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100t h Anniversary of t he End of Irish Civil Com m em orat ed In Dublin

May 24, 2023 m arked 100 years since t he end of t he Irish Civil War w hen pro and ant i Anglo Irish Trat y fact ions fought . The conflict began June 28, 1922 and ended on May 24 1923. About 2,000 people are est im at ed t o have died, including key figures such as Michael Collins and Cat hal

Brugha A cerem ony w as held at t he Garden of Rem em brance in Dublin at t ended by Irish governm ent officials and relat ives of som e of t hose w ho died


Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Tánaist e Micheál Mart in joint ly laid a w reat h at t he low -key cerem ony, w hich aim ed t o provide a healing m om ent of reconciliat ion and rem em brance

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar inspect ing a guard of honour from t he Defence Forces prior t o t he cerem ony

Images courtesy of the Irish Government Information Service

Frank Aiken, w ho had em erged as t he ant i-Treat y leader ordered his fight ers st op and give up and lay dow n t heir arm s Part of t he Decade of Cent enaries program m e, t he event w as held exact ly 100 years t o t he day w hen Frank Aiken, w ho had em erged as t he ant i-Treat y leader Also present w ere Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald, Alliance Part y MLA David Honeyford, Lord Mayor of Dublin, Caroline Conroy, and Lieut enant General

Seán Clancy, Chief of St aff of t he Defence Forces

Many ot her m em bers of t he governm ent , Oireacht as and Council of St at e w ere also in at t endance

Form er Taoiseach Bert ie Ahern, w hose fat her Con fought for t he ant i-Treat y forces, w as also present , alongside ot her relat ives of t hose direct ly im pact ed by t he Civil War.

As t o be expect ed at a som ber Irish Event , m usic and spoken-w ord segm ent s w ere an im port ant com ponent of t he day. On hand t o perform w ere t he Com bined Band of t he Defence Forces and t he Cór Linn Yout h Choir.

Violinist Aoife Ní Bhriain perform ing An Buachaill Caol Dubh at t he Garden of Rem em brance .Also perform ing w ere violinist Aoife Ni Bhríain, w hile t here w as a reading of t he Pat rick Kavanagh poem Peace and prayers led by

Defence Forces chaplain Fr Dan McCart hy.

A w reat h-laying w it h a lone piper w ho piped t he Piper's Lament w as follow ed w it h The Last Post beig played as t he Tricolour w as raised The event concluded w it h a perform ance of Amhrán na bhFiann by soprano Collet t e Delahunt

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