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hair [ hEr ] n. 頭髮

get in sb´ s hair 煩擾 / 打擾某人 , 讓某人心煩 / 討厭 例 The way that smart aleck talks really gets in my hair. (那個自作聰明的傢伙講話的口氣真令我心煩。) * smart

aleck [ :smart;AlIk ] n. 自作聰明的傢伙

a/the hair of the dog (that bit sb) 解醉酒 ( 字面 : 咬傷某人那隻狗的毛 ; 據說瘋狗咬傷人可用其尾巴毛敷傷 口而治癒 ; 有以毒攻毒之意 ; 今則轉用於以酒解酒。 ) 例

The hair of the dog cannot make your hangover go away but will only make you feel worse. (解醉酒不可能解你的宿醉,而會讓你更難受。)

* hangover [ ;hAG:ovK ] n. 酒醒後不適的感覺 , 宿醉

let one´ s hair down 放 / 輕鬆一下 , 歡樂一番 例 After taking the exam, we went to a pub to let our hair down. (考試過後,我們到酒吧去輕鬆快活一下。)

make sb´ s hair stand on end 使某人毛髮直豎 / 毛骨悚 然 例

The horror flick made everyone’s hair stand on end. (那部恐怖片嚇得每位觀眾毛髮直豎。)

split hairs 為細微差別作無謂的爭論 ( 字面 : 分裂毛髮 ) 例 You’re splitting hairs arguing about whether it’s 36 or 36.2 degrees. It’s very hot anyway. (你們是在三十六度和三十六點二度之間的些微之差作無謂的 爭論。反正很熱就是了。)

2 常春藤叢書

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