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Bears Responsible for Alaska Wildfire



(Alaska, Reuters) Brown bears pawing3 through garbage at a landfill 4 in Alaska touched off5 a four-acre6 wildfire, officials reported. “The bears pulled burning garbage from an incinerator7 , which caused the fire,” a spokesman8 for the Alaska Fire Information Center said.

1. be responsible for... 是造成……的原因; 對……負責

The teens were responsible for breaking the windows. 是那些青少年打破了窗戶。

2. wildfire [ ;wZIld:fZIr ] n. 野火 3. paw [ pO ] n. 爪子 & vt. 用爪子抓

The cats were pawing through the garbage when a dog scared them away. 幾隻貓用爪翻弄著垃圾,這時狗將牠們嚇跑了。

2 常春藤叢書

棕熊造成阿拉斯加大火 【路透社阿拉斯加電】根據官方報導,由於棕熊在阿 拉斯加的一處垃圾掩埋場翻垃圾,因而引發一場燃燒範圍 達四英畝的野火。 阿拉斯加火災情報中心的一位發言人說:「棕熊從焚 化爐拉出還在燃燒的垃圾,因而造成火災。」

4. landfill [ ;lAnd:fIl ] n. 垃圾掩埋場 5. touch off... 開始……

The band touched off their world tour in Tokyo. 那支樂團的世界巡迴演唱會首先在東京登場。

6. acre [ ;ekK ] n. 英畝 7. incinerator [ In;sInJ:retK ] n. 焚化爐 8. spokesman [ ;spoksmJn ] n. 發言人

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