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Buying Tickets 買門票

Clerk: Welcome to King's Point Amusement Park. Larry: I'd like to get two adult tickets and one child's ticket. Clerk: How old is the child? Larry: 13. Clerk: I'm afraid you'll have to pay for a full-price ticket. Only children 12 and under can get tickets at the reduced rates. Larry: Sorry about that. I guess I'll take three adult tickets. Clerk: OK, your total comes to NT$1500. Larry: Here you go. Clerk: Thank you and enjoy your day at King's Point Amusement Park. 4 常春藤叢書


售票員: 歡迎來到歡樂王國遊樂園。 賴瑞: 我要買兩張成人票和一張兒童票。 售票員: 請問小孩幾歲呢? 賴瑞: 十三歲。 售票員: 那恐怕您得買全票了。只有十二歲以下(含十二歲)的兒童可 以買優惠票。 賴瑞: 抱歉。我想我要三張成人票了。 售票員: 好的,總共是一千五百元。 賴瑞: 錢給妳。 售票員: 謝謝,希望你們在歡樂王國遊樂園玩得愉快。

amusement park 遊樂園 amusement park (遊樂園)指的是園區內有雲霄飛車( roller coaster )、旋轉木馬( merry-go-round)等有大型遊樂設施的地 方。另外 playground (遊樂場)指的則是像公園裡設有溜滑梯 (slide)、盪鞦韆(swing)等小型遊樂設施的場地。

I'm afraid you'll have to pay for a full-price ticket. 那恐怕您得買全票喔。

afraid 在此表『恐怕』, 常用於『I'm afraid + that 子句』(that 常 可省略)的句構,表『恐怕……』的意思。例: I'm afraid I can't go to the movies with you tonight. (恐怕我今晚沒辦法和你去看電影了。) afraid 這個字亦可表『害怕的』,和介系詞 of 並用。例: The little girl is afraid of staying home alone. (那個小女孩很怕一個人獨自留在家裡。)

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Only children 12 and younger can get tickets at the reduced rates. 只有十二歲以下(含十二歲)的兒童可以買優惠票。

reduced rate 指的是優惠的價格,動詞 reduce 是『降低,減少』 的意思。例: Although we have reduced our price by half, no one seems to be interested in our merchandise. (雖然我們已經打對折,似乎還是沒人對我們的商品有興趣。)

Your total comes to NT$1500. 總共是一千五百元。 total 當名詞用,表『總金額、總數』。想要表達總數為多少時可用 in total 這個片語。例: About 20 people in total attended the meeting. (總共約有二十人與會。) come to... 表『(金額)共計』。例: The dinner bill came to NT$1300. (這頓晚餐共計一千三百元。)

Here you go. 拿去吧。 Here you go. 也可以說 Here you are.,表『拿去吧。』、『在這 兒』、或『你要的東西在這裡。』當你要把物品交到別人手上時, 就可以這麼說。 Here we are. 則表『我們到了。』 而 There you go 則可用來讚美別人,表『這樣做就對了。』 但 There you go again. 卻是用來說別人又做了同樣的事,相當於 『你又來這一套了。』或『你老毛病又犯了。』

6 常春藤叢書



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