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Scot t ish Fest Special Issue Alba Gu brat h !
TOP LEFT: The LA Scot s Pipe Band and a host of t he best pipers and pipe bands w ill delight fans at SCOTTISH FEST 2023 over Mem orial Day Weekend!
Calling All Celts! Join in on t he Excit ing Ent ert ainm ent , Fam ily Fun and Pageant ry at t he annual Scot t ish Fest in Cost a Mesa
Sout hern California's largest Scot t ish, Celt ic, Am erican Fest ival is com ing soon! Revel in t w o days of w orld class Celt ic m usic, piping and drum m ing com pet it ions, Highland dancing cont est s, Scot t ish at hlet ics, Scot t ish gift s and foods, Scot t ish clans and genealogy, a fant ast ic children's glen and so m uch m ore! The Celt ic bands and ent ert ainm ent scheduled include: 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Band, Celt ish, Christ opher Yat es/ Rust y Baw ls/ MacCloud, Im perial Knight s Joust ing, Marine Sand Piper, Ploughboys Sw eet w at er Creek, Scot t ish Fiddlers of Los Angeles and t he crow d pleasing Sheep Herding, St age Cru, Tem pest , Wicked Tinkers, McNult y School of Irish Dance ,Joyce & David and Celt ic Cello Duo, Orange Count y Harp Troupe, Royal Scot t ish Count ry Dancers & LA Fife and Drum s
World Renow ned
E) Pg 22
Scot t ish Piper ERIC
Get ready for Scot t ish Fest w it h a quick five m inut e read on a brief hist ory of California's Highland Gam es & Fest ivals!
G) Pg 23
SAVETHEDATE, Mem orial Day Weekend for Scot t ish Fest in Cost a Mesa! The w ebsit e has ALL DETAILS & DISCOUNTS w w w.scot t ishfest .com
See page 5