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From Primitive to Parametric Hut [CURVED] Wood Feather Hut

羽毛的木屋 梁景俐 2014-2015

Eat s c ape Res hapi ngEat s c apei nTai c hungDownTownCent r e. Thr oughMughalGameandUPDAMI Bys mal landmi nori nt er vent i ons t r at egi esf ormos tAs i ant owns hi pswoul dbet hepr operwayf orneedsof f ut ur eands us t ai nabl edevel opmentduet ot hec ons i der at i onsofs t r engt heni ngver nac ul ari dent i t y( s uc has f oodc ul t ur e, r i t ualac t i vi t i es , f es t i valevent s , et c . )aswel lasc ons t r ai nt soff i nanc i als uppor tf r om c ent r aland/ or l oc alaut hor i t y. Ont heot herhand, howonec ant eas eoutapr operanal yt i c almodelt os c r ut i ni z et heex i s t i ng phys i c alenvi r onmentt owor koutt hemos tef f ec t i vemi c r os c opi ci nt er vent i ons c hemef orAs i ant owns hi p devel opmenthasbec omet hemos tc r i t i c ali s s uei nAs i a’sur bandes i gnpr ac t i c e. Thus , t hi sdes i gns t udi o pr opos est oex ami net hef eas i bi l i t yoft he“Ur banPar amet r i cDi agnos i sandAc upunc t ur alMi c r os c ope I nt er vent i on( UPDAMI ) ”c onc ept ualf r amewor kf ort heAs i ant owns hi pdevel opmenti s s uement i onedabove.

SHARED KI TCHEN neweat s c apewi t hs har ef oodandc ui s i ne Depondont hei mpr t enc eoft hemi l at ar yc ommuni t ydevel opmentpr oc es s ur ei nTai c hungdownt own, and t hec hangef r om t heJ apanes eoc c upat i ont ot heRepubl i cOfChi na. Themi l at ar yc ommunut yal s oi saf us i on mel t i ngpotoft hec hi nes eei ghtc ui s i ne. Att heear l yoft heKMTc omet oTai wan, peopl el i vi ngi npoorl i f e. Thepeopl ehel pi ngpeopl ei nt hemi l at ar yc ommuni t y, butal s os har i ngt hef oodandl eani ngc ui s i nef r om ot her s. Ast her es ul ton, t her ei ss pec i alc ui s i nei nmi l at ar yc ommuni t yc omesout . I nt hei deaoft hes har e, t r yi ngt odevel opaneweat s c ape.Peopl ebuyf oodi nt hemar ket satt hef i r s tand t henc hoos edi f f er entf l avorwi t hki t c hen. Cus t omermeet st oget heri nt heki t c henwi t ht hei rowni ngr edi ent s, l etc ookert oc ookoutdi f f er entc ui s i ne.

Hi s t or i c alBac kgr ound: KMT( Kuomi nt ang)par t y眷村時期 Thr ought hehi s t or yknowi ngt heKMTper i odhowt hepeopl el i vi ngher eandhowt he peopl eeather e?Whati st heeat i ngc ul t ur eher e?Af t eral l, whati st hemos t i mpor t anti nmi l at ar yc ommuni t yi ss har e. Thepeopl eher eal wayss har ef oodand s ki l l sher e.

Att het i meofKMTper i od, t hes ol i derc omef r om di f f er entpr ovi nc eof Chi na. Li keRi ver, t akec hi naei ghtc ui s i nec onver get oget her, and t hendevel opi nt ot hei rownf eat ur es. Andt heki t c henl i ket hePond, bec omet heMot her ss t ayandc ol l egepl ac e. Theyal s ol ear ni ng ands har eei ghtc ui s i nei nt heki t c hen. Bes i des, t heent er anc eoft he mi l at ar yc ommui t y, t her ei sal waysvendor sl oc at et her es el l i ngki ndsof pas t aes pec i al l yt hebr ead. Thes hopkeeperknowi ngwhoever yent er vi l l agec l ear l y, l i keGat ekeeper, s t andont hef r ontl i nes, guar d r es i dent ss ec ur i t yc ar ef ul l y. I nt hevi l l age, Mot her spl ayani mpor t ant r ol e, t heyal wayswanderi ndi f f er entki t c hens, t ol eanr i ngdi f f er ent c ui s i ne. Evenc ookoutuni quet as t e. Li keGar dener , t heyl ear nbutt hey wi l li ns i s tt hei rownt as t es, andc ookoutc ui s i nebel ongt ot hems el ves . Oneoft hef amousi sBeefnoodl es, t akeChi nal anz hounoodl eswi t h Chi naSi c huans pi c yf l avor s t oget her, l i kehammam . Theyf r om di f f er entpl ac esandmi xt heei ght


c ui s i nei nher e, t el l i gt hei rowns t or y. Mot herofeac hhome, l i ket he Ti ger , i nt r epi dandbr ave, I nc har geever yt hi ngoft hef ami l y.




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Mughal Game: Try to generate the Shred Kitchen Eatscape in the future Base on the eating culture before , to construct the future eatscape STORY image . According to the Mughal Game , search 5 elements to construct the eatscape . The five elements maybe tangible or intangible phenomena to reveal the hidden food industry..


The Horse usually wandering around in the wilderness without food and partners. Until Horse meet the Gatekeeper . The Gatekeeper bring Horse pass through the Garden to the Pond to meet other horse and together drink sides of the Pond.


the chief with the skills of cooking in china eight cuisine-chief.


the people are busy without skills to cook well-hungry people.


the environment without nutritional and delicious food-environment now.


the place provide all kinds of the clean food are waited to be choose-supermarket.


let the people to eat together and to see the chief cooking-VIP kitchen.




Location : Try to find the existing old milatary community and possible site to intervention Go back to Taichung Down Town to search a old milatary commuity . Observe the neighborhood nearby and the use of the building. Find out the texture of the site before and the possibility. Define the events before and acitivity in the future.

Medium size urban block When the KMT party occupy part of the building to become the

to become a office space

goverment , others to become the miliatary community .

In the time before , the govermentoccupy the entire street blocks,

government of the KMY period Government of Japanese coloniol period

miliatary community of the KMT period

Large size urban block

[ The category of the building ]

School Government Residential

[ The route of this area ]

Shop Empty house

There is lot of government縲《chool nearby there. The route become the connecty between government and between the school and the shop.


Depend on the idea from the milatary about share, trying to figure out new eatscape. The old people in milatary community provides skills of cooking but without afford the fresh of the ingredent. The Buyer can choose the ingredent they want in the market and finding different flavor kitchen to cook.

Step 1 :

Step 2 :

choose the material in marke

choose the flavor with kitchens

there is variety food here like market , but

After you choose what you want food , come to

everything has be cleaned and washed. Also you

the reataurant . Also you can choose which

can choose any food looks fresh and

flavor you want. Take your material to the chief

yammy.When you are choosing any food you like,

in the military community . Chat with the chief

you can not define how will the dish be cooked

what your dish want rely on the flavor choosed

out. What you can do is just choose the material.

by chief. It is a surprise to the chief .but also a challenge to them. When they cook front of the customer , it is a show toward them . Let each dish to become a innovation one.

[ convenient ] [ variety ] [ fresh ] [ choose ] [ yourself ]

[ show ] [ Innovation ] [ creative ] [ unique] [ flavor ]

Design Proposal : Redevelop of the Small scale street blocks into Shared Kitchen Eatscpe

Small size street block before

+square the square before it was a place for oublic including Worship.

+kitchen the kitchen before is just for cooking insides.


+square the square for market who sale clean vegetable and meat.

+kitchen the kitchen become a stage for chief who are good at china 8 cuisine.

Met hods: c r eat e3s pec i alt as t ez oneand1s quar e Bas eont heex i s t i ngmi l at ar yc ommuni t y, r et ai nt heex i s t i ngbui l di ngandbui l ds omenewbui l di gi nor dert oc r eat e di f f er entt hemez one. I nt hef eat ur ez onet her ear e uni quet heki t c henwi t huni quet as t e, ands pec i ali ngr edi entand ki t c henwar es hopar ea.

mai nt ai nt heor i gi nalbui l di ngandbui l dpar tofnew [BEFORE]



Cr eat e3s pec i alt as t e [Nor t heas t er nChi nes e]

[Sout hwes tofChi nes]

[Eas t er nofChi nes e]


川 菜 & 廣東 菜


From Primitive to Parametric From Primitive to Parametric HutNew Vernacularism with Digital Materiality and Tectonics Digital methodology has been dramatically changing how architects think and make buildings over the last two decades. The emerging technology of both parametric modeling and fabrication tools enables a paradigm shift of architecture by exploring a more adaptive and expressive forms and spaces. However, the pervasive adoption of this global free form-finding process in architecture ends up irrelevant to local culture and economics. One may find it difficult to differentiate a complicated, curvilinear geometry from another as they share similar design concepts and formal approaches with the same digital tools. We have to admit, at a certain level, architecture needs to share universal qualities such as Vitruvius's "firmitas (solid), utilitas useful), venustas(beautiful). Laugier's "Primitive Hut" may best demonstrate such fundamentals how architecture originates from nature and speaks for itself. Even so, new technology (e.g. concrete) gives totally diverse representations in different environmental o social contexts.

__[CURVED] Wood Feather Hut

Trying to take the texture from the animal- like teather of bird as a unit. Take the unit into copy and become a surface ro protecture the people inside. So I using the the change of the water vapor to male curved wood, and slit the plywood and inlay to form a surface. Under the change of the curvature, how the plywood can inlay is different, so the restriction is different. After this research, apply on the Rhino and grasshopper to calcuate and build out the whole wood huts.

Process of production: changing materials, and composition Materials Processing In the beginning of the first ,study the characteristics of the material . In order to soften the wood, because of the curvature of the wood be influenced by the changes of water vapor . So put the wood into the water to heated to soften the wood. And then, bent the softened wood into a module variant, and heating to shaping.



boiled in water about 20mins


use model to bend it to new curve shape.

Heat to dry

Heat the plywood in oven to dry the plywood.

Circular sawing machines

after stereotypes the plywood, saw in to kerf.

Units Composition After heating stereotypes, began to assemble it . By circular saw cut a slit on each piece. Inlay each other to form a complete face .




the concept of composition trying to use the texture from nature animal . The feather from the bird with each one is a unit and copy it. With the curve wood to inlay each other become a layer of facade. And trying to using the feather to compose become a nest to protect people inside.

Define the way to structure: How depth of the wood inlay ? X axis, Y axis In order to put each one unit on the grid, start to define the distance of X axis and Y axis direction. Base on the limitation of the material, define the extend range on X axis , Y axis and Z axis. Define the Y axis : The length of bending wood is the projectin long, be defined by the angle(θ) and the curvature. Define the X axis : The minimum range of inlay is 3 cm, the maximum range of inlay is a / 2. Define the Z axis : The minimum range of inlay is 0 cm, the maximum range of inlay is 4. In order to achieve arc, when we are define the arc, the angle and the length of the tagent must be controled less than the sum of the square of the length plus square of the width and square root.


Grid setting






θ=0.9π r=7cm a=10cm b=θ*r=19.7cm



y=12.64 10<x<14


define Y

define X

b a 2




直徑 = 2r 圓周長 = 2π*r


2 θ/2

(2+2)/2π*r = 2Φ/2π 2Φ=4/r Φ=2/r

the Min of inlay

the Max of inlay






(b-2*2)/2π*r= θ-2Φ/2π



= 2r*sin(θ/2-Φ) =2r*sin(θ/2-2/r)

projection length

(帶入r,θ) y=12.64



3 x/2


the Max of inlay is = a/2 so Max of X = a = 10


the Min of inlay is =3 2a-6=X so Min of X = 2a-6 = 14

define Z


y δ α α




l1 4

α α





α V2

θ=arctan(4/14)=15.95度 切線斜率固定為=4/14=0.285 因此,無論在直線或是曲線, 在Z軸變化的斜率比需小於0.285 θ=15.95° β=arctan(z/y)*57.3° α=θ-β =15.95°-arctan(z/y)*57.3° δ=β-α = 2*arctan(z/y)*57.3°-15.95° l1=|V1|*2*cotα*sinα l2=|V2|*2*cotα*sinα

結論 : 因定義曲型時,由V1與V2的角度與長度決定 define from the tangent of the angle of heel length 定義曲型YZ時,在斜率小於0.285, 而V1和V2平行的前提之下, 當l1+l2≦√(x²+y²)成立時,可控制弧線曲率小於15.95°, 則木板銜接點在合理範圍內。 l1+l2=(|V1|+|V2|)*2*cotα*sinα≦√(x²+y²)

Image of the site : hide in the nature Scale and site After the stereotypes, place the model on the site. According to the needs of people activityand the scale of human and the open of the scale. The minimum high of open is 430 cm, the maximum high of ope is 280cm.




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