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Social Life ....................................................... 社交生活


Unit 2

Over the Weekend ........................................... 週末活動


Unit 3

E-mail from a Friend ....................................... 電子郵件


Unit 4

Government Office Holiday Hours ...政府機關假日辦公時間


Unit 5

Letter from the Bank ....................................... 銀行來函


Unit 6

ATM Instructions ......................................... 提款機操作


Unit 7

Interoffice Memo ...................................... 辦公室備忘錄


Unit 8

New Office Procedures ............................. 辦公室新流程


Unit 9

Life in an Office ........................................... 辦公室生活


Unit 10

Menu ........................................................................ 菜單


Unit 11

Invitation to a Barbecue ................................. 烤肉邀請函


Unit 12

Sales Flyers ..................................................... 特價傳單


Unit 13

Fitting Room Signs ...................................... 試衣間告示 107

Unit 14

The Opening of a Store ................................... 店家開幕 115

Unit 15

Washing Instructions ....................................... 洗衣須知 123

Unit 16

Letter of Complaint ............................................. 申訴函 132

Unit 17

A Fashionable Guy .......................................... 時髦男士 142

Unit 18

Operating Washing Machines ...................... 操作洗衣機 150

Unit 19

After-School Note ........................................... 課後字條 158

Unit 20

Timetable of Weekly Activities ................. 每週活動行程 167

Unit 1

Social Life

PERSONALS Hi. My name is Anna, and I am twenty-seven years old. I like to cook and watch movies. I am tall with blonde hair. I am looking for a man who can be my friend first. This man must like dogs because I have three. If you are interested, call 555-9098

Where have you been all my life? Tall, dark, and handsome man looking for a woman with a great personality. Height and weight do not matter. luvu@truth.com

Man Seeking Woman Tom Cruise look-alike searching for a supermodel. I am also rich. If you are beautiful and classy, then I am the man for you. Please send me an e-mail with your picture. Cruise@handsome.com

Questions 1. If you like dogs, whom would you call?

2. What is the tall, dark and handsome man looking for?

3. How can you get in contact with the man who looks like Tom Cruise?

2 常春藤叢書

Unit 1

Social Life

Cloze Test   Henry Chen is a very busy man. He works 1 a ticket collector at the Taipei Main Station. Every day, he goes to work at 9 a.m. and goes home at 7 p.m. Henry and his son 2 their spare time on the weekend building and coloring kites. Henry's son likes to make kites that look like butterflies, 3 Henry likes to make kites that look like long snakes. 4 Saturday afternoons, he picks up his son at the English school 5 to his house, and they go down to the Riverside Park and fly kites. This is the most fun that Henry has during the whole week. 1. (A) in

(B) to

(C) through

(D) as

2. (A) take

(B) live

(C) spend

(D) make

3. (A) while

(B) when

(C) as

(D) because

4. (A) For

(B) At

(C) In

(D) On

5. (A) closely

(B) close

(C) nearly

(D) near

Reading Comprehension  Questionnaire 1

Questionnaire 2


Ed Turner

Jane Fonda





Jan. 30, 1965

May 15, 1976


reading, exercising

singing, watching movies


eating Korean food

small animals, cell phones


taking photographs

swimming, running, dancing

讀者有信心 3

閱讀實力養成 公務英語閱讀入門

1. How old is the woman? (A) Twenty-four years old (B) Thirty years old (C) Forty years old (D) Fifteen years old 2. What do Ed and Jane both like to do? (A) Eat delicious food (B) Take pictures of each other (C) Exercise (D) Go to the movies

第一單元 社交生活

徵友啟事 嗨!我的名字是安娜,今年 27 歲。我喜歡烹飪 和看電影。我是留著一頭金髮的高個兒。我正在 尋找一個能夠先從朋友做起的男士。這名男士必 須是愛狗人士,因為我養了三隻。意者請電: 555-9098 我的意中人啊妳到底在哪裡?我是身材高大、皮 膚黝黑的帥哥。我正在尋找一位個性好相處的女 士。身高、體重不拘。意者請寄電子郵件到: luvu@truth.com

4 常春藤叢書

誠徵女伴 長相酷似湯姆克魯斯的 我正在尋覓一位超級名 模。我自己也很有錢。 如果妳既美麗又時髦, 那我就是適合妳的人。 請將妳的玉照附在電子 郵件裡寄給我。 Cruise@handsome.com

Unit 1

Social Life

問題s 1. 如果你喜歡狗,你會打給誰? 2. 那位身材高大、皮膚黝黑且帥氣的男士在尋找什麼? 3. 你要如何和那位長相酷似湯姆克魯斯的人聯絡? Key: 1. I would call Anna. (我會打給安娜。)

2. He is looking for a woman with a great personality. (他在尋找一位個性好相處的女士。)

3. I can get in contact with the man by sending him an e-mail. (我可以寄電子郵件給那名男子和他聯絡。)

 單字一點通 1. personal [ `pRsNL ] n. (報紙上)個人啟事;人事欄 2. blonde [ bland ] n. 金黃色的 & n. 金髮美女 3. dark [ dark ] a. 黝黑的 4. handsome [ `hAnsJm ] a. 英俊的 5. personality [ :pRsN`AlJtI ] n. 個性 例: He has a weak personality. (他性格軟弱。)

6. matter [ `mAtK ] vi. 有關係,要緊(常用於否定句中) It doesn't matter + 疑問詞 + 名詞子句 ……並不重要 例: It doesn't matter when he will come. (他什麼時候會來不重要。)

7. seek [ sik ] vt. 尋求(三態為:seek, sought, sought) 8. look-alike [ `lUkJ:lZIk ] n. 外表酷似的人 9. search [ sRtS ] vi. 尋找(與介詞 for 並用) search for... 尋找…… = look for... 10. supermodel [ `supK:madL ] n. 超級名模

讀者有信心 5

閱讀實力養成 公務英語閱讀入門

11. classy [ `klAsI ] a. 時髦的 12. e-mail [ `i:mel ] n. 電子郵件 & vt. 寄電子郵件給……

片語大補帖 1. look for... 尋找…… 2. all one's life (某人)終其一生 3. get in contact with + 人 與某人取得聯繫 contact [ `kantAkt ] n. 接觸

段落填空測驗 陳亨利是個大忙人。他在台北火車站擔任剪票員。他每天早上 9 點上班,晚上 7 點回家。 週末有空時,亨利和他兒子會製作風箏並彩繪上色。亨利的兒子喜歡做蝴蝶形狀的風箏,而亨 利則喜歡做長蛇形的風箏。每星期六下午,亨利會到他家附近的一間英語學校接兒子,接著再 到河濱公園放風箏。這是亨利一整個星期最快樂的時光。

Key: 1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (B) 1. 理由: a. 本空格測試下列固定用法: work as + 職位 擔任某職位 例: My father works as an English teacher in that school. (我的父親在那所學校擔任英文老師。)

b. 根據上述,(D) 應為正選。 2. 理由: a. 表『花費』若干時間, 可使用動詞 take 或 spend,用法有別: 1) 使用 take 時,多以虛主詞 it 開頭,採下列句構: It takes + 人 + 時間 + to + 原形動詞 某人從事……花了若干時間 例: It took me two hours to write the letter. = The letter took me two hours to write. (我花了兩個小時才把這封信寫完。)

6 常春藤叢書

Unit 1

Social Life

2) 使用 spend 時,主詞恆為人,採下列句構: 人 + spend + 時間 + 動名詞 某人從事……花了若干時間 例: I spent two hours writing the letter. (我花了兩個小時寫那封信。)

b. 根據上述,空格前有主詞 Henry and his son,得知本句的主詞為人,且空格後有 building and coloring,故 (C) 應為正選。 3. 理由: a. while 可作對等連接詞,表示『而』的意思,連接兩個對等的主要子句。 例: John is outgoing, while his brother is pretty shy. = John is outgoing, whereas his brother is pretty shy. = While John is outgoing, his brother is pretty shy. = Whereas John is outgoing, his brother is pretty shy. (約翰生性外向,而他的弟弟卻很害羞。)

b. 空格前的子句提到亨利的兒子喜歡做蝴蝶形狀的風箏,而空格後的子句則提到亨利喜歡做長蛇 形的風箏,句意形成對稱,得知空格內應置入 while,故 (A) 應為正選。 4. 理由: a. 凡 morning(早上)、afternoon(下午)、evening(傍晚)等字通常與介詞 in 並用,如: in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在傍晚 at night 在晚上 例: What are you going to do in the evening? (你傍晚要做什麼?)

I'll pick you up in the afternoon. (我下午會去接你。)

b. 但是當 morning(早上)、afternoon(下午)、evening(傍晚)等字與日期或星期幾並用時, 均改用介詞 on,如: on Sunday 在星期天 on Sunday morning 在星期天早上 on September 21 在 9 月 21 日 on the afternoon of September 21 在 9 月 21 日的下午 c. 空格後有 Saturday(星期六),根據上述得知空格內應置入 On,故 (D) 應為正選。 5. 理由: a. (A) closely [ `kloslI ] adv. 密切地 (B) close [ klos ] a. 靠近的(與介詞 to 並用) (C) nearly [ `nIrlI ] adv. 幾乎

讀者有信心 7

閱讀實力養成 公務英語閱讀入門

例: The train was nearly full. (火車幾乎滿座了。)

(D) near [ nIr ] prep. 在……附近 注意: 此字本身是介詞,故後面不可再接另一個介詞。 例: I live near the school.

= I live close to the school. (我住在學校附近。)

b. 根據語意及用法,(B) 應為正選。

閱讀理解測驗 問卷一









1965 年 1 月 30 日

1976 年 5 月 15 日










B 1. 這名女性年紀多大? (A) 24 歲 (B) 30 歲 (C) 40 歲 (D) 15 歲 C 2. 艾德和珍都喜歡做什麼?? (A) 享用美食 (B) 幫彼此照相 (C) 運動 (D) 去看電影

8 常春藤叢書

Unit 1

Social Life

 單字一點通 1. questionnaire [ :kwEstSJn`Er ] n. 問卷;(意見)調查表 2. dislike [ dIs`lZIk ] n. 不喜歡的事 3. hobby [ `habI ] n. 嗜好 4. exercise [ `EksK:sZIz ] vi. & n. 運動 take / do exercise 做運動 5. cell phone [ `sEl:fon ] n. 手機,行動電話(亦作 cellphone)

片語大補帖 take pictures of + 人 為某人照相 = take photos of + 人

讀者有信心 9

Unit 21

Weather and Climate .................................... 天氣與氣候 175

Unit 22

Letter from a Friend ..................................... 朋友的來信 184

Unit 23

Survey about Activities ................................... 活動調查 193

Unit 24

Bus Schedule ................................................ 公車時刻表 201

Unit 25

Train Schedule Changes ............................ 火車時刻異動 211

Unit 26

Fare Amounts .................................................. 收費告示 220

Unit 27

Postcard from a Trip .................................... 旅遊明信片 230

Unit 28

Airport Signs ................................................... 機場告示 239

Unit 29

At a Beach Resort ..................................... 海濱度假勝地 249

Unit 30

Online Chatting ............................................... 線上聊天 259

Unit 31

Concert Tickets ............................................ 音樂會門票 269

Unit 32

Movie Showtimes ................................. 電影放映時刻表 278

Unit 33

Upcoming Baseball Games ....................... 最新棒球賽事 288

Unit 34

Sports Activities .............................................. 體育活動 297

Unit 35

TV Sports Schedule .............................. 運動節目時間表 308

Unit 36

Grandma's Health .................................. 祖母的健康情形 316

Unit 37

Visiting Hours ........................................... 醫院訪客時間 326

Unit 38

Taking Medicine ............................................. 服藥指示 336

Unit 39

College Life .................................................... 大學生活 345

Unit 40

School Rules .......................................................... 校規 354

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