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PART I LISTENING Directions for questions 1-20: You will hear questions on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 1. a. b. c. d.

easiness difficulty smoothness comfort

2. a. b. c. d.

dancing fighting talking writing

3. a. He celebrated his birthday with his son. b. He gave a toy to his child. c. He bought his child an animal. d. He bought nothing for his son. 4. a. b. c. d.

one two three four

5. a. b. c. d.

a dorm a lecture hall a room of his own a room with a partition

6. a. He was caught in the heavy traffic. b. He came to work early. c. He got home around 7:00. d. He missed the train. 7. a. b. c. d.

It is changed into steam. It is mixed with steam. It keeps steam. It is moved by steam.

8. a. b. c. d.

a sportsman a lawyer a peddler a conman

9. a. b. c. d.

yesterday two days ago three days ago four days ago

10. a. Do you have anything important? b. Do you have anything meaningful? c. Do you have anything better? d. Do you have anything less expensive?




11. a. b. c. d.

south right east west

16. a. b. c. d.

a light shower a hurricane snowflakes icy particles

12. a. b. c. d.

a hurricane a crosswind a headwind an east wind

17. a. b. c. d.

She will paint the elevator. She will repair the elevator. She will run the elevator. She will oil the elevator.

13. a. b. c. d.

ahead of time later on a few days later at the right moment

18. a. b. c. d.

fold it up stretch it out roll it up get rid of it

14. a. something unexpected and dangerous b. something nice c. something wonderful d. something we were pleased with

19. a. b. c. d.

excellent bad outstanding average

20. a. b. c. d.

It was discovered by George. It is not clean. It is being painted. It is being washed.

15. a. that she would probably come to visit him b. that she would definitely come to visit him c. that she ought to come to visit him d. that she would visit him by all means

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Directions for questions 21-56: You will now hear statements on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. 21. a. b. c. d.

It cannot come down. It cannot come in. It cannot come across. It cannot come up.

22. a. It is in good working condition. b. It is in poor working condition. c. It looks ugly. d. It doesn’t work at all. 23. a. He could heat the stones. b. He could fire Mr. Stone. c. He could light a fire with stones. d. He could eat the fire. 24. a. He prefers a car. b. He likes a house better. c. He would rather put the car in the house. d. He would rather sell his car than his house. 25. a. The students are going to have an exam. b. The students are going to have their blood tested. c. The students are going to test their instructor. d. The students are going to donate money.

26. a. b. c. d.

She wrote that novel. She sold that novel. She disliked that novel. She bought that novel.

27. a. b. c. d.

I seldom give them a call. I seldom visit them. I seldom write to them. I seldom call them names.

28. a. Take a rest when you turn right. b. Turn right at the traffic light. c. Turn left when the light is on. d. Take a break after the light changes. 29. a. They look awkward all the time. b. They like to talk for or against something. c. They enjoy insulting others. d. They stay quiet all the time. 30. a. David loves meat. b. He loves to eat candy. c. He gains weight though he doesn’t like sweets. d. He doesn’t know his weight. 31. a. b. c. d.

We called it off. We called for it. We reviewed it. We postponed it. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 讀者有信心 7



Directions for questions 57-66: You will now hear dialogs on the test CD. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. 57. a. b. c. d.

at a clinic at a video game parlor at the post office at a gas station

63. a. She thinks highly of him. b. He is stubborn. c. She hopes he will learn more. d. He is not creative.

58. a. b. c. d.

He visited a friend downtown He worked in the garden He cooked food in the kitchen He surfed the Internet in his study

64. a. b. c. d.

in a supermarket in a library in a bookstore in a beauty parlor

65. a. b. c. d.

He’s staying in a hospital. He works in a bank. He is jobless. He is having money problems.

66. a. b. c. d.

at a movie theater at a gas station at a restaurant at the post office

59. a. b. c. d.

become a lawyer play tennis meet famous people swim

60. a. a source of energy b. a steering device c. a kind of dressing d. painting 61. a. turn the food around b. take the food to the kitchen c. put the food on the table d. remove the food from the table 62. a. She’ll use neither butter nor margarine. b. She’ll use butter, but not margarine. c. She’ll use margarine, but not butter. d. She’ll use both butter and margarine.




PART II READING Directions for questions 67-100: Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET. 67. "Use caution while driving in the rain, Peter," said the captain. He asked Peter to drive _______. a. as usual b. happily c. dangerously d. carefully 68. Colonel Smith is not used to drinking coffee for dinner. a. He does not like coffee. b. He is accustomed to drinking coffee. c. He never drinks coffee. d. He does not enjoy coffee for dinner. 69. We need to inflate all the tires before we drive. a. remove b. put air in c. patch d. change 70. Which of the following is an internal part of the human body? a. the ears b. the skin c. the nose d. the stomach 71. Is Jasmine cut out for the job? a. No, she is. b. No, she was. c. Yes, she is. d. Yes, she was.

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72. A: Have you persuaded your husband to quit smoking yet? B: No, but I’m ________. a. planned b. planned to c. planning for d. planning to 73. Choose the correct sentence: a. An electric current is by wire conducted. b. Conducted by wire an electric current is. c. An electric current is conducted by wire. d. Current is an electric conducted by wire. 74. Here comes John, ________ is an English teacher in our school. a. who sister b. his sister c. whose sister d. the sister of who 75. The president was appointed by the board of directors. a. called b. replaced c. named d. instructed 76. You should use your head when working on that problem. a. shake your head b. nod your head c. think intelligently d. remain calm 77. ________ lucky you are, you cannot succeed without hard work. a. Whatever b. Whenever c. However d. Wherever




PART I LISTENING b 1. I had trouble understanding what the old man was




What did I have?

a. 輕鬆

a. easiness

b. 困難

b. difficulty

c. 順暢

c. smoothness

d. 舒適

d. comfort

解析 1. have trouble + V-ing 從事……很困難 = have difficulty + V-ing 例: James has trouble memorizing my address.

= James has difficulty memorizing my address. (詹姆士記不住我的住址。)

2. easiness [ `izInIs ] n. 容易 3. smoothness [ `smuTnIs ] n. 順暢 smooth [ smuT ] a. 平滑的;順暢的 例: The bus provided the passengers with a smooth ride. (那輛公車提供給乘客們順暢的旅程。)

4. comfort [ `kVmfKt ] n. 舒適 comfortable [ `kVmftJbL ] a. 感到舒適的;令人舒服的 例: The couch is very comfortable to sit on. (這張沙發坐起來很舒服。)

c 2. Paul and Mary have been conversing in the office


for almost two hours.

了將近 2 小時。

What have they been doing?


a. dancing

a. 跳舞

b. fighting

b. 爭論

c. talking

c. 談話

d. writing

d. 寫作

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converse [ kJn`vRs ] vi. 談話,交談 conversation [ :kanvK`seSJn ] n. 談話,交談 converse with sb 與某人交談 例: You lost the only opportunity to converse with her. (你失去了和她交談的唯一機會。) *opportunity [ :apK`tyunJtI ] n. 機會

c 3. Mark bought his son a dog for his birthday.


What did Mark do?


a. He celebrated his birthday with his son.


b. He gave a toy to his child.

a. 他和兒子一起慶祝自己的生日。

c. He bought his child an animal.

b. 他送兒子一個玩具。

d. He bought nothing for his son.

c. 他買一隻動物送孩子。 d. 他沒買東西送他兒子。

解析 1. buy sb sth for sb's birthday 買東西給某人,作某人的生日禮物 = buy sth as sb's birthday present 例: I bought John a watch for his birthday. = I bought a watch as John's birthday present. (我買一只錶送約翰,當他的生日禮物。)

2. celebrate [ `sElJ:bret ] vt. & vi. 慶祝 例: People set off fireworks to celebrate the festival. (人們放煙火以慶祝這個節日。) *festival [ `fEstJvL ] n. 節日

3. toy [ tOI ] n. 玩具 b 4. Both of the students have passed the examination.


How many students have passed the exam?


a. one

a. 1 位

b. two

b. 2 位

c. three

c. 3 位

d. four

d. 4 位 讀者有信心 3



c 5. Each of the students has a separate room in the




What does each student have?


a. a dorm

a. 一棟宿舍

b. a lecture hall

b. 演講廳

c. a room of his own

c. 自己的房間

d. a room with a partition

d. 有隔板的房間

解析 1. separate [ `sEpJrIt ] a. 個別的,單獨的 例: Each student has a separate computer. (每位學生各自有一台電腦。)

2. dorm [ dOrm ] n. 宿舍(是 dormitory [ `dOrmJ:tOrI ] 的縮寫) 3. lecture hall 演講廳 lecture [ `lEktSK ] n. 演講;授課 例: The professor's lecture is tedious. (該教授的演講相當冗長乏味。) *tedious [ `tidIJs ] a. 冗長乏味的

4. sth of one's own 某人自己的東西 例: Even though John is young, he has a car of his own. (雖然約翰還年輕,他已經有自己的車了。)

5. partition [ par`tISJn ] n. 隔板;分隔間

a 6. David left home at 7:00, but he got stuck in a

大衛 7 點鐘出門,但卻身陷於車陣中。

traffic jam.


What happened to David?

a. 他困在繁忙的交通中。

a. He was caught in the heavy traffic.

b. 他提早來上班。

b. He came to work early.

c. 他大約 7 點到家。

c. He got home around 7:00.

d. 他錯過了火車。

d. He missed the train.

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解析 1. get stuck in... 陷於/被困在……中 = get caught in... 例: Terry's van got stuck in the mud. (泰瑞的廂型車被困在泥地中。)

2. traffic jam [ `trAfIk :djAm ] n. 交通阻塞 3. miss [ mIs ] vt. 錯過,沒趕上 例: John overslept and missed the school bus. (約翰睡過頭而沒搭上校車。)

a 7. When heated, water is transformed into steam.


What happens to the water when it is heated?


a. It is changed into steam.

a. 它會變成蒸氣。

b. It is mixed with steam.

b. 它會與蒸氣混在一起。

c. It keeps steam.

c. 它會保持蒸氣。

d. It is moved by steam.

d. 它會被蒸氣所驅動。

解析 1. When heated, water is transformed into steam. 水加熱時會變成蒸氣。 = When it is heated, water is transformed into steam. 2. transform [ trAns`fOrm ] vt. 使改變 transform A into B 將 A 改變為 B = change A into B = turn A into B 例: The market has transformed the village into a thriving town. (這個市場已將該村莊轉變為繁榮的小鎮。) *thriving [ `HrZIvIG ] a. 欣欣向榮的,興盛的

3. steam [ stim ] n. 蒸氣 let off steam 發洩精力 例: Children need to let off steam once in a while. (孩子們偶爾需要發洩一下精力。)

4. mix [ mIks ] vt. 混合 mix A with B 將 A 與 B 混合在一起

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d 65. M: How was your visit with Michael? W: He's kind of down because he's having financial troubles. What do we know about Michael? a. He's staying in a hospital.

b. He works in a bank.

c. He is jobless.

d. He is having money problems.

男:妳與邁可的會晤如何? 女:他有一點消沉,因為他有財務上的困難。 我們知道有關邁可的什麼事?

a. 他正待在醫院裡。

b. 他在銀行工作。

c. 他失業了。

d. 他有金錢方面的問題。

解析 1. = = =

He is kind of down. 他有一點消沉。 He is sort of down. He is a little down. He is a little bit down. down [ dZUn ] a. 消沉的 例: You look pretty down. What's wrong with you? (你看起來蠻消沉的。你是怎麼回事?)

2. financial [ fZI`nAnSJl ] a. 財務的 3. jobless [ `djablIs ] a. 失業的 = unemployed [ :VnIm`plOId ] 例: He has been jobless for two months. (他已經兩個月沒工作了。)

c 66. M: That was a really good meal! W: I enjoyed mine, too. Let's have some dessert now. Where did this conversation most probably take place? a. at a movie theater

b. at a gas station

c. at a restaurant

d. at the post office

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男:這頓飯真是好吃! 女:我也挺喜歡的。咱們現在來吃些甜點吧。 這段對話最可能在哪裡發生?

a. 電影院

b. 加油站

c. 餐廳

d. 郵局


dessert [ dI`zRt ] n. 點心(不可數) 例: What would you like for dessert? (你甜點想吃什麼?)

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PART II READING d 67. "Use caution while driving in the rain, Peter," said the captain. He asked Peter to drive _______. a. as usual

b. happily

c. dangerously

d. carefully


解析 1. 本句有下列關鍵字: caution [ `kOSJn ] n. 小心,謹慎 例: My dad always drives with caution. (我父親開車總是很小心。)

2. 選項中: a. as usual 一如往常 例: He was late for work as usual. (他像往常一樣上班又遲到了。)

b. happily [ `hApIlI ] adv. 快樂地 c. dangerously [ `dendjJrJslI ] adv. 危險地 d. carefully [ `kErfJlI ] adv. 小心地 = with caution = with care 例: You should learn to do things carefully. (你應學習小心行事。)

3. 根據上述,use caution 意思接近 carefully,故 d 項應為正選。

d 68. Colonel Smith is not used to drinking coffee for dinner. a. He does not like coffee.

b. He is accustomed to drinking coffee.

c. He never drinks coffee.

d. He does not enjoy coffee for dinner.


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解析 1. 本題測試下列片語固定用法: be used to + N/V-ing 習慣於…… = be accustomed to + N/V-ing 例: I'm used to the weather here.

= I'm accustomed to the weather here. (我習慣了這裡的天氣。) 根據上述,原句應等於:

Colonel Smith is not accustomed to drinking coffee for dinner. 史密斯上校不習慣晚餐喝咖啡。

2. 選項中: a. He does not like coffee.


b. He is accustomed to drinking coffee.


c. He never drinks coffee. d. He does not enjoy coffee for dinner.

他從不喝咖啡。 他不喜歡晚餐喝咖啡。

3. 根據語意,d 項應為正選。

b 69. We need to inflate all the tires before we drive. a. remove

b. put air in

c. patch

d. change


解析 1. 本句測試劃底線單字的意思及用法: inflate [ In`flet ] vt. 充氣 例: You can use the machine to inflate the balloons. (你可以用那台機器替氣球充氣。)

2. 選項中: a. remove [ rI`muv ] vt. 取走 例: Remove everything from the table. I want to use it. (把桌上的東西全都弄走。我要用桌子。)

b. put air in 將空氣灌入 c. patch [ pAtS ] vt. 修補

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