HappySt. Patrick'sDay
Feature StartsonPage5
FOR OUR Alon e/ TOGETHER Live St r eam
Vo l . X X I X
St . Pat r i ck 's D ay Sp eci al I ssu e
A n M ar t a~M ar ch , 20 21
A St . Pat r i ck 's D ay L i k e N o O t h er V i r t u al C o u n t d ow n & C el eb r at i o n A l o n e/ T O GET H ER L i v e St r eam Coverage Starts on Page 3
C) Pg 19
A B O V E:
T h e K er r y I r i shB) Pg 9 Pr o d u ct i o n s' C ELT I C W I N GS O r ch est r a & D A N A Ch or u s
E) Pg 22
T h e YO U N G D U B L I N ERS B EL O W : T r i n i t y I r i sh D an ce
A) Pg 20 H) Pg 8
Ch eck In side f or ou r Su bscr ipt ion Of f er ! 2 For 1 Plu s $10. Of f an d Ver y Ir ish Per k s! See Page 11 Part Two of our Irish Music Makers Series on Page 12 Much more on Trinity Irish Dance,Company
G) Pg 23
A NEW Irish Stage Production for 2021 CELTIC WINGS
For Over FIFTY YEARS!! The Hollywood Ir ish Impor t Shop has been St. Patr ick's Day HQ for SoCal's Ir ish Community! All your favor ite Goods & Tr eats ar e in Stock! DROP BY or CALL FOR FREE DELIVERY!
Sain t Pat r ick 's Day HQ
N EW H O U RS N o o n t o 4 PM W ED t h r u SU N O PEN M A RC H 16
Hu m e Docu m en t ar y O U R C O V ER on PBS an d book deal Ju st t h r ee o f t h e sco r es o f am azi n g en t er t ai n er s an d Page 13 w r i t er s w h o h av e agr eed t o h el p u s w i t h o u r A l o n e/ T O GET H ER L i v e St r eam !
Alon e/ TOGETHER is sh apin g u p t o be an am azin g even t , M or e f eat u r es on ar t ist s in clu din g You n g Du blin er s st ar t on
Pu blish er 's Let t er Ref lect ion s on t h e Year of t h e Lock Dow n
Page 4
M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Will Ret u r n in Apr il Feat u r e on h is Joh n
Joh n M cNally En dor ses Special En voy For Ir elan d T h e V i r t u al C o u n t d ow n an d an d m or e on t h e C el eb r at i o n Pad d y 's D ay Un it ed Ir elan d Cam paign C ov er age st ar t s O n Page 3 in Ir ish Am er ica Page 11
Su bscr ipt ion Ser vice & Ver y Ir ish Per k s! Discou n t s an d Con t est s Det ails on Pages 23 & 35
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Alon e/ TOGETHER Set To St ar t M ar ch 16 At 11:PM GM T
Wor ldw ide St . Pat r ick 's Day Celebr at ion By Jim McDonough, Publisher
Ush er In St . Pat r ick 's Day Via Ou r Vir t u al Live St r eam Exper ien ce 6:PM EST & 3:PM PST As we announced iinitially in our February Issue, we are organizing a Live Stream via Social Media that will give all of us a chance to virtually connect for St. Patrick's Day 2021. Alon e TOGETHER will let people join in on our celebration of the Great Saint's Great Day with thousands of other Irish Folks from the Irish Sea to the Pacific Ocean! Kick Off your Celebrations at 11 PM Ireland Time on March 16 ...Countdown to St. Patrick's Day with family and friends from around the Globe... From Dublin to Santa Monica Join our 10 hour LIVE STREAM via an intertwined schedule of Internet Radio, YouTube and Facebook! We also have our website
w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
Live Irish Music, Celebrity Guests, Groups and Organizations from Ireland, Canada and many US states have all signed on to participate. We are still actively looking for as many people as posibe to be part of our outreach. A gathering like no other...Alon e TOGETHER for St. Patrick's Day 2021 A combination Live Stream and segmented show with presenters and guests as well as pre recorded shows. Tune in when you can as we count down and celebrate St. Patrick's day. Up to the minute schrdules and updates will be posted on our social media pages and on LinkedIn as they develop. We will also be sending out blasts to our contact lists via our Weekly Irish E Missive,
Please Like & Share our page. As James McDonough, Publisher: I will also be posting updates and opportunities on LinkedIn. We are planning a second Cover Feature in our Mid- March Updated edition of the Irish Arts and Entertainment. A SPECIAL ISSUE about March 11 devoted to the Alone/TOGETHER Live Stream Project! As mentioned we will also keep everyone informed with a series of blasts using our massive date base of contacts. To get involved email us:
ir ish m issive@gm L
We n eed volu n t eer s an d h elp spr eadin g t h e w or d! Please go t p ou r page h er e an d RESPOND & SHARE!
The Weekly
IRISH E MISSIVE Calendar, Links, Listings& More
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
More Features Ir ish Calen dar Ir ish Com m u n it y List in gs & Celt ic Cam er a Start on Page 26
Su bm it you r calen dar it em s t o : ir ish m issive@gm
Irish Arts & Entertainment Th e opin ion s expr essed by ou r w r it er s ar e t h eir ow n an d do n ot n ecessar ily con vey t h ose of t h is m agazin e, ou r pu blish er or st af f .
Publisher & Managing Editor
Jam es M M cDon ou gh Writers Tin a Day M au r ice Fit zpat r ick Jim M cDon ou gh Bar bar a Sin ger Pat r ick Weld Press Relations Al Geien er Graphics/ Ad Design
Ch r is On yeagh or Sales Reps Jim & Pat r ick Layout & Typos Jim , Pat r ick & Fr eelan cer s Con t act Us Via Em ail:
in f o@ir ish
ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com Jim 's Cell: 951 216-1493
All Copyr igh t s 2021 M cDon ou gh M edia
An M ar ta
Let t er Fr om THE PUBLISHER Dear Friends and Readers
Alon e/ TOGETHER Th e con cept is t h at w e w an t t o alleviat e som e of t h e dr ead t h at m an y people ar e exper ien cin g ow in g t o t h e Pan dem ic. Th e idea f or t h e Live St eam w as bor n of t h e r ealizat ion t h at a lar ge n u m ber of people w er e w or r ied abou t t h e appr oach in g St . Pat r ick 's Day becau se t h ey f elt alon e an d lock ed ou t of t h eir n or m al lives. Sadly, all t h is is ver y dif f icu lt f or m an y people. Pu bs an d f u n w elcom in g Ir ish Even t s ar e r eally im por t an t t o m an y of u s especially du r in g t h e Pan dem ic, t h e loss of t h ese im por t an t social ou t let s w as r eally t ou gh . We speak t o an d h ear f r om a lot of people all t e t im e bu t w e n ot iced a dr am at ic u pt ick in em ails an d calls over t h e cou r se of t h e past year . People ar e lon esom e. We plan on doin g m or e ou t r each t o t h e Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican com m u n it ies an d ou r r eader s. We ar e alr eady plan n in g on a vir t u al Alon e/ TOGETHER East er Celebr at ion var iet y h ow. We h ave also set u p a You Tu be Ch an n el. We ar e also en cou r agin g ou r r eader s t o get m or e in volved in all f or m s of ou t r each an d volu n t eer in g. Becom e join er s!
Jim M cDonough, Publisher One last point, we need volunteer s to help us spread the wor d about our upcoming L ive Stream Show Alone/TOGETHER. I f you have ideas and exper ience on how to spread the news and get attention to an event like this; please contact us, ir
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Saint Patrick's & His Legacy 440s to 2021 M id 400 AD t o Ar ou n d 800 Ad... give or t ake a f ew year s.Patrick arrives in I reland, maybe from Wales, no one knows for sure. We do know he was a Roman Briton and we know a bit about his family from his own hand. He wrote his "Confessions" before he died. I rish history is resplendent in stories and details of the a fervent Century of Faith and Conversions after his arrival. I n 445 Patrick buile his first stone chuch in Armagh, T he Church of I reland's St. Patrick's Cathedral was built on the site beginning in the early 1200's I reland does indeed become a land of saints and scholars. I n I reland and the United States in paricular hundreds of churches are named in his honor. St. Patrick?s death is March 17, 493. He dies in Saul, in what is now Co. Down. His grave in Downpatrick also contains the remains of I reland?s other two patron saints St. Colmcille and St. Brigid. T his is the Golden Age for the melding of I rish T radition and a very accepting and humanistic form of I rish Chritianity. T he Church of Rome is far away and local customs and practices are the order of the day. I rish Monks and Nuns and orders thrived. I rish Catholic ideas were strong and I rish Catholic L iteracy kept knowledge alive while the rest of Europe waged war and the Western Roman Empite crumbled. L ibraries, I rish Christian communities flourished thanks to I reland's desire to spread the Good News! I rish monks settled I oana and many other outposts. St Brendan the Navigator Born near T ralee in 485 AD and died at a very old age, some say as late as 565 AD) explored the Seas and may well have made it to North America around 540 AD I reland's Five Provinces ruled by local Chieftains, Families and Kings prospered. Tara became the seat of the High King. T his is truly a fascinating and mysterious time in I rish History. Much of it was soon to be lost... as the Viking Era of mayhem , raids and conquest of a lot of I reland's coastal regions begain. T his period started roughly around 800 AD. Viking L ongboats were viewed with horror as they first took the coastal villages and settlements and then crisscrossed I reland's Rivers. T his age of brutality and destruction lasted about 60 years and most of St. Patrick's and his successors churches, communities and monasteries, , the hard workof many generations was burned, down and sacked. Most historians say Dublin was settled by Vikings around 841 so about then peace and trade started to develop. Brian Boru ended Viking rule at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014 AD. After all that, slowly but surely St Patrick?s monasteries and many churches in I reland (and the world) have been rebuilt and established. I n 1169, T he Anglo Normans, arrived to colonize I reland.
T he invaders were Catholic adherents, but the did not practice any Christian values. T hey were brutal and pillaged and enslaved the I rish. By the 1500's, once again, the invaders were becoming I rish in nature and started to want more freedom from L ondon. St Patrick is revered and he is once again I reland's patron saint. We referenced The I rish Post online for most of the following dates, so thanks to them for this info. 1601? T he world?s first ever St Patrick?s Day Parade is held in St Augustine, Florida. A local I rish priest who had arrived with the Spanish started it. To this day, St. Augustine has a wonderful parade. I n 1630, St Patrick's Feast Day put on the Church's universal calendar. T hanks to the efforts of Waterford-born L uke Wadding. 1737 T he very first St Patrick?s Day parade is held in Boston, Massachusetts. T he first New York Paddy's Day Parade follows in 1762. We are starting to take over!! 1903 St Patrick?s Day becomes a public holiday in I reland for the first time. 1916 T he Easter, Monday Uprising and the I rish Proclamation start to dominate I rish hearts and minds, St Patrick?s iDay is again put on the back burner in I reland for another 30 or so years. However the name Patrick gains in popularity! Padraig Pearse, continues the work of Patrick Sarsfield in popularising the patron saint?s name. 1931 I reland?s first ever St Patrick?s Day parade takes place in Dublin. But it?s more of a military affair, reviewed by the then Minister of Defence. 1996 L ondon?s first St Patrick?s Day parade. 2020 & 2021 T he NEW DARK AGES. All St Patrick?s Day parades and festivals worldwide are KAPUT by Covid 19.
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
M hár ta
Saint Patrick's Virtual Celebration From The Irish Sea To Blue Pacific From Newr y's most exciting inter net r adio broadcaster s, broadcasting from their Dock Street Studio in War renpoint; we co-present an amazing blend of contempor ar y and tr aditional music and a var iety of other enter tainment and special guests This incredible effort is being hosted by Anna Celine Gonzales in Ireland and Owen Dara in California, We are broadcasting over the internet, via Facebook Live Stream and uploads to our new Irish Arts and Entertainment YouTube
Channel. This will be a show that will be remember for years. We are also planning to upload the show in part to YouTube LIVE and to have all segments packaged into a special for future viewing. Please connect with us and invite your friends and family!
Here is the YOUTUBE L I NK Remember, this year we will be Alone/TOGETHER!!!
M an y t h an k s t o t h e Har bou r side Cr ew f or t h eir In valu able Assist an ce Ryan M cCan n is Ch ief Tech n ical Of f icer an d Edit or . He is also an on air per son alit y w it h h is popu lar sh ow Ou t cast Cu lt u r e an d t h e Th u r sday Dr ive Tim e slot . M ar k St eph en Hu gh es is Pr odu cer an d Head of PR an d Social M edia He t oo is an on air per son alit y an d is t h e h ost of a ver y popu la Spor t s, Tr ivia an d Qu iz sh ow s.
Multi-Talented Owen Dara Set To Host US Alone TOGETHER Live Stream Broadcast Owen Dara is no stranger to hosting shows, events and festivals, For many years, he hosted and perfiormed at the Canoga Park St. Patrick's Day Event.
OWEN DARA IS ALSO A SPLENDID IRISH M USIC M AKER & COM POSER Owen Dara has been performing both original and Irish music for most of his adult life. He has
written numerous songs over the last several years, including songs for his feature films ?Choosing Signs? and ?The Holy Fail?, both of which were awarded Best Soundtrack at multiple film festivals. Four of his songs from ?The Holy Fail? made a list of songs in the running for an Oscar in 2020 alongside songs by artists like Elton John, Taylor Swift, Pharrell Williams, and Beyonce. Of just 75 songs listed by the Academy, four of them were written by Owen, making him the highest represented songwriter on the list for 2020. The unexpected Oscar love prompted Owen to begin recording an album of his
original songs, which is currently at the mixing stage and is set to be released later this year. As a regular performer at multiple venues each year on St. Patrick?s day, Owen is looking forward to sharing his music virtually for the first time in the upcoming online event Alone/Together on March 16 & 17
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JAM PACKED LIVE STREAM WITH STELLAR LINE UP AND AM AZING GUESTS SET FOR Alon e/ TOGETHER Th e Wor ldw ide Respon se t o ou r call f or par t icipan t s f or ou r vir t u al Cou n t dow n an d Celebr at ion f or St . Pat r ick 's Day t h is year h as been beyon d ou r w ildest h opes!
Lau r a Cr ock et t , Br ian Boylan , Joh n M cNally an d h is Ir ish Clu b M em ber s f or a deligh t f u l h ou r of poet r y (m ost ly Ir ish )
Ou r t alen t pool is deep an d t h e r espon se t o ou r call f or in dividu als t o be par t of Alon e/ TOGETHER w as f r an k ly m or e t h an w e cou ld ever h ave im agin ed. Th er e ar e a lot of ver y k in d, gen er ou s an d lovin g people w h o ar e all par t of t h e am azin g Ir ish Diaspor a! We h ave also h ad m an y t alen t ed people in Ir elan d join ou r r an k s f or Alon e/ TOGETHER.
Also pr esen t in g segm en t s M ar gar et O'Car r oll of Ker r y Ir ish Pr odu ct ion s w it h CELTIC WINGS. Th e Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce Com pan y, an d Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce Academ y, Aer Lin gu s, Ju st Kilt M e, Nick Jor dan of Wells of Lif e, Celebr it y Ch ef Pau l Wat t er s w ill pr esen t r ecipes f or St . Pat r ick 's Day. Cr af t er s of Ir elan d is also r epr esen t ed.
Th e en t ir e con t in gen t of in dividu als an d gr ou ps w h o ar e t ak in g par t in ou r Live St r eam ser ve as an exam ple of h ow t r u ly good an d k in d people can be. Th ese ar e all volu n t eer s! Ever yon e in volved h a w or k ed lon g an d h ar d t o m ak e t h is h appen . If you can . please t ak e t h e t im e t o r each ou t an d t h an k t h em all. Su ppor t t h eir ar t ist r y an d pr oject s t oo if you can , In t h is issu e ju st pr ior t o St . Pat r ick 's Day w e h ad h oped t o pr esen t a sch edu le bu t alas w e ar e st ill w or k in g on it .Her e is a par t ial list of t h e t alen t t h at w e h ave con f ir m ed at pr ess t im e; w e ar e deeply appr eciat ive of t h eir dedicat ion an d en t h u siasm given t o t h e idea of Alon e/ TOGETHER! Ow en Dar a, Ken O'M alley, Th om M acNam ar a, Jen n M ah on ey, Ir ish act or Bar r y Lyn ch join in g t h e Wr en Th eat r e Com pan y.,Keit h Rober t s an d Th e YOUNG DUBLINERS Kr is Colt , St r in gs an d Th in gs (Ir elan d ), Aedan M acDon n ell,
Ir ish Ar t ist an d Nat ive of Sk er r ies, n ear Du blin , Br ian Boylan h as been h ar d at w or k du r in g t h e Pan dem ic. He h as been w or k in g on com m ission s an d sen din g h is ar t ar ou n d t h e Un it ed St at es an d t o Au st r alia an d Ir elan d. Boylan h as also developed a lin e of sign ed an d n u m ber ed pr in t s Th e ar t ist is a gr eat f r ien d an d su ppor t er of ALL THINGS IRISH an d of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment . A special of f er on on e of h is w ell k n ow n sign ed pr in t s is available t o ou r r eader s. For a
lim it ed t im e, Su bscr ibe t o t h e Irish
Also f r om Ir elan d,t w o sin ger s f r om Cor k Cit y, Fion a Ken n edy an d Billy Ken n edy an d Welsh bor n Vin cen t Vau gh an w h o h as lived an d su n g in Ir elan d m ost of h is lif e. Fin ally t h e com edy du o PURE & WEARY (LA/ Ch icago) Th e WREN PLAYERS w ill also be pr ovidin g a sk it abou t Paddy 's Day.
Ou r Co-Pr odu cer s in Nor t h er n Ir elan d h ave an am azin g lin e u p as w ell. We k n ow t h at it w ill be im possible t o cat ch t h e sh ow in it s en t ir et y so w e ar e m ak in g plan s t o r e br oadcast all of t h e segm en t s t h r ou gh ou t St . Pat r ick 's Day, M ar ch 17. Also w e w ill be st r eam in g n ot ju st on Facebook bu t on r elat ed You Tu be Ch an n els an d on in t er n et st at ion HARBOURSIDE RADIO in War r en poin t ,
Arts & Entertainment an d get a discou n t of $25. OFF a sign ed pr in t . Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm an d w e w ill r eply w it h det ails an d a lin k t o t h e pr in t s available.
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Irish Arts & Entertainment
Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce Com pan y Tr inity I r ish Dance Company of Chicago is the high watermark of the art form; a uniquely Irish-American dance legacy that is rooted in tradition, yet forward-looking and ever-evolving. The result is a fresh, engaging, and integrity-filled vision that goes beyond the source without losing touch with its essence. Founded in 1990 by Founding Artistic Director Mark Howard, TIDC is the birthplace of progressive Irish dance, an innovative movement genre which opened new avenues of artistic freedom that led directly to commercial productions such as Riverdance. TIDC has significantly changed the direction and scope of Irish dance, re-introducing the art form as the phenomenon it is today. With a unique blend of uncompromising power and grace, Trinity Irish Dance Company sends a consistent message of female empowerment with a repertory that has elevated the art form for nearly three decades. For more information, visit
Tr in it yIr ish Dan ceCom pan
Dan cer s Er in Gr adu s, Ch elsea Hoy, M aggie Now ak ow sk i, M aggie Doyle an d M ar issa Wu r st er of Tr in it y Ir ish Dan ce.(Lois Gr een f ield ph ot o)
Mí Márta
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Tr in it y Academ y of Ir ish Dan ce For nearly 40 years,this Chicago institution has become the most widely recognized Irish dance program in the world. Its unique program is held together by a powerful philosophy that is a radical departure from typical programs. The Trinity Academy of Irish Dance has set numerous competitive records and thrilled audiences worldwide with their inspiring showmanship. Trinity won its first world title in 1987, catapulting the academy to national and international stardom, which significantly helped to raise awareness of Irish Dance. Trinity has appeared in feature films and on national television programs including:sixTonight Shows, CONAN,The Today Show and Good Morning America, to name a few. The school, which has the unrivaled distinction of winning more world titles than all other American Irish dance schools, has locations throughout Illinois and Wisconsin including:Chicago Northwest, Lakeview, Elmhurst, Palatine, and Western Springs.
Facebook w w w.t r in it yir ish dan 877-326-2328 an d f ollow u s on In st agr am .
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I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
An M ar ta
Aidan O'Car roll Awar d Winning I r ish Composer Cr eat ive Lif e f or t h is Ou t st an din g Ir ish M u sic M ak er Goes On Th r ou gh Ch allen gin g Tim es; Livin g, Raisin g Fam ily an d Wor k in g in Tr alee, Co. Ker r y Aidan O'Carroll is first recipient of the Fleischmann Prize awarded by the UCC Music Graduates?Association for?his outstanding contribution to the development of music in Ireland?. He is the founder and director of the Kerry School of Music and Performing Arts celebrating its 40thyear in 2021. He has founded many of Kerry?s main performing ensembles, has established numerous youth, adult and mixed music ensembles including the Kerry Choral Union, Kerry Chamber Choir and Kerry Chamber Orchestra, Tralee CBS Boys?Choir, Kerry School of Music Senior and Junior Orchestras, Flute Choir, Light Opera Society of Tralee and Kerry Children?s Choir. Additionally he is Choral Director in St. Mary?s
Aidan O'Car r oll is a gif t ed com poser an d h is w ok s h ave lef t an in delible m ar k especially in t h e r ealm of
Sacr ed M u sic
performed throughout Ireland, England, Europe and America often as principal dancer.
A native of Tralee, he attended University College Cork and studied under Aloys Fleischmann. He was awarded a first honours Bachelor of Music Degree and later took a Master of Arts in Composition. He is one of only three Kerry people to have served on The Arts Council of Ireland being appointed by President Michael D. Higgins to the tenth Arts Council in 1993. He served on the Arts Council until 1998. He was a founding member of the Association of Irish Choirs (AOIC) and served on the board of both the Association of Irish Choirs and the Irish Association of Music Schools. While growing up in Tralee he was very active in Irish dancing circles, being taught by Patricia Nolan (nee Hanifin) and at one time held all senior county championships as well as the Munster Belt. He was also a member of St. John?s Gregorian Choir which had a profound musical effect on him. The choir was directed by Fr. Pat Ahern, founder of the National Folk Theatre of Ireland. Inevitably this led to his involvement with Siamsoiri na Riochta (later Siamsa Tire) with whom he
He is widely known as a composer, arranger, choral and orchestral conductor, pianist, accompanist and educator. Commissioned works include Dún an Óir Suite (Údarás na Gaeltachta), Dance of Life (Diocese of Kerry Millennium Celebration), Siamsa Tire (Opening of the National Folk Theatre in its permanent home), All Aboard: Incidental music for a fictional reenactment of a voyage of the Jennie Johnson across the Atlantic during the Irish famine. The documentary subsequently won a Jacobs Award (Irish Television and Radio Annul Awards), and Celtic Wings (Kerry Irish Productions Inc):Various Choral Settings of traditional songs for the KIPI vocal group DANA. Recent compositions include a five-movement Stabat Mater for Soprano, Baritone, SATB Choir and Orchestra set to liturgical texts and poems by Padraig Pearse which had its world premiere in 2017 withBaritone Gavan Ring (The Poet - Pierse), Soprano Miriam Murphy (The Mother) and Kerry Chamber Orchestra and Choir, conducted by O?Carroll at the Friary, Killarney, a cappella choral piece I See His Blood upon the Rose (Joseph Mary Plunkett poem) and a choral suite set to the
texts of the Advent O Antiphons. Currently he is completing a dual language setting for orchestra, mixed choir and soloists of Bryan Merriman?s epic satirical poem Cuairt an Mhean Oiche (The Midnight Court). Aidan currently resides in Tralee with his wife Eileen and their four daughters.
ABOVE: Son gs of Love & Pr aise, Th e Fr iar y, Killar n ey. BELOW: Nat ion al Con cer t Hall, Du blin celebr at in g t h e 30t h year of t h e est ablish m en t of Ker r y Sch ool of M u sic & Per f or m in g Arts.
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GIFT SUBSCRIPTION ADD E M ail & Nam e HERE______________________________________________ CALL OR EM AIL US FOR QUICK SERVICE CHECK or PAYPAL
951 216-1493
ir ish m issive@gm
FOUR EZ WAYS TO SIGN UP!! Make Check to:
JAM ES M cDONOUGH VISIT w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
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M ar t in Bu t ler
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
M hár ta
originally from Cloughjordan County Tipperary
has been involved in the Irish music and arts scene in Boston for almost two decades. Butler attributes his love of history music and culture to his late parents; his father was a local historians and his mother was involved in the dramatic arts for decades. He grew up in the countryside in Tipperary and spent summer holidays in his mother ?s native Cork City absorbing the family?s tradition of sing songs and story telling . He took up the Bodhran in Boston and went on to become an American champion competing in a World finals or Fleadh Ceol in Ireland. In 2005 he began working on an album called ?Rud Eile? with fellow Tipperary man Jerry Murphy ( Formerly of The Ormond Ceili Band) and Dublins Colm O?Brien singer songwriter and guitarist along with many guest artists this project gave birth to the band ?Rud Eile , their album was critically acclaimed , years of gigging , touring and line up changes lead them to disband amicably in 2013. Martin worked with several different groups consulting and co-producing many projects and produced an epic album this year in putting together a tribute to his hometown hero Thomas MacDonagh on his new album ?Poems and Songs from The Woodlands Edge? featuring Irish music legends Paddy Moloney and Liam O?Maonlai and a host of Irish music stars . Martins?2016 acclaimed album ?Thomas MacDonagh Poet and Patriot? featuring over 50 artists including Aoife Scott ,Aoife Clancy , Next page
w w w.f acebook .com / ir ish m ar t in 1971/ w w w.f acebook .com / Th om as-M acDon agh -Poet -an d-Pat r iot -459384760921876/
w w w.f acebook .com / Poet sIn Th eTr en ch es/
STUDIO CREW ABOVE: L-R M ar t in Bu t ler . Joe Clapp (En gin eer ) Cor m ac (Colm s son ) & Colm O?Br ien
March, 2021
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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Maurice Fitzpatrick's John Hume Documentary To Air On PBS Notre Dame Press Publishes Broadcast Companion Book ?In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America? Narrated by Liam Neeson, ?In the Name of Peace: John Hume in America? shares how legendary Irish politician and Nobel Prize?winner John Hume? inspired by the American Civil Rights movement? harnessed the power of Irish America and built relationships with the White House and U.S. Congress to bring peace to Northern Ireland. The hour-long documentary tells the story of one man?s achievement through the testimonies of those who helped him and understood his objectives for lasting peace. The film features original interviews with former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter; former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Sir John Major; two Irish Taoisigh (Prime Ministers) Bertie Ahern and Enda Kenny; Senator George Mitchell; Bono; Mrs. Pat Hume (wife of the late John Hume); diplomats, journalists, and historians. It is a timely reminder that peace and reconciliation must be constantly pursued. Watch the trailerhere.
M ARTIN BUTLER continued.. Grammy nominee Janine Randall , Grammy Winner Frank Wharton and Irish Music legends Tommy Keane and Tommy McCarthy .
The documentary, produced by Maurice Fitzpatrick, will air on over 150 PBS stations nationwide on March 17?23, 2021. Fitzpatrick also wrote the companion book
John Hume in America: From Derry to DC (University of Notre Dame Press, 2019). The book received the Choice Outstanding Academic Book Award in 2020 for making an important contribution to the literature on the peace process in Northern Ireland. Choice said the book ?offers a good introduction to the Troubles and the peace process in Northern Ireland through the role of a central proponent of peace.? John Hume died on August 3, 2020.
John Hume in America is available in paperback and digital editions from the University of Notre Dame Press. For more information, contact: Kathryn Pitts:,
Canadian military historian Steven Dieter .
He is currently working on another play with fellow Irish writer Jason Downes with whom he wrote their one act play on the execution of Janes Connolly which won the Clan Na Gael Playwriting contest.
?Poets in the Trenches? was an epic undertaking featuring over 70 artists from the United States, Ireland , England Scotland and Germany chronologically telling the Irish story of World War One through the eyes of the Irish poets and soldiers , to commemorate the end of the Great War.
There?s also plans in the works for an accompanying book to?Poets in the Trenches? to be co-written with
Butler stepped outside of the traditional music scene in producing a track on Canadian singer songwriter
Suzanne McNeils ?Shimmer ?CD and
also serving as Music consultant, he also worked on up-and-coming singer songwriter Dillon Basse of the band Flipturn on his debut solo album. In addition to music and writing he?s also done a series of lectures on The 1916 Easter rebellion and the Irish in World War with a focus on the poets and poetry inspired by those events .
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A St. Patrick's Day Feast To Remember by Ir ish Ch ef Pau l Wat t t er s We w ill be post in g t h e r ecipes on ou r w ebsit e af t er t h eyar e pr esen t ed on t h e Live St r eam on M ar ch 16, Pict u r ed h er e an d on page 15
leek and potato soup followed by steak and Guinness pie with buttered cabbage and champ
A boyhood dream was realized! At 13, Celebrity Chef Paul Watters decided that being a Chef would enable him to see the world! Chef Pa has worked all over the world including a long stint at the Sydney Opera House, Con t act Ch ef Pau l: pau lw at t er s35@gm
Ch ef Pau l w ill be doin g a segm en t on Alon e/ TOGETHER t o gu ide u s t h r ou gh t h e r ecipes f or a gr eat St . Pat r ick 's Day m eal! w w w.h ar bou r sider
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Belf ast Based Ch ef , Pau l Wat t er s Celebrity Chef Watters has been working as a chef for 30 years. He has worked all over the world from the Savoy Hotel in London to as far as the Sydney Opera House, Australia. The Chef is currently living in Belfast and is continuing to cook in various hotels and restaurants throughout the area. During the lockdown he has set set up a cooking page on Facebook to share his love of food and cooking. Chef Paul's Facebook page is called: sim ple t ast y h ealt h y by pw
w w lddu blin er .com
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C el t i c M u si c: N EW S & REV I EW S already given the Irish Cultural scene and fans of Irish dance and music, two incredible shows.St. Patrick's Day In Ireland and An Irish Christmas, both have palyed to adoring fans in sold out performances throughout the US.
CELTIC WINGS An exciting journey that takes us to the landscape of the heart of Celtic Ireland. We invite you to an unforgettable night of dance, music song and merriment where your own hearts will sing to the beat of CELTIC WINGS! Acclaimed Riverdance principal dancer Caterina Coyne leading an incredible ensemble of professional dancers, singers and musicians.
We are delighted for their Participation in the Alone/TOGETHER Live Stream! Kerry Irish Productions Inc.
The new show Kerry Irish Productions Inc. CELTIC WINGS is destined to be a huge audience favorite. Assuming the Pandemic restrictions end, this amazing improved and revised theater production will debut in 2021. Under the direction of Irish native and founder, Margaret O'Carroll; Kerry Irish Productions has
Th e Ch or al Gr ou p con sist s of Seven pr of ession al sin ger s br ou gh t t oget h er u n der t h e n am e Dan a; t h e ear t h m ot h er in Celt ic m yt h ology.
Be par t of ou r Social M edia Pr esen ce! Ch eck ou r FACEBOOK PAGES f or Daily Updat es: Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t
Pu bGu ide E New s
LA Cou n t y Ir ish
w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
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Just in time for Saint Paddy's Day! CEL EBRATI NG St. PATRI CK 'S DAY A New Book For Children by John O'Br ien, Publisher of the Ohio I r ish Amer ican News This is a wonderful book for children, well thought out with an interesting array of topics that are designed to entertain and educate, It is filled with all the basic information about the good saint but it also covers a wide range of topics of Irish interest!. O'Brien has written his book as the ideal primer for young children from about 5 to 10 years old. Celebr ating St. Patr ick?s Day is packed full of History, Traditions, and Activities. Make this year special for a family member or child of a friend or co-worker. with a gift of this splendid book. Spread the word about Irish Culture in a fun way,.
About the Author Joh n O'Br ien , Jr O'Brien is one of the founders of the Ohio Irish American News based in Cleveland since 2007. He is currently the publisher and editor. He is very active in Irish Community and civic matters including the local Irish Festival. . According to Irish America; O'Brien "is a creative writer himself. In the 2010 Irish Book,
Art & Music Showcase in Chicago, O?Brien?s poem ?The Vacant Chair ? took first prize. He is also the author of Festival Legends: Songs & Stories, a book that looks into the lives of Irish music legends."
Click Her e To Or der
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broadcasts. CHECK YOUR L OCAL PBS L I STI NGS Presented by The I r ish Fellowship Club of Chicago, this is the stor y of I reland?s road to independence from 1798 to 1916 told in stor y and in song featur ing I r ish M usical Ar tist Paddy Homan together with 40 musicians from The City L ights Orchestr a. Conceived and created by Paddy Homan, the core of the show was filmed this past summer with Paddy and his wonder ful I r ish M usicians. The member s of orchestr a were then added vir tually by each musician from their own locations. This then required hundreds of hour s of editing, mixing, color izing and finessing!
PADDY HOM AN & The City L ights Orchestr a of Chicago After two year s of planning and wor king through the challenges of the pandemic, the debut broadcast of this wonder ful progr am took place in December on the PBS affiliate WTTW Chicago as covered in our December of 2020 issue. The show was such an epic hit that over 125 PBS stations have signed on for the M arch nationwide
A wonder ful evening of music and stor ies filled with hope and inspir ation Paddy Homan and his magnificent cast tell the stor y of I reland?s road to freedom. Finally, the producer s extend a special hank you to Fr. Tom Hur ley and his team at Old Saint Pat?s in Chicago
PADDY HOM AN & RI CH DANI EL S of City L ights Orchestr a
VERY RARE PROHIBITION ERA COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE Also k n ow n as a Bon ded Wh isk ey War eh ou se Receipt . Only a few thousand of these Certificates were ever printed during the Prohibition Era and only a few hundred are know to exist today. The 03-16-21value will only increase, The 100th Anniversary of the Repeal Of The Volstead Act has only increased awareness of one of America's biggest blunders so interest is growing in rare items like this Authentic Certificate!
ONLY $200. f r om M ac's Collect ibles.
h t t p:/ / et sy.m e/ 34dVypg
March, 2021
Irish Arts & Entertainment
Aedan M acDon n ell, Multi Talented Celtic Performer, Producer and Teacher Aedan's soul lies in the heart of the mystic and misty isles of Ireland and Scotland, and her music transports you to their otherworldly realms. An award-winning harper and step dancer, Aedan began studying classical piano, as well as ballet and tap, at the age of 7, then went on to study Celtic harp, and Irish music and dance, in Ireland from the masters as a young adult. Although Celtic harp is currently her main instrument, she includes accordion and keyboards in her list of
magic to her performances that will draw you in and transport you to other worlds and times. Aedan glows in the most earthy, personable, fun, giving, and gracious way as she embraces her love for the art, the music, the culture, and her audience.
instruments, and embraces music, voice and dance in her performances. Aedan is also an accomplished arranger and studio musician. She has worked with Warner Bros., Starz, LifeTime, and Paula Poundstone ("Nobody Loves Paula Poundstone" podcasts). Her knowledge of Celtic music brings valuable information and insight into the studio.
Har pM u se- ever yt h in g Har p Celt ic Rh yt h m s- Celt ic Hallow een Sh ow Her innate musical instincts and love of the music brings a
Har pM edit at ion
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KRIS COLT Solo & with The Black Rose Band Kr is Colt is an accom plish ed dan cer , m u sician , sin ger an d son gw r it er w h o is w ell k n ow n an d r espect ed n ot ju st Ir ish an d Celt ic Cir cles bu t also am on g h er Ren aissan ce Fair f an s. Kris Colt reveals her past incarnation from the time of her ancestors in Scotland Ireland, England, and Wales as the song bird Black Rose. She is a modern bard, with a lyrical singing style who passionately performs songs of both original and ancient origin. This artist has been on the boards as a performer her entire life in professional musical theatre and especially enjoys her time with her Celtic folk rock band.
Kr is Colt above as Th e Lady Black Rose an d BELOW w it h h er BLCK ROSE BAND! Sh e w ill be solo f or Alon e/ TOGETHER
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Mí Márta
St r i n gs & Th i n gs Impact Promotions Ireland Strings & Things are a four-piece, high energy, contemporary, folk/traditional/ roots band, with three members from Tipperary and the fourth from Galway. Coming from different musical backgrounds including trad/rock/pop/ heavy rock and indie, they all played with various bands before meeting in October, 2018 and joining together to comprise the current line up. They perform a large repertoire of Irish songs, standard airs and traditional tunes produced in their own unique style. Playing around the south of Ireland Strings & Things were noticed on-line by Impact Promotions Ireland who invited them to perform at an original showcase platform in County Cavan. Their performance was electric, and with the crowd loving the original material they were approached at the end of the night by Impact Promotions who were in the enviable position of being able to offer them a three month residency at the renowned Raglan Road venue in Orlando, Florida. This super experience and the ensuing music tightness that they developed brought these four guys to a new level. They were invited to extend their residency at Raglan Road for an extra month and they accepted to the delight of their growing fan base. The entire experience resulted in them evolving into a more cohesive, seasoned Neo-Trad group and garnered them a reputation as one of THE Up & Coming Irish bands in the US Southeast. Back home in Ireland, the band were able to expand their schedule with Impact Promotions to performing in many more and varied venues throughout Ireland. One of their stated goal is to play in every county in Ireland! Things were going extremely well for them and all their dedication and hard work resulted in an invitation being received for Strings & Things to travel to London for a mini-tour, where they then completed an amazing seven gigs in five days. The London audiences loved them and as a result; a follow up invitation was immediately offered.
THE VIEW FROM IRELAND By Maurice Fitzpatrick \
Ret u r n s in ou r Apr il Issu e
STRINGS & THINGS m em ber s ar e: EOIN SHELLY, Per cu ssion & Vocals; SEAN M ONGEY, Ban jo, M an dolin , Wh ist le & Back in g Vocals JAM ES O'M EARA RYAN, Gu it ar & Lead Vocals an d EOIN SALM ON Bass Gu it a r After, the successful UK tour, Strings & Things also got a return engagement for one year from June 2019 at Raglan Road, Orlando, Florida. This was an extremely exciting period for Strings & Things. During their contract period in Florida, with the Disney Resort, the band were diligent and used their off time to tap into their collective creativity and to write, arrange, produce and record twelve original songs. After a very productive nine months of their US tour, living and working in Florida came to an abrupt halt. Unfortunately, the Global Pandemic struck and S & T along with thousands of others had their plans cast asunder. They were forced to make a quick return to their homes in Ireland. Undeterred but still committed to their music, the lads have continued when lockdown permitted to perform via live streams. They have also used this time to select 12 tracks from their many original songs/tunes for a new album "The Unsolicited Dance". So far they have released thee singles Jjigtime Fuaim Gathering an d Wh at If w it h many more is soon on the way. See our February issue, page 17: h t t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3d0eX22 We ar e deligh t ed t o an n ou n ce t h at St r in gs & Th in gs w ill be join in g a h ost of ot h er gr eat ban ds an d en t er t ain er s in t h e u pcom in g Live St r eam vir t u al St . Pat r ick 's Day Celebr at ion : Alon e/ TOGETHER! All in all, Strings & Things have
a very promising future ahead of them. Contact:
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VINCENT VAUGHAN, Vet er an Ir ish Balladeer Join s Alon e/ TOGETHER Hailing from Mullinahone in Co Tipperary, Welsh born Singer and Guitar Player Vincent Vaughan has a taste and a passion for Americana, Vintage Country, Blues, Jazz, Country Rock and early Rock n Roll music. Despite this broad and varied musical taste, he holds a close affinity to his Irish musical hertiage.
An M ar ta
everything from all time favourite Irish folk songs to classic rock n roll tunes. Drawing from nearly a century of musical influences, his ever-evolving set list is peppered with timeless classic songs that can touch the very heart and soul of music fans young and old. Like eating a box of chocolates in the dark, you never know what you will get next. Quiet and modest by nature, sometimes a little backward about coming forward, he is however not one to shy away from letting his passion for great music shine through. Described as Acoustic, Raw and Organic, be it his percussive up-tempo playing style on a high energy, feel-good foot stomper or his delicate flat picking on some lonesome lost love ballad, audiences find themselves reeled in like a fish on a hook.
Welsh bor n Sin ger an d Gu it ar Player Vin cen t Vau gh an A veteran of more than 3½ decades of performing, he has thread the boards of many an Irish bar both at home and further afield performing
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Ken O' M al l ey I r i sh Bal l adeer an d Son gw r i t er Set For Al on e/ TOGETH ER an d Beyon d His passionate and compelling voice is what you notice first when you hear Ken O'Malley sing .As a solo artist, Ken O?Malley easily commands the room; with his band he also rocks the house. Arriving in Los Angeles from Ireland almost 40 years ago, Ken O?Malley was immediately offered a spot at Molly Malone's, the legendary Irish venue in the city's Fairfax district, and he hasn't stopped playing for delighted Southern California crowds and fans sine. Be ut in concert, headlining Irish and Celtic Firs or a solo gig at a Pub, O'Malley put his heart into every performance and he does it well. since. Through the years, O'Malley has performed solo and as part of The Mulligans, Blended Spirits and, currently, The Twilight Lords. He's shared bills with such artists as Mary Black, The Chieftains, The Saw Doctors, Michael Flatley and Pierce Brosnan and continues to be an ever-popular and near legendary constant on Southern California's Celtic music circuit. In addition to his musical performances, he can also be found on stage and screen in productions ranging from Ray Bradbury?s ?Falling Upward? to the Paramount Pictures feature ?Patriot Games?.
WHAT THE PRESS HAS: TO SAY: ?Du st -f r ee an d polish ed t o per f ect ion , each son g is per f or m ed w it h au t h en t icit y, an d t h e car e on e m igh t u se w h en h an dlin g a valu able f am ily h eir loom ? ? Lisa Elain e Scot t , M u sic Con n ect ion M agazin e ?He h olds n ot h in g back . Wh et h er sin gin g a passion at e ballad, playin g a solo on t h e m an dolin , or explain in g t h e glor iou sly sad h ist or y of Er in h is h om elan d, Ken O?M alley is all-in , w ide open t o t h e w or ld an d as t r u e as an ar r ow ?s f ligh t .? ? Wayn e Slat er , Deser t Son g Pr odu ct ion s
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Indeed, Ken O?Malley was born to perform. In Dublin at the age of 15, he opened for legendary balladeer Paddy Reilly at the equally legendary Old Sheiling Pub. By the time he turned 18, he was gathering professional credits, among them a stint with Trudy's People, a group he formed that played Gaelic shows on RTÉ, Ireland's national radio and television network. His fluency in the Gaelic language was earned from his education by the Christian Brothers and his summers in the West of Ireland. A true ambassador of Irish culture, he infuses every performance with the rich history of his native land and audiences quickly become engaged with his compelling stories. One show producer put it this way: ?He holds nothing back. Whether singing a passionate ballad, playing a solo on the mandolin, or explaining the gloriously sad history of Erin his homeland, Ken O?Malley is all-in, wide open to the world, and as true as an arrow?s flight.? Another simply stated that ?Ken O'Malley connected with our audience in a way none of our other artists have.? O'malley has offered a weekly Live Stream since the Covid crisis begain and he was named one of THe Best of 2020 by the Irish Arts & Entertainment for his consistent outreach and positive attitude during these times of crisis. O'Malley will bring his musical gifts and talents this March 16 & 17 as a guest on the International Live Stram Alone/TOGETHER. See Ken's Web page and Calendar this issue for his upcoming Irish tours and schedule info: w w w.k en om
Ken O'M alley: " Th e Real Deal" f r om Du blin , Ir elan d His passion at e an d com pellin g voice is w h at t h ey n ot ice f ir st . As a solo ar t ist , Ken O?M alley easily com m an ds t h e r oom ; w it h h is ban d h e also r ock s t h e h ou se. Qu ick ly dr aw in g t h e au dien ce in , it is n o w on der t h at t h e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t 's Ric Gen t r y descr ibes h im ?w it h ou t qu est ion , as t h e sin gle m ost en du r in g, in f lu en t ial an d pr of icien t of all Ir ish m u sician s in Sou t h er n Calif or n ia?
Th e Un iver sit y of St . Th om as at Hou st on ack n ow ledged h im af t er a su ccessf u l con cer t t h er e, " w idely r egar ded as t h e f in est
Ir ish f olk sin ger / son gw r it er in t h e Un it ed St at es t oday."
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FIONA KENNEDY A singer/songwriter and one of Irelands top vocalists, Fiona first found nationwide success by winning Ireland?s first televised X-Factor Show called ?Screen Test?. From then on Fiona became a highly recognised artist on Irish television, performing regularly on TV and Radio shows including ?The Late Late Show?. Throughout the 2020 lockdown, Fiona did a weekly livestream show as part of The Quarantine Sessions Cork, and raised over 4000 Euro for Penny Dinners along with the other musicians involved. She also played for the De Barras Livestream shows and did a special online performance for the clients of The Lantern Project Cork. 2020 then saw Fiona release a single, ?$20 Dollar Bill'(for George Floyd), a cover of a protest song which harks back to her folk roots. Her latest release is one of her own songs, ?All of the days? which was written about the lonely hours of lockdown during these times of Covid-19.
Billy Ken n edy After spells living and playing music in London and Dublin, Singer/Songwriter Billy Kennedy is now based in his native Cork City, Ireland. Over the years he was part of a few notable bands such as GODOT in London, and The Horsies in Cork. 2012 saw the release of Billy?s first solo offering ?This Old Life?a 10 track CD. It was well received with two singles '25 Ways' and' Kiss Me All Over The World' getting airplay locally and nationally. After a hiatus of a few years Billy will soon release his follow up CD. The first single a piano based ballad 'Angels On Patrick Street' is due for release in March
billyk en n edy1.ban dcam /
An n a Celin e Gon zalez, Ir elan d's Host f or Alon e TOGETHER An n a grew up in Warrenpoint, Co. Down, underneath the picturesque Mourne Mountains. In 2012 she was the winner of the Maiden of the Mournes ?Lovely Girls Competition?, as part of the International Maiden of the Mournes Festival. She is pursuing her acting and singing career and is an on air personality at Harbourside Radio in Warrenpoint., Newry. Alon e/ TOGETHER is totally delighted that that Anna will be the anchor from Ireland for our joint marathon Live Stream on March 16 & 17.
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AUTHOR, HISTORIAN & STORYTELLER LAURA CROCKETT JOINS CAST for Alone/ TOGETHER Laura Crockett, aka Laura Evans, aka Ell, has been traveling through time,since, you guessed it, she was 11 years of age. She also has a favorite chair - her "time chair" - that she sits in to fantasize and write. As a teller of tales par excellence, Laura is in the habit of charming children of all ages. "Gather around her as she sits in her time chair and she will tell you a tale of people long gone but forever with us.." The above is a reference to Laura Crockett's amazing series: The Time Chair Diary (Books I & II) Laura Crockett, who is a well known and prolific author is in a sense, a kind of a Renaissance Historian as she is one who is interested in all things in the true spirit of that period. Laura Crocket t , aka Laura Evans, aka Ell, She writes on Fashion, Time Travel, Business and Conservative will put her t ravels t hrough t ime on Ideals and much more and all with competency and style. hold long enough t o t ell some Irish Tales
for Alone/ TOGETHER! Lau r a h as been t ellin g st or ies sin ce sh e w as a k id. Sh e t ells f r om all ar ou n d t h is plan et , f r om Af r ica, In dia, Gr eece, w h er ever sh e can f in d t h em . Her lat est pr oject is Celt ic st or ies. Sh e is lear n in g 4 n ew st or ies, on e of t h em sh e per f or m s on Alon e/ TOGETHER. Silvertree and Goldtreeis , a Celt ic Fair yt ale, com plet e w it h a w ick ed m ot h er , a ch ar m in g you n g k in g, an d an h on est Tr ou t .
A h ar dback collect ion sh ow casin g t h e cr eat ive t alen t s of w r it er s an d ph ot ogr aph er s acr oss Ir elan d. All pr oceeds go t o HSE an d NHS f r on t lin e w or k er s. In Ir ish Book sh ops NOW. US ORDERs HERE VIA
For Alon e/ TOGETHER, Lau r a Cr ock et t visit s som e an cien t Ir ish Kin gdom s an d w eaves h er en ch an t in g t ales.
et h en t iqu e@gm
w w af t er sof ir elan
St . Pat r i ck 's D ay O PEN f o r I r i sh B r eak f ast @ 8:A M o n t h e PATIO!!
A message from Publican Willy A St . Pat r ick 's Dat t o r em em ber ; St ill w e m u st do w h at w e can t o get past t h is. So if you f eel lik e bein g w it h u s on Paddy 's Day, dr op by! Lim it ed seat in g so com e by ear ly! Kit ch en open f or sh eph er ds pie or Fish & Ch ips. We ar e h u gely gr at ef u l t o ou r com m u n it y f or h elpin g u s su r vive t h is! #t ak eou t #ir ish pu b #f ish an dch ips
TAKE OUT 11:AM t o 8:PM DAILY 310 829-5303
BEST IRISH COFFEE PERFECT PINT GUINNESS Ou r in side din in g m ay be closed, bu t ou r pat io w ill be open ! NOW WITH FIVE BIG SCREEN TVs Take Out is still available for alcohol and food with food delivery through Postmates.
O'BRIEN'S IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT 2226 Wilshir e Blvd SANTA MONICA, CA 310 829- 5303
March, 2021
Irish Arts & Entertainment
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'A Un it ed Ir elan d - Let Th e People Have Th eir Say ? The position of the AOH, LAOH, James Connolly Irish American Labor Coalition, Brehon Law Society, Irish American Unity Conference and Friends of Sinn Féin. On Wednesday, our campaign began in the pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, Irish Voice, Irish Echo and other papers. The reaction to the campaign was massive both here in the US and in Ireland. Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald released a statement saying in part: "I commend the groups involved for their common sense call for the Irish government to prepare and promote Irish Unity as part of an informed, respectful and inclusive process and for the British government to set the date for the Unity Referendum." Thanks to John McNally for bring these developments to our attention.
Honoring a long standing tradition, President Joe Biden has proclaimed March:
I RI SH AM ERI CAN H I STORY M ON TH N O W , T H EREFO RE, I , JO SEPH R . B I D EN JR ., Pr esi d en t o f t h e U n i t ed St at es o f A m er i ca, by v i r t u e o f t h e au t h o r i t y v est ed i n m e by t h e C o n st i t u t i o n an d t h e l aw s o f t h e U n i t ed St at es, d o h er eby p r o cl ai m M ar ch 20 21 as I r i sh - A m er i can H er i t age M o n t h . I cal l u p o n al l A m er i can s t o cel eb r at e t h e ach i ev em en t s an d co n t r i b u t i o n s o f I r i sh A m er i can s t o o u r N at i o n w i t h
ap p r o p r i at e cer em o n i es, act i v i t i es, an d p r o gr am s. I N W I T N ESS W H EREO F, I h av e h er eu n t o set m y h an d t h i s f i r st d ay o f M ar ch , i n t h e y ear o f o u r L o r d t w o t h o u san d t w en t y - o n e, an d o f t h e I n d ep en d en ce o f t h e U n i t ed St at es o f A m er i ca t h e t w o h u n d r ed an d f or ty-f i f th . JO SEPH R . B I D EN JR .
The Celtic Camer a We are here looking for you! Submissions wanted.. send jpeg & caption to:
TOP LEFT: In a qu iet cor n er of Bat t er y Par k in New Yor k st an ds a m em or ial t o t h e vict im s of t h e Gr eat Ir ish Fam in e. Th e r e-con st r u ct ed r u in of a sm all cot t age lef t beh in d w h en An Gor t a M or ...Th e Gr eat Hu n ger r avaged Ir elan d.
Page 28 An Mar ta
ABOVE: A gr eat pict u r e of a UNITED IRELAND f r om t h e Space St at ion ! Now n o lon ger ju st a dr eam bu t a gr ow in g pr obabilit y. NASA Photo
OWEN DARA on st age in Can oga Par k in 2018. Th e Cor k Nat ives w ill br in g h is ch ar m an d w it t o Alon e/ TOGETHER in M ar ch ! as bot h Host & Per f or m er ! w w w.ow en dar
NOW OPEN Th e Kin g's Head Pu b f or Take Ou t & Sh oppe in San t a M on ica Cor n er of Secon d & SM Blvd
w w w.yeoldek in gsh
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World Wat er Day: Donat e your Wat er Bill! World Water Day, held on March 22, celebrates water and raises awareness of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. This year, Wells of Life is celebrating World Water Day for the entire month of March. Together, we can make every day, Water Day for people in need. For millions of women, children, and communities, lasting access to safe water will transform generations to come.
Th is Wor ld Wat er Day w e ar e ch allen gin g you t o don at e t h e equ ivalen t t o you r w at er bill f or t h e m on t h of M ar ch . In forging an awareness of how much clean water we use, and even waste, we can also provide clean water to those in need by committing to donate the same dollar amount equal to the clean water we use. Challenge your family, friends and colleagues to join you by posting about your challenge on social media using the hashtag:
#WATER4WATER Our goal is to raise $20,000 to aid in our efforts to provide clean water to communities in need. The people of Uganda thank you for transforming the lives of their children and community!
Wells Of Lif e is t h e of f icial Ch ar it y of t h e Irish Arts & Entertainment Fou n der Nick Jor dan w h o w as bor n in Ir elan d an d h e h as been an ar den t su ppor t ed of t h is pu blicat ion an d w as a loyal adver t iser w it h h is Real Est at e en t er pr ise f or alm ost 20 year s. We w er e ver y f or t u n at e t o lear n abou t Wells Of Lif e at t h e t im e it w as st ar t ed an d w e h ave f ollow ed t h eir pr oject s an d t h e am azin g am ou n t of good t h at t h is f ou n dat ion does f or 10 year s n ow , , We even h ad t h e h on or w it h t h e h elp of ou r r eader 's don at ion s in playin g a sm all r oll in dr illin g a w ell.
Donat e my wat er bill
Th is m on t h w e w ill lau n ch an in it iat ive in co-or din at ion w it h ou r Alon e/ TOGETHER Ou t r each f or St . Pat r ick 's Day.
Don at ion lin k n ot w or k in g? Go t o: Wellsof Lif e.or g/ Wor ldWat er Day
We w ill be ask in g ou r r eader s t o join ou r 2021 WELLS OF LIFE CAM PAIGN.
Th e Ir ish Lit er ar y Sh ow case
In f o & Ticket s
is a f eat u r e f or em er gin g Ir ish an d Ir ish Am er ican w r it er s. Ou r Poet r y Cor n er h as capt u r ed m an y an im agin at ion an d m an y avid f ollow er s an d poet s in t h e US an d Ir elan d.. Th is idea is a n at u r al ext en sion . We ar e also goin g t o ext en d t h e r each of t h is f eat u r e t o ou r w ebsit e,
Su bm ission s Wan t ed Please sen d a cover let t er (Em ail) sh or t
bio an d you r sh or t st or y or essay: t o: ir ish m issive@gm
w w ish r ep.or g
CALENDAR UPDATED WEEKLY Ju st a r em in der , ou r digit al pu blish in g allow s ch an ges so ch eck back each Tu esday f or ou r u pdat es, Sen d list in g each w eek t o: ir ish m issive@gm
I r i sh A r t s & En t er t ai n m en t C al en d r N OW W I T H By D ate & On Going Listings and Links
St . Pat r ick 's Day Gaelic St or m ONE FOR THE ROAD Live St r eam Con cer t
Click t o Bu y Tick et s $15,00 an d all k in ds of ot h er st u f f !
Page 32
Irish Arts & Entertainment
FEATURED ARTISTS St eph an Sh er idan -Celt ic w oodw or k in g Or la- Por celain scu lpt u r es Joyce M olon ey-Am azin g Pain t er Adr ian a Glab- Tou ch of Ven u s Jew elr y Glen n Gibson - Wir e Scu lpt in g
Mí Márta
You can join the event on the day by a Zoom link or by emailing Joseph O?Loughlin the host or Bernadette Clancy Joe can be r each ed in advan ce at :
joe.olou gh lin Ber n ie Clan cy:
cr af t er sof Ir elan d@gm
M arch, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
TWILIGHT LORDS St . Pat r ick 's Day Wedn esday, M ARCH 17 5 - 9 PM
St ar in g in M ar ch : Playin g Ever y Fr iday f r om 5 - 8 PM
SAGEBRUSH Can t in a
23527 Calabasas Rd, Calabasas, CA 91302 w w w.sagebr u sh can t in /
Page 33
Page 34
Irish Arts & Entertainment
Mí Márta
On Going Celtic, Ir ish & Pub Calendar Send your links and listings to:
Ireland Tonight features the best of Celtic LIVESTREAM & M u sic
Ar t s & Wor ld Wide f r om Ir elan d! As close as you r com pu t er or ph on e...
traditional music. Hosted by Maryann McTeague Keifer, each two-hour program is full of music, fascinating facts about Celtic music and its host countries, as well as stories and inside information about Ireland. From Chicgago, USA to Irish Music Fans around the World!
War r en poin t Co Dow n?s br an d n ew r adio st at ion w it h gr eat m u sic, gr eat h ost s an d even bet t er cr aic!
ht t ps:// ireland-t onight
Now on An dr oid in t h e Google Play St or e
LINKS & LISTING f or Com m u n it y Even t s ar e FREE.
8 Dock St r eet , War r en poin t War r en poin t , UK
w w w.h ar bou r sider
Peace Lu t h er in Ch u r ch Ir ish Session s on ZOOM w w w.f acebook .com / gr ou ps/ OCCelt icJam /
We con t in u e t o h ost Zoom session s ever y M on day even in g.
Com m er cial/ For Pr of it Ads an d Pr om ot ion s ar e ver y cost ef f ect ive. We can pr om ot e you r bu sin ess or even t in all ou r pu blicat ion s an d plat f or m s as low as $100. per qu ar t er or per
Page 35
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
M arch
Get you r Ir ish or Celt ic Even t
List ed... Sen d in f o t o: ir ish m issive@gm
Page 36
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
An M ar ta
A Sh am r ock in' Good Tim e
Get decked out in green and come grab a pint for St Pat's on Wed 3/17! We're getting in the Irish spirit by celebrating with festive flavors and classic libations. We are also now open for Indoor Dining (No reservations) GET O U R V ERY I RI SH PERK S
If you w ou ld like t o su ppor t
Second & Sanrta Monica Blvd Check out our St Paddy's Day menu! Pre-order your 'to go' online
Wells of Lif e, Th er e ar e m an y opt ion s: - becom e a Wat er War r ior an d m ake a m on t h ly con t r ibu t ion - don at e a w ell f or $8000 an d pr ovide clean w at er f or over 1000 people - m ake a on e t im e con t r ibu t ion of you r ch oice
- Click Her e
M arch, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Irish Arts & Entertainment's VERY
Page 37
Th e VIP pr ogr am is a ver y im por t an t com pon en t of ou r su bscr ipt ion pr ogr am . It h as a m u lt it u de of posit ive f act or s bu ilt in t o t h e pr ogr am . It ser ves as a bon u s/ r ew ar d syst em f or spen din g h ar d cold cash on ou r pu blicat ion AND it is a good n et w or k in g t ool f or t h e Pu blish er . We ar e able t o at t r act su bscr iber s an d adver t iser s t o ou r pu blicat ion an d k eep t h em in t er est ed w h ile deliver in g gr eat Ir ish in t er est con t en t an d in f or m at ion t o ou r r eader s. Th e adver t iser s ben ef it by h avin g a r eader sh ip in t er est ed in ou r excit in g n ich e m ar k et an d t h ey can t ar get ou r r eader s w it h special of f er s. Th e volu m e m ak es it w or t h w h ile f or t h em t o par t icipat e. Th e Pan dem ic h as set u s all back a bit in on e w ay or an ot h er an d w e ar e r ebu ildin g ou r VIP ben ef it s pack age. We w er e cou n t in g on discou n t s an d deals at pu bs an d even t s bu t t h at plan is n ow on t h e back bu r n er as t h er e ar e f ew even t s an d pu bs n eed volu m e t o m ak e t h e discou n t s pr act ical. In t h e m ean t im e, w e ar e w or k in g h ar d t o lin e u p n ew of f er s f or ou r su bscr iber s. Th r ou gh ou t t h is Bu yin g Gu ide, w e h ave som e list in gs on good deals an d w e w ill be addin g special of f er s t o ou r w ebsit e as w e f in d t h em .On e VIP, w e h ave n ow of in t er est is Bu y ONE SUB an d get a Gif t Su bscr ipt ion ! Be su r e t o ch eck ou t t h e Ver y Ir ish Per k s on t h e m en u bar on ou r Hom e Page w w ish ar t san den t er t ain m en t .com
VERY IRISH PERKS VIP CLUB All subscribers become
members of our VIP Group.
Th om at t h e Ir ish Im por t Sh op (Fr ee Deliver y) ext en ds 10% OFF all pu r ch ases t o ou r Su bscr iber s. See Page 2 f or h is ad an d n u m ber !
At Pr esen t :
An am azin g of f er f or ou r ow n VIP M em ber s an d Su bscr iber s! Bu y a GIFT SUBSCRIPTION bet w een n ow an d M ar ch 15 an d w e w ill give you a FREE ONE YEAR EXTENSION on you r ow n su bscr ipt ion .
Celt ic Ar t ist Br ian Boylan w ill give
Em ail: ir ish m issive@gm
Cu r r en t ly w e ar e of f er in g som e r eally good pr om ot ion s an d as t h e Pan dem ic eases w e w ill add m or e.
you $25. OFF an y sign ed pr in t . See page 7 of t h is issu e f or det ails.
O'Br ien's On Wilsh ir e in San t a M on ica w ill give ou r su bscr iber s a Fr ee Appet izer w it h pu r ch ase. w w w.obr ien
Go t o t h e m en u click h er e
W e i n v i t e our r eader s t o si gn up t h i s m on t h f or our Paddy' s Day Deal ! Ri gh t n ow , w e ar e of f er i n g a 2 f or 1 Speci al . Det ai l s on Page 10
M arch, 2021
I r ish Ar ts & Enter tainment
Page 38
St . Pat r i ck 's D ay By Jean Blewett There's an Isle, a green Isle, set in the sea, Here's to the Saint that blessed it! And here's to the billows wild and free That for centuries have caressed it! Here's to the day when the men that roam Send longing eyes o'er the water! Here's to the land that still spells home To each loyal son and daughter!
Jean Blewett w as bor n at Scot ia, Lak e Er ie, On t ar io, Novem ber 4, 1872 an d died in Can ada in 1934. Sh e w as a su cccess in h er lif et im e an d w as lon g con sider ed on e of Can ada's m ost celebr at ed w om an poet s, jou r n alist s an d w r it er s. Sh e st ar t ed w r it in g poet r y at a you n g age. Sh e w r ot e a n ovel an d sever al book s of poet r y. Sh e w as r elat ed t o a f am ou s Gaelic poet on h er m ot h er 's side an d h er h u sban d w as f r om Cor n w all, so sh e h ad st r on g Celt ic in f lu en ces.
.More online
We invite submissions to the Irish Poetry Corner A poem or saga in the Irish Bardic Tradition are both considered. We prefer shorter works to fit on a page but we make exceptions E-Mail us:
Here's to old Ireland - fair, I ween, With the blue skies stretched above her! Here's to her shamrock warm and green, And here's to the hearts that love her! Th is m on t h w e t u r n ed again t o t h e Pu blic Dom ain f or ou r Ir ish Poet r y Cor n er .. Th e Celt ic Ar t s Cen t er is doin g a Lim er ick Con t est an d w e h ope ou r r eader s ar e t u r n in g t h eir at t en t ion t h er e. Ch eck it ou t :
w w w.celt icar t scen t er .com Lu ck ily, I r em em ber ed par t of a poem t h at I h ad lear n ed in gr ade sch ool an d w as able t o f in d it in it s en t ir et y on lin e. Th er e is a lot of m at er ial t h er e, f odder f or a sen t im en t al Ir ish m in d especially at t h is t im e of year ! Her e is a lin k t o m or e poem s of gen er al Ir ish in t er est an d som e devot ed t o St . Pat r ick 's Day.
w w w.poet r yf ou n dat ion .or g/ collect ion s
Ou r Apr il Issu e Will Be Fu lly Loaded w it h gr eat Ir ish Con t en t ; We ar e alw ays look in g f or Calen dar an d Celt ic Cam er a f r om ou r loyal r eader s!
Deadlin e
Apr il Issu e: 3/ 29
t o h is gu est colu m n an d r ecipe in ou r Febr u ar y issu e! We ar e deligh t ed t h at Ch ef Pau l w ill be join in g u s on a r egu lar basis!
Is Ir elan d's Gr een in g of t h e Wor ld On in 2021?
St ar t in g in ou r Apr il Issu e
An sw er n ext issu e
Th e Ir ish Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t 's CELTIC CROSSWORD PUZZLE. A New M on t h ly Colu m n by Ir ish Ch ef Pau l Wat t er s. We got su ch a w elcom in g r ecept ion
W e ar e o p t i m i st i c t h at I r i sh T r av el Rest r i ct i o n s w i l l l o o sen u p so o n . B e Read y. Ex p l o r e I r el an d w i t h o u r u n i q u e T r av el T i p s & Feat u r es an d o u r H i k i n g & B i k i n g I n I r el an d ser i es st ar t i n g i n A p r i l