Irish Arts and Entertainment for March, 2020 Revised St, Patrick's Day Issue

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Vo l u m e X X I I X # 3

A n M ar t a ~ M ar ch

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HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY To All Ou r Fr ien ds & Reader s! Take it easy t h is year St ay Saf e an d Be Well!

Click t h e lin k or cover t o en joy! Ir eland's 10th. Annual Global Gr eening Under way! Ju st In Tim e f or t h e Gr eat Sain t 's Gr an d Day... A pr om isin g n ew f ilm pr em ier s. See st or y Page 7

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Spon sor ed By

Inter active Guide for Ker r y Ir ish Pr oductions'

Saint Patr ick's Day In Ir eland Show Date


Ticket Info & Pur chase Link

ST. PATRI CK ?S DAY I N I REL AND 2020 TOUR! Th u r sday, M ar ch 5 @ 730pm ASU Ker r Cen t er Scot t sdale, AZ h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 38bde4S Fr iday, M ar ch 6 @ 7:30PM VACAVILLE PAC Vacaville, CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2UJIQu E

Sat u r day, M ar ch 7 @ 8:00PM

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2u Hk SFJ


Su n day, M ar ch 8 @ 3:00PM BOB HOPE THEATER Stockton, CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2RR41Ys

Wedn esday, M ar ch 11 @ 8:00PM LOBERO, San t a Bar bar a, CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2Sn ct QZ

Special gu est s! Celt ic Ir ish Dan ce Academ y & M aeve Cr ok e w it h Bob Gu t h r ie M em or ial Pipe & Dr u m Cor ps! Th u r sday, M ar ch 12 @ 7:30PM SCHERR FORUM Th ou san d Oak s, CA h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 3bslOOK Special gu est s! Celt ic Ir ish Dan ce Academ y & M aeve Cr ok e

Fr iday, M ar ch : 13 @ 7:00PM ELKS OPERA HOUSE Pr escot t , AZ h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2OLn RUs Sat u r day, M ar ch 14 @ 7:00PM : ORPHEUM Flagst af f , AZ

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 2u IYSu 4

Su n day, M ar ch 15 @ 2:00PM HARRIS CENTER Folsom , CA

h t t p:/ / bit .ly/ 37m 1f QE FROM OUR COVER St . Pat r ick 's Day an d t h e 10t h . An n iver sar y of Tou r ism Ir elan d's GLOBAL GREENING bot h call f or t h e ligh t of h ope t h is year ! Pict u r ed, An apr opos n ew addit ion t h is year : Th e Ch u r ch

St on e Sh elt er in t h e n at u r e r eser ve of Kin t u lam m i, Tam per e (Fin lan d), join s Tou r ism Ir elan d?s Global Gr een in g in it iat ive, t o celebr at e t h e islan d of Ir elan d an d St Pat r ick .

An Marta ~ March, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s' Announces 2020 Tour

St . Pat r ick 's Day In Ir elan d Ticket s On Sale Now ! AS SEEN ON PBS! This exciting production honors the gr eat t r adit ion an d m igh t y joy of bein g Ir ish ! It is in deed a t r u e celebration of Ireland and its rich culture!? There are three Southern, California shows this year in Yucapia, Thousand Oaks and Santa Barbara. The 2020 Kerry Irish Productions Tour makes stops in an additional EIGHT CITIES in Arizona and Central as well as Northern California. The wondrous talent of top Irish dancers and musicians are featured with Connor Reider (The Chieftains, Celtic Fyre, and more), Billy Kanaly (Riverdance, An Irish Christmas, St Patrick?s in Ireland), Maeve Croke (Riverdance) and Carrie Malloy (Celtic Wings,Trinity Irish Dance Company An Irish Christmas, St. Patrick?s Day in Ireland).

Pr in cipal Dan cer Con n or Reider (Th e Ch ief t ain s, Celt ic Fyr e, Celt ic Win gs an d An Ir ish Ch r ist m as) The Emerald Isle will resound through the theatre, as the Band shows its passion for the music and delights in sharing it with the audience. Prepare to be captivated and enthralled by this magnificent cast of authentic Irish Dancers and Music Makers! Gather you family and friends together and head to a performance near you for one of your best St. Patrick's Day Season Events EVER!

The multi-instrumentalists from the Kerry Traditional Band led by the great Ryan McKasson on fiddle along with Colin Cotter, guitar, vocals, Christa Burch, vocals, bodhrรกn and Preston Howard-Wilde on uilleann pipes, flutes and vocals will all add their magical musical touch.

Su per b dan cin g, sin gin g an d Ir ish t r adit ion al m u sic celebr at in g t h e in t er n at ion al spir it of t h e Gr eat Sain t s Gr eat Day! Th e Ker r y Or ch est r a is ju st t h e begin n in g of t h is gr eat Ir ish n igh t !

2020 TOUR UPDATE Sadly, t h e last t h r ee sh ow s h ad t o be can celed! Th e r eact ion t o t h is t ou r w as am azin g; STANDING OVATIOS an d gr eat appr eciat ion an d en t h u siasm by ever yon e!

The Wr en Theat r e and MacNamar a's Ir ish Impor t Shop 742 Vine St Hollywood, CA 323 467-6714

Fr om t h e w in gs back st age at THE LOBERO in San t a Bar bar a; Ir ish M agic in t h e m ak in g du r in g t h e per f or m an ce of t h e Ker r y Or ch est r a!

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

Celebr at e ST. PATRICK?S DAY an d t h e gr eat joy of bein g IRISH w it h m u sic, son g, dan ce an d ir r esist ible m er r im en t f r om t h e Em er ald Isle! Th is is a joy-f illed, " k ick u p you r h eels an d join in t h e f u n" con cer t celebr at in g Ir elan d an d it s r ich

Sp eci al L o cal D an ce Sch o o l Gu est s i n T h o u san d O ak s M aeve Cr ok e an d st u den t dan cer s f r om t h e CELTIC IRISH DANCE ACADEM Y

An Marta

cu lt u r e. " We in vit e you t o ou r Irish home an d w h ile you ar e w it h u s you ar e w elcom ed as an h on or ed gu est in ou r an cien t t r adit ion of pu r e Ir ish Hospit alit y!" M ar gar et O'Car r oll, Pr odu cer NOT TO BE M ISSED! IRISH TO THE CORE!

A l so i n San t a B ar b ar a Guests include the Bob Guthrie Memorial Pipe & Drum Corps and Celtic Irish Dance Academy

Th e 145t h . An n u al Los An geles Ir ish Civic Day Celebr at ion an d Com m em or at ion Post pon ed Th e m u ch an t icipat ed an d r ever ed Ir ish Com m u n it y Civic Dy at Los An geles Cit y Hall h as been post pon ed du e t o ou r cu r r en t Nat ion al US Pu blic Healt h Covid 19 Cr isis. As plan s develop f or an Aw ar ds Cer em on y, w e w ill k eep ou r r eader s in f or m ed. Th e deser vin g an d dist in gu ish ed Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican h on or ees ar e list ed h er e:

CONGRATULATION TO EVERYONE!!In Honor of Outstanding Contributions to the Irish American Community and the Los Angeles Area


IRISHM AN OF THE YEAR JAM ES G. HART Irish Technology Leadership Group Hall of Fame, Stanford University 2019 Edward Casey Award, Ancient Order of Hibernians Member, Board of Directors, St. Joseph Hospital Foundation,Eucharistic Minister, ICU St. Joseph Hospital

RISHWOM AN OF THE YEAR CORY SOTOLOV Chief Fundraiser, Irish Fair Foundation Board of Directors, Irish Fair and Music Festival

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE IRISH POETRY CORNER Page 10 M or e on M u ldoon s Pu b's KILT CONTEST Page 5 M or e Ir ish Tr avel Ideas An ot h er In st allm en t on ou r cover age of Ken O'M alley 's Tou r s f or 2020 on Page 1 9 See Page 21 f or det ails on t h e except ion al valu e you can get w h ile su bscr ibin g t o ou r digit al pu blicat ion s an d M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k !

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .

Publisher & Managing Editor Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail: in f o@

ir ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com

Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493 All Copyrights 2019 McDonough Media


An Marta

LETTER FROM THE PUBLI SHER Dear Fr iends & Reader s, Happy Saint Brigid's Day to all of you. In Ireland, this is still a much more serious Catholic Holiday than in the states. Even 60 years ago, I remember very sweet little old Irish nuns lamenting that Saint's Days were not celebrated like the old days. Sadly, it is true. There is a lot wrong with today's secular world and frankly the lack of paying attention to the great lives that were led by many of the Saints in the Roman Church is our loss. They are and could be a great inspiration if we would take the time to learn about them. There is a book titled "My Life With The Saints" that I recommend to our readers. It is by Father James Martin. You can get it on Amazon. I found it quite entertaining and uplifting. Saint Patrick's Day is next week and for we Irish that is a great day. Even with the focus on the celebrations, it is still a positive story of how much one good person can accomplish with determination and Divine Guidance. So Party On! but also perhaps reflect on the Spiritual Side. In today's mayhem, it couldn't hurt! Our Mighty Irish Network is being merged with our exiting database of paid subscribers to the I rish Arts and Entertainment and with our avid and loyal readers at our Weekly Irish E-Missive! Details will be posted over the next few weeks. We are giving a bonus and free offer to all of you who are already members of the Mighty Irish Network or a valued Subscriber to the I r ish Ar ts and Enter tainment.. The Bonus to those of you who signed up to the Mighty Irish Network already is that the Celtic Irish Calendar of Events, features & news, perks, contests, discounts, Free offers that we have here as well as mailings/link from our Weekly Irish E Missive and a digital subscription to the I rish Arts and Entertainment will continue free through June of this year, After then if you have not become a member of our new joint group, we will delete you from our member role and you will no longer get our information. Current Irish Arts Arts and Entertainment subscribers and recipients of the Weekly Irish Weekly E News are being contacted with a similar offer! We want to continue offering a great Celtic/Irish calendar and news service, a platform for interacting with each other and an exciting place for contests and deals! I n shor t; an unmatched All Things I r ish source & ser vice for many year s to come, so we hope you will j oin and stay with us!

Jim McDonough, Publisher

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I RI SH M U SI C M A K ERS educator, multi-instrumentalist and renowned pioneer and profound influence in the realm of Irish Music Makers!

EILEEN IVERS ...has been

proclaimed ?a national treasure? by NCTA Board Chairman George Holt as she celebrates her 30 plus year career a performer, composer, producer, songwriter, band leader,

Eileen Ivers has firmly established herself as the pre-eminent exponent of the Irish fiddle in the world today. Her long list of accomplishments includes a GRAMMY award, Emmy nomination and headline performances with the over 40 orchestras across the world. Ivers is the original musical star of Riverdance, a foundier of Cherish the Ladies and a

Nin e Tim e All Ir elan d Fiddle Ch am pion . Lest there be some confusion, the fiddle and the violin are essentially the same instrument; the difference in nomenclature relates to the type of musicv being played; this is an evening of music for fiddles!


I AM PATRICK Ch r ist ian Docu dr am a Set For Release On M ar ch 17 & 18 In Th eat er s ED NOTE Plans for the two day commercial premier and screening of I AM PATRICK have been cast asunder by the Worldwide Covid 19 public health emergency. We will keep our readers informed if and when future screenings are planned. We will also have a block in our next Irish E Weekly about plans for online streaming. The press screening we had intended to attend was canceled last week so we are reprinting with permission here an abridged review from the Catholic News Service. The reasons the church continues to honor the Apostle of Ireland more than 1,500 years after his death shine forth in the film "I Am Patrick" (CBN), a docudrama screening in theaters for two nights only, March 17 -- St. Patrick's Day -- and March 18. Written and directed by Jarrod Anderson, the profile -- subtitled "The Patron Saint of Ireland" -- seeks to debunk many of the myths and legends that have grown up around its subject over the centuries. The goal is to capture who Patrick really was as a man and a follower of Christ. John Rhys-Davies (Gimli in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy) plays Patrick in old age. With his distinctive voice and stately bearing, he brings the patriarch to life as he reflects on his past and writes his "Confession," laying out the facts about his work to refute the detractors who have arisen during his evangelization of Ireland. Anderson has brought together an impressive array of people to lay out what is known about Patrick. Those interviewed include historians Charles

Doherty and Elva Johnson as well as authors Thomas O'Loughlin and Father Billy Swan. They weave a narrative that reveals Patrick for the amazing missionary he was. The exact dates of Patrick's life are not known but the historical consensus identifies him as a fifth-century figure. Probably born in Roman Empire-controlled Britain, he was the son of a deacon, though his father 's position was more that of a civil servant than a church leader. Because Patrick (played as a teenager by Robert McCormack) was also expected to enter the civil service, he was taught to read and write. But all the youth's plans for the future came to an abrupt end when he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken to their homeland as a slave. In his "Confession," Patrick describes his descent into slavery as a wake-up call from God. His duties as a shepherd meant that he was in danger from other raiders, but his solitude gave him ample time to reflect on God's goodness.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Th e Lír Wh ist le ?A modern whistle for a new age in Irish traditional music? Th e Lír w h ist le is in spir ed by n ear ly a t h ou san d year s of t r adit ion al celt ic f lu t es an d w h ist les, bu t h as been design ed w it h t h e m oder n player in m in d. Havin g w or k ed side-by-side w it h som e of Ir elan d?s gr eat w h ist le player s, w e h ave adapt ed a t im e h on ou r ed design t o allow t h e player t h e abilit y t o ef f or t lessly f low acr oss t h r ee oct aves w h ilst m ain t ain in g a sm oot h t on e. Wh at m ak es t h e Lír w h ist le u n iqu e is t h e specially select ed m at er ials u sed in t h e body of t h e w h ist le. We u se m u ch m or e copper in ou r br ass com pou n d. Th is m ak es t h e w h ist le m u ch st r on ger an d in doin g so cr eat es a m u ch m or e st able sou n d, allow in g t h e player t o pu sh t h e bou n dar ies of w h at t h e h u m ble t in w h ist le can do. All ou r w h ist les ar e m ach in ed by h an d, t h en f u lly in spect ed an d played by ou r exper t player s h er e in t h e w est of Ir elan d.

Lír Wh ist le in t h e k ey of ?D? The Lír whistle is a new modern standard for traditional tin whistle players. This whistle is a limited edition finish with three rings on top. Price includes Lír Pouch and postage within the Republic of Ireland. For international postage rates, please email us. w w w.lir sou n d/ con t act

?75 in clu din g padded case; Com es in t h e keys of D an d Eb. w w w.lir sou n

Paddy M olon ey of THE CHIEFTAINS is on e of t h e m ost f am ou s pr opon en t s an d player s of t h e Ir ish Tin Wh ist le! For over f if t y year s h e h as been in f lu en t ial in dem on st r at in g t h e beau t y an d ver sat ilit y of t h is f in e Ir ish Tr adit ion al in st r u m en t !

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Som e Ran dom Bit s f or St . Pat r ick 's Day an d M ar ch !! By Pr esiden t ial Pr oclaiat ion (Ever y year sin ce 1993) M ar ch is ou r h er it age m on t h . ?During Irish-American Heritage Month, we celebrate the countless achievements of Irish Americans and recognize the remarkable contributions they have made to our Nation?s character, culture, and prosperity.? President Donald Trump

Pr esiden t Tr u m p & Taoiseach Leo Var adk ar of Ir elan d at Wh it e Hou se

YES, THIS IS REAL! Guinness Jameson Ice Cream Float recipe Ingredient s: -

3 cups of vanilla (or chocolate) ice cream


1 can of Guinness One shot of Jameson (or two or three or five!) Chocolate syrup Whipped cream Caramel

Cover the cup in chocolate syrup down the sides first, pour in the shake, top with whipped cream and caramel! Serves 2 (or one!).

Tá míle fáilte romhat!

Direct ions: Blend the first three ingredients.

Tuesday, M arch 17

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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Ligh t of t h e Dar k Ages By Greg Patrick ?They understood, as few have understood before or since, how fleeting life is and how pointless to try to hold on to things or people. They pursued the wondrous deed, the heroic gesture: fighting, drinking, art - poetry for intense emotion, the music that accompanied the heroic drinking with which each day ended, bewitching ornament for one's person and possessions.? Th om as Cah ill, How t h e Ir ish Saved Civilizat ion

Ar r an Islan ds On a tor like bastion of a barren island besieged by the cauldrenous sea,a solitary scribe brooded in the maddening isolation of his monastic hermitage.In the punishing cold where old wounds pulsed and sighs of hauntedregret steamed in the air.The candle had dwindled to its extremity, casting a whisper of light onhis weary features. His cowled and tonsured head bowed wearilyas outside the dome-like cell sweeping torrents flagellated his dwelling at the edge of their known world. In the chasmousloneliness, he composed in vain, a huntsman after an elusive muse.Its light he sought was bright but aloof and unmoved byhis quest. He recited the sacred words by candlelight to rally his spiritsLike a pilgrim painfully ascending the obscure heights wherethe divine dwelt. He sank wearily down like a pilgrim upon a brokenshrine. His silent beckoning to inspiration was but a duet withechoes. His hand sunk listlessly as that of a beckoning falconer unanswered by his raptor. Yet as if ignited by the harsh celestial spotlight, the lost musefound him in a vision of promethean radiance. Enraptured,his eyes seemed ignited by their own fires as he unscrolled the parchment, drawing from hues of starlight from the palette, not detaching himself but delving to the flamingdepths where lost souls screamed...drawing from mortal despair and the euphoria of the heavens. And he reveled in that inspiration like a moth in an aerial dancewith the temptation of light, in yearning for the burning. He reopened his own wounds confrontingly as if to draw from their warm crimson...the agony ofhaving to forsake the sword and mantle of a chieftain's son

for his deformities...the desolationof seeing his love betrothed to another and then exile. He drew from that mortal pain and sought therapture of communion with the divine...Like a thirst-tortured nomad pursuing an irresistible mirage his pen glided acrossthe page, even as the visions sang before him tacitly yet deafeninglybeckoning him from in a void whose depth surpassed those between thelight of the stars. No longer was it parchment before him, but a canvas...He drew and pyromanced zoomorphic and anthropomorphic shapes,forged them into intricate geometry, interweaving angels and dragons and imbued them withwith splendour in veins of gold...The scribe?s penswept in grand conjuring flourishes, weaving darkness into light by an alchemist's art.His brow furrowed in the shadow of his cowl in painstaking detail,making the page glow in resplendent inspirations of gold....metamorphosing silhouettes into winged golden angels and coiling dragons aroundornate lettering...adorning the sacred words in visions of ethereal resplendence.The Hibernian wind was a disembodied battle cry that swept his soul like an aeolian ornate intricate geometry, interweaving angels and dragons and imbued them with gold.The illuminated text, a love letter of the mortal with the divine.

We invite submissions to this feature. A poem, tale or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are all considered. E-Mail us:

M ar ch , 2020

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

THE WOODLAND'S EDGE Th e Poem s of Th om as M acDon agh LIM ITED EDITION DIGIPAK CD Amazing musicians including the legendary Paddy Moloney from The Chieftains , Liam O?Maonlai from The Hothouse Flowers , Award Winning Actors Patrick Bergin & AedĂ­n Moloney , Grammy nominees Aoife Clancy and Janine Randall and 5 All Ireland Winners Joey Abarta, Liam Hart , Torrin Ryan , Stuart Peak , Eamonn Dillon will all be featured on this upsoming cellection! Also the very talented Aoife Scott , Monica Brennan Katie McD and a host of other wonderful artists including Liam Hart , Patrick The album will also feature 4 family members of Irish Poet and Patriot Thomas MacDonagh . Proceeds from the album will go to the Thomas MacDonagh Museum; they do an amazing amount of work promoting Irish culture and environmental awareness. REORDER THIS LIMITED EDITION CD Featuring The Cover Art by Award Winning Irish Photographer Avril Glavin and Liner Notes by Award Winning Writer Lucille Redmond ( Granddaughter of Thomas MacDonagh) $20 Each including S&H in USA (Rest of The World add $6) 2 CDS $35 including S&H in USA (Rest of The World add $7) 3 CDS $50 including S&H in USA (Rest of The World add $8) Limited Edition 11 x 17 Poster $20 Each including S&H in USA (Rest of The World add $8) Only 250 will ever be produced

All Pr eor der s M u st Be Pr epaid Payin g by Ch eck m ail t o: M ar t in Bu t ler 29 Goddar d St r eet Apt 3 Qu in cy, M A 02169 VIA PAYPAL: Bodh r an m ar t in

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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I RI SH M USI C M AK ERS 2020 SURVEY We asked our reader s in Januar y, Who is your favor ite I r ish language group? By over 60% ; almost 3 times the r unner up! Winner ~~ SEO L I NN Genres: Pop, Irish, Acústach, Traid, Popcheol, Folk, Traditional Band Members:Daithí Ó Ruaidh, Keith Ó Briain, Stiofán Ó Fearail, Kev Shortall Hometown:Dublin, Ireland Is breá linn ag casadh ceoil le chéile. Gabh i dteagmháil linn ar Facebook, Spotify, Instagram agus Twitter le tuilleadh a fheiceáil fúinn! Tá muid ag gigeáil thart na tíre faoi láthair. Buail isteach ag ceann dár ngigeanna agus abair 'haigh'linn! Tá bleaist amhrán nua

againn agus is breá linn á dtaispeáint do dhaoine nua! ___________________________________________________ We love playing music together. Get in touch with us on Facebook, Spotify, Instagram and Twitter to find out more about us! We're gigging all around Ireland at the moment. When in Ireland,; grab a ticket and pop into one of our shows and say 'hi'! We have a load of new songs and we'd love to sing them to ye!

Tír le Teanga, Tír le hAnam'

w w w.seolin n .com

#1 ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARTY AT THE #1 IRISH BAR IN OC VOTED BY OC WEEKLY Serving Irish Breakfast until 11am -Corned Beef & Cabbage &-Corned Beef Sandwich -Fish & Chips &-Burgers & Appetizers -Served all Dayt Drink Specials -Green Beers on Tap -All your favorite Irish Beers on Tap -Great Selection of Irish Whiskey

THE HARP INN IRISH PUB 130 E. 17t h . St , Cost a M esa, CA

Music & Entertainment -

Live Ir ish Ban d Cillian s Br idge -Ir ish Dan cer s -An d Bag Piper s all day & n igh t

w w w.h ar pin n .com

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I A M PAT RI C K C o n t i n u ed f r o m Page 7 As he came to think of God as a father he could trust, he began to pray and developed a personal relationship with him. One night, Patrick heard a voice urging him to go home, "for a ship was prepared." Traveling 200 miles through lands where he was constantly exposed to the danger of being recaptured, he reached the coast and found safe passage back to Britain. During all that time, he was not afraid "because he had come to know God." Unsurprisingly, his family was thrilled to see him. But the Patrick who returned to them was very different from the Patrick who had left six years previously. He followed his desire to become a cleric, first, serving as an apprentice to the local bishop, and then being sent to Gaul (modern-day France) to study theology. The film then fast forwards to the middle of Patrick's life. After a decade in Britain, Bishop Patrick (now played by Sean T. O'Meallaigh), acts on a call from God to return to Ireland as a missionary. Of course, everyone thinks this is a crazy idea because, legally, he would still be considered a fugitive slave. But Patrick insists that it's God's will that he go. And go he does. Patrick's evangelizing mission was a great success. And the film does a splendid job of detailing just how much of a change it was for the Irish pagans to become Christian. Some back in Britain, however, were uncomfortable with Patrick's efforts and with the way the church was developing in Ireland. Even after decades of work, Patrick still had his critics. It was for them that he wrote his "Confession," saying that his only motivation in all the preceding years of labor had been "to bring people to Christ."

Wat ch all t h e excit em en t at you r local pu b w it h f an s & f r ien ds! Don't get st u ck h om e alon e w at ch in g r er u n s on delayed n et w or k TV! LEADER BOARD & GAME TABLES VIDEOS and more...

h w w w.sixn at ion sr u

Ir ish Film Arracht Has Wor ld Pr em ier e at Tallin n , Est on ia Black Nigh t s Film Fest ival Tom Sullivan?s Irish-language drama, Arracht (Monster), debuted in the main competition at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia at the end of November.

The actors who portray Patrick at different stages of his life successfully capture the excitement, determination and zeal Patrick consistently displayed. Anderson gives moviegoers an opportunity to view this popular saint as the lover of Christ and proclaimer of the Gospel that he was. His screen biography thus makes especially apt fare for Lent. Perhaps in witnessing the radical way Patrick responded so fully to God's calling, we might take a moment to reflect on how we live out our own vocations. For theater and ticket information, visit:

w w w.f at h om even t / even t s/ i-am -pat r ick The film contains brief stylized violence. The Catholic News Service classification is A-II -- adults and adolescents. Not rated by the Motion Picture Association.

The film is set at the beginning of the Great Hunger in 1845, and tells the story of an Irish adventurer, Dónall l Ó Healaí, who loses everything and is accused of a murder. With the help of a local priest, he tries to build a new life after being on the run for three years Dónall also has help of a mysterious girl but it all falls apart and his past comes back to haunt him. Feat u r e & In t er view s in ou r Apr il IRISH FILM Issu e.

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An Marta

Irish Music News & Reviews: THE CORONAS THE CORONAS RELEASE ?LIVE AT THE OLYM PIA? IN ADVANCE OF NEW STUDIO ALBUM DUE IN THE SPRING Ireland?s hard-working band, The Coronas, who were just closing out a series of sold out concerts all over Ireland, and in the process of finishing off an action-packed year with the release of an album of stellar live concert performances entitled LIVE AT THE OLYM PIA,! The release in was early February. A live version of ?Heroes or Ghosts,? the title track of the band?s very first CD released in 2007, was the first track released from the new collection. It illustrates the devotion of The Coronas?fans who are known to sing along at shows, and in this case, take over the lead vocals when Coronas?front man Danny O?Reilly steps away from the mike. They even join with him on the second verse sung in the Irish language. The Coronas, who have been described as ?Ireland?s best-kept secret,? Very popular but not well known worldwide so far. Their only U.S. appearances in 2019 were three nights in November at New York?s Mercury Lounge, all sold out as well. That will change in 2020 when The Coronas, who had been at work recording what will ultimately become their sixth album, tour and promote the release their new music ethis year. Tour plans are already under way to bring The Coronas back to Australia, the UK and the United States . To kickstart the recording process for the new album, The Coronas came to Los Angeles to record four new songs with producer Rob Kirwan, who

rode the crest of worldwide success with his recent producing project, Hozier ?s Wasteland Baby! The band continued work on the new album in London with George Murphy who engineered their last two albums. Last May, they rolled out the first music from the new album--the single ?Find the Water ?? which immediately catapulted to #1 on Ireland?s iTunes chart upon release. A paean to the need for ongoing self-improvement, both personal and on the band?s own trajectory, it provided a glimpse into the direction the next album will take. ?It has a different vibe and pace to our older work,? explained O?Reilly. A live version of ?Find the Water,? recorded in the summer the Irish Independent Park in Cork, is also included in the new live collection. LIVE AT THE OLYM PIA captures the exuberance and excitement of The Coronas live in concert as well as the fervor of their devoted audiences. ?Over the years we?ve had so many special nights in The Olympia,; memories that will stay with us forever."

Follow Th e Cor on as: Of f icial Websit e: h t t p:/ / t h ecor on as.n et / w w w.f acebook .com / t h ecor on asof f icial/ h t t ps:/ / t w it t er .com / Th eCor on as w w t u / t h ecor on as w w st agr am .com / t h ecor on asof f icial h t t ps:/ / open .spot if / ar t ist / 2t ppd6Kk h K4ULAd217Ecq1 w w t u / w at ch ?v=SG09dDn bKk w h t t ps:/ / open .spot if / albu m / 2Yu K5RjPIay3k Sh Lr r Xt Er

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

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The View from Ireland

Gover n m en t s Nor t h an d Sou t h of t h e Bor der By M au r ic Fit zpat r ick Th e t h r eat t h at f or ced t h e t w o biggest par t ies t o r et u r n t o t h e Nor t h er n Ir elan d Assem bly in Jan u ar y w as t h e pr ospect of an assem bly elect ion if t h ey did n ot . Terrified by the pounding they would likely receive from the electorate, the DUP and Sinn Féin did a deal to restore the assembly after a three-year hiatus.Sinn Féin had recorded three consecutive electoral slippages in the preceding 18 months and it would have been delusional to expect to be rewarded by an angry public deprived of public services as a consequence of the moribund assembly. So Sinn Féin cowered from the electoral blowback and signed up. How, then, did the same party, in theIrish general electionin February, notch up by far its greatest electoral success in living memory? As the only party that operates in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland and whose raison d?être is to unite Ireland, Sinn Féin would be loath to admit the reasonit stood to do so badlyin the North in January and did so well in the Souththe following monthis partition. If issues such as Brexit, Sinn Féin?s violent past and its record of governing in Northern Ireland were game-changers in the minds of the Southern electorate there would have been no surge in support for the party. But those issues are alarmingly remote from the Southern electorate?s priorities. That electorate is completely preoccupied with its own remediable crises in housing, cost of living (particularly childcare and insurance) as well as the dysfunctional health service and ever-longer commutes. For over a decade,government policy has deprived young people of the right to a decent standard of living. So Sinn Féin?s strategists put these concerns into the machine and found that the word tying them all together in the minds of voters is change; and campaigned on that platform. Naturally, the two main parties that have formed governments since the foundation of the State, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil, also understood that the people wanted change. But they were considerably

disadvantaged from presenting themselves as credible agents of it: Fianna Fáil supported Fine Gael in a minority government arrangement since 2016 and the public was so thoroughly sick of it that it was willing to punt for Sinn Féin to clean the Augean stable. What Sinn Féin?s very long period in opposition has finally taught the party is to tailor its message to the dominant mood of the people rather than to fixate on its less popular (in the South) constitutional aspirations. The constitutional question always takes precedence in Sinn Féin?s agenda and,while that garners votes in the North, it is not nearly as important in the South. Assuming Sinn Féin has properly absorbed that lesson it now stands to endure as the third force in Southern politics, representing the left of centre voter. Paradoxically, though, Sinn Féin has consistently supported austerity measures in the North. So how can it position itself to the left in Southern politics? Either it has a left-wing identity or it has a cross-border identity, but maintaining both does not stand up to scrutiny. In truth, its pull to the left? the central reason it won the popular vote? is merely a vehicle to ride to power.

Ireland will now have a caretaker government (the same government) until another government can be formed.It is plausible that Fianna Fáil, the party that won the most seats, will maintain its stance of refusing to form a government with Sinn Féin. If it does, then a?grand coalition?between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael with support from the Greens could emerge.In that case, the parties that form the government of the 33rd Dáil mustdotwo things, or face dire consequencesin the next general electio n.

M ar ch , 2020

Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Maurice VIEW Con t . Fr om Pr eviou s Page Firstly, they must position themselves significantly to the left of the outgoing government. If drastic economic change is what the public wants and voted for, it must now get it.Sinn Féin would make hay out of being thus marginalised, so only a major economic overhaul would enable thegovernmentto survive and tojustify itself to the public for not incorporating the winners of the popular vote. Secondly, there isacard they could playto outmanoeuvre Sinn Féin on the constitutional question (and I acknowledge that there is no evidence that the parties have been discussing this idea).The most Machiavellian move fo such a coalition would be to put Irish unification centrally on its agenda. Given Prime Minister Boris Johnson?s decreasing commitment to unionism and the potential of the EU to help to finance the transition, they might just achieve that historic? and increasingly inevitable? feat during the five-year lifespan of a

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government. The All-Ireland agenda under any guise is anathema to unionists, but it is a diabolical prospect when it is sponsored by Sinn Féin, which continues to provide unionists with reasons to distrust them: on being elected in Waterford, a Sinn Féin candidate cheered for the IRA. Sinn Féin, in opposition, would be both unable to oppose the motion they are in politics to realise and unable to claim it as their achievementif it happens. Doubtless, Sinn Féin would find a way to cavil about the form of unity negotiated while not opposing the motion in itself, but such objections would be small beer.Unification by this route would put Sinn Féin in a bind and force them to accept that accomplishing unity is more important to them than delivering it themselves.In this scenario, one of the paradoxical consequences for Sinn Féin of this earthquake election would be that, having finally won a compelling mandate to participate in government, its ultimate agenda would be best advanced by remaining outside of it. Also, it would give the other parties an ambitious agenda that they badly need.

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

CILLIAN'S BRIDGE SET For THE HARP On St . Pat r ick 's Day!!! Bon ded by a desir e t o m ak e gr eat m u sic, Cillian?s Br idge com pr ises 5 m u sically accom plish ed in dividu als w h o cr eat e a h ybr id of f am iliar f avor it es in an acou st ic r ock sou n d played w it h a n od t o t h eir Ir ish r oot s. Th ey h ave f ou n d t h e secr et t o addin g a n ew dept h t o r ecogn izable m u sic an d m ak e it appealin g t o ever yon e. Th eir m u sic is dan ce-able an d f u n an d w ill h ave ever yon e sin gin g alon g. Continued on Page 26

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Ken O?M alley To Host Tw o Ir elan d Tou r s In 2020 Preliminary Itinerary Wild Atlantic Tour Apr il 18 - 27 Ban t r y Bay n ear Cor k Af t er depar t in g Du blin by delu xe coach , t h e t ou r spen ds t h r ee n igh t s on Ir elan d's West Coast

Cast let ow n ber e Gou gan Bar r a M izen Head Ligh t h ou se Clif f s of M oh er Galw ay Cit y Con n em ar a Kylem or e Abbey West por t Ach ill Islan d Kilm aon h am Gaol Du blin

Th e m oder n an d w ell appoin t ed M ar it im e Hot el in t h e t ow n of Ban t r y. Th e per f ect locat ion f or explor in g t h e West of Ir elan d!

Clif f s Of M oh ar On e of t h e m ost beau t if u l places on Ear t h is on you r t ou r w it h Ken !

Kylem or e Abbey Th e r ich h ist or y

For M or e In f or m at ion an d t o book you r space; Con t act Ken O'M alley: 310 569 1062 w w w.ken @ken om

an d beau t y of Con n em ar e w ill st ay w it h you lon g af t er you r Spr in g of 2020 Tou r !


Ken's Second Fall Tour Dates for his new SAMHAIN TRIP are Featured in our April Issue!

Clayt on Hot el in t h e lovely ar ea of Ballsbr idge. You r last t w o n igh t s on t h e Wild At lan t ic Tou r w ill af f or d you a t im e t o discover an d explor e Du blin !

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

An Marta

Ir ish Elect ion An alysis by John McNall y A seismic shift is how the Republic of Ireland?s election results were best described. Sinn Fein doubled their vote and became the most popular political party in Ireland, eclipsing both Fine Gael and Fianna Fail breaking the 100-year grip on power by the ?Big Two?. Sinn Fein?s only mistake was not running enough candidates and fell one seat short of having the most seats in the Irish Dail, but their huge amount of surplus votes transfered to the Greens and a variety of smaller progressive parties and Independents, three of which are Independent Republicans, and helped them gain seats. Ireland is now poised to have its first female Taoiseach (head of government) Mary Lou McDonald, the President of Sinn Fein since Gerry Adams stepped down two years ago. Trinity College educated Dubliner, McDonald switched from Fianna Fail to Sinn Fein in the late 1990s and is part of the new generation in Ireland who see Sinn Fein as a progressive alternative to the cronies of the two right of center parties that appeared to be interchangeable. The Fine Gael/Fianna Fail attempt to keep Sinn Fein down by constantly bringing up their IRA past has finally failed. It was hypocritical anyway, Fianna Fail was the party of the IRA when it came to power, and Fine Gael?s predecessor were ?Blueshirt? wanna fascists in the 1930?s. It's true that there are former IRA members in Sinn Fein, but they are committed to entirely democratic politics. Few care about their past association with the IRA, voters today are more interested in affordable housing, better healthcare services, and a living wage... proven by Sinn Fein?s winning in every age demographic with the exception of the over 65?s.

In the run-up to the election; RTE tried to exclude McDonald from the debates! ....Continued on Page 22

M ar y Lou M cDon ald, t h e Pr esiden t of Sin n Fein w it h ju bilan t su ppor t er s in Du blin

O PEN EA RL Y at 8:A M O N

St . Pat r i ck 's D ay Ser v i n g Fu l l I r i sh B r eak f ast Regu l ar I r i sh M en u A l l D ay

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona Happy St . Pat r ick 's Day t o all ou r f r ien ds & pat r on s!

Rat ed Best Pu b f or Paddy 's Day by t h e

OC Register FU L L B A R w i t h am azi n g I r i sh W h i sk ey Sel ect i o n GU I N N ESS O n T ap !

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FESTIVITIES POSTPONED!! A YEAR TO REMEMBER!! This March will pass... Bhí níos measa againn, a Ghaeilge

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SINN FEIN Con t in u ed f r om Page 20 Last-minute opinion polls showed Sinn Fein?s jump in popularity; so they had to include her and when finally included, she spoke convincinglyabout building homes, giving workers and families a break, advancing Irish unity, and delivering on the desire of the people for a new Government for change. With Sinn Fein in power in both parts of Ireland, the six Northern Counties (still under British jurisdiction), and the 26 County Southern Republic, the likelihood of a border poll and Irish Unity will now be sooner rather than later. Economists and academics are joining Sinn Fein?s call for planning for Unity, and it would be irresponsible for any Irish Government not to do so. Changing demographics and Brexit are shifting public opinion in the North towards unity, which can be decided by referendum per the Good Friday

Agreement. And four out of five people polled in the South want a united Ireland. At the time of writing this, there is no clear path to setting up an Irish Government. The people spoke and want Sinn Fein to lead, but to get the 80-seat majority will require a coalition made up of multiple parties because the vote was so fractured. Sinn Fein says they are willing to talk to anyone, but Fine Gael and Fianna Fail are still saying no to going into government with Sinn Fein at least at this time. Sinn Fein could try to unite all the small parties. As to the other tricky option, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael might try to form a government with one or more smaller parties, but this would be in defiance of the voters chosen leadership of Sinn Fein. A hung Dail will lead to a new election from which Sinn Fein will likely win additional seats. Ireland has changed, changed utterly!

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STAY CONNECTED TO ALL THINGS IRISH! Join Us in our NEW Mighty IRISH Network! Post Even t s, Get t h e lat est Ir ish Tr en ds an d Feat u r es. An u n biased plat f or m m ade u p of You an d You r Fam ily an d Fr ien ds. We sk ip t h e Big Br ot h er At t it u de t oo! h t t ps:/ / ir ish -ar t s-an d-en t er t ain m en t .m n .co/ As of Jan u ar y of 2020, w e w ill be of f er in g t h e Irish Arts Entertainment as a paid su bscr ipt ion ser vice on ly t h r ou gh ou r M igh t y Ir ish Net w or k . We ar e of f er in g A FREE TRIAL. No com m it m en t , an d n o obligat ion of an y k in d. We ar e con f iden t t h at ou r exclu sive Ir ish Con t en t an d Calen dar , Discou n t s, 2 f or 1 Of f er s an d Con t est s an d t oo m u ch m or e t o list h er e n ow w ill be w elcom ed by m ost of ou r

r eader s. We w ill k eep you in f or m ed as ou r plan s develop! As an Irish Arts & Entertainment Su bscr iber you w ill also be able t o opt in t o ou r Week ly Ir ish E M issive an d Pu bGu E New slet t er s & Calen dar s f or FREE t oo! Please don't delay! Em ail u : M igh t yIr ish Net w or k @gm

As alw ays, you r f eedback is im por t an t t o u s; you r com m en t s an d qu est ion s ar e alw ays appr eciat ed. We w an t t o k n ow w h at you w an t t o see added t o ou r con t en t ; so please em ail u s at : ir ish m issive@gm

Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t

Pu bGu ide E New s

LA Cou n t y Ir ish Even t s

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An M ar t a

I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d ar N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links Sat u r day, M ar ch 21 @ 10:00pm


Th e Wh ooligan s St . Pat ddy 's 2020 " FIST BUM P" TOUR ROLLS ON!


Af t er can celin g ou r Lar ge Ban d Lar ge Cr ow d Gat h er in gs

An en er get ic, f u n n y an d t alen t ed lot of Ir ish M u sic M ak er s! Alw ays a gr eat n igh t w it h a deligh t f u l m ix of TRAD, Pu b, Rebel an d Or igin al

Ir ish M u sic! Au ld Du blin er

Th e Wh ooligan s Tr io m ove on dow n t h e r oad t o SEAL BEACH. Th e Wh ooligan s Tr io LIVE @ O'M alley 's on M ain TOM ORROW SUNDAY, M ARCH 15t h 4:00pm t ill 7:00pm Of ! cou r se if you ar e n ot f eelin g w ell

71 Pin e St . Lon g Beach , CA

w w lddu blin er .com

Or f eel you ar e at h igh r isk in t h is u n cer t ain t im e PLEASE STAY HOM E AND GET WELL. Bu t , if you ar e f eelin g h ealt h y an d ar e r eady t o t ak e you r m in d of f t h e cr azin ess f or a w h ile,

Renaissance Pleasur e Fair e New dates Apr il 18 thr ough May 17, 2020 w w w.r en f air .com / socal

WASH YOUR HANDS an d COM E ON DOWN! We got plen t y of Toilet Paper an d lot s of bot t led dr in k s, DRAFT dr in k s t oo. We ar e all in t h is t oget h er , so com e on dow n an d f ist bu m p a f r ien d.

w w w.t h ew h ooligan

THE PRATIES At THE ABBEY Tu esday M ar ch 17 9:30 t ill 10pm 692 N Rober t son Blvd, West Hollyw ood, CA 90069 Kr is Colt as Lady Black Rose w ill be playin g Apr il 11-12 an d 18-19 See you there!

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

w w w.f r ien dsof sin n f ein .com

Th e Pr at ies

IRISH CALENDAR Th u r sday, M ar ch 12 Th e M u ck en t h aler 7:30 t ill 9:30 Wh isk ey t ast in g at 6:30 Tick et s: w w w.t h em u ck .or g 1201 W M alver n Ave Fu ller t on , Calif or n ia 92833

Fr iday, M ar ch 13 9PM t o M idn it e St eve Pr ybile;s n ew ban d

Reaver Sh ip is playing Buccaneer Lounge, Sierra Madre Blvd. CA.

at The 70 W. Sierra Madre,

Tr adit ion al Celt ic t u n es an d Son gs

Ir ish Fest ival Sat u r day, M ar ch 14 Fr om 11AM t o 5PM Music by Cillian's Bridge Irish Dancing IRISH FOOD & GUINNESS Free Admission & Parking! Oso Viejo Community Park, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA

Su n day, M ar ch 15 10AM t o 2PM Th e Pr at ies, Ir ish M u sic at West ch est er Far m er s M ar k et 6200 W. 87th Street, Westchester,CA 90045

An Marta

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COVID 19 Special ANNOUNCEMENT PLEASE SHARE! Good t o k n ow t h at O' Br i en 's i n San t a M on i ca i s open !

We are still open, here?s what I said on Fox 11 last night. Garcetti?s nan only applies to restaurants in Los Angeles City. It?s confusing, I know. The suggestion, from Governor Newsom?s speech is that all ?sit down? restaurants should remain open to service the dining needs of the community. Traffic has been light, so there is plenty of space between you and the nearest, guest. So come on in and enjoy a meal out, theyin case they shut us down altogether. Slainte!

Click h er e to see Willy on Fox 11 SIGN UP FOR OUR E NEW SLETTER DEVOTED TO PUBS, PUBLICANS, PUB PATRONS and Event s & Ent ert ainment at part icipat ing pubs! Click graphic t o be connect ed and fill in t he form! This mont h's Pub Of The Month is Ye Olde King's Head in Sant a M onica; please see t heir ad on Page 11 CILLIAN'S BRIDGE ...from Page 18 . Cillian?s Bridge incorporates Irish instruments like mandolin and fiddle to pop, rock, and alternative music from the 80s through today. The band has been growing in popularity over the past few years and have garnered a fan base from their many pub and Irish Fair appearances. w w w.cillian sbr

Th e Har p Ir ish Pu b is a gr eat place t o be f or Paddy 's Day Celebr at ion s t oo an d Pu blican Joh n Joe Lyon s is goin g all ou t t o m ak e su r e! See details for the plans on Page 12

THE PRATIES Ir ish Folk , Fu n & Tr ad M u sic M ak er s Another of the many really good bands playing

around Southern California who are devoted to the music as much as they are to fame and fortune. We appreciate their dedication and music. The Praties have a busy schedule this March. The gig that caught our eye is a fundraiser in County Orange on Thursday March 12 at The Muckenthaler from 7:30 till 9:30 Whiskey tasting at 6:30 See details next page

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

An Marta

LIVE IRISH M USIC Sat urday, M arch 28 St art ing @9:30pm

O'M alley's Irish Pub M ain St . Seal Beach, CA w w allesysealbeach .com

WANT YOUR PUB PACKED? Advertise with the Weekly Irish E Missive Pub Guides & the

Irish Arts & Entertainment We promote your pub, events and create interest for you on all our platforms and Social Media. Cost effective & proven results!

951 216-1493 Email:

The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted ir

March, 2020

Irish Arts & Entertainment

w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

Du blin n at ive, LA based, Ir ish Balladeer , par excellen ce

Ken O'M alley en t er t ain s w it h st or y an d son gs. at t h e Th e Au ld Du blin er , 71 S Pin e Lon g Beach , CA 90802. Alm ost Ever y Th u r sday n igh t . w w lddu blin er .co m Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t List ed...

Sen d det ails t o: ir ish m issive@gm

EVERY TUESDAY COM EDY SHOWCASE! Lot s of lau gh s an d gr an d f u n !! Har p In n Ir ish Pu b

TRIVIA THURSDAYS! O'M alley 's Ir ish Pu b On M ain Seal Beach , CA w w allyssealbeach .com

w w w.h ar pin n .com

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Irish Arts & Entertainment

An Marta

On Goin g List in gs Au ld Du blin er in Lon g Beach IRISH SESSION EVERY SUNDAY Starts at 4:00pm. GOES TILL AFTER 7:00pm w w lddu blin er .com Ye Olde Kin g's Head Su n day Kar aok e St ar t s @ 9:00pm (t ill 1:00am ) w w w.yeoldek in gsh Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er 's M on day Nigh t s. .t h e lon gest r u n n in g SESSION in LA

Music, Song, Dance, Poetry, & Prose Th e M ayf low er Clu b w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com

EVERY M ONDAY St ar t s @ 6:00pm Sin ger Son gw r it er Even in g

It is Easy an d Cost Ef f ect ive t o pr om ot e you r Bu sin ess, Even t or Pu b w it h M cDon ou gh M edia! Call or Em ail Jim

951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

Har p In n Ir ish Pu b Cost a M esa w w w.h ar pin n .com Ever y M on day @ 7:00pm \ OC CELTIC JAM PEACE LUTHERIN CHURCH M or e in f o:

REMINDER! Happy Hour Monday - Thursday | 4:00 -7:00 pm Friday | 4:00 -8:00 pm Afternoon Tea Served Monday - Saturday 11:30 am -4:00 pm

YE OLDE KING'S HEAD San t a M on ica, CA w w w.yeoldek in gsh

M ar ch , 2020

It is Easy & Cost Effective to pr omote your Business, Event or Pub with McDonough Media! Call or Em ail Jim 951 216-1493 ir ish m issive@gm

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Page 31

Ar e you in t er est ed in w r it in g an d/ or cover in g even t s f or t h e Irish

Arts & Entertainemt? We w ou ld love t o h ear f r om you . We ar e able t o of f er a lot of per k s, t ick et s an d t h e lik e, expen ses an d cash ! Fir st st ep is t o join ou r Wr it er 's Gr ou p on Facebook . We w ill f ollow u p f r om t h er e.

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