t h ir d E D I T I O N 2 0 1 2
PERSPECTIVES N E W S & I N F O R M AT I O N on t h e g lo b a l rea l estate mar k et F rom S OT H E BY ’ S I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E A LT Y ® P R O F E S S I O N A L S W or l d wi d e
� am proud to present this issue of Perspectives, where we provide
current views from real estate markets all over the world - direct from our network of experts. The United States, for instance, continues to show signs of improvement in terms of number of transactions and average sales price, and we are encouraged by these indications of an improving real estate market. On a global front, it appears that Europe is showing signs of improvement as is the United Kingdom. Although the Asian market has slowed down in recent months, analysts forecast continued strong growth, particularly in China next year, and many in our network are seeing an increased interest in Asian buyers looking to purchase in the United States as well. At the Sotheby’s International Realty® brand we have made expansion in the Asia Pacific market a priority and have increased our sales and support staff in that area to accommodate future growth.
“As we prepare for 2013, we look forward to entering new, far-reaching markets and continuing to help unite buyers and sellers…”
As well, our network is seeing the sale of many significant properties, proving that markets around the world continue to remain robust.
For those ski lovers looking forward to snowfall, we just launched a new Ski specialty market site at www.skipropertySIR.com. It joins our other specialty market sites: Farm & Ranch and Waterfront, with Golf coming soon.
As we prepare for 2013, we look forward to entering new, far-reaching markets and continuing to help unite buyers and sellers, opening the door for those looking to find their dream home. Enjoy this issue of Perspectives!
Philip White President and Chief Operating Officer Sotheby’s International Realty Affiliates LLC
from around the world
J ackson Hole, Wyoming - “While it is impossible to predict the future, three strong quarters of growth in the Jackson Hole real estate market are certainly strong indicators of a recovery. Particularly interesting is the fact that this is happening across the board in all sectors and virtually all areas of the market. You cannot ignore the fact that this is also happening while the average price of real estate is increasing. This would strongly indicate that the trend of sales being fueled by ever decreasing prices is also over.” Click here for more information.
Ed Liebzeit, president and chief operating officer Jackson Hole Sotheby’s International Realty
Jackson Hole Sotheby’s International Realty in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA property ID: 4394892 • $7,900,000 USD
enver, Colorado - The luxury-home market in metro Denver D is making a comeback, with sales already exceeding 2011 totals.
Masthead art: Home Sweet Home by Diana Ong © MMXII Sotheby’s International Realty® Affiliates LLC. All Rights Reserved. Home Sweet Home, used with permission.
Fuller Sotheby’s International Realty sold 109 homes in the milliondollar-plus category last year, and have already exceeded that number by the third quarter of 2012. “Tighter inventory and increased buyer demand continues to propel the market in a positive direction,” said James Simpson, the firm’s managing broker. According to the Genesis Group “Mid-Year 2012 Metro Denver Housing Overview,” “The metropolitan Denver area is positioned to improve as the national economy begins a stronger recovery. We forecast 5,500 new production home sales for 2012, approximately a 33 percent increase from the low levels of 2009-2011.” Contributing factors include “improvements in job growth, an upswing in consumer confidence in the Rocky Mountain region and a significant increase in home values up 4 percent from last year, marking the first measurable increase in five years,” said Scott Webber, the president, Fuller Sotheby’s International Realty. SothebysRealty.com 1 1