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I’m Beautiful

Why did I give up on my


I’m Beautiful

Why did I let my mind

Hurt Me

I’m Beautiful

How do you grow when hate

Consumes Us

I’m Beautiful

Will I Ever Learn From What Made Me Evolve

I’m Beautiful.

My Liquor Is The Color Of The Sky

With The Feeling Of The Changing Emotions

Love Is So Infinite As The Gems Of This Earth

Bloom As A Garden

Southern Plain Breeze

With A Costal Flow Of An Easy Beverage

My Liquor Is The Color Of The Sky

Black And Blue With A Rhythm & Vibe That Beams With God’s Cries

An Easy Melody That has To Ease As The Lava On Landscapes That Make A New Forest

My Liquor Is The Color Of The Sky

Having A Breath With The Universe Learning How Each Gasp Is A Monument Of HISTORY

My Liquor Is The Color Of The Sky

Let’s Clap And Rejoice,

Let’s Clap and Rejoice,

In all of the mighty name in order to find your faith. Let’s Clap And Rejoice at feeling the power of a base in a drum to give your blood a mighty flow.

Let’s Clap And Rejoice

Let’s Clap And Rejoice

The Church Will Understand. Even though many souls of children have been turned away, and could not even find the favor of believing in the word from what is that black given book of a written new path.

Oh, The Church Will Understand But Let’s Clap And Rejoice

Let’s Clap Again And Rejoice Even though the church has made even made Mothers feel as if they are not worthy from having sex before marriage even though they thought true love was meant to be shown in the eyes of a trusted soul.

But Let’s Clap And Rejoice

Let’s Clap And Rejoice

When all young Fathers can’t even have a favor to be seen as real Men without being questioned and consequenced if they’re willing to give more of their soul when already they don’t have any more limbs to bare.

Let’s Clap And Rejoice

Let’s Clap And Rejoice

The Church Will Understand When the fallen souls that have been horribly taken advantage of even at any given age of any gender of any race just to see and feel as if the sunrise did not protect them.

But Let’s Clap And Rejoice because there is a Hymn from the Church that reminded us that God’s voice was Understood There is a melody that is sung from the ladies and men that reminded us that God’s Cries were In US and We were not Alone when We were in the Abyss of a Darkness

Let’s Clap And Rejoice

Let’s Clap And Rejoice

To remember as soon as those doors open as we hope the Golden Gates of Heaven are once we are finally at rest and slumber to safe and mind Loved we can see,

The Church Will Understand

My Strength Is Spit & Dirt

Infinite As The Mountain Is Planted Throughout All Of One’s Path. Abundant As The Valley Spreads In All Streets From Mother Of Earths Blueprint.

Quiet as a Cat, Mouse, Insect that creeps within shadows.

Calming as the waters flow from a faucet.

Brightening As A Solar Eclipse That Can Frenzy One’s Mind

My Strength Is Spit & Dirt

What is a Choice


What Is A Choice?


Ya’ll Got My Brain Moving.

Adding, Subtracting, Comprehension, Short Logic of an Essay.

Wow This Shit Is Hard. What Is A Choice?

Unpredictable, Fate,

Flip of a coin, A Chance, What Is A Choice?

A Gay Black Male Bottom

I’m Not Your Faggott

I’m Not Your Bitch And I’ll Fight You And Your Homeboy On Sight. (Love Me Some Missy Ellitott)

Boy If Only You Knew How Strong I Was And I’m Not Talking About My Inner Temple Opening Up

I Have A Real Soul The Category Is... REALNESS. (Live, Werk, Learn The Rest)

I’m Not The Capitol XX Enemy

I’m Not What The Ladies Need To Watch Out For

I’m Your Friend A True Brother

Lillies Landscapes Lengthy L.O.V.E.

A Reason Why Women Have Make-Up

Man: Why You Always Gotta Wear That Stuff On Your Face.

Women: “Hunny I Don’t Question You And Your Shaving Habits, My Make-Up Is My Business.”

Man: “You’re Beautiful Without All That Extra Shit On You.”

Women: “Understand That I Know My Worth, I Just Like To Feel Good About Myself. It’s My Time To Know I Matter. There Is An Art On A Part Of My Body That I Create. I Can Dream With Every Brush, Any Foundation, Have A Loving Rainbow And Chameleon Effect. Adventurous Until The Clock Strikes To Get In My Car And Run Any Errand.”

Women: “A Reason Women Have Make-Up Love, Is Cause “

Man: “Ya’ll Are WOMEN”

You Hit Me:Tribute To Domestic Violence


IN The Name Of Anything That Is Holy And Loving And Cherishing YOU GOT ME ALL THE WAY FUCKED UP

I’m Not Your Punching BAG



That Reminder It Will Gain Its Last Strength And Win The War. You IS THE WEAKEST SOUL I’VE EVER FELT ACROSS MY FACE


I’m Not Needing Of Your VENGANCE

I’m Not Your Tragedy


You Aint Gon Do That Shit Again I Know That Much YOU HIT ME BUT I DIDNT GIVE IN

I Live To Dance

I live to dance

Dance, as much as ones soul can in order to stay on beat and rhythm to not know that the ken-folk will look your way

I live to dance.

Even if its a stage, filled with souls that are willing to say there’s a mistake.

I live to Dance.

With The way one will drink water turning on the sink and the faucet is finally releasing all the purities that Art can make on your hands

I live to dance.

Even if its not worthy enough as a match can lit in that needs to be submerged for the body In order to relieve a sorrow that cant be fulfilled for ones hope I live to dance.

Even when you pleased a soul and they didnt care to understand the value of being heard as the Foot was making the 8-count. In a precision to know that there is no hope after a checking account.

But I Live To Dance.

No no no no, No more screams and shots of sorrow to say that I gotten my point across No, I’ll rather Straight-Leg my way into a freedom of happiness that a milk and honey can be in my veins

I Live To Dance.

Even if the Power that are like Knives from a broken Vase stabbing you and you open up your temple just for someone to oh(Sigh)...

I live to dance though

Even if tears are not always a flow within ones vocal glands can express a note, the show continues to go. No one stops watching the presentation is becoming.

I live to dance

I live to dance

It makes you smile with the joy to the world when its not enough a true making of force for your eardrums to hear a truth is how a dancer will show an inequality to make a hope become a currency

I Live to dance I live to dance I live to dance

No matter what favor can give a human right to say that its not masculine enough if you cant be a Seed It’s sad that my feet shown a greater worth than what a Seed may Produce.

But I live to dance even though if I’m meant to be just an Eye-Roll, I Live To Dance even though you’ll look down at me

I Live To Dance, I Shall Dance! I’ll Keep Dancing!! I’LL Keep Stomping, I’LL Keep Smiling, I’LL KEEP BEING HAPPY, I’LL KEEP LOOKING IN THE EYE.


I WILL DANCE AND DANCE And Snap to show, and see, and not Scream Too Loud, To Make The Truth Be At Least Acknowledged Cause I Live To Dance

I may not be a colored girl, I may be a colored man. But I Emphasized with a colored girl because I Live To Dance. I’ll Dance with Her so She can be Safe and Protected. My hands, and arms, and fingers will make Her realize that she don’t have to feel on Guard!

She can just release and be that Butterfly Because I Live To Dance, Even if someone alike of my existence as my chromosome will show to me at least a maturity to dominate your own Power, Is a Dance that shows you can evolve but even with that same maturity of a Guy that can Hurt Hurt the Routine, Unbalance the Routine, Where You’ll have to take THREE YEARS of a training Soul In order to even uplift the... Balance.

I Live To Dance Live To Dance Even As Tears Will Shed, I’ll Still Dance.

I’m Not Your Faggott

I’m Not Your Faggott. Even when I can be kind enough to say; “Y Not Your Faggott, You don’t see me, you don’t even really at tim you don’t wish to understand me cause I ain’t pulling my pants d show to you its hard enough at a peak to bless your body

But hmm let me pardon myself I'm not like the Men that walk ar showing what is to be of a rear-end within a style of a pant wea what you favored of what any existence of Man can be

Something of showing that a Man can’t even have his hands wa without having to look as if His hands are about to be bloody an from the meat that even gives Him a favor to grip cause you see Man.

But Darling I respect you but you hate me hmh Oh God.. And all my pants to make you have a... Joy?

but I’m Not Your Faggott, Shall I continue to any m we feel as if as hard as a muscle is from my thigh be a King. My goodness I never expected such a... n a grand hope that can be more mightier but then gott cause you look at me as if I'm Easy

ou, As if I want you and I don’t need to quote what e that has always been the Past History Truth I jus eart is still beating to look at you as a Man as if, Y

not Her But I will Respect Her But as a Man you c and look at Me as if I'm a Problem and She will ac t to show there’s life being made

For a Sunday morn and within opening a Black Bo y

Oh but, I’m Not Your Faggott and I (Noise Clap) will clap, sing and understand to rejoice of one’s heartbeat from the founding of a excellent loving beautiful milk and honey heaven but then again this is humanity of free will.

I’m Not Your Faggott even though you wish that I was Low and a Prostitute wishing that I can have no hope in the matter just to be used through my Ass... You Wish I WAs Your Faggott, But I’m Not Your Faggott, I’m Not Your Faggott, And Many others are not your Faggott

Why can’t I have a clean Breath of knowing that my Mouth is Fresh Rather than you thinking from your Brain-Cells I need a meat stick in my tonsils Like lets be honest the way you look at a Soul that may have a freedom to say there’s happiness you look at that just Faggot, Faggott, FAGGOTT.


I’m Not Your Faggott, I’m Not Your Faggott, You can Roll them Eyes of Each Gender, of Any Sexuality, Parent or Non-Parent, You will one day grow within a favor of an actual hope rather than needing a sexuality to make an opinion.

I’m Not Your Faggott.


I have a song in my heart and no one is going to stop me. I have a stomp in my foot an no one is going to calm me.

Damn this base is loud but I need every vibration to refuel my soul. It’s like making love with my eardrums needing that healing.

That person singing better than me is an angel walking this earth just as a waterfalls in front of you or on a youtube playlist.

It never stops them dancers know how to wind with the actual faith in the tone we all catch.

My Oh My This guitar reminds me of my first shot as a child, Damn Right I Screamed and my Mama looked at me as you never knew real pain but your healthy

No Mama the pain is like a guitar exhilerating in my veins to make me refocus at what i felt a guitar schreeching the fuck out them strings and it was mesmorizing

This world we live in needs more music and its literally all around us, music should be apart of the periodic table ohh there’s an imagination but shooting the shits

I Love

Cats & Dogs

These Little Fur Critters Of God’s Glorious Hand Get On My Last Patient Nerve. Oh But Love Is Still Shown.

Ya’ll So Damn Cute But A True Pain... And As Well Growth. Really Ya’ll Are The Real Best Friend For Life.

And I Hate To See Ya’ll Go, I Even Hate To Develop Love For Yall When All Life Eventually Comes To An End For A Welcoming New Heaven.

Cats & Dogs Don’t Know How Much They Matter In Our Human LIfe. They Comfort When They Sense Genuine Depression And Never Leave.

They Remind You That Their Bellies Will Be Filled As We Stuff Our Own Blessed Mouths. Protect In The Most Of Unpredictable Dangers And Remind Us Their EYES Care.

Cats & Dogs, Dogs & Cats, Yeah There Are Many Other But These Two Are Golden & Priceless.



“If this mother-fucking blessed creature of God’s creation does not leave me alone there will be a real problem in this apartment

I’m so tired of swatting my hands towards this thing that know good and damn well Flies Too fast for me.... Wait a minute, why that Bitch Bigger than i thought... Oh Hell Naw”


Go On Somewhere!


Alright Bitch Its WAR




“I will find a way to get this beast with wings out of my blessed responsible home. Because This critter pays no bills and flies around with all the comfort bitch I'm the one that was sitting down enjoying my me time ”




“Don’t you see me over here struggling, do something with your furry ass!!”



“This mother fucker looking at me as if I’m handling it quite well bitch you see this trial and triumph.



“Bitch I’m tired and I’m done, I don’t know where it went but hopefully back out with nature It’s precious life helps bloom flowers, it’s wings enhances sound of the outdoors, it’s curosities at flying give it a matter to soar, a mighty creature just to be called an Insect.”




July 8th 2024

I Will Not Contact You

I’vebeenonread,letmesendanothermessage.I’mstillonread,let meseeifIcancall....Noansweranditjustrangallthewaythrough. Well,I’llgiveitafewdays,nowit’sarepetition.You’remyfriends.... Friendsdon’tdothistoeachother.Friendsaregoodpeoplenotfake orbad.

Anothercallshalldothetrick,WoahwhattheFuck I’mbeing forwarded...OhwownowdamnI'minaconundrum.WhyamIbeing ignoredwhatdidIeverdo?Yousaythereisnoproblemwhenwe spokelastbutnowIhavenointeraction.

Whatwasthepointoflaughterthathealedmybody?Thewarmthof anactualvoiceenlighteningmyday.Thatactualrealopinionwho worksforalloftheirownthatIvalueandgreatlyRespect.

Letmesendthistextmessagelettingthemknowmyheartisreal.I careandIwasneverabadpersoneventhoughtheysaywe’recool andthere’snoproblem

YestheHellItIs I’mtiredofplayingmyselfwhenIcouldBeplaying homescapes.IcanCallpeoplewhoactuallyanswerandtextme back.Icanresearchatwhatmakesmehappyonthishandheld device.Icanplaymusic;Icanwatchmovies.

Therearesomanyblessingswithaphoneratherthanmessagingor callinganotherSoulthathasmadeupintheirmindTheirThumbor Fingerwon’thitTheGreenButton.



We can be alone in the world Dark paths, dim lights, and rising anxiety, and hope to be home. We can be scared in the world; random Souls walking each streetway and knowing their thought patterns.

I pray for the women that have to fear each day when their beauty can’t be protected Its not right Gentlemen walking at currency of faith, honor and hard work just to see fellow man view him as easy prey.

The Lord loves us all in thy image, however there are unbalanced Souls that eat the light, conquer the human grace, and make each new given day prayer to say Lord I’m Not Ready Yet

*Man Approaches Women, In Parking Lot* Man: Damn, you know you beautiful.

Women: *Stale Face*

Man: BITCH! Don’t You Hear Me Talking To You?

Random Angel: Leave Her Alone And Mind Your Own Way.

Man: The Fuck you gonna do? Faggott!

Random Anger: LEAVE HER ALONE, LEAVE US ALONE, Let her be and let him be. They are peace, hoping to grow in the matter of life. You Enrage The ugly that is so poisonous that a snake won’t even slither your way and even that snake won’t offer you the apple cause its already in you Unealed Sin

We Feel Alone In The World. Not Wanting To See What’s Next Because We Are Already So Afraid.

Why did those people jumped that man?

Why did that man rape that women?

Why did that person kept all them children in the basement with barely any food or water?

Why do they beat the animals that don’t deserve that cruel torture?

This Hurts My Tears feel like rain drops that developed into hail at how I wish to express my pain for unfortunate more healing.

Healing as a sip of water should be for the human body but It’s never that simple. Humanity has been voided in all the actions of one another we don’t even see Faith

Dead Cats & Dogs

Oh No? What happened to this blessed animal for their body to be in the middle of the road lifeless. This is so sad there’s no more hope, no more breath. I’m walking up to a creature whose eyes look like marbles and not happiness or curiosity.

Please don’t run it over again - it’s already gone, how can their body have a proper burial? My heart aches for the favor of no favor This ‘being of life’ is supposed to free. Frolicking throughout the grasslands of what mother earth may show as a carpet in one’s home

These grocery bags are not the sturdy strength that’s needed for their kindness of the time. Their time was cut so short. My heart doesn’t know how to let go. It’s an unhealed depression that fumigates my chest like a cough that won’t stop.

These paper towels are painting the blood of their final moments crossing the concrete Its mouth is open for nourishment of food when really its a tunnel reminding me that they’re gone. This dumpster is not right for their Goodbye.

I can’t keep crying at something I can’t revive. Why oh why does this happy, loving, matter has to go away In the pit of smells now there’s no more words but a prayer.

You’re a beauty in this earth and now your home please know you were still beautiful even though you are not any more a contact

Bless the Soul

I Matter

I matter.

I matter

I will not commit suicide, I Matter I matter.

I matter.

I matter

No more abuse towards my temple of your unnecessary hands I matter. I matter.

You broken unexcused Soul, I matter I matter

With every living breath of life I matter.

No more anger I matter.

I’m happy for others and They matter I matter

I’m not the weakest

I’m Not Ugly

I’m Not Evil

Not Cruel Not Horrible

Not Needing To Hurt Someone’s Growth

I matter you punk ass bully I matter I matter.

I matter.

Life matters, plants matter, animals matter, children matter, people matter, life matters

I matter


Don’t Ignore Me

Um excuse me chicky, sir, ma’am, kitty, philly, hopeful bundle of joy that’s really plucking my last blessed given health of a nerve.

I can go on and on but this is why your Silent. You Hate My Voice.

But I will not be ignored. MY VOICE


Don’t Ignore What Is Given For Your Eye. I’m Alive

Because this blood will still have a faithful flow. I’m Here

Don’t Ignore Me.

You Stop like the sign on the street, you listen as a parent needing to be stern for your negative actions. Pay attention to who I’m, Don’t look the other way.

Don’t Ignore Me

The Children

Save The Children

Protect The Children

Love The Children

Inspire The Children

Uplift The Children

Hear Out The Children

See The Children

Feed The Children

Hope For The Children

Teach The Children

Reach Out For The Children

Grow Yourself For The Children

Parent The Children

Be The Village For The Children

Keep The Air Clean For The Children

Make Careers Hopeful For The Children

Nurture The Children

Let The Children Have And LIVE Their Childhoods.

I Love Women

Got Damn That’s A Beautiful Woman!

I Love Your Hair Today Dear.

That Perfume Smells Wonderful On You. Loves, Ya’ll Be Safe Tonight Please Go Girlfriend It’s Your Birthday, Go Girlfriend It’s Your Birthday Child You Already Know How We Act, We Wait For Y’all And We Follow Suit.

Don’t Let That Man Control You, He’s Not Worth It.

She May Be Your Girlfriend But Ya’ll Don’t Have To Keep Fighting. That Audition Doesn't See The Real Vitality In You, Fuck Them

You’re A Great Mother Fuck What They Say On Social Media.

You’re Still A Worthy Woman If You Unfortunately Are Not Able To Have Children, You Still Matter.

Did You Just Slay That Walk... DAMN I Know That’s Right. You Don’t Need That Friendship Girl When It Wasn’t Real To Begin With

It’s Okay, It’s Your Natural Women’s Month; You Handle Yourself And We’ll Hold Down The Fort.

It’s You The Women I Saw On TV That The Most Beautiful Smile.

I Know You’re Scared And I Know I’ll Never Understand How It Feels To Be A Mother But In My Heart I’ll Know You’ll Be Great.

I Love Women And Now I Understand Why “James Brown” Said It Ain’t Nothing Without Women Have A GoodNight Love

Respectful Man

*Man Speaking To Women Unexpectadly*

Man: That’s okay, I’ll get the door for you Naw girl, dinner on me I’ll be damn if you pay. I Got That

Lady: It’s A Heavy Box Man:

I’m built to help you.

Naw don’t step on that, let me put my jacket down now you can walk your gracious legs

I hate weak ass men that hit women or call ya’ll bitches that ain’t no man.

I’ll keep building for you so you feel safe.

I’ll keep fighting for you so you can rest in your femininity. No one will hurt any Women I care about in my life Period

I’m A Respectful Man.

Darling you don’t have to be afraid of me.

I’ll tell you know your worth.

Do you know what you want

I shall give you everything with both hands open.

You need to be Cherished On my bad days.... I’m sorry but I’m here for you.

Don’t give up when you don’t see your real strength I’m so damn proud of you Women.

There’s no stopping my faith with y’all.

I’m Grateful To Be A Respectful Man For Women, So Are Many More.


Ain’t No Simp In This Bloodflow.

Black Customer Service

My skin doesn't guaranteed Customer service, especially growing up knowing there’s racism much around Safety maybe for once, a common street, yes Lord Frolicking to a heaven land and nourishing food. Escaping a worrying truth that death is meant with the skin I’m blessed in. At the heavens gate door. Wondering ideas from a variety any scroll of ingredient platters heal. Walking in to an uneasy group, how’s the vibe? Oh no anxiousness time for loving gold, a kind message vocally from a superwomen on schedule but did not ignore customer. My brain is growing within favor of lovingness Safe finally not out the ordinary my skin yes. Another Soul speaks to fellow liking as me grandness as ever loving of all this true real Blackness. We can eat together all people like me with this skin and we are safe in this restaurant of a heaven resemble skin of many life.


Why did the fellow blessed soul I seen and thought so high of walk away and not let me feel welcomed and blessed as the other superheroes paying bills and thriving?

Thank you fellow superheroes who were kind in this establishment building their currencies but your fellow group member doesn't acknowledge all

Is it my energy being unbalanced no i was happy to even see this light from the field in hoping for a new taste

But a force of uncare washed over my eyes from the customer service actions seen from the fellow superhero that didn't show love as fellow angels of group establishment

Is It Me

Look At Me Am I Not Welcomed Home

Am I Black Enough To Eat At A Black Restuarant I Still Love My People Even Though We Still Don’t Know How To Genuinely Treat All Existences Of Black Shade


This Light Is A Blessing But The Enemy Hates My Faith. Your Darkness Will Not Consume My Genuine Heart.

I’m Not Voided With Unbalanced Cruelty To Damage My Soul.

No More Shudder In My Mind To Bend Over To Wrong. This Light Will Beam As Honey Dipper On Fresh Formed Loaf Yeast.

This Light Will Not Let Me Down. This Little Light Of Mine Will Shine Out That Boogey Spirit.

The Light Is Water Gracing Earth. The Light Is Not Fake Its Authentic. Light Speaks For Itself.

Light Can Rage As A Contained Bonfire For Summer Moonlight.

Light From A Child’s Eyes Happy To Live Out Their Favorite Days.

Light A Women Knowing Her Worth And Never Worry Of An Opinion.

Light A Man Not Ever Giving Up Knowing Their Soul Is Actual Faith And Strength.

Lets Turn On The LIGHT

This Damn Scalp

I’s getting really tired of this blessed ass scalp itching my last given patience. This a blessing, naw for real my hair growing. I hope all hair grow for those who know responsibility of head of any race.

The top though where my brain at covered with 4c essence yeah it itches... I need to scratch but i aint got time to be messing this out of style. Hard earned funds when into the honor of a blessed artist healing my crown.

Oh Lord itches maybe a little scratch That felt as if all my worries came to an end. Hold up now I’m not going to scratch all of this blessed head after on little itch. Aw shit now this really getting me. Oils of fine ingredients and maybe cool water.

So Releasing finally i can live another day. A Quarter Till the Match begins again, you aint ready for these fingers and nails imma be easy. This is so soothing knowing if nappy growth is ocurring. Yes oh yes how i feel a breath from that organism above my brows.

This Damn Scalp Though.... It’s Working My Nerve.


We see this evil literally every day and there happens to be a profit from this insidious motivation. Can we even question why anymore when the people are willing to participate. My skin is no ones problem to worry so please... Calm down. No one should feel from the area of their village, town, neighborhood, or old block.... Exiled... This is a land where hope is thrived in bravery and liberty... Past history shows that there is murder from one’s existence and there's still m d f i when the matter of their holiday month comi dehumanized. This ugly satisfaction that beca and stop now so no more tears can be shed of love their area codes. There has to be heaven beautiful Souls all around why damage a trut are loving, pure, joy, laugh, love, so much end We are all her to shine as any given day hope from this treacherous generation poison.


You Stole My Trust

Since beginning of time, I always values y’all. Endless laughter, observant eyes for opinopns. Y’all are just the reason that a memory could ever be born.


Let me understand that third sentence for this damn poem or truth of the actual heart. It can be good or bad, any relationship.


You stole my trust.

All the years of taking honest truths, overlooked insults, considering faults. My mind went crazy and above beyond lost which may be belief a negative force wanted me dull.

I’m not lost from the actions and words that amounted up to this page.

Insults just like Nyquil no one really wants to take but heals the body. Your insults improved the worth of my temple, mind, and one’s soul.

You may have stole my trust but I didn’t loose my faith.

A faith that rose me from every deep pitted hole that made me believe i didn’t matter.

So many fucking insults that literally made me believe I’m not worthy on Earth.

She cooled me with air once stepped outdoors and said You’re Here. He shined thy holy light and said My Love.

Your thief of lies that made the gems of my heart have no sufficient credit made me realize there’s many more hidden vaults that NO unbalanced soul can conquer.

The insults fuck the money, money keeps a human in obedience money is its own matter, or shit even factor, hell say it’s a tool.

But money naw child.... It’s them damn insults those eyes, those days i begged for hopeful great day instead got judged like my existence was not only a disgracing eye-sore but why hasn’t... THAT been relieved of this Earth.

You Stole My Trust.

The people I seen a reason a memory could be born. It’s so fucked up true love given was not enough for a growth that is your liking

I can not, will not, be not, The INSULTS y’all made me of be. To the point i almost hated life because i wasn’t your Perfection.

You Stole My Trust And Did Not Really Say You Were Sorry.

This Is My Body This Is My Body This Is My Body

I’m still a man.

This isn’t right though. My body did not deserve this. It Did Not, It Did Not, It Did Not, I’m

meant to be seen as free and strong. Growing and impactful. Not To Be Used Or Another Pain. My body is mines, beautiful, honoring, pure, and You. And You. And EVEN YOU. You Know What The Fuck You Did.

It’s EVIL. I can’t even imagine how a Soul believes there is no fault or obvious realization that you’re not of this Earth.

The Evil Pain Lying Lying Just Fucking Lying The Evil Pain Of Hitting, Strangling. The Evil Pain Of Forceful Impact And Punches.

This Is My BODY. Mine I May Say Goodbye Once Departed From Earth But I Shall Protect As The Temple Meant To Be.

My Body

My Fucking Body. You have no right to hurt me destroy me make me feel I’m no longer masculine in this Earth it’s almost understanding no It is understanding the opposite sex pain they cried for centuries about this and it happened it actually fucking happened oh no chin up straight don’t let people see you down it didn’t happen what did you do I did Fucking nothing; nothing bitch, Nothing

I was just alive and these souls are here in this earth

I have to fight my existence know that my body deserves to be protected I’m Beautiful

But I’m Not Your Control

We Reached The End Of This Blooming Flower.

The Rage That Ignited Like Lava From A Volcano At A Safe Distance To Admire.

Meadowlands Never Dying Out Only To Give You New Days Of Healthy Paths.

Life Continuing On And No One Is Bullying Anyone.

The Beating Heart That Shares Nourishment For Every Needing Being.

Winds Sounds From The Liking Of Popcorn In The Microwave.

Oh My We’ve Come To The End.

And Its Beautiful


©2024 *************

Allrightsreserved Nopartofthisbookcanbereproducedorusedinany mannerwithoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthecopyrightowner,except fortheuseofbriefquotationsinabookreview



SpecialthankyoutoTheLearningTree,TheElevationGrant,&TheSuccess CenteratCarriageHouseEast



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