Information graphics

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Information Graphics: Tripadvisor! Context Infographics: Noun: “a visual representation of data or information. Short for 'information graphic”.

Tripadvisor is one of the biggest resources online for any traveler or tourist to find out detailed information and reviews on many destinations or locations. The website is very in-depth and would be hard to get an overview of a location or destination quickly for the ever impatient online user. Tripadvisor would like to encourage these type of consumers to use their website and feel that they need a different approach to entice this target market. Tripadvisor feel that their website is informative, but does not show the creative side of the business as well as they would like. They wish to have a simple way for this target market to be able to see at a glance facts, figures and major attractions for the location that they have selected. Whether this is as a downloadable PDF for reading or printing later, or as a downloadable experience for smartphones or tablets, the intention is to showcase key relevant information with ease. Tripadvisor would want this to be used across the entire website, but initially, they would like to trial it only using capital cities across the world. The key elements Tripadvisor would like the designer to consider are that the information graphics are; • • • • • •

Creative. Informs the end user about the chosen capital city. Must include typography. Must include imagery (either photographic/illustrational or both) Must have a contemporary feel. Must be engaging to the end user.

Visit the Tripadvisor website to help identify what capital city you will focus on.

Project Produce an effective information graphics solution to create an engaging yet simple way to display key information about a chosen capital city across the world for the Tripadvisor website. The target market is those ‘on-the-go’ who have too little time for sifting through lots of links and pages on a website. You must take into consideration all of the elements that Tripadvisor require that is stated in the context, and produce creative and engaging concepts. These will have to developed and presented to a key audience in a pitch critique, so the presentation of ideas must be of sufficient standard to stand up to critique. Think about the ways that you find information presented to you in an easy to understand fashion; would it be print based in the form of leaflets, packaging posters, or something more like planning an app that users would be able to look at ‘on-the-go’? Or would it be a combination of different media? The key is to make it fun, engaging and most of all easy to interpret.

For this assignment you will be required to produce: • Investigation into contextual examples and forms of information graphics • Evidence of planning. • Design development work. • Analysis and evaluation of your experimental ideas, working methods, techniques and processes used. • Records of processes and techniques used. • Final outcome(s) and evaluation of outcomes. • Presentation pitch of final outcome(s).

Suggested resources and links Books useful for this assignment. Information Graphics; Sandra Rendgen, Julius Wiedemann Flow: Visualising Information in Graphic Design; Di Ozesanmuseum Bamberg (Editor), Nicolas Bourquin (Editor), Thibaud Tissot (Editor) Information is Beautiful (New Edition) by David McCandless Visualize This: The Flowing Data Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics by Nathan Yau Infographica: The World As You Have Never Seen It Before by Martin Toseland and Simon Toseland Infographics: The Power of Visual Storytelling by Jason Lankow, Josh Ritchie and Ross Crooks Magazines useful for this assignment: Digital Arts Computer Arts Creative Review Eye Web sites useful for this assignment: Information Graphics:

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