 Unit 15 Religion 宗教之我見......................................................................................................... 57 Unit 16 Television 電視 ................................................................................................................... 61

Unit 17 A Typical Day in School 校園生活一日記 .................................................................................................. 66 Unit 18 How to Spend Our Leisure Hours 如何善用休閒時間 .............................................................................................. 70 Unit 19 Freedom 自由 ................................................................................................................... 74 Unit 20 The Person I Admire Most 我最欣賞的人 ..................................................................................................... 78 Unit 21 The Importance of Reading 閱讀的重要......................................................................................................... 83 Unit 22 Smoking 抽煙 ................................................................................................................... 87 Unit 23 My Birthday 我的生日 ............................................................................................................ 92 Unit 24 Environmental Pollution 環境污染 ............................................................................................................ 96 Unit 25 My English Teacher 我的英文老師 ................................................................................................... 100 Unit 26 Traffic in Taiwan 台灣的交通....................................................................................................... 104 Unit 27 How I Use My English Dictionary 我如何使用英文字典 ......................................................................................... 108 Unit 28 On Democracy 論民主 ............................................................................................................. 112 Unit 29 Some Words from My Father 父親的話 .......................................................................................................... 116 Unit 30 Choosing Friends 擇友 ................................................................................................................. 120 Unit 31 Train Rides 坐火車 ............................................................................................................. 125 Unit 32 Money 如何善用金錢 ................................................................................................... 129 Unit 33 Lying 說謊 ................................................................................................................. 134 Unit 34 Traffic Safety 交通安全 .......................................................................................................... 139

Unit 35 Exercise 運動 ................................................................................................................. 143 Unit 36 Sublimation 間接發洩法....................................................................................................... 147 Unit 37 Noise Pollution 噪音污染 .......................................................................................................... 151 Unit 38 Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover 勿以貌取人....................................................................................................... 156 Unit 39 Essential First Aid 必要的急救....................................................................................................... 160 Unit 40 Helpful Bats 有益的蝙蝠....................................................................................................... 164 Unit 41 Helen Keller 海倫•凱勒....................................................................................................... 169 Unit 42 Lawsuits in America 美國訴訟千奇百怪 ............................................................................................ 174 Unit 43 Koxinga 國姓爺 ............................................................................................................. 178 Unit 44 Charity 慈善機構 .......................................................................................................... 183 Unit 45 Immigrants in America 移民者的天堂 ................................................................................................... 188 Unit 46 No Bag, Please 請不要用袋子 ................................................................................................... 192 Unit 47 Missiles from Space 太空來的流彈 ................................................................................................... 197 Unit 48 Art, Music and Intelligence 藝術、音樂和智力 ............................................................................................ 202 Unit 49 Humans on Mars 人類上火星....................................................................................................... 206 Unit 50 Women Have a Bad Deal 女權不張 .......................................................................................................... 211 Unit 51 Boosting Traffic Safety 促進交通安全 ................................................................................................... 215 Unit 52 Japanese Men Go Soft 桃太郎雄風不再 ................................................................................................ 219

Unit 53 How to Reform 如何改過 .......................................................................................................... 223 Unit 54 Be Yourself 做你自己 .......................................................................................................... 227 Unit 55 Train Your Dog 訓練愛犬 .......................................................................................................... 231 Unit 56 Ways to Get Rid of Tension 消除緊張之道 ................................................................................................... 236 Unit 57 Save Wildlife 拯救野生動物 ................................................................................................... 240 Unit 58 An Asia without Firecrackers? 無鞭炮的亞洲 ................................................................................................... 244 Unit 59 Maturing with Age 歲月帶來成熟 ................................................................................................... 248 Unit 60 A Female Photographer 一位女性攝影師的故事 ...................................................................................... 252 Unit 61 Language Pollution 語言污染 .......................................................................................................... 256 Unit 62 Young at Heart 年輕的心 .......................................................................................................... 260 Unit 63 Cultural Differences 文化差異 .......................................................................................................... 264 Unit 64 Man versus Animals 人類與動物之別 ................................................................................................ 268 Unit 65 Storytelling 說故事 ............................................................................................................. 272 Unit 66 A Bizarre Dream 一場怪夢 .......................................................................................................... 275 Unit 67 Stress 壓力 ................................................................................................................. 279 Unit 68 Finally Learning a Lesson 終於學乖了....................................................................................................... 284 Unit 69 Kangaroos 袋鼠 ................................................................................................................. 287 Unit 70 A Mouse Potato 電腦迷 ............................................................................................................. 292


Unit 1 Problems of the Social Scientist In seeking to _(1)_ their problems, social scientists encounter greater resistance _(2)_ physical scientists. _(3)_ that I do not mean to belittle the great accomplishments of physical scientists, who have _(4)_ able, for example, to determine the structure of the atom without seeing _(5)_. That is a tremendous achievement; yet _(6)_ many ways it is not so difficult _(7)_ what social scientists are expected to do. The conditions under _(8)_ social scientists must work would drive a physical scientist frantic. _(9)_ are five of those conditions: he can make few experiments; he cannot measure the results accurately; he cannot control the conditions surrounding the experiments; he is often expected to get quick results with slow-acting economic forces; and he must work with people, not with inanimate objects.

(A) By

(B) been

(C) as

(D) which

(F) solve

(G) Here

(H) in

(I) it

(E) than


人文科學家的困境 在尋求解決問題時,人文科學家比自然科學家面臨更大的阻礙。我這樣說並不表示我輕 視自然科學家的偉大成就,譬如,他們不用看到原子就能確定它的結構。那是一項偉大的成 就,然而從許多方面來看,這種成就並不像人文科學家所應做的工作那麼困難。人文科學家 在工作時所必須面對的一些情況會使自然科學家發瘋。以下就是其中五種狀況:他很少能做 實驗;他無法正確地衡量出實驗的結果;他無法控制實驗周圍的環境;他常需要研究經濟現 象的遲緩影響力,卻必須很快得到結果;而且他必須與人一起工作,而非與無生命的物體。 解答: 1. (F) solve

2. (E) than

3. (A) By

4. (B) been

6. (H) in

7. (C) as

8. (D) which

9. (G) Here

5. (I) it

讀者有信心 1


1. solve 理由: solve the problem 解決問題 tackle the problem 著手解決問題 tackle [ `tAkL ] vt. 處理(工作);著手解決(問題) 例: We solved the problem by using a different kind of glue. (我們用一種不同的膠解決了問題。)

I don't want to tackle this problem unless I absolutely have to. (除非絕對必要,我是不想著手解決這個問題的。)


2. than 理由: 由空格之前的比較級形容詞 greater 得到暗示,可知此題應填 than。


3. By


a. 由空格後的 mean 可知,此處應填 By,By 表『藉由/根據……』之意。 例: What do you mean by staring at me? (你瞪著我看是什麼意思?)

b. by 與 mean 並用乃固定用法,故填之。 B

4. been 理由: be able to V 能…… = be capable of Ving be unable to V 不能…… = be incapable of Ving 例: After taking the medicine, Dan was able to breathe more easily. (吃過藥後,阿丹呼吸起來就比較容易了。)

Unable to drive, Betty relies on her chauffeur. (貝蒂不會開車,只好仰賴她的司機。)


5. it


因為 see 為一及物動詞,故其後應接受詞,而且根據句意,此處是指『沒見到原 子就能決定它的結構』,故應用代名詞來代替前面已出現過的名詞 atom 以避免重 複,而因 atom 為一單數名詞,故知應填 it。 2 常春藤叢書



6. in

理由: 表『方面』、『方法』時,way 均與介詞 in 並用。如: in many ways 從許多方面來看 in this way 以這/那種方式

| that |

in a(n)...way 以一種……的方式 例:When asked about his relationship with his ex-wife, he answered in a strange way. (當被問及他與前妻的關係時,他以很奇怪的方式回答。)

Bill is, in many ways, a teacher from whom I can always learn something. (從許多方面來看,比爾都是一位能嘉惠於我的老師。)


7. as

理由: 因空格前有 so,可知此處應填 as,以形成 not so...as... 之用法。 not so...as... 不像……般的……(僅用於否定句中) as...as... 像……般的……(可用於肯定或否定句中)

| as |

例: Tidying up your room won't take so much time as you think. (整理你房間所需的時間並不像你想像的那麼長。)

The career woman works as hard as her boss. (這名職業婦女和老闆一樣努力工作。)


8. which 理由: a. 此處 which 為關係代名詞,代替之前的名詞 conditions,作 under 之受詞,使 under which social scientists must work 形成一完整的形容詞子句,修飾主詞 The conditions。 原句分析如下:

The conditions under which...work would drive a physical scientist frantic. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (1) 主詞 (2) 形容詞子句,修飾 (1)。 (3) 不完全及物動詞,此處 drive 表『逼使』。 (4) 受詞 讀者有信心 3

(5) 形容詞,表『發狂的』,等於 crazy,作受詞補語。

b. 根據以上分析,可知本題應填關係代名詞 which。 G

9. Here 理由: 因空格後為一 be 動詞加主詞的倒裝句構,故知此處應填一地方副詞,因地方副詞置 句首時,該句須採用倒裝句構。再根據上下語意,可知應填入 Here。 例: Here is the money I owe you. (這兒是我欠你的錢。)

Here comes Peter. (彼得來了。)

重要單字 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. = 11. 12. 13. 14.

encounter [ In`kZUntK ] vt. 遭遇 resistance [ rI`zIstJns ] n. 抵抗;阻力 physical [ `fIzIkL ] a. 物理的 belittle [ bI`lItL ] vt. 輕視 accomplishment [ J`kamplISmJnt ] n. 成就 determine [ dI`tKmIn ] vt. 決定 structure [ `strVktSK ] n. 結構 atom [ `AtJm ] n. 原子 tremendous [ trI`mEndJs ] a. 巨大的 achievement [ J`tSivmJnt ] n. 成就 accomplishment frantic [ `frAntIk ] a. 焦慮的;發狂的 surround [ sJ`rZUnd ] vt. 環繞 inanimate [ In`AnJmIt ] a. 無生命的 accurately [ `AkyJrItlI ] adv. 精確地

重要片語 1. seek to V 設法要…… 2. make an experiment 做實驗 3. be expected to V 預期…… 4 常春藤叢書


Unit 2 Play It Safe _(1)_ day last summer a young boy had _(2)_ he thought was a good idea. He went to a shop that sold tires and bought a truck inner tube. He rode the bus to the northern beach and had the inner tube _(3)_ with air _(4)_ a nearby gas station. His idea _(5)_ to use the inner tube _(6)_ a raft and float lazily in the ocean. This he _(7)_, but unfortunately after he was quite far _(8)_ shore, the tube began to leak. The boy paddled as hard and fast as he _(9)_ but _(10)_ vain. He couldn't swim, and before anyone could reach him, he drowned.

(A) filled

(B) did

(C) One

(D) in

(E) at

(F) what

(G) as

(H) from

(I) could

(J) was


確保安全 去年夏天有一天,一個小男孩想到一個自認為很好的主意。他跑去一家賣輪胎的商店 買了一個卡車的內胎,然後搭公車去北部的海邊,並在那附近的一家加油站將那內胎打滿空 氣。他的主意是將那內胎當做橡皮筏,悠閒地漂在海上。他的確這麼做了,但不幸的是,當 他離岸很遠時,內胎開始漏氣。那男孩拚命快速地划,但毫無用處。他不會游泳,因此在別 人趕來救他之前,他就淹死了。 解答: 1. (C) One 6. (G) as


2. (F) what 7. (B) did

3. (A) filled 8. (H) from

4. (E) at 9. (I) could

5. (J) was 10. (D) in

1. One 理由: one day 過去/將來有一天 some day 將來有一天 = someday

讀者有信心 5

例: I saw him downtown one day. (有一天我在城裏見到他。)

"One day I'll get revenge," said Bill. (比爾說:『有一天我會報復的。』)

I hope to travel to Bhutan someday. (我希望有一天能去不丹旅遊。)


2. what 理由: a. 句型分析: ...a young boy had what he thought was a good idea. (1) (2) (3) (1) 主詞 (2) 及物動詞 (3) 複合關係代名詞 what 引導的名詞子句,作 had 之受詞。其中 he thought 為 一插入語,不影響整個句構,可不予理會。而此處的 what 即等於 the thing which,the thing 作其前動詞 had 之受詞,which 則引導形容詞子句,修飾 the thing。 b. 由以上的句型分析得知,及物動詞 had 之後應置一名詞子句作其受詞。而在此名 詞子句中,was 為不完全不及物動詞,a good idea 作主詞補語,故此處應選一 複合關係代名詞 what,才能使 what 不僅作 had 之受詞,was 之主詞,同時又 具連接詞的功能,故知應填 what。 注意: what 之後常出現由『主詞 + 認知動詞』所形成的插入語,此類認知動詞計有 think、believe、suppose 等,此種插入語置於句中時,並不影響原來的句構。 例: She only eats what she believes is good for her health. (她只吃她認為對她身體有益的東西。)


3. filled 理由: a. 根據上下文語意及空格之後的介系詞 with 可得知,此處應使用 be filled with 的 片語。

be filled with... 充滿…… = be full of...

6 常春藤叢書

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