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UNIT 1 試題 一、克漏字 說明: 第 1 至 7 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出一個最適當的選項。 Most airplane crashes occur during take-offs and landings. Although

airplanes seldom break up on impact, they generally immediately. Most fatalities are due to smoke inhalation.



Since crashes usually occur with little or no warning, it is best to prepare

(2) for the unthinkable. After boarding an airplane, study as much safety information as possible. Locate the four emergency exits that are nearest your seat and know how they operate. Instructions are printed on the safety information card, which is located in each seat pocket. The card also provides valuable information about (3) things as life jackets and life rafts. Practice fastening and unfastening your seat belt until it becomes an automatic action. Seat belt operation (4) from aircraft to aircraft. Also, pay close attention to all safety briefings given by the flight attendants. (5) the unthinkable happen, get out of the airplane calmly, but quickly. Unfasten your seat belt and move immediately to the nearest exit. Leave all carry-on items (6) . When airplanes burn, they often produce highly toxic smoke. Even a few breaths can be fatal. In case of fire, experts recommend (7) to the nearest exit. The head should be kept at armrest level, however, to avoid toxic gases that may collect near the floor.

1. (A) build

(B) set

(C) catch

(D) act

2. (A) in advance

(B) on purpose

(C) right away

(D) to advantage

3. (A) many

(B) such

(C) some

(D) quite

4. (A) varies

(B) covers

(C) ranges

(D) rates

5. (A) Would

(B) Might

(C) Could

(D) Should

6. (A) over

(B) off

(C) behind

(D) down

7. (A) to crawl

(B) crawling

(C) sneaking

(D) to sneak

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二、文意選填 說明: 第 8 至 14 題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (H) 選項中分別 選出一個最適當者。 Breast cancer takes the lives of over 4 million men and women every

year. Many risk factors increase the odds of (8) breast cancer. The most important ones that (9) to it are a family history of cancer, a long reproductive span, possessing cancer genes, and being overweight. Even if people have none of these factors, they may (10) get breast cancer. Twenty years ago, studies suggested a possible link between drinking coffee and breast cancer. Recent research is casting (11) on this old assumption. Recently, Swedish scientists completed a 13-year study into the

correlation between drinking coffee and the incidence of breast cancer. They found no increase in the risk of developing breast cancer. These results are (12) to many Swedish women. Swedes are the world's second largest consumers of coffee per capita, drinking 3 cups of java every day. (13) , the results are the same for other caffeinated drinks. Therefore, tea drinkers can also (14) a sigh of relief. (A) breathe

(B) comforting

(C) spell

(D) contribute

(E) still

(F) doubt

(G) contracting

(H) Similarly

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三、篇章結構 說明: 第 15 至 19 題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (E) 選項中分 別選出最適當者,填入空格中,使篇章結構清晰有條理。 Life in space is quite different from the normal experience everyone has

had on Earth. It is easy to take for granted the necessities of life. On Earth it is easy to eat, drink, and use the restroom. (15) Weightlessness changes everything. Firstly, people eat out of toothpaste tubes. (16) Finally, their restroom is a machine that looks like a vacuum cleaner. (17) Even though there are difficulties, many people are going through the

six-month training course to become astronauts. To get to space, trainees must pass many physical and mental tests. (18) The good news is that anyone can get to space if they have $20,000,000 and meet the other requirements. One celebrity trying to live out his dream is Lance Bass, a singer in

N'Sync. Another famous person asked to go was ex-supermodel Cindy Crawford. Both would make great astronauts. If Lance went, we could have an outer space concert. (19) It would be nice to see what accessories Cindy would wear with her spacesuit. (A) The slightest health problem means that a would-be astronaut cannot go into space. (B) Secondly, astronauts drink water from water guns. (C) In space, it is a whole different story. (D) If Cindy went, we could have a fashion show in space. (E) These difficulties exist in space because, without gravity, floating objects would create a mess.

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四、閱讀測驗 說明: 第 20 至 21 題,每題請分別根據各篇文章的文意選出一個最適當的選項。 Queen Elizabeth I had a bad temper that caused her to swear from time

to time. She rarely bathed as was the custom of the day, but loathed foul smells to the point that no one who stank was permitted near her. Many things can be said about Elizabeth Tudor, 16th century Queen of

England for over 40 years. When she ascended the throne, she maintained power by refusing to marry. Thus, among other euphemisms, she is known as "the Virgin Queen." The most powerful ruler in Europe during her reign was Philip II of Spain,

and the two did not like each other. Elizabeth secretly authorized her sailors to pirate his ships as they came from America. His hopes to invade England failed in 1588 when his mighty Spanish Armada was defeated. It was the Queen's finest hour. While the nation rejoiced, the Queen's friend Robert Dudley died. It is

believed that they were in love and would have married had circumstances been different. She kept his last letter in the treasure box beside her bed. It was found fifteen years later when she died in 1603. 20. It can be inferred from the article that Queen Elizabeth ______. (A) sanctioned the use of force in the Indian Ocean (B) enhanced England's status among European nations (C) treasured her friendship with American pirates (D) forged an alliance with King Philip II of Spain 21. What was Queen Elizabeth's "finest hour" as referred to in the article? (A) The pirating of Spanish ships. (B) Acquiring the title, "the Virgin Queen." (C) Marrying Robert Dudley. (D) Defeating the Spanish Armada.

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UNIT 1 詳解 一 克 漏 字 說明: 第 1 至 7 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出一個最適當的選項。 大部分的空難發生在起飛和降落的時候。雖然飛機碰撞受創時很少會解體,但一般通常會立 即著火,而大多數的死亡是由於吸入濃煙所造成的。 因為空難發生前幾乎毫無預警,大家最好事先作好準備以防不測。登機後,儘量多讀安全資 料卡。看清楚離你座位最近的四個安全門並了解其操作方法。緊急應變說明都印在卡上,放在每 個座位背後的椅袋裡。資料卡上也提供有救生衣和救生筏等裝備的重要資訊。演練扣、解安全 帶,直到習慣成自然為止。安全帶的操作因不同機型而異。還有,要仔細看空服員的安全示範。 萬一發生不測,要冷靜且快速地離開機艙。解開安全帶後馬上到最近的安全門,並拋下所有 隨身物品。飛機起火時常冒出毒煙,只要吸進幾口就能致命。萬一起火的話,專家建議向最近的 安全門匍匐前進。頭要保持在椅子扶把的高度以避開聚集在地板附近的毒氣。

(C) 1. 理由: a. (A) build/make a fire 生火 例: We built a fire and sat around it singing Wild West songs. (我們生火圍坐,一起唱著西部歌曲。)

(B) set fire to... 放火燒……(= set...on fire) 例: I set fire to my journals and said good-bye to the past. (我把日記燒了向過去告別。)

(C) catch fire 著火,起火 例: The plane caught fire in a matter of minutes. (那架飛機幾分鐘之內就起火了。)

(D) 無 act fire 之用法。 b. 根據語意,故選 (C)。 (A) 2. 理由: a. (A) in advance 事/預先 例: I bought tickets in advance so I wouldn't have to wait in line at the box office. (我先購買預售票,這樣就不用在售票亭前排隊等候。)

(B) on purpose 故意地 例: Maria hit me on purpose. (瑪麗亞故意打我。)

(C) right away 立刻,馬上

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(D) to advantage (使看起來或聽起來)能顯現其優點 to sb's advantage 有利於某人 = to the advantage of sb 例: The mistake happened to my advantage. (這個錯誤的發生反而對我有利。)

b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。 (B) 3. 理由: a. such...as... 像是……之類的…… 例: Such things as conventional ovens are hard to come by in Taiwan. (在台灣很難買到傳統烤箱之類的東西。)

b. 根據上述用法,可知應選 (B)。無 "many/some/quite...as..." 之用法,故 (A)、 (C)、(D) 均不可選。 (C) 4. 理由: a. (A) vary [ `vArI ] vi. 改變,不同 例: Safety measures vary from country to country. (每個國家的安全措施都不一樣。)

(B) cover [ `kVvK ] vt. 遮蓋,覆蓋 (C) range [ rendj ] vi. 排列,分布 range from A to B (範圍)從 A 到 B 例: Our store offers CDs ranging from classical to indie rock. (我們商店供應的 CD 從古典樂到獨立搖滾的音樂都有。) (D) rate [ ret ] vi. 分級,排名 例: This restaurant rates in the bottom 5% in the country. (這家餐廳排名在全國倒數百分之五之列。)

b. 根據語意、用法,可知應選 (C)。 (D) 5. 理由: a. 假設語氣的 if 子句中,若有表『萬一』的助動詞 should、表過去完成式的助動詞 had,或 be 動詞過去式的 were 出現時,可將上述詞類往前移至主詞前,而將 if 省略,其句型如下:

1) If + S + should + V..., 主要子句 = Should + S + V..., 主要子句 2) If + S + had + pp...., 主要子句 = Had + S + pp...., 主要子句

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3) If + S + were..., 主要子句 = Were + S +..., 主要子句 例: Should you pass my house, stop by for a visit. (要是你經過我家,記得進來坐坐。)

Were I to go, I would take at least two large suitcases. (要是我去的話,至少會帶兩個大手提箱。)

b. 根據上述句型解析,可知應選 (D)。 (C) 6. 理由: a. leave...behind 留下…… 例: She left her hometown behind for the lure of the big city. (由於大城市的誘惑,她離開了家鄉。)

b. be left over 剩餘/下 例: This food was left over from last night’s dinner. (這些食物是昨天晚餐吃剩的。)

c. leave off... 打住/停止…… 例: Let’s pick up this conversation where we left off. (我們就從剛剛打住的地方繼續談下去吧。)

d. 根據語意、用法,可知應選 (C)。 (B) 7. 理由: a. crawl [ krOl ] vi. 匍匐而行,爬行 例: Babies crawl before they walk. (嬰兒會走路前先會爬。)

b. sneak [ snik ] vi. 偷溜 動詞三態: sneak, sneaked/snuck [ snVk ], sneaked/snuck。 例: Brandie snuck into another theater after watching a movie. (布蘭蒂看完電影後又溜進了另一家電影院。)

c. recommend 之後可接動名詞或名詞當受詞,但不可接不定詞(to + 原形動詞)。 故知不可選 (A) 、 (D) ; (C) 雖合用法,但不合語意。根據以上分析,可知應選 (B)。

重要單字 1. crash [ krAS ] n. 墜毀,撞毀 2. take-off [ `tek:Of ] n.(飛機)起飛 4 常春藤叢書


3. landing [ `lAndIG ] n.(飛機)降落 4. fatality [ fJ`tAlJtI ] n. 死亡 5. inhalation [ :InhJ`leSJn ] n. 吸入 6. the unthinkable 難以想像的事物 7. board [ bOrd ] vt. 上(船、車、飛機等) 例: Tanya boarded the train at 2:42. (譚雅於兩點四十二分上了火車。)

8. locate [ `loket ] vt. 找到/標定……的位置 例: Tracy couldn't locate the right building, so she missed the job interview. (崔西找不到那棟大樓的位置,所以錯過了應徵工作的面試。)

9. emergency exit 安全門,逃生出口 10. operate [ `apJ:ret ] vi. 運轉 & vt. 操作,經營 operation [ :apJ`reSJn ] n. 操作;經營 11. instructions [ In`strVkSJns ] n. 說明書(恆用複數) 12. life jacket/vest 救生衣 13. life raft 救生筏 14. fasten [ `fAsN ] vt. 使固定,繫住 15. automatic [ "OtJ`mAtIk ] a. 習慣成自然的(本文用法);自動的 16. briefing [ `brifIG ] n.(起飛前的)安全求生說明及示範 17. flight attendant 空服員 18. toxic [ `taksIk ] a. 有毒的 19. recommend [ "rEkJ`mEnd ] vt. 建議 recommend + V-ing/N 建議…… 注意: recommend 之後可接動名詞或名詞當受詞,但不可接不定詞(to + 原形動詞)。 例: Dentists recommend chewing gum when you can't brush immediately after a meal. (牙醫建議飯後無法立即刷牙時就嚼口香糖。)

重要片語 1. break up 解體;破裂

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