Portuguese to English translations for European partnership newsletter

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newsle tter n. 15 - july 2011

The municipality of Agueda her opened the public review of it! LocaL mafter PLan

The Municipal Authority provided a WebGIS service http://geoporfal.crn-oguedo .pt/maria/participacaopublico.hfml, based on a Geographical Information System , which allows geotagging of opinions. including suggestions and complaints on the municipal territory . This way the aim is to reach the largest number of people and entities without the need of going to the City Hall to consult and participate in on instrument that will determine the economic . social, and cultural stra teg ies, among other important issues for the community. In the context of the transnational cooperation project PARNET-T1C, the Municipal Authority has held several events in order to boost public participa tion on the review of the Municipal Ma trix. Addressing the question " How can I participate in the public rev iew of the Municipal Matrix. using the Internet?" , several training sessions were performed in t he lo c al antennae wi th the aim of bringing the community closer to local govemance. better public management and to encourage c ivic participation of the population. Video tutorials were prepared for people who could not attend the training, so they could effectively and conveniently participate in decision-making. Promotion of such actions was made on local newspapers. radio. AguedaTV. In order to reach the largest number of people. The community outreach, which we are building with the use of information and communication te c hnolo gies, reveals a long way to go, but surely, step by step, it will enrich the community. One of the positive outcomes is a stronger connection between the Civil Parishes. citizens and municipal Authority. including knowledge sharing and bila teral approach between the community and local managers.

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