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2023 Tour Loreena McKennit t
This August , Loreena w ill also be m aking rare appearances at t hree sum m er folk fest ivals in her hom e province of Ont ario harkening back t o t he root s of her early years and perform ing som e of her m ost t radit ional Celt ic songs w it h special guest s The Bookends, a St rat ford-based Celt ic band.
Loreena w ill bring The Visit
Revisited Tour t o 23 Am erican cit ies in t he U.S. Nort heast , part s of t he Midw est and concluding in t he Canadian prairies t his Oct ober and Novem ber.
Loreena w ill be accom panied on t our by long-t im e m usical com panions Brian Hugheson guit ar,Caroline Lavelleon cello, Hugh Marshon violin and Dudley Phillipson bass. Perform ances w ill include every song onThe Visit, (in t he order t hey appear on t he album ), as w ell as ot her fan favourit es from across her cat alogue.