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Unit 41


May 12, 2005 Dear Harold Williams, Do you remember that price guide I lent you a few weeks ago? I’m afraid I need it back, so I must ask you to return it. If you could send it by express mail, that would be best. I’ll reimburse you for any extra expense on your part. I won’t need it for long, so if you want, I can send it back when I’m done with it. Sincerely, Irene Patterson

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你還記得幾個禮拜前我借給你的那本售價指南嗎?恐怕我需 要用到它,所以我必須請你還給我。如果你可以用快遞寄回來, 那最好。我會補償你額外的花費。 我不會用很久,所以如果你還想再用的話,我用完後可以再 寄給你。 愛琳‧派特生 敬上 二○○五、五、十二

1. guide [ gZId ] n. 指南 , 手冊 2. ask sb to V 要求某人…… 例:

Cindy asked her husband to buy some milk at the supermarket.

(辛蒂要求她的丈夫在那家超市買一些牛奶。) 3. express [ Ik;sprEs ] a. 快遞的 ; 快速的

by express mail/post 以 / 用限時郵件 例: He sent the package by express mail, so it arrived the next day. (他用限時郵寄包裹,所以第二天就到了。)

4. reimburse [ :riIm;bRs ] vt. 補償 ; 償還

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The company will reimburse you for these purchases.

(公司將補償你這些採購。) 5. extra [ ;EkstrJ ] a. 額外的 例:

The teacher gave the slow students extra lessons after class.

(老師在下課後給那些遲鈍的學生額外上課。) 6. on one´ s part 某人這方面的…… 注意 : 本片語是形容詞片語 , 使用時之前應置名詞 , 以供修飾。 例:

The effort on your part isn’t enough; you should work even harder.

(你這方面的努力不夠,應該更加努力才是。) 7. be done with sth 做完某事

= be finished with sth = have done sth = have finished sth 例:

I’ll let you know as soon as I am done with all the chores.


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