5 Tips for Love and Magic This Year. abovenbeyondfearfactor.wordpress.com /2014/02/12/5-tips-for-love-and-magic-this-year/ by Janette Getui
Many words have been created to try and extract and describe the essence and the true meaning of what love is , and why it is truly the most powerful force in the universe.But we all know there are no words that can harness the real meaning of love or articulate in precision the power that it holds. I like to say that Love is 4th dimensional while the words we exchange as human beings can only be 3 dimensional.Therefore, to try and explain with words the importance and the power of love is like to try and hold water in your hands. It just can’t be done, but I am able to share with you a powerful example of love that I know, in the hopes that you will benefit from it and enrich your life even more because I have learnt through my own personal experience that without love, one cannot thrive in life. Now there are many forms of love, in fact i believe that this world is flourishing as a result of love, so learning to create and improve your human interactions whether professional or personal is crucial to your success and happiness. As a wealth creation strategist, i focus my time on helping clients develop stronger human connections because wealth acquisition is not just about putting money in the bank, it is also about having love as a building principle in your life and extending the different forms of love to your world your workplace and family ofcourse, so that prosperity,
Riches and success in life become a guarantee. For this piece however i am going to focus more on personal relationships because i know they affect our lives more than most of us care to admit. I know when i was a mess in my personal affairs, nothing else really flourished.It was not until i fixed my limitations and bad paradigms around relationships that a new way of life opened up. There are certain things that i have learned along the way that even research has backed up and proven that they really do work. As always, i keep my ideas very simple and practical so i invite you to read through to the end and then pick atleast one tip and start implementing it today.Remeber you will never know how much you know until you do it, so please start taking more action in your life. But first.. i would like to give you an example of the passion and love that awaits you this year, if only you can make the effort.Contrary to popular beliefs, there are more than enough good men and good women still left in the world. As a matter of fact i believe your soul mate is right here in this time/space/reality(if you haven’t already met him/her) and the sooner you open up to this possibilty, the sooner you will be one of the few couples that i like to call “power couples”. I have some friends that i met a while back who have agreed for me to share their example here in this article.They are without a doubt a power couple. The energy that flows between the two of them is palpable and i am certain that few others are fortunate enough to experience this type of connection and love.The undeniable resonance, joy and energy that is with them when they are in a room is not only enjoyed by them but helps to light up everyone around them and i just find that worth sharing with you today, not to “hype it”, but so that you can see that you could actually make your world better, your children and loved ones happier and your environment much better as well, just by opening up more and being in a state of total peace, bliss, love and oneness with yourself and your partner. Paul and Lilly are not any more speacial than you and I, they were both married before and had children and they have been through some very rocky and stormy seas, but they managed to find a way to stick with it and persist on till they won.Paul who tried his best to be a good father and husband by staying in a marriage that was not really his heart’s desire ended up falling off the edge of his own lifes’ cliff when his heart decided to attack him, some years back.(and it attacked him in a major way!) He, had spent a good number of years suppressing all his stress and emotional loneliness, that it couldn’t be contained anymore. And if you have been to my mastermind meetings or coaching calls, you know my teachings on the cycle of doom for the human being – when fear, stress, anger and frustration is the dominant vibration – disintegration becomes the only option out! Well, that’s exactly what happened to Paul, he had a server heart attack that left him in a coma and was actually pronounced clinically dead. But,he got something that gave him a reason to fight so he could find his way back into his weak and dying heart and body. He had a big secret power, which gave him the faith he needed to keep holding on against all odds. The secret was disguised as the beautiful Lady, Lilly. He needed surgery though when he finally came back and was of course stuck in hospital for a very long time,which was traumatizing to say the least, but it didn’t matter to Paul. He was determined to be “ok” enough to leave the hospital and finally pursue this woman that he had till then only befriended… Now he saw things differently, he realized he had encountered his soul mate, as did she. And what brough him this realization as he shared this with me was the very vivid and distinct memory of a powerful energy and a specific scent that had helped him wake up from his coma. A scent that belonged to Lilly (who was at the time a long distance away from Paul’s hospital bed). A power, a scent that transcended time,space and reality that called forth paul and gave him the strength to make it through what doctors had validated as the end. If that is not the power of love, then i need a serious reality check becasue that story just thrills me every time i tell it. Well, if there is one thing i would say you need to remind yourself of every single day, it would be that life is not necessarily meant to be easy.The battles of life will always be there and must be won.We are not created to fall at the mercy of struggles but to overcome them and experience what victory feels
like.And the only thing that makes the bruises and injuries that come with the battle to be worthwhile, is the reward that awaits us at the end of the day.If you learn to have big, beautiful and meaningful dreams and goals it makes everything worthwhile. It was no different for Paul as well,he had finally recognised his big and worthwhile goal.. the rest as they say, is history. He found his reason to keep fighting and never stopped till he won. Paul’s final blow actually made him more decisive, more purposeful and it helped him take a new zest for life and a new direction.He made it through what the doctors had deemed impossible and soon after had his soul mate Lilly by his side. The synchroncity, the timing and the details of his and her experience is impecable and too long and intricate to spell out, but just so you know, it is part of the reason why they are able to enjoy the special bond they now share. The torturous unending trials and tribulations they both had to endure led them to the delicious adventure they now have.Keep in mind though that even though they have gotten past that and now sail together on clearer , calmer waters it does not mean that they don’t get hit by storms. They do,still get wild storms because life without challenges and problems is like soup without salt and garnishing – who would drink that! So what is it about this couple that gives them the special effects that the whole world is able to savour? Well to say the least, Paul and Lilly now experience constatnt love, abundance,peace and joy in their relationship.They are able to connect more intimately than most people do nowadays and they do it not just on a physical level but on a soul level. It doesn’t come easy though, they must work at it, and i have found that some of the key elements they portray are not only essential to a couples relationship but as well to all the relationships that are meaningful in life. They understand that love is built every day, one day at a time and they work at it.Of course that’s easy to say since they already tried others and failed. And one might question, what makes this one different? Well in my undersatnding, the only thing that makes anything different is the mental state and intention that each individual brings to the table. When you can learn to be your best and highest self and to bring that out in every action and activity you perform with your partner , i can tell you with certainty,that the pay off will be worthwhile. So my conclusion as to why Paul and Lilly are a “power couple” is simply because they connected on a soul level and then they found a reason to live in a more meaningful, productive, giving and mindful way. When you find your reason to love as much as you can love, and to be as much as you can be, and to give as much as you can give, then you will wake up one morning and realize there is a first class ticket that is destined to arrive in what i call heaven on earth!
So if that has stirred anything up for you by now, this will be a good time to check in with yourself and see where you need to recalibrate and re-adjust your current situation. Whether you have something on-going or looking to start one, these five tips will definitely be a great starting point into that powerful and passionate connection such as the one my friends get to enjoy every day.. so here we go..
#1. Start appreciating the presence of your partner.
Everyday in very simple ways whether it’s a word, a note, a song or whatever works for you, let your partner know how much you enjoy him/her waking up next to you. Let him know how he/she is the only one who relaxes you and makes it easier for you to feel safe and calm at the end of the day. Sounds silly but i promise you, telling your partner that there is no one else you would rather wake up next to and there is no one else you would rather spend your time with, will change everything in your companionship. They will support you even more in your activities and engagements and they will be so eager and ethusiatic about the time you spend together but further more we know through universal laws that what you give out is in exact propotion to what you receive back. If your partner can feel that they are not just one of the things on your “to-do-list” but rather that they are on your “adore-list” you will be setting up a foundation that is priceless. #2. Share with me your Rose, my love.. I got this from “Mitchell Obama’s dinnertime ritual” and i have actually been using it in my own life with my partner as well as with my daughter. I have found that it works wonders in both cases so, certainly with your partner it will drastically increase the level at which you intimately communicate. Ask your partner to share with you his/her “rose” which just means the best thing that happened during their day.Then ask them to share with you the thorn that was there during the day as well.This way they learn how to vent out any anger or disappointment or concern instead of letting it get suppressed and cause more harm.But more importanly, it helps them learn how to appreciate whatever good they had during that day,puts them in an appreciative and grateful vibration over what they do have working for them in life and it also helps them appreciate you and connect with you more.It shows that you deeply truly care about what you are building with them and that is a great receipe for strong and lasting relationship. #3. Surprise your partner more. One of the biggest killers of relationships is familiarity. I mean we all know the saying familiarity breeds contempt and yet we let it slip into our lives. The comfort zone and the routine is one of the biggest traps and the easiest one to fall into. Start doing something interesting and unplanned and no, i don’t mean something huge,i mean something as small as giving him/her a call.The grand gestures are awesome, but the little things really makes the heart do a little dance of joy, so start thinking small.We all know how much technology has reduced “phone talk” and even i fall guilty of that sometimes.But i made a decision that i will make an effort to surprise my partner and just give him a quick five minute call to give him a complement and let him know i am thinking about him..Talk about the surest way of making me irresistable and thoughtful!! works like a charm! but there is a double-sided coin to this, when you are on the other end of the line receiving the call, be sure to let them know that you are delighted he/she was thoughtful enough to call you.Yes it’s annoying that he/she calls you in the middle of your crazy schedule, but do it anyways because i have remarkable results that this little phrase of acknowledgement will really boost the strength and quality of your relationship. So I invite you to try and be creative enough and thoughtful enough to think of little things that you can begin to do today that will not take much from you except a little imagination, but will really surprise and delight your partner. #4. Get serious about laughing. It’s about time you started taking laughing seriously! I can tell you from my own experiecne that i cannot last in any relation or rapport where laughter is not seriously applied. I belive playing is just as important as working hard, in my first marriage i made the mistake of compromising my playful personality, because that is what was expected of me, and sure enough it ended in doom and gloom.A soul mate for me,is one who makes my heart sing and dance in joy and i refuse to have it any other way now.I think Audrey hepburn shared the same sentiments with me when she said laughing is the thing she likes the most to do. When you can make laughter a priority in your relationship, you are set on the fast track to your love ever after.I know even scientists have proven the health benefits we have when we are positive and happy on a
physical and cellular level so i don’t even need to elaborate on that. However, i will add on a new benefit on top of that which is, a research that was done on couples who remenisced on moments where they laughed together versus those who either laughed individually or not at all, and the results were quite measurable. The couples who laughed together showed high satisfaction, intimacy and compassion levels in comparison to the other two seperate groups that either did it individually or hardly ever. So it’s not just about laughing alone, and not even about looking for new things to laugh about every time, a good old “back into time” session of a time when you were able to share a good laugh together will do the trick. So get serious about laughing with your partner. Its the magic sprinkling on the relationship. #5. Say it out loud – Say it more! Oh man, its crazy how much we get so entangled in things that we forget to tell the people we love the most how much we love them. Make this a priority in your life as much as possible.Your children need to hear it, your loved ones want to hear it and for sure your partner lives for those words through your lips. Saying “I love you” from your heart has the power to move mountains. It takes any interaction from good to great. And it also takes a catastrophic condition or circumstance and salvages it until it blooms and flourishes into a magical one. My entire life, my entire world as it used to be, with so much pain, anger,sickness, misery, loneliness and depression was completely transformed becasue of those very words. And i will never be the same person i used to be, because my soul mate touched my life and persistently told me how he felt. I was never exposed to any kind of love during my early years of life, but today i am able to love not just myself or my family and friends but the entire universe,and i discovered how to cultivate all this love within me because someone was determined enough to tell me how much they loved me even when i did not want to hear it. So make it a point to speak your emotions and sentiments of love from your heart as often and as loud as you can, it might just be the one thing that will keep your partner fighting the good fight to win more in life. Never leave your home no matter how late or in a rush you are without reminding them of how you feel, and never go to bed at the end of a long day without letting them know that life is better because they are in the playing field with you.Words are not enough, but they certainly help when it comes from the heart. Zig Ziglar once said, A lot people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could… I was one of those people..And if you are looking to go further in your life and in your relationships and interactions,then its time you raise your standards and do something more so you can have different results. I don’t write many articles pertaining to this particular topic because i tend to focus more on wealth creation and team building, but i know for sure that if you don’t strive to have more health, more happiness and more love in your life you can never truly experience true success or wealth. Many have started from the worst case scenarios and today they have discovered a new way of living and new relationships that seem to be heaven sent, and if they could do it then you can too. I don’t know what you’re going through right now or how much rock bottom you think you’ve hit, but i can tell you this, it’s possible.It is very possible to re-create that special and deep connection with another soul and it is more than possible to experience that new passion, excitement and thrill that you have been seeking. But you must start today, because i know for sure that you are more than desrving of that first class ticket destined to arrive in “heaven on earth.”
“Love is life. If you miss love, you miss life.” – Leo Buscaglia.