7 minute read
Irish Arts & Entertainment
The opinions expressed by our w rit ers are t heir ow n and do not necessarily convey t hose of t his m agazine, our publisher or st aff
Publisher & Managing Editor
Jam es M McDonough
Tina Day
Maurice Fit zpat rick
Jim McDonough
John McNally
Barbara Singer
Pat rick Weld
Lorraine Cham bers
Press Relations
Al Geiener
Graphics/ Ad Design
Jim , Pat rick & Freelancers
Sales Reps
Jim & Pat rick
Layout & Typos
Jim & Pat rick
Cont act Us Via Em ail: irishm issive@gm ail com
Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493
All Copyright s 2023
by McDonough Media
Dear FriendsandReaders
We w ant t o t hank Ann & Andy Scot t and Clan Scot t for filling in for m e and our scheduled Irish Out reach Boot h. t he I m issed t he event ow ing t o a serious foot injury t hat m ade it im possible for m e t o t ravel or w ork a fest ival.
This w as a t ough year, t he Irish Im port Shop w as not t here eit her because t hey have unfort unat ely closed for good
June t his year w ill be a bit gloom y and not just because of t he norm al SoCal w eat her, t here w ill be no Irish Fair and Music Fest ival eit her
Rem em ber t hat t he "Only const ant in t he Universe is change", so t hese t iding are act ually quit e norm al albeit som ew hat disheart ening. We all need t o look and plan ahead and build on our shared love of Irish cult ure and Ireland. There w e have unit y and t hat is t he good st uff t hat binds us all t oget her
Finally, I w ant t o t hank our fellow Celt , Chieft ain Tom Reoch of t he Unit ed Scot t ish Societ y, (w ho host t he Scot t ish Fest in Cost a Mesa), for giving m e t he job of doing t he Special Scot t ish Fest issue! The project bright ened up a bleak pat ch and I learned a lot doing it
Jim McDonough
Just as one of m y favorit e TV det ect ive w as fond of saying,, one more thing.
I am really appreciat ive of all of t he prayers, w ell w ishes, ecards, real cards w it h a st am p, em als et c t hat I have received from fam ily, friends, advert isers and associat es and even one of m y favorit e w rit ers That out pouring has been a real blessing I am t ruly grat eful
Slan agus beannacht, Jim are doing m ore t o keep Irish Music and Dance in t he forefront t han any pub in SoCal so please support t hem ! w w w.aulddubliner.com
John McNally's Com m ent ary St ory St art s on Page 10
The View From Ireland
By Maurice Fit zpat rick
See Page 14
Our avid & loyal readers w ant t o know about you and your business! Get your m edia kit now : Em ail us at : irishm issive@gm ail.com
Or call Jim , our publisher at 951 216-1493
An unforget t able experience aw ait s you w it h t he new spect acular ?Ireland? docum ent ary film on IMAX; you are right t here up close and t his is a m ust see! IMAX IRELAND is being present ed by Tourism Ireland

At a lat e May high spirit ed launch in Playa Vist a, California at iMax headquart ers, a scenic 3-D, 40-m inut e breat ht aking film vision of Ireland capt ures t he m usic, t he w onders and cult ure of Ireland from t he sea t o it s landscapes in an explosion of spect acular beaut y
This big screen launch w as kicked off by Naille Gibbons, CEO of Ireland's Tourism for t he past 22 years, em phasizing a new cam paign ?Fill Your heart w it h Ireland ? Speaking t o a capt ive audience and a focus on a yout hful generat ion t here in iMax's filled audit orium , Gibbons not ed,?People are keen t o get back t o t raveling Today people are looking for an aut hent ic experience Ireland is ready and w ait ing for t ravelers ? I agree t hat by just w at ching t his film , it m ade m e and cert ainly t he ot her guest s desire t o visit Ireland im m ediat ely He also relat ed, ?Tourism is up in Ireland and t he US is one of t he t op m arket s ?
Perfect ly narrat ed by Irishm an and acclaim ed act or Liam Neeson; his love for his count ry is highlight ed w it h his fam iliar voice Developed and film ed by MacGillivray Freem an Film s, based in Laguna Beach, t his project w as savored under t he auspices of Shaun MacGillivray, t he film 's direct or and in part nership w it h Tourism Ireland A m agical scenic journey, t he film t raverses from Dublin t o Belfast and so m uch m ore in bet w een w it h eight years in t he m aking Much of t he spect acular phot ography foot age w as capt ured in helicopt er aerials
By Barbara Singer
ABOVEL to R: IRELAND IMAX film launch Los Angeles at t endees included Shaun MacGillivray, Film m aker of MacGillivray & Freem an, Naill Gibbons (cent er) CEO Tourism Ireland and Alison Met calfe, EVP Tourism Ireland

You can't help but revel in close view s of t he rugged Skillig Islands plus t he t hose cut e Puffin seabirds t hat you can just about t ouch The volcanic Giant 's Causew ay; yes, I have been t here, yet never so close as in t he film 's nearness Even t he giant Cliffs of Moher put you right t here; t he opening underw at er sequences w on m e over as t he sea species seem ed so t ouchable There is also t he coast of Count y Kerry know n for it s St ar Wars connect ion
An int egral part of t he film w ere t he personal react ions of four young t eenagers along for t he journey accom panied by concert violinist Pat ricia Treacy, int erpret ing t he st ory w rit t en by Irish w rit er and t raveler Manchán Magan w ho incorporat ed st ories, t radit ions and hist ory w hile crisscrossing t he count ry
Alison Met calfe, Execut ive Vice President Tourism Ireland w as present at t his launch w it h Cat herine Mart in, Ireland's Minist er for Tourism , Art s & Sport ; Met calfe, at t he helm of t he Green But t on Cam paign, rem inds us t hat ?Ireland is open for business and a w arm w elcom e aw ait s U S Visit ors ?
Barbara Wood, Manager Western USA Tourism Ireland, San Francisco greets Barbara Singer, travel and film writer for the Irish Arts & Entertainment at the new IMAX "Ireland" film

It is est im at ed t hat 70 t o 80 m illion people w orldw ide are of Irish herit age, w hich is ast onishing considering t hat Ireland?s populat ion is est im at ed at just under 5 m illion. But w het her you are of Irish descent or not , MFF?s new est giant screen film ,Ireland, w ill t ransport you w it h it s sw eeping visuals on a joyful advent ure t o t he Em erald Isle, w here green really does com e in 40 shades
Slat ed for release in May t his year,Irelandfollow s Manchán Magan, an acclaim ed Irish t elevision personalit y and t ravel w rit er, w hose m ission is t o reconnect Irish yout h w it h t heir land, cult ure, and hist ory He is joined by four young st udent s w it h a passion for m usic, and t oget her t hey t ravel across t he count ry m aking st ops at som e of t he nat ion?s m ost spect acular and hist oric sit es
?The count ry?s gorgeous landscapes are just begging t o be on t he IMAX screen,? says unit product ion m anager, Meghan MacGillivray. ?Audiences can expect t o experience Ireland?s im m ense nat ural beaut y and rich hist ory, language, art s, and m usic

Continued from previous page
Global Ireland has ext ended it s West ern Region w it h new offices; it has opened an office for Tourism Ireland in San Francisco w it h Cat herine Mart in, Tourism Minist er on hand. Barbara Wood is t he Manager of West ern USA Tourism Ireland, San Francisco. Bot h w ere at t he ?Ireland?
IMAX film event .
This film show casing Ireland has an am azing appeal and plans are in place for it t o play t heat ers,m useum s and science cent ers across t he Unit ed St at es, Canada and Ireland and soon t o ot her part s of t he w orld
Shaun MacGillivray calls t his film ,
?A Love Let t er t o Ireland ?
And it is! This IMAX m ast erpiece is a t ruly an inspirat ion t o visit Ireland
Find out m ore at : t ourism ireland com w it hout ever having t o hop on a plane.?
Prem ier violinist Pat ricia Treacey (m iddle) and four of t he t een orchest ra st udent s feat ured in ?Ireland?.

As a side not e; rem em ber w hen you go t o Ireland, Aer Lingus, Ireland's prem iere airline now has flight s from Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seat t le on t he West Coast non-st op direct t o Ireland. w w w.aerlingus.com