Spring - August 2017

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The English Newsletter of YPICA Lee Lim Ming College

August 2017


Volume 2, Issue 2

Mr Lee’s PETs on: Learning How To Play MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS August 2017

2 Teacher’s PETs Professional Expert Tips (PETs) from your favourite teacher. Summer Goals What we plan to do this summer. 3 Spotlight on School Pride Hollywood has The Oscars, we have The Lee Awards! 4 The True Models of Culture Cultural Day fun on the catwalk! 6 Level Unlocked Six years of Secondary School is a challenge. 7 Dining with the Stars Graduation Party 8 Cover Story 30 Reasons Why We Love YPICA 11

Together Through the Years The 30th Anniversary Dinner Party


Round the World in 80 Minutes The 30th Anniversary Variety Show


HKDSE Heroes

15 Achievements in Extra-Curricular Activities 16 Sizzling Cook-Off Exciting Kick-Off


ummer is the best time to pick up an instrument because you have a lot of free time. If you’ve been itching to play something sweet like a ukulele or rock something loud like a drum set, waste no time and get into it. Our resident Maestro, Mr Thomas Lee, will guide you through what you need to sort out when learning a new musical instrument. Many students always ask me to teach them how to play the piano or how to start learning a musical instrument. Usually, I would suggest them to think of the following points thoroughly:

worth it! If you learned how to press that combo in Overwatch, you can certainly learn the riffs of a song on a guitar.

Find Resources Next, ‘How can I get an instrument?’ Just buy one if you can afford it. However, what Pick Your Passion First, ‘Why do I want to learn?’ Is it kind of instrument is it? Is it large or small, a need? Is it something that makes me expensive or cheap? Maybe it can be free! Ask happy? Is it for leisure? Is it just to make around if any of your friends have an instrument that they don’t use anymore. me look cool? Because learning an Then, ‘Who can teach me?’ and ‘How much instrument needs dedication. is the tuition fee?’ At this point, I would like to clarify that no teacher should collect any Invest Time Thus the second question: ‘Do I have kind of tuition fee for private lesson in school. enough time to practise?’ Many novice Some excellent musicians are self-taught, while musicians give up learning soon because others learn from YouTube. Here in school, you can learn from your music teacher! they cannot make up their mind to sit down for at least half an hour to practice daily. It’s common to think that The Sound of Music Finally, ‘Where can I practice?’ If you are musicians are born but with constant practice and hard work, musicians can going to play it at home, will your family or neighbour complain about the noises? Some also be made. parents might not support your passion but they might change their minds when they hear Persevere The third question is: ‘Do I have the you play. Therefore, you have to think over and over all these questions before making your perseverance?’ Even though you want decision. to learn playing guitar or drum set, it is not an easy task.You have to stretch It might be the perfect time to learn an your fingers or keep on beating the instrument this summer but you can learn same pattern several hundred times. an instrument any time you want. You’ll just You may get bored or annoyed and have to do it once and for all. upset but carry on because it will be

#SummerGoals With the temperature at 34 degrees or hotter, summer is definitely here. There are so many things to do in the coming weeks while school is out. So if you haven’t sorted out yet what you are going to do with all that free time, maybe some of these kids can give you a cool idea.


“Be the champion in Lion and Dragon Dances.”

“Sleep all day!”

“Play mo re fo


“Learn English.” “Find a job, earn money.”

“Find a part-time job.”

“Play foo tbal


“I want to be fit.”

“Play more basketball.”

“Play more dodgebal


“Study photography.”




fun event for YPICA Lee Lim Ming College because it provides an opportunity for students to showcase their talents. This year, the challenge for them was to capture what school pride means using their mobile phone cameras and edit their footage to produce a music video. The results were a mix of funny, touching, inspiring, and, ultimately, memorable MVs. To give credit to the amount of work that each class put in—from scriptwriting to directing, filming to editing, and of course, acting—an awards show dubbed The Lee Awards was held on English Day. The awards ceremony itself was a rare display of glitz and glamour as students

This is your family - your classmates, your teachers. They’re your best friends and you’ll always remember them fondly. Thank you Ms Tang and everyone! And once again, happy birthday YPICA!

was not only a show of creativity but also This video is not the work an exercise in teamwork. Meanwhile, 4B representatives, of one. This prize is not winners of the Best Senior Video award, for one. We are a team. expressed their gratitude to the Principal Ms Tang, Ms Angela and Ms Clara saying vied for a trophy as elegant as an Oscar. that “We’ve chosen the song “Best Day Filmmaker and scriptwriter Mr Bruno of My Life” because we all like it and the Gomes helped to judge the event. When good vibes it sends. We’ve listened to the the nominees were announced, the lyrics and we think that every day should audience was given a glimpse of each be the best day of our lives. We also think production. Finally, winners had the that after we graduate, we’ll look back and chance to go up the stage and give a think about the school days as the best speech, Hollywood-style. days of our lives.” In a speech delivered by representatives The real winners though are the from 4C, upon winning the Best Team members of our institution because the award, they noted that “This video is not MVs have shined a spotlight on school the work of one. This prize is not for one. pride and events like this further prove We are a team.” Indeed, the competition that we can, truly, be proud of our school.

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The True Models of Culture


HE EXCITEMENT OF THE CULTURAL DAY at YPICA Lee Lim Ming College starts at least a month before the actual event. Students and teachers have one common question that they ask each other: “What are you going to wear on Cultural Day?” A simple question that can get anyone who enjoys dressing up into panic mode! After all, one has to look his or her best on the catwalk during the parade of national costumes. It is only natural that one would want to represent his or her country in the most stunning outfit. However, there’s more to culture than just the clothes. Language, beliefs, food, habits, traditions and the arts all contribute into making one’s culture all the more colourful. So while we appreciate the beautiful clothes that the models strut on the runway during Cultural Day, we must not forget that we are our own cultural models since we represent our country or our ethnicity. Our actions, manners and values reflect our cultural upbringing. Therefore, much as we want the best clothes to represent us, we should also put forward our best self everyday because it is what defines us. Catwalk or no catwalk, we are models of our culture. We may not receive applause for it but the appreciation comes in the form of welcoming smiles from our community.


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or some students, six years in secondary school may be a long time but if there’s one thing that our Form 6 students can agree on, it is the fact that time flies. Not so long ago, they were the smallest members of our school. Like characters in a video game, they would run around exploring their new environment, learning new skills and solving problems along the way. They had to achieve certain missions, pass every test and exam in order to unlock the next challenge. And now, they’re here, six years later. They hold the key that would release

them from their secondary school world. And as each one of them marched up the stage to get their key in the form of a certificate, there’s a mix of emotions on their faces reminiscent of when they were in Form 1. Feelings of happiness, fear, sadness, and excitement confound them. Now that they have unlocked a new level, they are bound for new adventures and challenges. Our principal, Ms Tang, was kind enough to remind them on Speech Day to do their best as they have been equipped with the right skills to survive life after secondary school. As we bid goodbye to our graduates, we say hello to our new challengers. And as with any video game, whether we pass or fail, we continue, we persevere.

Dining with the Stars W

ith mere days after their Graduation Ceremony, the Form 6 graduates traded their graduation gowns for the finest evening wear they could find. The Grand Regal Hotel ballroom in Causeway Bay was suddenly filled with beautiful people. Everyone was almost unrecognizable as boys and girls transformed to men and women. The gents walked with confidence in their dashing suits looking like a live Zara catalogue. The ladies looked stunning and never failed to turn heads in their gorgeous evening gowns. It was as if you were dining with the stars! After the deliciously satisfying meal, a quick game of charades was in order. The words and phrases that the contestants had to guess leaned heavily towards science fiction and gaming categories which proved to be a challenge to some teachers. Before the evening ended, the diners voted for this year’s King and Queen of the Night. Rehman Ehzaz-Ur (6B) and Maria Ejaz (6B) were declared royals who stood out from the rest of the already glamorous crowd. A dinner party is not complete without the requisite photo-op and as

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several groups snuck out to different corners of the ballroom, up and down the stairway, and even along the halls, still, quite a few stayed on their seats observing the energy in the room. The photos and selfies are well and good but the smiles that filled the night and the laughs that lingered in the air will last in memory as long as stars continue shine.








30 Our school is less than a minute from an LRT station! When you’re getting off at Shan King North via the 505, it sometimes feels like you have exclusive train service. 29 The tuck shop satisfies your cravings! Whether you’re looking for something sweet, salty or even tangy treats like that frozen pineapple slice, the tuck shop is there to save the day. 28 Morning assemblies mean a chance to win some treats! Aside from the usual daily announcement, teachers often have wonderful sharing on different topics. They bring treats with them as prize to those who pay attention. They don’t have to but we’re not complaining! 27 Everybody knows everybody! This is not a school for shy people. And if you are shy when you start schooling here, by the end of the school year, you’ll be one of the most sociable kids. YPICA has a very friendly atmosphere that makes you feel at home. 26 Two homes, one family. Because YPICA has that nice, welcoming atmosphere, students feel right at home. As a second home, we reach out to families and organize activities that will strengthen our bond even more. 25 Fully booked! The library has an impressive growing collection of books from fiction to references. These simple treasures are ready to reward those who spend time in the library to discover something new.

24 Speaking of books, we’ve got your textbooks covered! Books can be expensive but with the textbook borrowing scheme for F.1 to F.3 students, studying is less burdensome for parents. 23 Who needs Uber? Students coming from Kam Tin, Yuen Long, and Tin Shui Wai can avail of the school bus service. Get to the bus stop on time and you’ll never be late to school again! 22 We lead in emerging sports! Archery, billiards, and floor curling have recently gained popularity in Hong Kong and our teams are at the forefront of these events. 21 Pioneers on ice! We are especially proud of our Ice Hockey Team which is one of just a little more than a dozen teams in Hong Kong. We’re considered as one of the pioneering schools in Hong Kong with an ice hockey team and our players have been lighting the lamp (scoring goals) in each competition. 20 Pitch perfect! Still on sports, this little bit of factoid is for the footie fans this time. Our school is situated right beside a football pitch. It’s nothing fancy but it’s conveniently there for us anytime we’re up for a friendly match.



he year was 1987. Everyone was talking about a new computer program called Microsoft Windows. Jackie Chan’s Project A Part 2 was sizzling in the summer box office. Teenagers were dancing to Michael Jackson’s latest hit song “Bad”, blasting it full volume on their boom box. Kids were beating one another’s high scores in Donkey Kong Game and Watch while listening to their favourite mix tape on their Walkman. The richer kids already had the Nintendo FamiCom and were mastering Legend of Zelda. There were no selfies so each time someone took a photo with their Kodak camera, you’d need to have that perfect smile so as not to waste film! It was a great time and though the 80s was coming to a close, it was just the beginning for our school YPICA Lee Lim Ming College. This year, YPICALLMC is celebrating its 30th Anniversary. So, instead of saying “Happy Birthday, YPICA!” thirty different ways, we would like to list down 30 Reasons Why We Love YPICA.

19 Amazing games! Aside from sports, our school pours in a lot of effort in making learning fun. The Amazing Race and Games Day are just two examples of exhilarating and challenging events that redefine our concept of mass games. 18 Learning languages is inescapable. Whether you like it or not, chances are, you’ll be learning words from a language that is not your own. Because of our international setting, it’s inevitable that you will absorb foreign words from your friends or schoolmates. Although we encourage students to speak only three languages in school for the sake of communication, cultural exchange will always find its way. 17 And yes, we do celebrate cultures! Every year, we hold one of the most colourful events in our school, the Cultural Day. Not only do we dress up in our traditional costumes, we also highlight our dances, songs and food. 16 It’s not all colourful but it’s still fun! Halloween is an excuse to wear black and dark reds. It’s true, secondary school students are hard to scare because they’re no longer babies but we still have fun wearing scary costumes and putting on hideous make-up. 15 Stars of the month shine brightest. Each month, one student is chosen from each class as the most excellent for the month. Don’t think we never notice your good deeds. In YPICA, the studious will always be rewarded!

14 That one time someone broke your heart and you wanted to sing. It’s a good thing then that we have The Stage! Sing your heart out after lunch with your favourite karaoke song. Those who eat at the covered playground are your audience. They might not clap but trust that you’ve made their meal a little bit tasty with each note you hit. 13 The rainbow garden is our school’s pride. Yes, there are so many things in our school that we can be proud of but the rainbow garden remains close to our hearts simply because it represents the beauty of our school’s diversity. It may not be much but the rainbow garden offers warmth on a cold day and shade on a sunny day. 12 Show-stopping performances! The Anniversary Variety Show, Lee’s Got Talent, Cultural Day and even the Speech Day have showcased the amazing talents of our students. Because of this, the production that goes into each event has been constantly improved to give justice to the impressive performances. 11 Future-proof learning! When classrooms are equipped with high tech teaching aides, and students are given access to a personal netbook, and the computer rooms are periodically upgraded and updated, you can be sure that the school is ready for the future. Thanks to our brilliant IT department, information is delivered in the most efficient way and students benefit the most because they have the tools for research, programming and presentation. TURN TO PAGE 10










10 Our school is clean. Thanks to the hard work of our cleaners, it’s always nice and fresh along the hallways, in the hall and just about anywhere else in school. Admittedly, the classrooms leave something to be desired but that’s where your help comes in, dear student! Let’s keep our own backyard spic and span, shall we? 9 Well-maintained facilities. This is not a big secret: Our school looks pretty good for a 30-year-old structure. Whenever there’s an opportunity to upgrade a part of our school we do it despite the costs because we know that it will ultimately benefit the students. This summer, major repairs on the basketball court and classrooms are underway. 8 The uniforms are chill. Let’s face it; no one is comfortable wearing a shirt that is tucked in your trousers. Now imagine wearing that every day. Nope, not gonna happen. Our students take this for granted sometimes that’s why it’s part of this list. Again, altogether breathe a sigh of relief and say: “the uniforms are chill.” 7 Supportive parents encourage us to continue working hard for their children’s future. It warms our heart when a parent recognizes all the effort we put in to providing the best education to their child. Thanks to our solid PTA partnership, the needs of the students are addressed without delay.



6 Learning outside the four walls of the classroom is even more fun with our study tours. Malaysia, Taiwan and different cities in China are just some of the places we’ve visited to better understand history, culture and trade and industry. Not only are these places a treasure-trove of knowledge, they also make fantastic Instagram and Snapchat backdrops! 5 The teachers and staff go above and beyond to provide the best education to students. Teachers may have their own approach to teaching but whatever the method, the aim remains the same and that is to bring out the best from each student. We simply want you to be the best version of yourself. 4 The events, educational programmes, trips, and facilities up-keep are all possible because of the support of the managers. All the systems that keep the school running are in place, thanks to their concern and attention. We don’t see them often but when we do, it’s always a fun time like when we play the Teacher-Student football match or during the anniversary dinner.

2 and 1

3 Of course, all of the good things that our school has would all be put to waste without a reliable and hard-working captain. Our principal, Ms Tang, steers this ship masterfully through fair or stormy weather and that’s why, even after 30 years, YPICA Lee Lim Ming College still stands as one of the dependable educational institutions this side of the New Territories. 2 Perhaps the coolest thing about this school is how you feel cared for by the Principal, teachers and staff. Know that behind every hard test, each loud reminder, every detention or essay punishment is given to you because we care about you. We care about your improvement and we care about you learning from your mistakes. So, the next time you’re regretting your time in detention for being late, remember, that’s tough love in action. 1 You’ve guessed it. The number one reason why we love YPICA Lee Lim Ming College is because we have the most awesome students! You are fun, you are competitive, and you are smart and sometimes talkative. You make us laugh, you make us angry at times but as long as you do your best in everything that you do, we’ll keep working hard for you.

TOGETHER Through the Years


here is a popular saying that goes: “A family that eats together, stays together”. For most families, eating together is simply part of the routine. However, it is not easy for some families to gather for a meal because of each member’s busy schedule. That is why when there is an opportunity to be together, it becomes a big event. One such important event was the 30th Anniversary Dinner Party of YPICA Lee Lim Ming College. Held on

2nd of June 2017, the get-together was attended by more than 360 alumni, students, teachers, staff, managers and close friends. Our Principal, Ms Tang, delivered a congratulatory toast. Most of the evening was spent on exchanging stories and memories of how things were in school from years

past. A memory wall filled with old photos punctuated this warm exchange that is sure to tug on the heart strings. The live music was a doozy as several bands and musicians provided entertainment to keep the conversation going or whet the appetite of eager diners awaiting the sumptuous dishes. This is a party.

With one full view of the hall, it was amazing to see people of different ages gathered together with one common denominator and that is our beloved school. So, when everyone sang the school song, it was easy to feel the sense of pride emanating from each person. Perhaps a lot has changed in our school

within thirty remarkable years but on that night, in that one big hall, it was easy to see that YPICA’s core values and teachings remained the same because every single person there felt like they were part of one big happy family.

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ou might think that you are a bit too old for fantasy stories. But what if, for just one night, you allow yourself to imagine a world where anything is possible? On 26 May 2017, we did exactly that—we went on a magic carpet ride around the world in 80 minutes! This one-of-a-kind variety show provided the perfect setting for the different talents that we have in our school. From African drum-beaters to Hong Kong rope-skippers, the creativity was simply over-flowing. Our Principal, Ms Tang, inspired by the

classic Jules Verne novel Around the World in Eighty Days, thought that a musical version on stage would be grand. The hot air balloon was replaced by a magic carpet and from there, the ideas kept flowing. All those brilliant ideas would have been put to waste if not for the masterful direction of Mr Thomas Lee. More than a dozen performances graced the stage and props and backdrop changed at each segment. How Mr Lee was able to command all of that and still sing is a mystery to this day! All of the performers gave their best

and each minute of those 80 minutes was a pleasure to watch. Audience members were given LED fans which they can wave around to accompany the applause. It looked magical in the dark hall and seemed to encourage the performers to do even better. Sad to say that the show is a one-way trip in celebration of YPICA Lee Lim Ming College’s 30th Anniversary. However, a trip around the world has never been as fast nor as entertaining as that one magical night in May.



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very year, around March, the Form 6 students get a little bit nervous because of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE). All Form 6 students go through rigorous tests and exams that will ultimately determine their future. Do they go to university? What educational route do they take? Would they even pass? That last question is a tough one


to answer for most students except for our eight HKDSE heroes who proved that with hard work and focus, it is possible to beat Hong Kong’s toughest test. Lam Kin Wai, Season Gurung, Rosemary Samekham, Kashif Ali, Raza Ali, Prasant Gurung, Muhiuddin Ali Muhammad, and Joshua Rai Villegas all passed with flying colors and are now planning their next steps after secondary school. Year after year, the number of HKDSE passers in our school continues to rise proving that our standard of education in YPICA Lee Lim Ming College is comparable to some of the top schools in Hong Kong. Students only need to give

their best in return so that all the hours allotted to studying in the classroom will not be put to waste. We call these eight students our heroes because they represent the best of the best in our school. When they go to university, they will be known as students from YPICA and that is a proud moment for all of us. To those of you who will be taking the HKDSE next year or in the coming years, do you have what it takes to be a hero? If the answer is a resounding “Yes!”, then be more productive in school, engage in wholesome activities, spend time with positive like-minded friends and be one of our HKDSE Heroes.

Achievements in Extra-curricular Activities 2016 - 2017 Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 68th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English Speech) English Solo Verse Speaking English Choral Speaking English Solo Verse Speaking


Samekham Rosemary (6B)


Pascual Nicole Alexis Seleccion (3B)


Garbuja Sumiksha (4B), Gurung Season (6B)


Class 1B, 1C, 2B, 2C

English Solo Merit Verse Speaking

鄭子豪 (1A),Yamaguchi Constance (1C) Kawor Sahil Proficiency (1C), Ngokchanthuk Sasiyatron (3B), Gurung Priya (4B), Gurung Sofiya (4B),

Hajrah Shafiq (1B), Mir Shamaim (1B), Thapa Sophiya (1B), Gurung Elijah Bagni (1B), Limbu Aakash (1B), Pun Kishan (2B), 黃 靜 (3A), Heung Alyssa Nicavera (3B), Sriya Thapa(3C), Gurung Dibina (4B), Flaminiano Ralf Alberic (4B), Molina Robespierre Bryan Cabintoy (4B), Roxas Mark Joshua Curata (4B), 梁慧嘉 (5A), 黃曉彤 (5A), Shah Aksa (5B), Maria Ejaz (6B)

Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 68th Hong Kong Schools Speech (Chinese Speech) Proficiency Collection of Essays Poetry Recital 2nd 3A, 4A,4B,4C Recital (Group Classes) (Female) Merit

黃靜 (3A), 盧雅瑩 (3A) Abid Naieela (2B)

Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 68th Hong Kong Schools Speech (Putonghua Speech) Prose Speaking Solo


李祖江 (2A), 黃靜 (3A), 曾嘉琪 (3A), 吳程茵 (5A), 黃冰冰 (6A)

The Cultural & Educational Association of the New Towns

The 19th Putonghua Public Speaking Competition 2017


甘奕健 (4A)

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 1st 2nd

1st Hong Kong Community Youth Sport Festival - Floor Curling Competition

麥智賢 (3A), 梁樂言 (4A), 陳偉謙 (5A), 梁紹諾 (5A) 陳穎茵 (4A), 甘晓婷 (4A), 黃曉彤 (5A), 黃慧儀 (5A)

The Education University of Hong Kong 3rd 2nd

2nd EdUHK Inter-school Floor Curling Tournament Leisure and Cultural Services Department The 19th Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre Archery Competition

甘晓婷 (4A), 陳穎茵 (4A), 黃慧儀 (5A), 黃曉彤 (5A) 麥智賢 (3A), 梁紹諾 (5A), 梁樂言 (4A), Gurung Prajwal (4B)

1st (Girls) Beginner

黃曉彤 (5A)

4th (Boys) Elementary

梁紹諾 (5A)

The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation Girls A-grade 4th Boys A-grade 7th Girls A-grade 6th

New Territories Secondary Schools Sports Competition Inter-school Archery Competition The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation San Wui Commercial Society Secondary School

Boys Grade C Volleyball Competition (Tuen Mun)


甘晓婷 (4A), 黃慧儀 (5A), 黃曉彤 (5A), 徐莉 (5A) 葉梓聰 (2A), Pun Kishan (2B), 陳偉謙 (5A), 梁紹諾 (5A) 甘晓婷 (4A) Boys A-grade 9th 梁紹諾 (5A) Angdembe Pratik (1B), Gurung Ayush (1B), Gurung Easant (1B), Gurung Yudish (1B), Limbu Aakash (1B), Singh Abhishek Deep (1C), Carmona Jonald Curata (2C),Mohammad Malik Ahtasham Ahmad (2C)

Tuen Mun Inter-school 6 Red Ball Snooker Competition

Hong Kong Billiard Sports Association Samsung 60th Festival of Sport -Inter-school Pool Championship 2017

甘奕健 (4A), Shah Jawad (4B)

Pun Kishan (2B), Bashir Danyal (2C), 甘奕健 (4A), Shah Jawad (4B), Zahjethalik (5B), Pun Nishan (5C)

Team Game 4th

Yuen Long District Sports Association Hong Kong Inter-school Rope Skipping Competition - Individual Hong Kong Chinese Martial Arts Dragon & Lion Dance Association The 7th Hong Kong Fast-Speed 葉志豪 (6A), 龍瑋昇 (6A), Open Skilled Dragon Dragon 曾國亮 (6A), 張宝豪 (6A), Dance Competition Dance 1st 王毅康 (6A), 傅展德 (6A)



梁慧深 (3A) 葉志豪 (6A), 龍瑋昇 (6A), 曾國亮 (6A), 張宝豪 (6A), 王毅康 (6A), 傅展德 (6A)

Barrier Dragon Dance 1st

The 27th Tsuen Wan Sport Festival Committee The 27th Tsuen Wan Sport Festival

Dragon Dance Golden Dragon Award 葉志豪 (6A), 龍瑋昇 (6A), 曾國亮 (6A), 張宝豪 (6A), 王毅康 (6A), 馬藝俊 (6A)

Committee On Respect Our Teachers Campaign Community Drug Advisory Council

Chinese Writing Competition (F.1 - F.3)


Joy in the Arts Hong Kong Drawing Competition 2017

黃靜 (3A) Group Merit Award

黃靜 (3A)

Hong Kong Police Tuen Mun Police District Crime Prevention Football Match 2016

Smart Program

Isip Jhon Lester Verdadero (2B), Isip Jhon Lourence Verdadero (2B), Pun Dab Kumar (2B), Ali Zan (3C), Chan Po Lung Cabaya (3C), 2nd Mohammad Arfaan (3C), Pascual Kivin Art (3C), Rana Sanjog (4B), Bakhotmah Abdulrahman Fawaz A (4C), Tang Sang Lawati (5B), Gurung Pratik (5C), Mohammad Malik Ibrar Ijaz (5C), Yongya Bibek (5C) 鄭子豪 (1A), 鄺招財 (1A), 李祖林 (1A), 胡健朗 (1A), 李祖江 (2A), Pun Dab Kumar (2B), Pun Kishan (2B), Syed Mohsin Ishtiyaq (2B), Nasir Muhammad Waqas (2C), Hiking Skills Competition 2nd Waseem Nadim (2C), 麥智賢 (3A), 吳子彥 (3A),Nasir Muhammad Awais (3C), 葉承鑫 (4A), Shafiq Salwah (4B),Rabia Ejaz (4C), 郭德城 (5A), 鄺錦堂 (5A), 梁焌樂 (5A), Farooq Aroug (5B), Khan Zarina Pimentel (5B), Madiya Naveed (5C) Pun Dab Kumar (2B), Pun Kishan (2B), Syed Mohsin Ishtiyaq (2B) Keen Participation Award 麥智賢 (3A), 葉承鑫 (4A), Shafiq Salwah (4B), Rabia Ejaz (4C), 郭德城 (5A), 梁焌樂 (5A)

Education Bureau and Caritas Hong Kong Gold Outstanding Student Award Multicultural Dream Pursuit Silver Award Project 2015/2016 Award of Participation Community Youth Club The Exemplary Student Award (Junior)


Curata Chloe Shaye Abello (5B), Thapa Sita (5B), Pascual Mark Edzor Seleccion (5B), Gurung Season (6B), Gurung Shabnam (6B), Samekham Rosemary (6B) Thapa Elesha (5B), Sahin Harold Shayne Diva (5B), Thapa Lakita (6B) Lindsey Katherine Kaye Dongeto (5B), Thapa Rita (5B), Gurung Mani Jung (5B), Hamad Iftikhar (5B), Tang Sang Lawati (5B), Zahjethalik (5B), Thapa Dristi (5C), Jobanjit Singh (5C), Jamshaid Shazia (6B), Gurung Pooja (6B), Maria Ejaz (6B)

李祖江 (2A)

The Exemplary Student Award (Senior)


Thapa Sita (5B)


Sizzling Cook-Off


hen we think of ways to relax, the last activity we would think of is cooking. After all cooking is very stressful! Not only do you need to prepare your ingredients, you also need to do the washing up. The cooking process itself is also stressful because you need to keep an eye on your food so as not to burn it. However, there’s enough stress in the classroom such that hard time in the kitchen is nothing to a seasoned teacher. Our Principal, Ms Tang, and the teachers formed groups and competed in the first ever teacher cook-off. The challenge: make a dish out of one common ingredient—chicken wings. Sounds simple? You wish. With their level of expertise, it is unacceptable to just fry the chicken wings and then call it a day, no. Your chicken wings need to stand out from the flock and taste superb as well! Miss Lo’s group emerged victorious after the gruelling challenge. Some of the teachers cried, albeit not because of defeat but because of the onions. At the end of the day, it was all done for fun, friendship and the best-tasting chicken wings that the HE Room has ever produced.

Exciting Kick-Off


xcitement is building up for next year’s World Cup in Russia but we can’t wait for Putin’s official kick-off ceremony. That is why YPICA Lee Lim Ming College teachers and students organised a friendly football match to keep us occupied. Every year, Team Teachers is set for revenge because they haven’t had a victory since ever. It all started well with the teachers gaining momentum, responding to Team Students’ goal with strong defence. The crowd cheered when they nailed their first goal. Team Students didn’t show frustration. All that running during PE paid off as they kicked goal after goal after goal. The match ended with 6-2 in favor of Team Students. Team Teachers was not the least bit salty though as they showed grace even in defeat. Revenge can wait perhaps next year yet again. Thanks to the school managers, everyone felt like a winner after the game as both teams and even the rest of the teachers and staff were treated to a grand dinner.

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YPICA Lee Lim Ming College 2461-8818, 2467-0652 2467-0775 Shan King Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T., HK school@mail.ypicallmc.edu.hk http://www.ypicallmc.edu.hk SPRING is the official English Newsletter of YPICA Lee Lim Ming College. It is published by YPICALLMC. For more information, visit our website.

Volume 2, Issue 2 August 2017

Editorial Board Advisor: Ms Tang Yin Ping The Principal

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Chief Editor: Mr Japheth Imperio Editor: Mr Samuel Moyani, Jr Typesetter: Mr Chan Yiu Kuen Mr Chan Siu Wing


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