Your Limitless potential? You have unmeasurable limitless potential that lies dormant within you just waiting to awakened and directed into action. Yes indeed there is a secret within you which is holding all the answers to all the questions and frustrations you’ve always had.You merely need to break the mental barriers that are preventing you from your breakthrough.This is the same power and secret that separates the movers and shakers of the world from the average “Joe” in society. And the good thing is that you need not worry about awakening your limitless potential for it is not some complicated science fiction or even religious myth I’m talking about; and you do not need to be a genius to harness this power for yourself. Have you ever wondered why some seemingly very smart and educated people are broke and always struggle to even get a job, while some really average person goes on to become extremely wealthy and successful? This is not by chance, or by luck. As a matter of fact, when you join my Elite monthly membership training, I will show you why luck or chance does not really exist. The french philosopher Voltaire stated it very well when he said, “Luck is a word we invented to explain known effects, of unknown causes.” And he couldn’t have been more accurate.. So assuming you are still with me and following my trail of thought, what is it that sets people apart? Why are some people winning while most are losing? Did you know that 97% of the world income is earned by 3% of the entire world population? I mean that is just absurd, and yet the numbers do not lie. If you grew up anything like me, then it’s safe to say that we were brought up to settle for mediocrity, because our environment proved to us that it could not be any other way. We blindly bought into the idea that Life was not fair or balanced and that we were victims of circumstances. Well herein lies the reason why 97% of the population have that mediocre lifestyle! And it also explains why the winners keep winning regardless.
But can this be altered???? The answer is a resounding YES. There is already a new wave of a select group of individuals who have risen up from what I like to call “the messy web of mass consciousness” and who are truly enjoying Life as it was meant to be. These people are not better than you, they are neither smarter than you nor are they any more special than you. As an example, I am no better than you, and it would not surprise me if you had more formal education than I did and a far better background. And yet I probably already live a much happier, more fulfilled more successful,peaceful and easier life than most people on the planet today. Now, why is that if everything I just stated is true? Well it is only so, because I learned the great Secret within and are mastering continuously how to live from my limitless potential., But I am not the only one, my personal mentor Bob Proctor whom I have been fortunate to work and study with is just one of the many examples I could share with you of people who have created awesome lives from nothing…He was loosing at one point of his life and went through the same struggles a lot of people are going through, but today he is one of the most masterful thinkers running the human development and leadership world.So when I met him and he told me I Could do it if I wanted to, I decided to give it my all and see how far I could go, after all, it wasn’t going to get any worse :-) I was already too accustomed to the dark side. “worse” was my normal companion since birth so why not test a completely different direction. And from that decision, my whole life changed drastically. I am here to tell YOU, that you too can do it – if you want. You can have a very different life and it is not going to take any more effort or energy than you are using now. Just a commitment to YOUR SELF.
So what is this limitless potential? Where Is this secret to be found? Well it is right within you actually… It begins with an understanding of “SELF.” what do you know about your Self? Do you know that Self is perfect?do you know that Self is eternal, never ending – Infinite- That your Self can neither be created nor destroyed? I mean have you any idea how much of a big deal YOU REALLY ARE? You’re not just a physical body in a physical world. If you’ve been thinking that, then as the truth opens out for you, it will start becoming clear why you feel as though your life is out of your hands. The Truth is that you are a magnificent being who is so
powerful and profound that at first your intellectual mind has a hard time coming to terms with your true identity. You exist in 3 different levels simultaneously: ❦ Body ❦ Mind ❦ Spirit And it is the relationship and alignment of these three levels of existence that matters most as it determines what life becomes for you!..That is You in a nutshell and while the body – mind – spirit topic is one that we cannot finish understanding or learning about in an entire lifetime, it is possible to start with a little knowledge which when applied to out practical daily living will produce amazing results. So quit beating your physical self up so much or forcing this small part of you to carry all the burdens in life because you’re just going at it all wrong. To give you an example, Electricity always runs from a higher potential to a lower potential right? Every electrician first studies electricity and aligns himself with the laws that govern electricity so that he can be able to tap its power from the main source, and guide it accurately along the lines of nature into whatever outlet he desires. When he does this,it’s just a matter of turning on a switch and Viola, success is his! Now imagine if you will, the switch does not produce power.Do you think he will start complaining and beating up the switch? how absurd is that; Of course not, he will go back to the source to rectify the problem which will eventually solve the current flowing issue. And as long as the current is directed accurately, there must be power when the switch is turned on! It is by Law. Well, this is exactly how your life operates too. But often with human beings we prefer to keep fighting the switch!!!!!! Your true power lies within, and you can harness this power by bringing yourself into harmony with you own Self and the Great Law of Life.It is very easy to do this because God, Spirit,The All Originating Life Principle or whatever you want to call Source – gave us the gift of deliberately creating our own lives individually through our MIND. Therefore, the secret within you can only begin to awaken and unfold when you develop a deeper understand of YOUR MIND. Your mind is what will naturally stitch together all the bits and pieces and help you understand your purpose, your vision, your life! Your mind controls what you experience in your reality, and what you perceive is what will be contained in your reality. By this I mean, if you change your Mind, and shift your way of thinking, you will experience more things that relate to your new mindset. So if your current mindset is focused on the world crisis, poverty, disease and chaos, then you can only experience more of this.But if your mind is focused on Success and great Health and Love and a flourishing peaceful world full of Beauty, then this will become more of your experience. It is your mind that runs your reality, and that is the plain Truth, whether you like it or not. You can either Master your mind, or it will Master you. The power of choice was given to you by your creator and you have no one to blame for any outcome that you experience whether good or bad. So taking the time to learn about Self and your Mind, is probably one of the most important things you will ever do for your own Self, your fellow-men and loved ones. Remember one thing as you go about your life, in the human history, there have always been great depressions, stories and recordings of chaos and crisis; but even though this was the case, not everyone was loosing.There are always those who were winning even during the hardest times, there have always been those who seem to have the “magical map of life”. Just as it is today! The only difference is today it is better and easier to overcome those barriers of struggle.There is more information and technology available for those of us who want to share our message and knowledge and help those willing to learn, and I do believe this is the best time for all of us to be alive because its easier to have it all! – So whatever you are experiencing today in your life, understand that you are there by choice and you can choose something different.
Life is not complex,we are complex. Life is simple., And the simple thing is the right thing. – Oscar Wilde.
With Love… Janette.
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