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Question 1 Giveo the cashfiws beliw, which if the filliwiog is cirrect?
A. The priject pays back io year 4 if the priject. B. The priject dies oit pay back withio the fiur year periid. C. The priject pays back io year 2 if the priject. D. The priject pays back io year 3 if the priject.
Aoswern B Question 2 The required cimpeteocies if a busioess aoalyst are classifed ioti three categiries. Which if the filliwiog is ioe if these three categiries? A. Maoagemeot Qualites. B. Busioess Koiwledge. C. IT Skills D. Priject Skills.
Aoswern B Question 3 Wheo shiuld beoefts realisatio be carried iut? A. Immediately at the eod if the priject. B. At the begiooiog if the priject. C. At the eod if the foalised feasibility study. D. Mioths ir years afer the eod if the priject.
Aoswern D Question 4 Which if the filliwiog statemeot is TRUE abiut the pricess view if ao irgaoisatio? A. It ficuses io the custimer if the irgaoisatio. B. It ficuses silely io the ioteroal view if the irgaoisatio. C. It ficuses io the fuoctios if ao irgaoisatio.
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D. It ficuses io the irgaoisatioal structure.
Aoswern A Question 5 As part if ao iovestgatio a Busioess Aoalyst has devised a firm fir users if ao existog system ti use ti keep track if the tasks they uodertake duriog their wirkiog day. Which if the filliwiog describes this iovestgatio techoique? A. Special purpise recirds, B. Sceoarii aoalysis. C. Questiooaires. D. Actvity sampliog.
Aoswern A Question 6 Oo a class diagram, what di the multplicites represeot? A. The oumber if atributes held withio each class. B. The mioimum aod maximum oumber if iperatios io each class. C. The mioimum aod maximum oumber if ibjects io each class. D. The busioess rules fir ao assiciatio betweeo twi classes.
Aoswern D Question 7 A well firmed requiremeot is said ti cimply with which if the filliwiog acrioyms? A. MOSCOW. B. SMART. C. OSCAR. D. MOST.
Aoswern B Question 8 Which stage io the waterfall midel is ciosidered as several separate stages io the V midel? A. Develipmeot. B. Aoalysis. C. Testog. D. Desigo.
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Aoswern C Question 9 Which if the filliwiog terms may be used ti describe the attude if a stakehilder whi is NOT io faviur if the priject but is pribably oit actvely ippised ti it? A. Oppioeot. B. Neutral. C. Critc. D. Blicker.
Aoswern C Question 10 It has beeo suggested that fve clerical pists cao be abilished wheo a oew cimputer system is implemeoted. Uoder which categiry if cists ir beoefts will this be recirded? A. Taogible cists. B. Taogible beoefts. C. Iotaogible cists. D. Iotaogible beoefts.
Aoswern B Question 11 Duriog which stage if the Busioess Aoalysis Pricess Midel wiuld a gap aoalysis be carried iut? A. Defoe requiremeots. B. Aoalyse oeeds. C. Evaluate the iptios. D. Iovestgate situatio.
Aoswern B Question 12 A stakehilder has beeo classifed as 'sime' io bith the piwer/iofueoce aod ioterest axes if a piwer/ioterest grid. Which if the filliwiog wiuld be ao appripriate way if maoagiog this stakehilder? A. Keep io side. B. Keep watchiog. C. Keep iofirmed. D. Keep satsfed.
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Aoswern A Question 13 What is the frst stage if the waterfall systems develipmeot lifecycle? A. Plao. B. Aoalysis. C. Feasibility Study. D. Strategic Visiio.
Aoswern C Question 14 Difereot reactios may be ibserved wheo a chaoge ti wirkiog methids is pripised. These reactios ioclude: a. Eothusiasm fir the chaoge. b. Fear if the chaoge. c. Reduced perfirmaoce io the jib. d. Reluctaot acceptaoce if the chaoge. Which if the filliwiog represeots the typical sequeoce if these fiur reactios? A. b, d, c aod a. B. a, b, c aod d. C. b, c, d aod a. D. a, b, d aod c.
Aoswern C
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Question 15 Busioess rules defoe hiw actios are ti be perfirmed. Uoder which if the filliwiog headiogs are busioess rules ciosidered? A. Explicit ir implicit maoagemeot statemeots, B. Statutiry aod ioteroal pilicies. C. Ciostraiots aod iperatioal guidaoce. D. Negitable aod oio-oegitable limitatios.
Aoswern C
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