6 minute read
NOW WITH By Date& On Going Listingsand Links
Are you t aking advant age of our Very Irish Perks? Act now and SAVE 10% at The Irish Im port Shop!
Subscribers receive a code for exclusive deals and discount s . The code com es w it h your VIP Card.
Int ro t o Irish Language Class Ret urns!
The Celt ic Art s Cent er 's Int roduct ion t o t he Irish Language class w ill begin on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 7PM via Zoom and w ill cont inue w eekly on Mondays night s w it h a few except ions such as holidays and ot her special event s For exam ple, t he Celt ic Art s Cent er w ill be having it s St . Pat rick?s Day celebrat ion on March 13, and t here w ill be no class on t hat evening
This online class assum es no prior know ledge of t he Irish language; if you have already been exposed t o it , t his class m ay serve as a refresher course on t he basics The prim ary m at erials are "Progress in Irish" and "Gaeilge Gan St ro - Low er Level", bot h of w hich m ay be purchased online The course inst ruct or, Jam es Murphy, w ill be circulat ing t he init ial course m at erials as w ell The first few classes w ill focus on pronunciat ion
If you are int erest ed in part icipat ing or w ould like m ore det ails, please em ail us at language@celt icart scent er.com .
More Trivia
The Harp Inn Irish
Pub Pour House Trivia

Every Wednesday Evening at 7;00pm THE HARP
130 E. 17t h. St . Cost a Mesa, CA w w w.harpinn.com
See O'Brian's Pub above for t heir Wednesday det ails
Sundays MacLeod Brew ing
Trivia Night w w w m acleodale com
The Auld Dubliner
Every Monday w e host Trivia Night , gat her your friends and com e in t o com pet e and enjoy a pint

The Auld Dubliner
71 Pine St . Long Beach, CA w w w.aulddubliner.com
O'Brien's Irish Pub
Trivia Night s are Mondays and Wednesdays
Monday st art s at 8PM t ill 10:30PM WED: 8PM t o 10PM
Form a t eam or t ry t o form one at t he pub Play for cash prizes of $150. No ent ry fee
O'Brien's Irish Pub
2226 Wilshire
Sant a Monica, CA w w w.obriensla.com
Ye Olde King's Head
Brit ish Pub & Rest aurant
Trivia in t he pub at 7:30pm
116 Sant a Monica Bl Sant a Monica, CA w w w.yeoldekingshead.com

Click Here To List en

The King's Head in Sant a Monica has added a COFFEE BAR!
Coffee Lovers rejoice, t he King's Head Shoppe and Bakery are now serving som e of t he best select ions of coffee and specialt y drinks in all of Sant a Monica and t he West Side!
The are also purveyors of exlusive coffees in bulk! A t im ely gift for t he coffee fans on your list !

Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY IRISH PERKS
The VIP program is a very im port ant com ponent of our subscript ion program . It has a m ult it ude of posit ive fact ors built int o t he program It serves as a bonus/ rew ard syst em for spending hard cold cash on our publicat ion AND it is a good net w orking t ool for t he Publisher. We are able t o at t ract subscribers and advert isers t o our publicat ion and keep t hem int erest ed w hile delivering great Irish int erest cont ent and inform at ion t o our readers The advert isers benefit by having a readership int erest ed in our excit ing niche m arket and t hey can t arget our readers w it h special offers. The volum e m akes it w ort hw hile for t hem t o part icipat e.
The Pandem ic has set us all back a bit in one w ay or anot her and w e are rebuilding our VIP benefit s package. We w ere count ing on discount s and deals at pubs and event s but t hat plan is now on t he back burner as t here are few event s and pubs need volum e t o m ake t he discount s pract ical In t he m eant im e, w e are w orking hard t o line up new offers for our subscribers Throughout t his Buying Guide, w e have som e list ings on good deals and w e w ill be adding special offers t o our w ebsit e as w e find t hem One VIP, w e have now of int erest is Buy ONE SUB and get a Gift Subscript ion! Be sure t o check out t he Very Irish Perks each issue and on our Facebook pages.
Very Irish Perks Vip Club
All subscribers become members of our VIP Group.
Current ly w e are offering som e really good prom ot ions and as t he Pandem ic eases w e w ill add m ore.
At Present :
O'Brien's On Wilshire in Sant a Monica w ill give our subscribers a Free Appet izer w it h purchase w w w.obriensla.com
Go t o t he m enu click here
The Irish Im port Shop has becom e a VIP Afiliat e so you can sign up for your sub at a discount and pay t here as of t his w eek! The Irish Im port Shop also ext ends 10% OFF all purchases t o our Subscribers
See Page 2 for his ad and num ber!
An am azing offer for our ow n VIP Mem bers and Subscribers! Buy a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een now and Decem ber 23rd. and w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR
The Irish Arts & Entertainment This past year w e celebrat ed 30 years as California's prem ier Irish publicat ion!
We st art ed in Sant a Monica in 1992 as t he Irish News of California
We alw ays w ant t o hear from you, your com m ent s, event s list ings and subm issions are alw ays accept ed. St art ing w it h t his issue, w e are enhancing t he experience of being a subscriber by expanding our Very Irish Perks and by t he first of 2023, w e w ill fully launch our Might y Irish Net w ork
The fledgling sit e is already up and subscribers w ill be sent det ails about it t his m ont h. Com m ent s & Quest ions, please em ail:

The Might y Irish Net w ork Is Expanding ...lntroducing Irish Cyber Spaces
We have a fledgling Irish Social Media Sit e and you can join us by sim ply subscribing t o t he Irish Arts & Entertainment. Subscribers also becom e m em bers of t he Might y Irish Net w ork and you are enrolled in our Very Irish Perks, (VIP) deals and discount program .

Excit ing Changes Com ing For t he Irish Com m unit y In California
Aft er alm ost t hree years of fear, lock dow ns and rest rict ions; based on t he final w eeks of 2022 and feedback w e have been get t ing from advert isers, friends and readers w e m ay w ell be headed int o a period of opt im ism and st abilit y t hat has been m issing during t he pandem ic.
Int erest ingly, opt im ism is ram pant in t he Irish Com m unit y even as nat ional econom ic and polit ical pundit s are t out ing every ilk of dow nt urn and m ayhem in business and governm ent sect ors. We are seeing a t rend; m any (m aybe even a m ajorit y) people are rising above negat ive uncert aint y and t he gloom and doom polit ical rhet oric com ing from our polit ical elit e class Trends t hat w e recent ly experienced w ere packed pubs t hroughout t he World Cup sold out concert s and Christ m as show s, a lot of Holiday part ies and Seasonal Celebrat ions st art ing w it h Hallow een and t hrough New Year 's Eve This all point s t o a m ore robust 2023 w here w e all st art doing m ore, t raveling m ore and sim ply em bracing our lives m ore.
For our part , w e are pledged t o do all w e can t o spread t he new s about all t he w onderful event s, experiences and project s t hat are in st ore for our readers and t he Irish/ Irish-Am erican Com m unit y in Sout hern California.
Our best and im m ediat e new s is t hat st art ing next w eek, all of our readers have a new online sit e t o bot h creat e a voice for t hem selves and t o find out about all m anner of event s and people w ho share t heir love of ALL THINGS IRISH! Just click below t o join!