3 minute read
The Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco Hist ory and Lit erary Tradit ion
St ory & Pict ures by Troy Korjuslom m i
Overlooking t he glist ening blue w aves of t he Medit erranean, Monaco-Ville is an ancient fort ress perched at op vert ical rock w alls, high above t he surrounding coast line These feat ures m ake t he Rock, as it is called, rem iniscent of t he cliffs of w est ern Ireland, and even t he original hom e of t he Irish New s, Sant a Monica Monaco w as also t he hom e of one of t he m ost fam ous Irish-Am ericans and friends of Ireland, Princess Grace
I visit ed t he Princess Grace Irish Library and Cult ural Cent re, w here I m et w it h it s Direct or, Paula Farquharson She show ed m e around t he library and it s im pressive collect ion of books and m usic A prist ine first edit ion of t he Ulysses on display brought up Bloom sday, one of t he Irish t radit ions observed in Monaco, w it h readings and w alks around t his Irish hom e aw ay from hom e.
The library has a unique collect ion of Irish books from Princess Grace?s personal collect ion. The shelves cont ain a t reasure t rove of first edit ions and rare volum es, and is a t est am ent t o her proud Irish-Am erican herit age.
Hist ory becom es alive in t his lit erary fort ress, not only t hrough t he books of t hese fam ous Irish aut hors and poet s, but also t hrough t he st ories w hich bind so m any of t hem t o t he st ory of Princess Grace and t he Monaco Royal fam ily.
The library has several sect ions, t he first of w hich cont ains t he first edit ions, m usic scores, and ot her valuable print s from princess Grace's personal collect ion of Irish w orks. Ot her sect ions cont ain hist oric phot ographs and docum ent s, a varied collect ion of Irish books, kids' sect ion, and a lect ure hall. The lect ure hall feat ures m ont hly present at ions, lect ures and m usic. The library also funct ions as a lending library t o local resident s.
The PGIL invit es scholars, academ ics, and lovers of Irish lit erat ure and m usic t o com e and visit The Ireland Funds Monaco also sponsors one m ont h long bursaries for Irish w rit ers t o pursue t heir w ork at t he library Som e of t he w orks, including books and m usical scores w hich you m ight have t hought lost , can soon be found on t he library?s w ebsit e, as w orks get added t o t he online collect ion There is even a facsim ile copy of t he Book of Kells, donat ed by t he Honorary Consul General of Ireland in Monaco, Sir Michael Sm urfit Incident ally, he also rescued and donat ed t he silver font in t he m ain room The font w as gift ed by Princess Grace and Prince Rainier t o t he First Lady of Ireland, Mrs Sinéad de Valera, in 1961
Photo Legend, on the top right: Paula Farquharson w it h Port rait of Princess Grace. On t he left is a solid silver font , a gift from Princess Grace t o Mrs Sinéad de Valera, w ife of t he President of Ireland at t he t im e of t he 1961 St at e Visit .
On the bottom right: The lat est Writ er-in-Residence and Bursary recipient , Dr Gráinne Hurley (cent er front ), w it h Ireland Funds Monaco represent at ives Dr Josephine Loft us and library t rust ee Mark Arm st rong (behind her), and Paula Farquharson, Direct or of t he PGIL (on t he right )

ON THE RIGHT: View int o t he m ain room , w it h books from Princess Grace's collect ion of Irish books lining t he shelves

For t he w rit ers out t here, you w ill w ant t o know t hat t he applicat ion process for t he bursaries t o t he PGIL for 2024 are open.
Det ails online: irelandfunds org/ chapt ers/ w orldw ide/ m onaco/ bursaries/ More, go t o : w w w :pgil.m c
Relat ed feat ure on Grace Kelly, See page. Som e of our younger readers m ay not know t hat she w as considered t he biggest st ar in Hollyw ood in t he early 60's w hen she left t he indust ry t o m arry and m oved t o Monaco