4 minute read
A Brief History of Scottish Highland Games and THE SCOTS In California
Highland Games and Festivals honor and preserve Scottish culture and heritage, The events celebrate all things Scottish by featuring traditional Scottish sports, music, dance, and other activities While the Highland Games havedeep roots in Scotland, they have also gained popularity and spread to various parts of the world, including California.
Here'sa brief overviewof thehistoryof HighlandGamesand Scottish activitiesin California:
Scottish Immigration to California: Scottish immigrants began arriving in California in the mid-19th century during theGold Rush era Many Scots ventured to California in search of fortune and settled in various parts of thestate, bringing their traditions and culture with them
Early Scottish Activities: Scottish immigrants in California formed social and cultural organizations to maintain their heritage Theseorganizations organized gatherings and events where Scottish traditions, such as music, dance, and storytelling, were celebrated The Caledonian Club of San Francisco, established in 1866, is one of the oldest Scottish organizations in California and has played a significant role in promoting Scottish culture
The Highland Games have their origins in Scotland, where they have been held for centuries as a way to showcase and preserve Scottish traditions. In California, the Highland Games started gaining popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These events were organized by Scottish societies and featured traditional Scottish sports like caber toss, hammer throw, and stoneput, as well as bagpipe competitions, Highland dancing, and Scottish music
First Highland Games in California: The Caledonian Club of San Francisco played a crucial role in introducing Highland Games to California In 1866, the club organized the first recorded Highland Games in the state

Since then, various Scottish societies and organizations across California have hosted their own Highland Games and Festivals, contributing to the growth of Scottish activities in the region. Expansion of Highland Games and Festivals: Over time, Highland Games and Festivals have expanded beyond the San Francisco Bay Area to other parts of California. Cities like San Diego, Ventura, Fresno, and Costa Mesa host annual Highland Games events, attracting participants and visitors from different backgrounds who come together to experienceScottish culture.
Scottish Cultural Organizations: Several Scottish cultural organizations have been established in California, promoting Scottish heritage and organizing events throughout the year These organizations include Scottish Highland Gathering and Games Association of Southern California, Scottish Society of San Francisco, St. Andrew's Society of Los Angeles, and many more They work to preserve Scottish traditions, provide scholarships, and support community outreach programs.
Today, the Highland Games and Festivals in California continue to be popular events that celebrate Scottish culture and bring together people with Scottish ancestry or an interest in Scottish traditions. These gatherings provide a platform for showcasing Scottish music, dance, sports, and other activities, allowing participants and attendees to experience a taste of Scotland in the heart of California
About the Costa Mesa Scottish Fest
Scot t ish Fest is part of t he Unit ed Scot t ish Societ y, a 501c(3) non-profit corporat ion. It is t he oldest and largest fest ival of it s kind in t he Sout hern California area. The fest ival occurs annually on Mem orial Day Weekend at t he Orange Count y Fair and Event Cent er (OCFEC) locat ed in Cost a Mesa, California.
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History of Games Cont...
The locat ion is perfect t o host t he m any fest ival act ivit ies and event s not t o m ent ion t he superb w eat her. The OCFEC is approxim at ely 175,000 acres including t he parking lot s and t he fest ival ut ilizes just about every inch of t he propert y
The key t o t he success of t he fest ival is t he people, from t he volunt eers t hat w ork t o produce t he event , t o t he part icipant s/ com pet it ors t o t he guest s t hat enjoy t he m any com pet it ions, m usic, dance, at hlet ics, product s for sale, yout h act ivit ies, food and lively at m osphere.

The fest ival w as est ablished in 1932 and w as called a Highland Gam es in t he t radit ion of Scot t ish herit age. The Highland Gam es st art ed out as a sm all gat hering in 1932 but as t he years grew so w as t he Gam es t o t he point t hat by 1938 t he Gam es w ere set -up in t he Sant a Monica Municipal St adium During 1941 t o 1945 t he Highland Gam es w ere not officially held due World War II

Eric Rigler ?s CELTIC HOLLYWOOD Feat uring Leo Z
For over 30 years, t he Celt ic sounds of bagpipes and Irish w hist les heard in Oscar-w inning film s, Gram m y-w inning album s and hit t elevision series prim arily belong t o one m an? Eric Rigler Current ly feat ured in Am azon's LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER, Eric's solos are fam iliar t o audiences around t he w orld t hrough t he film s BRAVEHEART, TITANIC, AUSTIN POWERS, DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, t elevision's OUTLANDER, THE SIMPSONS, SOUTH PARK, and CD?s by everyone from PHIL COLLINS, JOSH
Leo Z
Eric Rigler
This one-of-a-kind show spot light s Eric's career as he brings his original solos from t he Hollyw ood recording st udios t o t he concert st age w it h specially curat ed select ions, show casing his ancient and haunt ing inst rum ent s. Eric w ill be joined by co-arranger/ co-m usical direct or Leo Z (Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli) on piano & keyboards, Lily Honigberg on violin, Wanda Law on viola, Connor Vance on guit ar & cello, Mia Dort ch on harp, and Hannah Crow ley vocals' copies blensd elem ent s of classical,
Eric Rigler played t he Irish pipes for Braveheart

It alian com poser, producer & songw rit er, born in Bologn as Leonardo De Bernardini.

Leo Z began his m usical career at 20 years old in It aly. His Close w hich sold 8 m illion elect ronic, w orld, folk, Celt ic, cont em porary, progressive rock and abient m usic t o creat e a unique voice in t he int ernat ional pop-crossover genre
ED NOTE: See Calendar t his issue for ent ert ainm ent and event s in t he King's Head Pub and for m ore on t heir new Coffee Bar CLICK HERE