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A Budget Crunch 預算吃緊

曲目 01

Mitch: My girlfriend is looking for a job. Howard: What type of work can she do? Mitch: She was a graphic designer, but due to a budget crunch, she was laid off. Howard: That's too bad. Mitch: Is there anything around here she could do? Howard: Not really. We've had to tighten our belts a bit, too. Mitch: Well, can you keep her in mind if anything comes up? Howard: No problem. 2

畫說俚語 • 真 EASY

米契:我女朋友在找工作。 霍華德:哪一類的工作她做得來? 米契:她原本是平面設計師,不過因為預算吃緊,所以被裁員了。 霍華德:真遺憾。 米契:這裡有什麼她做得來的嗎? 霍華德:沒有。我們也在勒緊褲帶苦撐。 米契:嗯,如果有空缺的話,你能考慮用她嗎? 霍華德:沒問題。

俚語精解 budget [ `bVdjIt ] 表『預算』,而 crunch [ krVntS ] 表指因金錢或時間不足 所導致的『艱難局面』。本俚語顧名思義,就是指『預算吃緊』。本俚語 還有另一個說法,就是

on a tight budget。

We have no bonus this year because we are in a budget crunch. = We have no bonus this year because we are on a tight budget. (因為預算吃緊,我們今年沒有獎金。)


your bottom dollar 就是

其中一例。bet 一字表『打賭』,bottom 是『底部』,dollar 則表『一元 硬幣』。本俚語是用來形容一個人對某件事很篤定,就算把口袋底僅剩的 最後一塊錢拿下去做賭注也不怕。 阿雄愛上阿花,決定娶她為妻。可是阿雄的朋友阿輝卻覺得阿花只是垂涎 阿雄的祖產。於是阿輝就苦口婆心地勸阿雄:

I bet my bottom dollar that she just wants your money. (我敢打包票她只想要你的錢。)

cost an arm and a leg 字面上是『花費了一條手臂和一條腿』,引 申為『所費不貲』或『付出慘痛代價』之意。

Unit 1


阿雄不聽阿輝的勸阻,還是娶了阿花。婚後,阿花果然露出真面目,每天 刷卡揮霍無度。阿輝見了這個情形,很感嘆地說:

Marrying her sure cost him an arm and a leg. (娶她果然讓他付出了慘痛代價。)


"The love of money is the root of all evil." 的意思是『貪

財是萬惡之源。』 * root [ rut ] n. 根源 evil [ `ivL ] n. 罪惡 阿花失去了一切,於是出家當尼姑。經過了數十年的修鍊,她終於醒悟。

She finally realized that the love of money is the root of all evil. (她終於明白貪財是萬惡之源的道理。)

好康同在 1. graphic [ `grAfIk ] a. 圖像的 a graphic designer 平面設計師 2. lay off 裁員(常用被動語態) 例: Over half of the employees were laid off this quarter. (這一季有超過一半的員工被裁員。)

3. tighten one's belt 勒緊褲帶 tighten [ `tZItJn ] vt. 拉緊 例: I just bought a car, so I have to tighten my belt this month. (我才剛買車,所以這個月我必須勒緊褲帶過活。)

4. keep sb in mind 將某人記在腦裡 例: If there is a job opening, please keep me in mind. (如果有職缺,請不要忘了我。)


畫說俚語 • 真 EASY

Unit 1


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