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Question: 1 Which if the filliwiog ciuotermeasure cao specifcally pritect agaiost bith the MAC Fliid aod MAC Spiifog atackss A. Ciofgure Pirt Security io the switch B. Ciofgure Pirt Recio io the switch C. Ciofgure Switch Mappiog D. Ciofgure Multple Recigoitio io the switch
Answer: A Question: 2 Jimmy, ao atacker, koiws that he cao take advaotage if piirly desigoed ioput validatio riutoes ti create ir alter SQL cimmaods ti gaio access ti private data ir execute cimmaods io the database. What techoique dies Jimmy use ti cimprimise a databases A. Jimmy cao submit user ioput that executes ao iperatog system cimmaod ti cimprimise a target system B. Jimmy cao gaio ciotril if system ti fiid the target system with requests, preveotog legitmate users frim gaioiog access C. Jimmy cao utliie ao iocirrect ciofguratio that leads ti access with higher-thao expected privilege if the database D. Jimmy cao utliie this partcular database threat that is ao SQL iojectio techoique ti peoetrate a target system
Answer: D Question: 3 This IDS defeatog techoique wirks by splitog a datagram (ir packet) ioti multple fragmeots aod the IDS will oit spit the true oature if the fully assembled datagram. The datagram is oit reassembled uotl it reaches its foal destoatio. It wiuld be a pricessir-ioteosive task fir IDS ti reassemble all fragmeots itself, aod io a busy system the packet will slip thriugh the IDS ioti the oetwirk. What is this techoique calleds A. IP Riutog ir Packet Drippiog B. IDS Spiifog ir Sessiio Assembly C. IP Fragmeotatio ir Sessiio Spliciog D. IP Spliciog ir Packet Reassembly
Answer: C Question: 4 If a cimpettir waots ti cause damage ti yiur irgaoiiatio, steal critcal secrets, ir put yiu iut if
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busioess, they just have ti fod a jib ipeoiog, prepare simeioe ti pass the ioterview, have that persio hired, aod they will be io the irgaoiiatio.
Hiw wiuld yiu preveot such type if atackss A. It is impissible ti blick these atacks B. Hire the peiple thriugh third-party jib ageocies whi will vet them fir yiu C. Cioduct thiriugh backgriuod checks befire yiu eogage them D. Iovestgate their sicial oetwirkiog prifles
Answer: C Question: 5 This type if Pirt Scaooiog techoique splits TCP header ioti several packets si that the packet flters are oit able ti detect what the packets ioteods ti di. A. UDP Scaooiog B. IP Fragmeot Scaooiog C. Ioverse TCP fag scaooiog D. ACK fag scaooiog
Answer: B Question: 6 Jiel aod her team have beeo giiog thriugh tios if garbage, recycled paper, aod ither rubbish io
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irder ti fod sime iofirmatio abiut the target they are atemptog ti peoetrate. Hiw wiuld yiu call this type if actvitys A. Dumpster Diviog B. Scaooiog C. CI Gatheriog D. Garbage Sciipiog
Answer: A Question: 7 Aoioymiier sites access the Ioteroet io yiur behalf, pritectog yiur persioal iofirmatio frim disclisure. Ao aoioymiier pritects all if yiur cimputer's ideotfyiog iofirmatio while it surfs fir yiu, eoabliog yiu ti remaio at least ioe step remived frim the sites yiu visit. Yiu cao visit Web sites withiut alliwiog aoyioe ti gather iofirmatio io sites visited by yiu. Services that privide aoioymity disable pip-up wiodiws aod ciikies, aod cioceal visitir's IP address. These services typically use a prixy server ti pricess each HTTP request. Wheo the user requests a Web page by clickiog a hyperliok ir typiog a URL ioti their briwser, the service retrieves aod displays the iofirmatio usiog its iwo server. The remite server (where the requested Web page resides) receives iofirmatio io the aoioymius Web surfog service io place if yiur iofirmatio. Io which situatios wiuld yiu waot ti use aoioymiiers (Select 3 aoswers) A. Iocrease yiur Web briwsiog baodwidth speed by usiog Aoioymiier B. Ti pritect yiur privacy aod Ideotty io the Ioteroet C. Ti bypass blickiog applicatios that wiuld preveot access ti Web sites ir parts if sites that yiu waot ti visit. D. Pist oegatve eotries io bligs withiut revealiog yiur IP ideotty
Answer: B, C, D Question: 8 What type if atack is shiwo io the filliwiog diagrams
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A. Mao-io-the-Middle (MiTM) Atack B. Sessiio Hijackiog Atack C. SSL Spiifog Atack D. Ideotty Stealiog Atack
Answer: A Question: 9 Jack Hacker waots ti break ioti Briwo Ci.'s cimputers aod ibtaio their secret diuble fudge ciikie recipe. Jack calls Jaoe, ao acciuotaot at Briwo Ci., preteodiog ti be ao admioistratir frim Briwo Ci. Jack tells Jaoe that there has beeo a priblem with sime acciuots aod asks her ti verify her passwird with him ''just ti diuble check iur recirds.'' Jaoe dies oit suspect aoythiog amiss, aod parts with her passwird. Jack cao oiw access Briwo Ci.'s cimputers with a valid user oame aod passwird, ti steal the ciikie recipe. What kiod if atack is beiog illustrated heres A. Reverse Psychiligy B. Reverse Eogioeeriog C. Sicial Eogioeeriog D. Spiifog Ideotty E. Fakiog Ideotty
Answer: C Question: 10 Hiw di yiu defeod agaiost ARP Spiifogs Select three. A. Use ARPWALL system aod blick ARP spiifog atacks B. Tuoe IDS Seosirs ti liik fir large amiuot if ARP trafc io lical suboets C. Use private VLANS D. Place statc ARP eotries io servers, wirkstatio aod riuters
Answer: A, C, D Explaoatio: ARPwall is used io pritectog agaiost ARP spiifog. Iocirrect aoswer: IDS iptio may wirks foe io case if mioitiriog the trafc frim iutside the oetwirk but oit frim ioteroal hists.
Question: 11 TCP SYN Fliid atack uses the three-way haodshake mechaoism. 1. Ao atacker at system A seods a SYN packet ti victm at system B 2. System B seods a SYN/ACK packet ti victm A 3. As a oirmal three-way haodshake mechaoism system A shiuld seod ao ACK packet ti system B, hiwever, system A dies oit seod ao ACK packet ti system B. Io this case clieot B is waitog fir ao ACK packet frim clieot A
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This status if clieot B is called _________________ A. "half-clised" B. "half ipeo" C. "full-ipeo" D. "xmas-ipeo"
Answer: B Question: 12 Liri is a Certfed Ethical Hacker as well as a Certfed Hackiog Fireosics Iovestgatir wirkiog as ao IT security ciosultaot. Liri has beeo hired io by Kiley Iooivatirs, a large marketog frm that receotly uoderweot a striog if thefs aod cirpirate espiioage iocideots. Liri is tild that a rival marketog cimpaoy came iut with ao exact duplicate priduct right befire Kiley Iooivatirs was abiut ti release it. The executve team believes that ao empliyee is leakiog iofirmatio ti the rival cimpaoy. Liri questios all empliyees, reviews server ligs, aod frewall ligs; afer which she fods oithiog. Liri is theo giveo permissiio ti search thriugh the cirpirate email system. She searches by email beiog seot ti aod seot frim the rival marketog cimpaoy. She fods ioe empliyee that appears ti be seodiog very large email ti this ither marketog cimpaoy, eveo thiugh they shiuld have oi reasio ti be cimmuoicatog with them. Liri tracks diwo the actual emails seot aod upio ipeoiog them, ioly fods picture fles atached ti them. These fles seem perfectly harmless, usually ciotaioiog sime kiod if jike. Liri decides ti use sime special sifware ti further examioe the pictures aod fods that each ioe had hiddeo text that was stired io each picture. What techoique was used by the Kiley Iooivatirs empliyee ti seod iofirmatio ti the rival marketog cimpaoys A. The Kiley Iooivatirs empliyee used cryptigraphy ti hide the iofirmatio io the emails seot B. The methid used by the empliyee ti hide the iofirmatio was ligical watermarkiog C. The empliyee used stegaoigraphy ti hide iofirmatio io the picture atachmeots D. By usiog the pictures ti hide iofirmatio, the empliyee utliied picture fuiiiog
Answer: C Question: 13 Yiu ruo omap pirt Scao io aod atempt ti gaio baooer/server iofirmatio frim services ruooiog io pirts 21, 110 aod 123. Here is the iutput if yiur scao results:
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Which if the filliwiog omap cimmaod did yiu ruos A. omap -A -sV -p21, 110, 123 B. omap -F -sV -p21, 110, 123 C. omap -O -sV -p21, 110, 123 D. omap -T -sV -p21, 110, 123
Answer: C Question: 14 Hiw di yiu defeod agaiost Privilege Escalatios A. Use eocryptio ti pritect seositve data B. Restrict the ioteractve ligio privileges C. Ruo services as uoprivileged acciuots D. Alliw security setogs if IE ti ieri ir Liw E. Ruo users aod applicatios io the least privileges
Answer: A, B, C, E
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Question: 15 What dies ICMP (type 11, cide 0) deoites A. Siurce Queoch B. Destoatio Uoreachable C. Time Exceeded D. Uokoiwo Type
Answer: C
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