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PART I LISTENING Directions for questions 1-25: You will hear questions on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 1. a. b. c. d.

twenty-six forty-two six twelve

7. a. b. c. d.

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at midnight

2. a. b. c. d.

practice sports practice an instrument practice math practice singing

8. a. b. c. d.

sawing wood cutting metal making holes making surfaces smoother

3. a. b. c. d.

the inside the outside the frame the upstairs

9. a. b. c. d.

immediately some time later after a few minutes next week

4. a. b. c. d.

buttons pockets trousers changes

10. a. b. c. d.

by check in cash before I stayed in the room after I stayed in the room

5. a. b. c. d.

his fever his heartbeat his ears his throat

11. a. b. c. d.

It broke the windows. It dented the windows. It closed the windows. It painted the windows.

6. a. b. c. d.

yesterday a week ago two days ago three days ago

12. a. b. c. d.

washing clothes cooking dinner reading a book doing homework




13. a. b. c. d.

ten percent thirty-five percent less than fifty percent more than fifty percent

19. a. b. c. d.

sleep eat drink read

14. a. b. c. d.

It is too large. The form is not good. The design is bad. It is in poor condition.

20. a. b. c. d.

Kevin drove us there. Everyone had a great time. We went by bus. We came home at 10:30 p.m.

15. a. b. c. d.

a special expression the exact meaning of it the slang for the word the opposite of the word

21. a. b. c. d.

a show heavy rain and strong wind an important person a big party

16. a. b. c. d.

They went to a ball game. They went to a party. They studied for their exam. They went shopping.

22. a. b. c. d.

Will you count the class? Will you listen to the class? Will you tell the class? Will you ask the class?

17. a. It is a place for parking. b. It is an area for private homes. c. It is a center for shopping. d. It is a location for business. 18. a. All of them are working at the present time. b. None of them are working right now. c. Only one computer is being used. d. Some of them are working for now.

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23. a. Do they like the weather here? b. Are they dressed for the weather here? c. What kind of weather do we get here? d. Are they becoming accustomed to the weather here? 24. a. b. c. d.

escape take it easy hurry up buy more



25. a. When is she going to wash the dishes? b. When is she going to buy the dishes? c. When is she going to set the table? d. When is she going to make a meal?




Directions for questions 51-60: You will now hear dialogs on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. 51. a. Yes, I came for the table. b. Yes, this room is too cold. c. Yes, we have enough tables here. d. Yes, I am quite relaxed. 52. a. b. c. d.

boss and secretary father and daughter teacher and student boyfriend and girlfriend

53. a. Do you have anything bigger? b. Do you have anything finer? c. Do you have anything less expensive? d. Do you have anything smaller? 54. a. Have you traded in your old car? b. Have you bought one of the cars? c. Have you driven one of the cars? d. Have you made up your mind?

55. a. b. c. d.

He flew. He took the train. He drove. He walked.

56. a. b. c. d.

tomorrow later right away not now

57. a. b. c. d.

extinguish it light it smoke it give it to the woman

58. a. b. c. d.

clean his apartment watch a movie at the theater surf the Internet watch a movie on TV

59. a. b. c. d.

sometimes seldom never often

60. a. b. c. d.

It doesn't bother him. He's worried about it. He's happy about it. He thinks it will be easy.




PART II READING Directions for questions 61-100: Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 61. What is the minimum amount of money you need? a. complete b. highest c. least d. best 62. When Wayne told his joke, he expected us to ________. a. talk b. laugh c. assemble d. leave 63. I have been writing this letter ________ almost half an hour. a. for b. during c. in d. since 64. The balloon began to rise after it was filled with ________. a. water b. sand c. gas d. food 65. Peter _______ play basketball very well before he broke his ankle. a. can b. should c. will d. could

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66. Gold is the most costly ________ found in this area. a. food b. flower c. cloth d. metal 67. It's too far to walk; we ________ better take a bus. a. should b. may c. have d. had 68. What language ________ Betty speak? a. do b. has c. is d. does 69. We're reading an interesting book ________ animals and the places where they live. a. telling b. for c. from d. about 70. Henry said, " ________ makes me tired." a. Run b. Ran c. Running d. Runs 71. Will you help me _______ my wallet, please? a. finding b. found c. find d. finds




PART I LISTENING d 1. Lemons are 80 cents a dozen.

檸檬一打賣 8 毛錢。

How many lemons can you buy for 80 cents?

8 毛錢能買幾顆檸檬?

a. twenty-six

a. 26 顆

b. forty-two

b. 42 顆

c. six

c. 6 顆

d. twelve

d. 12 顆

解析 1. lemon [ `lEmJn ] n. 檸檬 lemonade [ :lEmJn`ed ] n. 檸檬汁 2. dozen [ `dVzJn ] n. 一打 例: The eggs are sold here by the dozen. (這裡的蛋論打賣。)

I bought a dozen of eggs. (╳) → I bought a dozen eggs. (○) (我買了一打蛋。)

I bought two dozens of eggs. (╳) → I bought two dozen eggs. (○) (我買了兩打蛋。) 但: He bought dozens of eggs. (○) (他買了好幾打蛋。)

b 2. John is going to practice the piano after school




What is John going to do after school today?

a. 練運動

a. practice sports

b. 練樂器

b. practice an instrument

c. 練數學

c. practice math

d. 練唱

d. practice singing

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解析 1. practice [ `prAktIs ] vt. 練習(之後可接名詞或動名詞作受詞) 例: I practice the piano three hours a day.

= I practice playing the piano three hours a day. (我每天練 3 個小時的鋼琴。) 2. instrument [ `InstrJmJnt ] n. 樂器(= musical instrument);儀器 例: How many musical instruments can you play? (你會彈幾種樂器?)

3. math [ mAH ] n. 數學(為 mathematics [ :mAHJ`mAtIks ] 的縮寫)

a 3. The instructor said, "The interior of the house is


very beautiful."


What part of the house was he talking about?


a. the inside

a. 內部

b. the outside

b. 外面

c. the frame

c. 框架

d. the upstairs

d. 樓上

解析 1. interior [ In`tIrIK ] n. 內部,內裝 exterior [ Iks`tIrIK ] n. 外部,外裝 2. frame [ frem ] n. 框架 & vt. 陷害 例: John was framed by his best friend. (約翰被他最好的朋友陷害了。)

3. upstairs [ Vp`stErz ] n. & adv. 樓上 例: He lives upstairs, and I live downstairs. (他住在樓上,我住在樓下。)

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d 4. The tailor said, "I don't think this shirt needs


any alterations."


What did the tailor mean by "alterations"?

裁縫師說的 "alteration" 是什麼意思?

a. buttons

a. 釦子

b. pockets

b. 口袋

c. trousers

c. 長褲

d. changes

d. 改變

解析 1. tailor [ `telK ] n. 裁縫師 2. alteration [ :OltJ`reSJn ] n. 修改 alter [ `OltK ] vt. 修改 例: The sleeves are too long. They need to be altered. (袖子太長了,需要修改。)

3. button [ `bVtN ] n. 釦子 4. pocket [ `pakIt ] n. 口袋 5. trousers [ `trZUzKz ] n. 長褲(由於褲管有兩條,故本字恆用複數) 一條長褲 a pair of trousers = a pair of pants 一條短褲 a pair of shorts

b 5. The doctor wants to check Peter's pulse.


What does the doctor want to check?


a. his fever

a. 他的發燒

b. his heartbeat

b. 他的心跳

c. his ears

c. 他的耳朵

d. his throat

d. 他的喉嚨

解析 1. pulse [ pVls ] n. 脈搏 feel one's pulse 量某人脈搏 例: The doctor felt the patient's pulse and said " You are sick." (醫生幫病人把脈之後,就說:『你病了。』)

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2. fever [ `fivK ] n. 發燒 have a fever 發燒 = run a fever 例: He couldn't come to work yesterday because he was running a fever. (他昨天沒辦法來上班,因為他發燒了。)

3. heartbeat [ `hart:bit ] n. 心跳 4. throat [ Hrot ] n. 喉嚨 c 6. Mr. Lee said, " I haven't seen Tony since the day


before yesterday."


When was the last time Mr. Lee saw Tony?


a. yesterday

a. 昨天

b. a week ago

b. 一個星期前

c. two days ago

c. 兩天前

d. three days ago

d. 3 天前


the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow

前天 後天

c 7. I'm going to Jill's party at seven p.m.

我晚上 7 點要去參加吉兒的派對。

When am I going to Jill's party?


a. in the morning

a. 早上

b. in the afternoon

b. 下午

c. in the evening

c. 傍晚

d. at midnight

d. 午夜


midnight [ `mId:nZIt ] n. 午夜 dawn [ dOn ] n. 黎明 dusk [ dVsk ] n. 黃昏 noon [ nun ] n. 中午 以上名詞均等於某時刻(如 midnight 等於 twelve o'clock; dawn 等於 six o'clock in the morning),故須與介詞 at 並用,且之前不得接定冠詞 the。

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解析 1. 助動詞(如 should、could、will、may、can、must 等)之後須接原形動詞。 例: You should finish the work before leaving. (你離開之前須把工作完成。)

2. 根據上述,空格內應置入原形動詞 try,故 b 項應為正選。

其他重點 try one's best to V 盡全力…… = do one's best to V = do whatever one can to V 例: I did my best to meet his requirements, but he was still not satisfied. (我盡全力達到他的要求,但他仍不滿意。)

a 73. Henry is going to the concert with us. We'll pick him ________ at 6 o'clock. a. up

b. over

c. out

亨利要和我們一起去聽音樂會。我們 6 點會開車去接他。

解析 1. 選項中僅 a 項和 c 項可組成有意義的片語。 a. pick up... 開車接……;購買……;將……拾起 例: Pick me up at the gate at seven o'clock. (7 點鐘到大門來接我。)

Pick up some milk on your way back. = Buy some milk on your way back. (你回來途中順道買些牛奶吧。)

Pick up the garbage and throw it into the bin. (把垃圾撿起來,丟到桶子裡。)

b. pick out... 將……選出來 例: The teacher picked out John for the speech contest. (老師選了約翰參加演講比賽。)

3. 根據語意,a 項應為正選。

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d. by



d 74. You will learn more if you ________ attention in class. a. make

b. have

c. do

d. pay


解析 1. 本句測試下列固定片語: pay attention to... 注意…… A good student always pays attention to his teacher's lecture in class. = A good student always takes note of his teacher's lecture in class. = A good student always focuses on his teacher's lecture in class. = A good student always concentrates on his teacher's lecture in class. (好學生上課時始終都會專心聽老師的授課。)

2. 根據上述,d 項應為正選。 a 75. This matter ought to be ________ of today. a. taken care

b. take care

c. took care

d. taking care


解析 1. 本句測試下列固定片語: take care of... 處理…… = deal with... 例: I'll take care of this problem.

= This problem will be taken care of by me. = I'll deal with the problem. = This problem will be dealt with by me. (我會處理這個問題。)

2. 空格前有 ought to be(應當被),得知空格應置入被動式用法,故 a 項應為正選。 c 76. We can ________ and see what happens. a. spot

b. deal with

c. hang around

d. tape


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解析 1. 空格前有助動詞 can,得知空格內應置入原形動詞,選項中: a. spot [ spat ] vt. 目睹(之後須接受詞) 例: I spotted John kissing Mary. (我目睹約翰正與瑪麗親吻。)

b. deal with... 處理……(之後須接受詞) 例: I'll deal with this problem. (我會處理這個問題。)

c. hang around 等待(之後不須接受詞) d. tape [ tep ] vt. 錄(之後須接受詞) 例: I will tape this program. (我會把這個節目錄下來。)

2. 由於空格後無受詞,故空格內應置入不及物動詞。選項中,僅 c 項為不及物動詞片語,故 應為正選。

b 77. A week has seven days. Saturday is the last day of the week. What day is the seventh day of the week? a. Sunday

b. Saturday

c. Monday

d. Friday

一個星期有 7 天。星期六是一個星期的最後一天。一個星期的第 7 天是哪一天?

a. 星期天

b. 星期六

c. 星期一

d. 星期五

解析 根據語意,b 項應為正選。

c 78. Because James wanted to make good grades on the tests, he spent all his time ________. a. study

b. studied

c. studying


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d. have studied



解析 1. 本句測試下列固定句構: spend + 時間 + (in) + V-ing 花若干時間從事…… 例: I spent two hours writing the letter. (我花了兩個小時寫這封信。)

2. 根據上述,c 項應為正選。


make good grades on a test 考試得到好成績 = do well on a test grade [ gred ] n. 單科成績(常用複數,因通常有好幾科) c 79. A: Can you understand Spanish yet? B: No, but I'm trying ________. a. in learning

b. for learning

c. to learn

d. at learning

甲:你能了解西班牙文了嗎? 乙:不能,但是我正設法學習。

解析 1. 本句測試 try 表『企圖』、『設法』時的句型結構: try to V 設法要…… 例: I'll try to contact him when I come back. (我回來時會設法跟他聯絡。)

2. try 若表『嘗試』時,之後須接名詞或動名詞作受詞。 例: Can I try the shirt on? (我能試穿這件襯衫嗎?)

If he doesn't respond to your letter, you can try calling him. (如果他不回你的信,你可以試著打電話給他。)

3. 根據上述,c 項應為正選。 a 80. If I ________ enough money, I would buy a new house. a. had

b. have

c. will have

d. have had


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