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直述句改成一般問句 .............................................................. 1

Unit 2

直述句改成特殊問句 ............................................................ 10

Unit 3

一般問句改成間接問句 ......................................................... 24

Unit 4

特殊問句改成間接問句 ......................................................... 35

Unit 5

It 取代不定詞或動名詞作主詞 ............................................... 46

Unit 6

不定詞或動名詞作動詞的受詞 ............................................... 54

Unit 7

不定詞作副詞 ...................................................................... 63

Unit 8

動詞時態的變換 ................................................................... 71

Unit 9

主動語態與被動語態 ............................................................ 93

Unit 10

比較句構 ........................................................................... 101

Unit 11

對等連接詞 ........................................................................ 115

Unit 12

簡應句 .............................................................................. 127

Unit 13

副詞連接詞 ........................................................................ 135

Unit 14

關係代名詞 ........................................................................ 149

Unit 15

介詞 .................................................................................. 163

Unit 16

授與動詞 ........................................................................... 172

Unit 17

看圖作文寫作要訣.............................................................. 177

Unit 18

命題作文寫作要訣.............................................................. 184

Unit 19

公務電子郵件寫作要訣 ....................................................... 190

Unit 20

邀請函寫作要訣 ................................................................. 201

附錄: 全民英檢初級寫作能力測驗全真模擬試題共五回 ................................... 207 全民英檢初級寫作能力測驗全真模擬試題解析共五回 ............................ 232

Unit 1


Warm It Up! 題型

1. That boy is John.  Is ______________________________________________ ? 正答: Is that boy John? (那個男孩是約翰嗎?)

2. Peter can do the work alone.  Can ____________________________________________ ? 正答: Can Peter do the work alone? (這份工作彼得一個人做得來嗎?)

3. We have never seen the boy before.  Have ___________________________________________ ? 正答: Have we (ever) seen the boy before? (我們曾經見過這個男孩嗎?)

4. Peter studies hard.  Does ___________________________________________ ? 正答: Does Peter study hard? (彼得用功嗎?) 以上正答的各問句均為一般問句。

一、何謂直述句? 直述句就是我們一般所見的句子,起首有主詞,之後有動詞及其它的字,句尾有逗號,且 句首第一個字是大寫。按動詞或助動詞分類,有下列四種直述句:

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1. be 動詞(is、are、am、was、were 等) 例: That boy is John. (那個男孩是約翰。)

We are going to see Mary this afternoon. (我們今天下午會去見瑪麗。)

2. 一般助動詞 (will、would、can、could、may、might、shall、should、must 等) 例: Peter can do the work alone. (這份工作彼得一個人能做得來。)

David might come today. (大衛也許今天會來。)

3. 完成式助動詞 have、has 或 had 之後有過去分詞時,have、has 或 had 就是完成式助動詞, 譯成『已經』或『曾經』。 例: We never seen the boy before. 過去分詞


John has lived here for ten years. 過去分詞

(約翰在這裡已經住了 10 年了。)

4. 一般動詞 例: Peter studies very hard. (彼得很用功。)

Paul and Mary got married last year. (保羅和瑪麗去年結婚。)

2 常春藤叢書

Unit 1 注意:

have、has 或 had 之後有名詞作其受詞時,have、has 或 had 就是一般動詞, 譯成『有』。 例: The little boy has many toys. 名詞


二、何謂一般問句? 直述句可按照上列動詞或助動詞分類,改成一般問句或特殊問句。簡單來說,一般問句就 是可用 Yes / No 回答的問句;特殊問句就是句首有疑問詞(如:what、when、how、 where、who、whom、which 等)的問句,這種問句無法用 Yes / No 回答。 直 述 句: John is coming today.

(約翰今天會來。) 一般問句: Is John coming today?

(約翰今天會來嗎?) 回

答: Yes, he is.


No, he isn't. (不,他不會來。) 特殊問句: When is John coming?

(約翰什麼時候會來?) 回 答: Yes, he is coming today. (╳)

 He is coming today.



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三、直述句改為一般問句的原則 1. be 動詞 直述句的主詞之後有 be 動詞時,若要改為一般問句,須將該 be 動詞與主詞倒裝, 並將 be 動詞的第一個字母大寫,最後於句尾加上問號即可。 直 述 句: That boy is John. (那個男孩是約翰。)

 一般問句: Is that boy John? (那個男孩是約翰嗎?)

直 述 句: We are going to see Mary this afternoon. (我們今天下午會去見瑪麗。)

 一般問句: Are we going to see Mary this afternnon? (我們今天下午會去見瑪麗嗎?)

Give It A Try! 請將下列直述句改成一般問句。

1. Tim is going to go fishing next Friday.  __________________________________________________________ ? 2. Vickie and Janet are from the United States.  __________________________________________________________ ? 3. Ruby and Tony are both high school students.  __________________________________________________________ ? 4. There are 35 students in Ken's class.  __________________________________________________________ ?

4 常春藤叢書

Unit 1 2. 一般助動詞 直述句的主詞之後有一般助動詞時,若要改為一般問句,須將該助動詞與主詞倒 裝,並將助動詞第一個字母改為大寫,最後於句尾加上問號即可。 直 述 句: Peter can do the work alone. (這份工作彼得一個人做得來。)

 一般問句: Can Peter do the work alone? (這份工作彼得一個人做得來嗎?)

直 述 句: David might come today. (大衛今天或許會來。)

 一般問句: Might David come today? (大衛今天可能會來嗎?)

Give It A Try! 請將下列直述句改成一般問句。

5. Bob will be back in an hour.  __________________________________________________________ ? 6. Lisa can play the piano very well.  __________________________________________________________ ? 7. Betty should tell her mother about it.  __________________________________________________________ ? 8. Jack can lift the heavy suitcase.  __________________________________________________________ ?

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3. 完成式助動詞 直述句的主詞之後有完成式助動詞 have、has 或 had,後面還接有過去分詞時, 若要改為一般問句,須將 have、has 或 had 與主詞倒裝,並將助動詞的第一個字 母改為大寫,最後於句尾加上問號即可。 直 述 句: We have never seen the boy before. (我們以前未曾見過這個男孩。)

 一般問句: Have we seen the boy before? (我們以前曾見過這個男孩嗎?)

直 述 句: John has lived here for ten years. (約翰在這邊已經住了 10 年。)

 一般問句: Has John lived here for ten years? (約翰在這邊已經住 10 年了嗎?)

Give It A Try! 請將下列直述句改成一般問句。

9. Amy has read the novel before.  __________________________________________________________ ? 10. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have gone to Hong Kong.  __________________________________________________________ ? 11. Peter has spoken to his father.  __________________________________________________________ ? 12. Susan has been sick for a long time.  __________________________________________________________ ?

6 常春藤叢書

Unit 1 13. Edward has lived here for 20 years.  __________________________________________________________ ? 14. They have already spoken to the teacher.  __________________________________________________________ ?

4. 一般動詞 直述句的主詞之後有一般動詞(如:study、play、become、watch 等),而無 be 動詞或助動詞時,主詞前應先按人稱及時態分別加上助動詞 do、does 或 did,並 將第一個字母大寫,再將原有的動詞改為原形動詞,最後在句尾加上問號即可。 直 述 句: Peter studies hard. 現在式


 一般問句: Does Peter study hard? 原形動詞


直 述 句: Paul and Mary got married last year. 過去式


 一般問句: Did Paul and Mary get married last year? 原形動詞


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have、has 或 had 之後有名詞作其受詞時,have、has 或 had 是一般動詞, 譯成『有』。 直 述 句: Sam has 現在式

a car.(has 在此是一般動詞) 名詞

(山姆有一部車。) 一般問句:Does Sam have a car? (has 在此是一般動詞) 原形動詞

(山姆有一部車嗎?) 比較: 直 述 句: Sam has come back.(has 在此是完成式助動詞) 過去分詞

(山姆回來了。) 一般問句:Has Sam come back? (has 在此是一般動詞) (山姆已經回來了嗎?)

Give It A Try! 請將下列直述句改成一般問句。

15. Cindy went to the movies last night.  __________________________________________________________ ? 16. Kelly usually gets up at 6:30.  __________________________________________________________ ? 17. Pamela bought a car two weeks ago.  __________________________________________________________ ?

8 常春藤叢書

Unit 1 Answer Key 1. Is Tim going to go fishing next Friday? 2. Are Vickie and Janet from the United States? 3. Are Ruby and Tony both high school students? 4. Are there 35 students in Ken's class? 5. Will Bob be back in an hour? 6. Can Lisa play the piano very well? 7. Should Betty tell her mother about it? 8. Can Jack lift the heavy suitcase? 9. Has Amy (ever) read the novel before? 10. Have Mr. and Mrs. Brown gone to Hong Kong? 11. Has Peter spoken to his father? 12. Has Susan been sick for a long time? 13. Has Edward lived here for 20 years? 14. Have they already spoken to the teacher? 15. Did Cindy go to the movies last night? 16. Does Kelly usually get up at 6:30? 17. Did Pamela buy a car two weeks ago?

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