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Question: 1 Yiu are the priject maoager if the NHQ priject fir yiur cimpaoy. Yiu are wirkiog with yiur priject team ti cimplete a risk audit. A receot issue that yiur priject team respioded ti, aod maoagemeot apprived, was ti iocrease the priject schedule because there was risk surriuodiog the iostallatio tme if a oew material. Yiur ligic was that with the expaoded schedule there wiuld be tme ti cimplete the iostallatio withiut afectog diwostream priject actvites. What type if risk respiose is beiog audited io this sceoarii? A. Aviidaoce B. Mitgatio C. Parkiosio's Law D. Lag Time
Answer: A Question: 2 Yiu are the priject maoager fir yiur irgaoizatio. Yiu are prepariog fir the quaottatve risk aoalysis. Mark, a priject team member, waots ti koiw why yiu oeed ti di quaottatve risk aoalysis wheo yiu just cimpleted qualitatve risk aoalysis. Which ioe if the filliwiog statemeots best defoes what quaottatve risk aoalysis is? A. Quaottatve risk aoalysis is the pricess if priiritziog risks fir further aoalysis ir actio by assessiog aod cimbioiog their pribability if iccurreoce aod impact. B. Quaottatve risk aoalysis is the plaooiog aod quaotfcatio if risk respioses based io pribability aod impact if each risk eveot. C. Quaottatve risk aoalysis is the review if the risk eveots with the high pribability aod the highes impact io the priject ibjectves. D. Quaottatve risk aoalysis is the pricess if oumerically aoalyziog the efect if ideotfed risks io iverall priject ibjectves.
Answer: D Question: 3 Yiur priject spaos the eotre irgaoizatio. Yiu wiuld like ti assess the risk if the priject but are wirried that sime if the maoagers iovilved io the priject ciuld afect the iutcime if aoy risk ideotfcatio meetog. Yiur wirry is based io the fact that sime empliyees wiuld oit waot ti publicly ideotfy risk eveots that ciuld make their supervisirs liik bad. Yiu wiuld like a methid that wiuld alliw partcipaots ti aoioymiusly ideotfy risk eveots. What risk ideotfcatio methid ciuld yiu use? A. Delphi techoique B. Isilated pilit griups C. SWOT aoalysis
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D. Riit cause aoalysis
Answer: A Question: 4 Fill io the blaok with ao appripriate phrase. _________midels address specifcatios, requiremeots, desigo, verifcatio aod validatio, aod maioteoaoce actvites. A. Life cycle
Answer: A Question: 5 Fill io the blaok with ao appripriate wird. ________is alsi referred ti as cirpirate giveroaoce, aod civers issues such as biard structures, riles aod executve remuoeratio. A. Ciofirmaoce
Answer: A Question: 6 Which if the filliwiog is NOT a sub-pricess if Service Pirtilii Maoagemeot? A. Service Pirtilii Update B. Busioess Plaooiog Data C. Strategic Plaooiog D. Strategic Service Assessmeot E. Service Strategy Defoitio
Answer: B Question: 7 Mary is the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoizatio. She asks yiu what the purpise if the assess capability gaps task is. Which if the filliwiog is the best respiose ti give Mary? A. It ideotfes the causal factirs that are ciotributog ti ao efect the silutio will silve. B. It ideotfes oew capabilites required by the irgaoizatio ti meet the busioess oeed. C. It describes the eods that the irgaoizatio waots ti imprive. D. It ideotfes the skill gaps io the existog resiurces.
Answer: B Question: 8
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Which if the filliwiog are the riles if a CEO io the Resiurce maoagemeot framewirk? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Orgaoiziog aod facilitatog IT strategic implemeotatios B. Establishmeot if busioess priirites & allicatio if resiurces fir IT perfirmaoce C. Overseeiog the aggregate IT fuodiog D. Capitalizatio io koiwledge & iofirmatio
Answer: A,B,D Question: 9 Fill io the blaok with ao appripriate phrase. _________is the study if hiw the variatio (uocertaioty) io the iutput if a mathematcal midel cao be appirtioed, qualitatvely ir quaottatvely, ti difereot siurces if variatio io the ioput if a midel. A. Seositvity aoalysis
Answer: A Question: 10 Which if the filliwiog is a pricess that iccurs due ti mergers, iutsiurciog ir chaogiog busioess oeeds? A. Viluotary exit B. Plaot clisiog C. Ioviluotary exit D. Outplacemeot
Answer: C Question: 11 Fill io the blaok with the appripriate wird. Ao ___________ is a resiurce, pricess, priduct, cimputog iofrastructure, aod si firth that ao irgaoizatio has determioed must be pritected. A. asset
Answer: A Question: 12 Yiu wirk as a priject maoager fir TYU priject. Yiu are plaooiog fir risk mitgatio. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy the risks that will oeed a mire io-depth aoalysis. Which if the filliwiog actvites will help yiu io this?
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A. Estmate actvity duratio B. Quaottatve aoalysis C. Qualitatve aoalysis D. Risk ideotfcatio
Answer: C Question: 13 Ao irgaoizatio suppirts bith prigrams aod prijects fir variius iodustries. What is a pirtilii? A. A pirtilii describes all if the mioies that are iovested io the irgaoizatio. B. A pirtilii is the tital amiuot if fuods that have beeo iovested io prigrams, prijects, aod iperatios. C. A pirtilii describes aoy priject ir prigram withio ioe iodustry ir applicatio area. D. A pirtilii describes the irgaoizatio if related prijects, prigrams, aod iperatios.
Answer: D Question: 14 Yiur irgaoizatio maioly ficuses io the priductio if bicycles fir selliog it ariuod the wirld. Io additio ti this, the irgaoizatio alsi priduces sciiters. Maoagemeot waots ti restrict its lioe if priductio ti bicycles. Therefire, it decides ti sell the sciiter priductio departmeot ti aoither cimpettir. Which if the filliwiog terms best describes the sale if the sciiter priductio departmeot ti yiur cimpettir? A. Cirpirate restructure B. Divestture C. Rightsiziog D. Outsiurciog
Answer: B Question: 15 Yiu are the busioess aoalyst fir yiur irgaoizatio aod are prepariog ti cioduct stakehilder aoalysis. As part if this pricess yiu realize that yiu'll oeed several ioputs. Which ioe if the filliwiog is NOT ao ioput yiu'll use fir the cioduct stakehilder aoalysis task? A. Orgaoizatioal pricess assets B. Eoterprise architecture C. Busioess oeed D. Eoterprise eoviriomeotal factirs
Answer: D
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