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PART I LISTENING Directions for questions 1-25: You will hear questions on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 1. a. b. c. d.

to keep on working to relax for a while a car some lunch

7. a. b. c. d.

2. a. b. c. d.

stamps books packages letters

3. a. b. c. d.

true common remarkable unknown

8. a. He is going out on a date. b. He is going to attend a party. c. He has to be busy until very late tonight. d. He wants to watch a football game.

4. a. b. c. d.

She was homesick. She overslept. She took care of the sick. She was feeling ill.

5. a. b. c. d.

take a taxi go swimming miss the class park the car

6. a. b. c. d.

a radiation a reservation a reflection a revolution

9. a. b. c. d. 10. a. b. c. d.

It had gone bad. It had a nice smell. It is still fresh. It becomes sweet.

his head his shoulders his stomach his hands once a day three times a day two times a day once every two days

11. a. They were eaten. b. They were disposed of. c. They were put together with the sheep. d. They were sent off. 12. a. b. c. d.

a necessary tank a spare tank a fuel flow meter a large tank GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 讀者有信心 5



13. a. b. c. d.

It is square. It is heavy. It is green. It is expensive.

20. a. b. c. d.

after getting a haircut at the cafeteria at the barbershop before getting a haircut

14. a. b. c. d.

scientific experiments three courses a day every Saturday language studies

21. a. b. c. d.

a steering device a source of energy spare parts painting

15. a. It started again after being off for a while. b. It dropped to the ground. c. It stopped. d. It made a loud sound.

22. a. to put in the tub b. to switch off the light c. to measure the electricity used d. to change electricity into light

16. a. Because it makes a lot of noise. b. Because the car slants. c. Because the lights are blinking. d. Because the car slides.

23. a. He was hurt by his old friend. b. He left his old friend in the supermarket. c. He met his old friend accidentally. d. He hit his old friend at the supermarket.

17. a. Yes, I will hear from him today. b. Yes, I never hear from him. c. Yes, I did only two days ago. d. Yes, I wish to hear from him. 18. a. b. c. d.

His foot smells terrible. His foot hurts. His foot is big. His foot looks ugly.

19. a. b. c. d.

John was late. John had plenty of time. John was too early. John arrived on schedule.

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24. a. b. c. d.

She fainted. She was calm. She was overwhelmed. She was sad.

25. a. Yes, it will take some time to do it. b. Yes, I need to go through it. c. Yes, I think I’ll start it soon. d. Yes, I’ll finish it quickly.



Directions for questions 26-50: You will now hear statements on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. 26. a. b. c. d.

She should talk very fast. She must talk very fast. She’ll talk very fast. She can talk very fast.

27. a. b. c. d.

He is well now. He is getting better. He is getting worse. He is still sick.

28. a. b. c. d.

He took the wrong umbrella. He forgot about the umbrella. He discovered it on the bus. He purchased it on the bus.

29. a. b. c. d.

Ray wanted to delay eating. Ray was willing to stay. Ray was prepared to leave. Ray expected his girlfriend to come.

30. a. I expect to meet you. b. I was lucky to see you. c. I might have seen you before. d. I prefer not to meet you. 31. a. b. c. d.

32. a. He’ll soon be fired. b. He is so good that nobody can match him. c. He’ll take part in the contest. d. He needs to strike a match. 33. a. They receive extensive training. b. They skip extensive training. c. They dislike extensive training. d. Astronaut training is hazardous. 34. a. The farmer has only a few birds. b. The farmer does not like animals. c. The farmer has four animals. d. The farmer has no animals. 35. a. It takes about five hours. b. It takes much more than five hours. c. It takes much less than five hours. d. It takes exactly five hours.

It wasn’t warm yesterday. He drank some hot coffee. He was sick yesterday. The weather was cold yesterday.




PART II READING Directions for questions 61-100: Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 61. I know the job is hard, but I’m willing ________ it a try. a. to give b. for giving c. give d. giving 62. The boy is sitting with his mother ________ the car. a. in back b. in back of c. in the back of d. to back 63. Shall we take a break before ________ the next assignment? a. do b. to do c. doing d. to back 64. Mary is going ________ a letter to her mother this afternoon. a. write b. writes c. to write d. writing 65. I saw steam rise ________ the ground. a. by b. with c. from d. out




66. ________ you mind opening the window? a. If b. Would c. Can d. May 67. The new camera takes a ________ picture than the old one. a. good b. better c. best d. beautiful 68. We are usually in good physical condition ________ we exercise enough and eat the right kind of food. a. when b. where c. why d. until 69. Does the food taste ________? a. bad b. worst c. badly d. in bad 70. Did Paul ________ finish his homework last night? a. has to b. had to c. have to d. having to 71. Don’t you think that the blonde is ________ the brunette? a. prettier than b. prettiest c. more pretty d. pretty as

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72. The higher we climb, the ________ the air becomes. a. fatter b. lighter c. denser d. heavier 73. Not satisfied with its color, John had the chair ________ from the living room. a. removes b. to remove c. removed d. removing 74. Be careful with that ________ water; it might burn you. a. boils b. boiling c. is boiling d. to boil 75. Blood is ________ by the heart. a. pump b. pumped c. pumping d. pumps 76. Shall I ask Paul to give you a call when he ________? a. returned b. returns c. will return d. should return 77. Oil ________ for lubrication. a. is using b. is used c. to use d. uses




PART I LISTENING b 1. John needs to take a break.


What does John need?


a. to keep on working

a. 繼續工作

b. to relax for a while

b. 輕鬆一下

c. a car

c. 一輛車

d. some lunch

d. 吃點午餐

解析 1. take a break 休息一下 = take a rest 例: After all the hard work, we need to take a break for a while. (努力工作後,我們需要休息一下。)

2. keep (on) V-ing 繼續…… 例: Keep working hard and success will come to you. (繼續努力,你就會成功。)

3. relax [ rI`lAks ] vi. 放輕鬆 例: What I want to do now is sit down and relax. (我現在想要做的就是坐下來輕鬆一下。)

4. for a while 暫時 = for a short time 例: They sat under the tree for a while. (他們在樹下小坐一會兒。)

d 2. The secretary said she had filed all the




What did she file?

a. 郵票

a. stamps

b. 書籍

b. books

c. 包裹

c. packages

d. 信件

d. letters

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解析 1. secretary [ `sEkrJ:tErI ] n. 秘書 2. file [ fZIl ] vt. 將……建檔 & n. 檔案 keep... on file 將……建檔 例: Could you file the documents for me? (你可以幫我把這些文件建檔嗎?) *document [ `dakyJmJnt ] n. 文件

They will keep what you said on file. (他們將會把你所說的話建檔。)

3. correspondence [ :kOrJ`spandJns ] n. 信件(集合名詞,不可數) = letters correspond [ :kOrI`spand ] vi. 通信(與 with 並用) 例: We correspond with each other by mail. (我們用書信彼此聯繫。)

4. stamp [ stAmp ] n. 郵票 例: John's hobby is collecting stamps. (約翰的嗜好是集郵。)

5. package [ `pAkIdj ] n. 包裹

c 3. It's amazing how rockets can get to the moon.


What does "amazing" mean?


a. true

amazing 是何意?

b. common

a. 真實的

c. remarkable

b. 普遍的

d. unknown

c. 了不起的 d. 未知的/不知名的

解析 1. amazing [ J`mezIG ] a. 令某人驚訝的 amazed [ J`mezd ] a. 感到驚訝的 be amazed at... 對……感到驚訝 例: I was amazed at John's outstanding performance in the speech contest. (我對約翰在演講比賽上傑出的表現感到驚訝。)

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2. rocket [ `rakIt ] n. 火箭 3. remarkable [ rI`markJbL ] a. 了不起的 例: That is a remarkable achievement! (那真是個了不起的成就!)

4. unknown [ Vn`non ] a. 不知名的 例: After all these years, she is still an unknown actress . (經過了這些年,她還是個沒沒無聞的演員。)

d 4. Lucy called in sick this morning.


What happened to Lucy?


a. She was homesick.

a. 她很想家。

b. She overslept.

b. 她睡過頭了。

c. She took care of the sick.

c. 她照顧病人。

d. She was feeling ill.

d. 她感到很不舒適/她生病了。

解析 1. call in sick 打電話請病假 例: I don't feel well; I guess I need to call in sick. (我感覺身體不太舒服,我想我得打電話請病假。)

2. homesick [ `hom:sIk ] a. 思鄉的 例: When I read your letter, I began to feel homesick. (我看你的來信時,便開始想家了。)

3. oversleep [ :ovK`slip ] vi. 睡過頭 三態為:oversleep, overslept [ :ovK`slEpt ], overslept。 例: I overslept this morning and was late for work. (我今天早上睡過頭,上班遲到。)

4. take care of... 照顧…… = look after... 例: Can you take care of my cat when I am away? (我不在時,你可否幫我照顧我的貓?)

5. the sick 病人 = sick people 注意: sick 表『生病的』,為可修飾人的形容詞。若之前置定冠詞 the 時,可將該形容詞視作 代名詞,代替全體生病的人。

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例: Rich people are not necessarily happy.

= The rich are not necessarily happy. (有錢人未必快樂。)

The poor are not necessarily sad. = Poor people are not necessarily sad. (窮人未必悲傷。) 故 c 項的 the sick 等於 sick people。

a 5. James just missed the bus.


What might he have to do?


a. take a taxi

a. 搭計程車

b. go swimming

b. 去游泳

c. miss the class

c. 錯過這堂課

d. park the car

d. 把車停好

解析 1. miss [ mIs ] vt. 錯過;想念 例: I'll never miss the chance for anything. (說什麼我也不會錯過這個機會。)

I miss the days we worked together. (我懷念我們以前一起共事的日子。)

2. park the car 把車停好 park [ park ] vt. & vi. 停(車) 例: It is illegal to park here. (在這裡停車是違法的。) *illegal [ I`ligL ] a. 違法的 legal [ `ligL ] a. 合法的

d 6. What do we call one rotation of the earth around the



a. 放射

a. a radiation

b. 預訂

b. a reservation

c. 反射

c. a reflection

d. 公轉

d. a revolution 讀者有信心 5



PART II READING a 61. I know the job is hard, but I'm willing ________ it a try. a. to give

b. for giving

c. give

d. giving


解析 1. 空格前有 willing(形容詞),表『有意願的』,得知應採用下列句型: be willing to V 願意…… 例: I'm willing to work all night. (我願意整晚工作。)

2. 選項中,僅 a 項為 to 引導的不定詞片語,故為唯一正選。


give...a try 試試看…… 例: I know I'm not good at golf, but I'll give it a try. (我知道我不擅長高爾夫球,但我會試試看。)

c 62. The boy is sitting with his mother ________ the car. a. in back

b. in back of

c. in the back of

d. to back


解析 1. 本句測試 in back of 與 in the back of 的不同。 某人/某物的背後 in back of sth in the back of sth 在室內/空間內的後半部 例: It is dangerous to stand in back of the car.

= It is dangerous to stand behind the car. (站在車子後方是很危險的事。)

The teacher punished John by making him stand in the back of the classroom. (老師處罰約翰,要他站在教室內的後面。)

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2. 根據上述,c 項應為正選。 同理: in front of sth in the front of sth

在某人/某物的前方 在室內/空間內的前半部

例: There's a garden in front of Peter's house. (彼得的屋子的前面有座花園。)

I prefer to travel in the front of the car. (我較喜歡坐在車前座出遊。)

c 63. Shall we take a break before ________ the next assignment? a. do

b. to do

c. doing

d. to back


解析 1. 空格前有介詞 before(在……之前),得知空格內應置入名詞或動名詞作受詞。 例: There is a car parked before your house. 介詞


= There is a car parked in front of your house. (有一輛車就停在你屋子的前方。)

You should turn off all the lights before leaving. 介詞 動名詞 (你離開前應該把所有電燈關掉。)

2. 根據上述,選項中僅 c 項 doing(做)為動名詞,故為唯一正選。

其他重點 介詞如 before(在……之前)、after(在……之後)、in(在……之內)、on(在……的 上面)等,之後均須接動名詞或名詞作受詞,不可接原形動詞或不定詞片語(即 to V)作受 詞。 例: John went home after finishing all the work. (約翰做完所有的工作後就回家去了。)

On seeing my father I ran away. = As soon as I saw my father, I ran away. (一看到爸爸,我馬上就跑掉了。)

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c 64. Mary is going ________ a letter to her mother this afternoon. a. write

b. writes

c. to write

d. writing


解析 1. 本句測試下列固定句構: be going to V 將要…… 例: I am going to call on my grandparents tomorrow.

= I will call on my grandparents tomorrow. (我明天要去看我爺爺奶奶。)

2. 根據上述,c 項的 to write 應為正選。

c 65. I saw steam rise ________ the ground. a. by

b. with

c. from

d. out


解析 1. rise from... 從……升起 例: Black smoke rose from the chimney. (黑煙從煙囪升起。)

2. 若選 d 項,原句應改成 rise out of...(從……升起),即: I saw steam rise out of the ground. 3. 若選 a 項,則 rise by the ground 等於 rise beside the ground(在地面的旁邊升起), 不合邏輯,故不可選。

4. 若選 b 項,則 rise with 表『與……一起上升』,不合邏輯,故不可選。 5. 根據上述,僅 c 項 為唯一正選。

其他重點 1. steam [ stim ] n. 蒸氣 let / blow off steam 發洩精力 例: I went to play basketball to let off steam. (我去打籃球發洩精力。)

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2. 凡表『看』:如 see、watch、look at;『聽』:如 hear、listen to 及『感覺』:如 feel,之類的動詞稱為知覺動詞,加了受詞後可用原形動詞作補語,表示已知的事實;也 可用現在分詞作補語,表示正在進行的動作;同時也可用過去分詞作補語,表示被動的概 念。 例: I heard him sing a song. 原形動詞 (我聽到他唱了一首歌。)

I saw John kissing Mary when I pushed the door open. 現在分詞 (我把門推開時,看見約翰正在吻瑪麗。)

I felt my hand touched by the girl. 過去分詞 (我感覺到我的手被這女孩子觸摸。)

b 66. ________ you mind opening the window? a. If

c. Can

b. Would

d. May


解析 1. 本句測試下列固定句型: Would you mind + V-ing? 你介意……嗎? 本結構也有下列句型:

Would you mind if + 主詞 + 過去式動詞? (本問句中動詞使用過去式乃受到句首的助動詞 would 為過去式所影響。) 例: Would you mind opening the window for me? (你介意替我開扇窗戶嗎?)

Would you mind if I open the door? (╳) 過去式


→ Would you mind if I opened the door? (○) 過去式



2. 根據上述,b 項應為正選。

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