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曲目序號 CD6-1

Vincent ........................................................................1 文森


Candle in the Wind ’97 ...............................................13 風中之燭


Sound of Silence...................................................... 25 沈默之聲


Your Song .................................................................41


Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love for You ............. 51

你的歌 對你的愛永不渝


Somewhere out There ..............................................61


Bridge over Troubled Water ..................................... 71

遠方的某處 惡水上的大橋


Yesterday Once More .............................................. 79 昨日重現


Sailing ...................................................................... 89 航行


Memory .................................................................... 99 回憶


Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina .................................. 107 阿根廷,別為我哭泣


I Don’t Want to Talk About It ............................... 119 我不想提起


All by Myself .......................................................... 127 獨自一人


Heaven .................................................................... 135 天堂


American Pie .......................................................... 145 美國派

附錄:吉他和弦表圖 ......................................................................... 155




Vincent 英文歌詞


Starry, starry night. Picture palette blue and gray, look out on a summer's day, with eyes that know the darkness in my soul. Shadows on the hills, sketch the trees and the daffodils, catch the breeze and the winter chills, in colors on the snowy linen land.

For they could not love you, but still your love was true. And when no hope was left in sight on that starry, starry night, you took your life, as lovers often do. But I could have told you, Vincent, this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.

Now I understand what you tried to say to me, how you suffered for your sanity, and how you tried to set them free. They would not listen; they did not know how. Perhaps they'll listen now.

Starry, starry night. Portraits hung in empty halls, frameless heads on nameless walls, with eyes that watch the world and can't forget. Like the strangers that you've met, the ragged men in ragged clothes, the silver thorn of bloody rose, lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

Starry, starry night. Flaming flowers that brightly blaze, swirling clouds in violet haze, reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue. Colors changing hue, morning fields of amber grain, weathered faces lined in pain, are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand. Now I understand what you tried to say to me, and how you suffered for your sanity, how you tried to set them free. They would not listen; they did not know how. Perhaps they'll listen now.

Now I think I know what you tried to say to me, and how you suffered for your sanity, how you tried to set them free. They would not listen. They're not listening still. Perhaps they never will.

中文歌詞 滿天繁星的夜空。你在調色板抹上灰色 和藍色的油彩,用望穿我靈魂深處的雙 眼,探訪美好的夏日。山丘上的暗影描 繪出樹與水仙的輪廓,雪白的亞麻色油 彩,捕捉寒冬裡的微風。 如今我才明白你想說些什麼,你為了保 持理智受盡折磨,你努力想要釋放人們 的心靈。他們卻不理會;他們不知道如 何開始。也許他們現在願意聽了。 滿天繁星的夜空。如火焰般炙熱的花朵, 紫羅蘭色的迷霧中捲曲的雲朵,映照出 梵谷湛藍的雙眸。千變萬化的油彩,清 晨裡琥珀色的稻田,歷盡風霜的臉龐訴 說著苦痛,這些都在畫家的筆下得到撫 慰。 如今我才明白你想說些什麼,你為了保 持理智受盡折磨,你努力想要釋放人們 的心靈。他們卻不理會;他們不知道如 何開始。也許他們現在願意聽了。

即使他們過去無法愛你,但你的愛依舊 真誠。在滿天繁星的夜空,你看不到未 來的希望,你選擇結束自己的生命,就 像戀人們為愛殉情。我希望我當時有機 會告訴你,文森,這世界容不下像你這 般美好的人。 滿天繁星的夜空。你的肖像掛在空蕩的 大廳中,模糊的面容,在無名的牆上, 端看著這個世界,無法忘懷。就像你曾 偶遇的陌生人,衣衫襤褸的男子,雪紅 玫瑰的斷裂銀刺,覆蓋在初雪上。 如今我才明白你想說些什麼,你為了保 持理智受盡折磨,你努力想要釋放人們 的心靈。他們卻不理會,他們不知道如 何開始。也許他們現在願意聽了。


Vincent 字詞句型分析 1. Picture palette blue and gray, look out on a summer's day, with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.

→ It doesn't matter what you paint. You know and understand the dark

feelings that I have inside.


*原歌詞應為 "Paint your palette blue and gray...",翻唱為了追求變化, 而刻意唱得與原歌詞不同。

palette [ `pAlIt ] n. 調色板


2. Shadows on the hills, sketch the trees and the daffodils, catch the breeze and the winter chills, in colors on the snowy linen land.

→ In your paintings, you are able to capture the beauty of the trees, flowers,

the winter air, and the snow on the land. a. sketch [ skEtS ] vt. 素描

例: The artist sketched a picture of the woman before he

painted her picture.


b. daffodil [ `dAfJdIl ] n. 水仙花 c. linen [ `lInIn ] n. 亞麻布 & a. 亞麻布織成的 3. Now I understand what you tried to say to me, how you suffered for your sanity, and how you tried to set them free.

→ Through your paintings you tried to help people be free. I now know what

you were trying to tell the world and how this made you crazy.

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