ECC-ECL實戰模擬測驗( 上)

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PART I LISTENING Directions for questions 1-25: You will hear questions on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 1. a. when there is no danger b. when the building is on fire c. when there is a high-ranking visitor d. when the weather is cold 2. a. b. c. d.

happy sad angry jealous

3. a. b. c. d.

find plan enjoy suggest

4. a. b. c. d.

a leader a commander an instructor a specialist

5. a. He should increase his speed. b. He should continue at the same speed. c. He should decrease his speed. d. He should stop. 6. a. b. c. d.

to begin to change to process to finish

7. a. b. c. d.

a few none a little a lot

8. a. b. c. d.

It was established. It stopped operating. It was making a lot of money. A new branch office was set up.

9. a. b. c. d.

Were you involved? Did you wash him? Did you assist him? Did you watch what he did?

10. a. b. c. d.

an argument a command a farm a report

11. a. b. c. d.

something expensive something delicious something cheap something heavy

12. a. b. c. d.

The heat should be very hot. The heat should be medium. The heat should be very low. The heat should be turned off.




13. a. b. c. d.

to start again to be stolen to break into pieces to stop working suddenly

14. a. b. c. d.

a stick a ball a hole a box

15. a. b. c. d.

a little hot very warm quite cold freezing

16. a. b. c. d.

on top of the refrigerator in front of the refrigerator behind the refrigerator to the left of the refrigerator

22. a. The camera is out of order. b. The film is out of order. c. There is no film in the camera. d. The film is sold out.

17. a. b. c. d.

houses for sale houses to let houses to buy land to build a house on

23. a. b. c. d.

18. a. The wire is not good. b. The wire is not protected. c. The wire is not carrying electricity. d. The wire is not visible. 19. a. b. c. d.

an unusual one the first one an ordinary one the last one

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20. a. It was too expensive. b. There was a lot of fruit in stock. c. It had gone bad. d. She didn't feel like eating fruit. 21. a. I'll tell you anything you want to know. b. I'll help in any way I can. c. I won't be able to stop laughing. d. I haven't thought about him in years.

through blood by a human mistake through an animal through food

24. a. His eye was hit by a baseball. b. The light of the sun hurt his eyes. c. He sat through last night's game. d. He was expelled from last night's game. 25. a. I'd like to have them both. b. I drink it when it's cold. c. We don't have to stay here long. d. I'd like a cup of coffee, please.



Directions for questions 26-50: You will now hear statements on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. 26. a. She has just graduated from college. b. She never graduated from college. c. She will be studying at college. d. She is going to graduate from college. 27. a. b. c. d.

They were alternated. They were congratulated. They were discharged. They were graduated.

28. a. b. c. d.

He frightened them. He repelled them. He trusted them. He made friends with them.

29. a. b. c. d.

Her voice is beautiful. Her house is beautiful. Her face is beautiful. Her body shape is beautiful.

30. a. He was chosen to deal with the crisis. b. He couldn't get out of the trouble. c. He was blamed for the mistake. d. He successfully solved the problem.

31. a. b. c. d.

He drew it up. He is against it. He is explaining it. He will carry it out.

32. a. He is searching for a brandnew car. b. He is testing his new car. c. He is shopping for a secondhand car. d. He is selling a second-hand car. 33. a. b. c. d.

He went ahead of us. He would come with us. He wanted to join us. He could go with us.

34. a. b. c. d.

A schedule was lost. A schedule was destroyed. A schedule was found. A schedule was established.

35. a. b. c. d.

I'm grateful to you. I think nothing of it. I can't wait to have it. I totally agree with you.




PART II READING Directions for questions 61-100: Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 61. Susan frequently drinks tea in the morning. a. sometimes b. seldom c. often d. never 62. The lawyer maintained that Jack was innocent of robbing the bank. a. denied b. doubted c. saw d. said 63. Lieutenant Smith couldn't fly because he was too nervous. a. relaxed b. calm c. tense d. uneducated 64. Peter becomes very angry when his roommate disturbs him. a. obtains b. receives c. gets d. increases 65. There are several good musical directors in this city. Kraft, for instance, is an excellent conductor. a. for example b. for a moment c. instantly d. for necessity




66. Paul usually turns in at ten p.m. a. goes out b. goes to bed c. eats dinner d. watches TV 67. The accident that took place this morning proved to be fatal. a. Someone was hurt. b. Someone was killed. c. Someone was hospitalized. d. Someone was at fault. 68. Would you like a single or double room, ma'am? a. I want a single, please. b. I want, please, a single. c. Please, a single I want. d. single I want, please. 69. David has worn ________ his old shoes. a. with b. in c. for d. out 70. They asked the ________ to take them to the park. a. drive b. drove c. driver d. driven 71. What did you have _______ breakfast? a. on b. in c. for d. from

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72. We wish the instructor ________ change the subject. a. would b. must c. has d. shall 73. The class ________ being taught by Mrs. Roberts. a. shall not b. isn't c. hasn't d. won't 74. We've ________ many examinations since May. a. take b. taking c. took d. taken 75. Ronald said, "We ________ to leave now." a. ought b. had ought c. must d. should 76. Merlin insulated the wire to make it _________ . a. longer b. safer c. shorter d. brighter 77. Meat is usually __________ one piece at a time. a. eat b. eating c. eaten d. ate




PART I LISTENING b 1. The west door should be used only in case of an




When should we use the west door?


a. when there is no danger

a. 沒有危險時

b. when the building is on fire

b. 大樓著火時

c. when there is a high-ranking visitor

c. 高階貴賓來訪時

d. when the weather is cold

d. 天冷時

解析 1. in case of... 如果發生……時 例: Do not take the elevator in case of an earthquake. (地震時不要搭電梯。)

2. emergency [ I`mRdjJnsI ] n. 緊急情況 例: Don't panic in an emergency. (緊急狀況發生時不要驚慌。) *panic [ `pAnIk ] vi. 驚慌

3. be on fire 著火 例: The kitchen is on fire. Where is the extinguisher? (廚房失火了,滅火器在哪兒?) *extinguisher [ Ik`stIGgwISK ] n. 滅火器

4. high-ranking [ :hZI`rAGkIG ] a. 高階的 例: A high-ranking officer visited our company yesterday. (昨天我們公司有位高階警官來訪。)

a 2. David was proud of his son's performance in the


speech contest.


How did David feel?


a. happy

a. 開心

b. sad

b. 難過

c. angry

c. 生氣

d. jealous

d. 嫉妒

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解析 1. be proud of... 以……感到驕傲 例: James is obviously proud of himself. (詹姆士顯然感到相當自豪。) *obviously [ `abvIJslI ] adv. 顯然地

2. performance [ pK`fOrmJns ] n. 表現 3. speech contest 演講比賽 contest [ `kantEst ] n. 比賽,競賽 例: The beauty contest is held annually. (這場選美比賽每年舉辦一次。) *annually [ `AnyUJlI ] adv. 一年一度地

4. jealous [ `djElJs ] a. 嫉妒的 be / feel jealous of... 對……感到嫉妒 例: I can't help feeling jealous of his wealth. (我忍不住要嫉妒他的財富。)

b 3. We intend to pay for the damage.


What does "intend" mean?

intend 是什麼意思?

a. find

a. 發現

b. plan

b. 計畫

c. enjoy

c. 享受

d. suggest

d. 建議

解析 1. intend [ In`tEnd ] vt. 打算 intend to V 打算要…… = plan to V 例: I intend to go to a movie tonight. (我今天晚上打算要去看電影。)

2. damage [ `dAmIdj ] n. 損害(不可數) do damage to... 對……造成損害 例: The hurricane did severe damage to this area. (這個颶風對這地區帶來嚴重的損害。) *severe [ sJ`vIr ] a. 嚴重的

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3. suggest [ sJ`djEst ] vt. 建議 例: Ms. Clare suggested that I (should) be well prepared before the interview. (克萊兒女士建議我面談前要做好準備。)

d 4. Brian thinks of himself as an expert on this subject.


What does he consider himself to be?


a. a leader


b. a commander

a. 領袖

c. an instructor

b. 指揮官

d. a specialist

c. 教官 d. 專家

解析 1. = = = =

think of A as B 將 A 視為 B look upon A as B view A as B regard A as B consider A (to be) B 例: We all think of him as an excellent teacher.

= = = =

We all look upon him as an excellent teacher. We all view him as an excellent teacher. We all regard him as an excellent teacher. We all consider him (to be) an excellent teacher.

(我們都認為他是一位傑出的教師。) 注意: 上句不可說為 We all consider him as an excellent teacher. (╳)

2. expert [ `EkspKt ] n. 專家 3. subject [ `sVbdjIkt ] n. 主題,題材;話題 c 5. The passenger told the taxi driver to slow down.


What should the taxi driver do?


a. He should increase his speed.

a. 他應該加速。

b. He should continue at the same speed.

b. 他應繼續以同樣的車速前進。

c. He should decrease his speed.

c. 他應該減速。

d. He should stop.

d. 他應該停車。

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解析 1. passenger [ `pAsNdjK ] n. 乘客 2. slow down 減速 speed up 加速 例: Speed up! We're in a hurry. (開快點!我們在趕時間。)

3. increase [ In`kris ] vt. & vi. 增加,增大 例: The number of car accidents is increasing this month. (這個月車禍的數量持續增加中。)

4. decrease [ dI`kris ] vt. & vi. 減少,減量 c 6. I had the film developed yesterday.


What does the word "develop" mean?

develop 這個字是什麼意思?

a. to begin

a. 開始

b. to change

b. 改變

c. to process

c. 處理

d. to finish

d. 完成

解析 1. film [ fIlm ] n. 底片(不可數);電影(可數) 一捲底片 a roll of film two rolls of film 兩捲底片 2. develop [ dI`vElJp ] vt. 沖洗(底片) have the film developed 拿底片去沖洗 3. process [ `prasEs ] vt. 處理;加工 例: The food has been processed. (該食品已經過加工處理。)

d 7. Brian spent a great deal of time in the library.


How much time did he spend there?


a. a few

a. 一些 b. 沒有 c. 些許 d. 很多

b. none c. a little d. a lot

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例: He maintained that he was not involved in this scandal.

= He firmly said that he was not involved in this scandal. (他斷言自己沒有涉及該醜聞。)

2. 選項中: a. deny [ dI`nZI ] vt. 否認;否定(常接動名詞作受詞) 例: Collin denied stealing the car. (柯林否認偷了那輛車。)

b. doubt [ dZUt ] vt. 不相信;懷疑 例: I doubt that he will return you the money. (我不相信他會還你這筆錢。)

c. see [ si ] vt. 看見 三態為:see, saw [ sO ], seen [ sin ]。 d. say [ se ] vt. 說 三態為:say, said [ sEd ], said。 2. 根據上述,d 項應為正選。


innocent [ `InJsNt ] a. 無罪的;無辜的 be innocent of... 無……之罪 有……之罪 be guilty of... 例: Tom is innocent of the murder. (湯姆是清白的,他沒有犯下這樁謀殺案。)

James was found guilty of arson. (詹姆士被判縱火罪。) *arson [ `arsN ] n. 縱火(罪)

c 63. Lieutenant Smith couldn't fly because he was too nervous. a. relaxed

b. calm

c. tense


解析 1. 原句劃線的字有下列意思: nervous [ `nRvJs ] a. 緊張的 例: As I'm not prepared for the exam, I feel quite nervous. (因為我還沒準備好這次的考試,所以我感到很緊張。)

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d. uneducated



2. 選項中: a. relaxed [ rI`lAkst ] a. 感到輕鬆的 例: Lisa felt relaxed after the examination. (麗莎在考試結束後感到如釋重負。)

b. calm [ kam ] a. 冷靜的 c. tense [ tEns ] a. 緊張的 例: The situation became tense on the border between the two countries. (兩國邊境的情勢變得相當緊張。) *border [ `bOrdK ] n. 邊界

d. uneducated [ Vn`EdjU:ketId ] a. 沒受過教育的 例: There are a lot of uneducated children in the neighborhood. (該地區有許多沒受教育的孩童。)

3. 根據上述,tense 與 nervous 同義,故 c 項應為正選。

c 64. Peter becomes very angry when his roommate disturbs him. a. obtains

b. receives

c. gets

d. increases


解析 1. 原句劃線的字有下列意思: become [ bI`kVm ] vi. 變成 三態為:become, became, become。 例: The little boy became happy when he found his toy. (小男孩找到他的玩具時變得快樂起來。)

2. 選項中: a. obtain [ Jb`ten ] vt. 獲得 例: The achievement helped him obtain fame and wealth. (這項成就幫助他名利雙收。)

b. receive [ rI`siv ] vt. 收到 例: Did you receive the mail I sent you yesterday? (你有收到我昨天寄給你的信嗎?)

c. get [ gEt ] vi. 變得(之後常接表生氣的形容詞作主詞補語) get / become mad 變得生氣 = get / become angry

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become 之後可置任何形容詞(如:become happy / sad / beautiful / angry...), 而 get 之後只可接表『生氣的』形容詞。 d. increase [ In`kris ] vt. & vi. 增加 例: The festival greatly increases the popularity of the town. (這項節慶大大了增加了該鎮的知名度。)

3. 根據上述, c 項應為正選。

其他重點 1. roommate [ `rum:met ] n. 室友 2. disturb [ dIs`tRb ] vt. 打擾 例: Don't disturb me when I'm studying. (我讀書時,不要打擾我。)

a 65. There are several good musical directors in this city. Kraft, for instance, is an excellent conductor. a. for example

b. for a moment

c. instantly

d. for necessity


解析 1. 原句劃線的片語有下列意思及用法: for instance 舉例而言 = for example 例: Peter has many hobbies. For instance, he enjoys hiking on weekends. (彼得有許多嗜好。譬如,他喜歡週末去健行。)

2. 選項中: a. for example 舉例而言 例: I like many kinds of sports. For example, I like to play basketball a lot. (我喜歡很多種運動。舉例而言,我非常喜歡打籃球。)

b. for a moment 暫時 例: I need to stay here for a moment. (我需要暫時待在這裡。)

c. instantly [ `InstJntlI ] adv. 立刻地 = immediately [ I`midIItlI ]

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例: Come here instantly. I have something important to tell you. (立刻到這裡來。我有重要的事要告訴你。)

d. for necessity 為了必要 necessity [ nJ`sEsJtI ] n. 必要性 例: The document was examined for necessity. (該文件因必要性而遭檢查。)

3. 根據上述,for instance 與 for example 同義,故 a 項應為正選。

b 66. Paul usually turns in at ten p.m. a. goes out

b. goes to bed

c. eats dinner

d. watches TV

保羅通常是在晚上 10 點睡覺。

解析 1. 原句劃線的片語有下列意思及用法: turn in 睡覺(俚語) = hit the sack(俚語) = go to bed(正式用語) 2. 選項中: a. go out


b. go to bed 睡覺 c. eat dinner 吃晚餐 d. watch TV 看電視 3. 根據上述,b 項應為正選。

b 67. The accident that took place this morning proved to be fatal. a. Someone was hurt.

b. Someone was killed.

c. Someone was hospitalized.

d. Someone was at fault.


a. 有人受傷了。

b. 有人喪命了。

c. 有人住院了。

d. 有人有錯。

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