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Unit 13

You Do Have a Problem 你真是有問題了!

A man reported to his doctor that he was having trouble going to the bathroom. “Do you urinate in the morning?” asked the doctor. “Yeah, every morning at six o’clock.” “And how are your bowel movements?” “Seven o’clock every morning, just like clockwork.” “So what’s the problem?” “I don’t get up until eight.” 一位老兄對醫生說明他上廁所有困難。 『你早上有上廁所小便嗎?』醫生問他。 『有,每天早上六點鐘。』 『那大便情況如何?』 『像時鐘一樣,我每天準時七點鐘上大號。』 『那問題到底出在哪裡呢?』 『我八點鐘才起床。』

42 常春藤叢書

1. have trouble doing sth 做某事有困難

= have difficulty doing sth = have a hard time doing sth = have problems doing sth 與此類相反的表示法則為 : have a good time doing sth ( 做 某事很愉快 )。 例 : I´ m having

trouble getting into these pants.


That´ s because you have such a hard time losing weight. (那是因為你減肥很不順利。)

2. urinate [ ‘yUrJ:net ] vi. 排尿 ; 小便

= make water

wee-wee 小便 ( 小孩子使用之口語 ) take a leak ( 男孩子 ) 上小號 ( 俚 )

3. bowel movement 大號 ( 名詞 )

move one’s bowels 上大號 ( 動詞 ) bowel [ ‘bZUJl ] n. 大腸 take a dump 上大號 ( 俚 )

4. clockwork [ ‘klak:wRk ] n. 鐘錶的機械裝置

like clockwork 像鐘錶一樣準確 例 : In Germany the trains run like clockwork. (在德國,火車就像鐘錶一樣準確無誤。)

讀者有信心 43

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