Portuguese to English translations for European partnership newsletter

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newsle tter n. 15 - july 2011

The municipality of Agueda her opened the public review of it! LocaL mafter PLan

The Municipal Authority provided a WebGIS service http://geoporfal.crn-oguedo .pt/maria/participacaopublico.hfml, based on a Geographical Information System , which allows geotagging of opinions. including suggestions and complaints on the municipal territory . This way the aim is to reach the largest number of people and entities without the need of going to the City Hall to consult and participate in on instrument that will determine the economic . social, and cultural stra teg ies, among other important issues for the community. In the context of the transnational cooperation project PARNET-T1C, the Municipal Authority has held several events in order to boost public participa tion on the review of the Municipal Ma trix. Addressing the question " How can I participate in the public rev iew of the Municipal Matrix. using the Internet?" , several training sessions were performed in t he lo c al antennae wi th the aim of bringing the community closer to local govemance. better public management and to encourage c ivic participation of the population. Video tutorials were prepared for people who could not attend the training, so they could effectively and conveniently participate in decision-making. Promotion of such actions was made on local newspapers. radio. AguedaTV. In order to reach the largest number of people. The community outreach, which we are building with the use of information and communication te c hnolo gies, reveals a long way to go, but surely, step by step, it will enrich the community. One of the positive outcomes is a stronger connection between the Civil Parishes. citizens and municipal Authority. including knowledge sharing and bila teral approach between the community and local managers.



SUDOE I n t e rr e g




Participation and Digital Services Network in Rural Areas

PRRnET-TIC Project fteering Committee of PRRnET-tic meet! in Rgueda (PortugaL) It is the maximum body decisor of the Project. It will be on 9th and lOth of September with the presence of all the partners . The Steering Committee will begin with a Public Session to be held on 9 September during the morning, which will include political representatives of all partners, as well as the presence of Secretary of State for Administrative Modernisation, Maria Manuel Leitoo Marques. The theme of this session will deal with the Public Access to Digital Public Services by rural populations, aiming to offer a better service and reducing citizen's commuting. Agueda has developed over the past four years a very intensive work from the perspective of administrative simplification using not only the most updated technological means (document archive based on digital circuits via work-flow) as well as an internal reorganization of its services by automating tasks, assigning and controlling responsibilities expenses. Agueda pioneered the immediate issuance of licensing documents. With the Single Window Sistem concept, all services are catered in the same place and on any workstation without the need to visit the various departments of the Municipality. The next step, already in full development, is related to the partnership of the PARNET-T1c Project which develops the full potential to ensure access to public services from remote locations by providing services via WEB. Some services are already available, for example, the issue of location maps, the geographic location of services and businesses, the public discussion on various topics of general interest. Others are being developed and the PARNET-TIC Project partnership will enable a sharing of knowledge that will definitely contribute to the quality of the whole process.

newsletter n째 4 - august 2010

fUmAAY Pg.l

Steering Committee of PARNET-tic meetsin Agueda


Software as a Service. Advantages and drawbacks


Recycling Centre and PARNET-TIC. Commitment wi th the environment in a "click"


A wire less network will be operating in the NTIC centre loc at ed in the village of Berjo


PARNET-TIC Project and the use of Open Source Software


Lug o 's rural zone approaches to new technologies


Public consu lta tion: The ne t neu trality


Dynamization and training in Province of Huesc a the Network centres



DID YOU HnOW THAT:.. The Steering Committee is the body of decision making of the parnetship. They celebrate their meetings with a minimum frequency of six months and it will include representatives of the local institutions implicated. Its objective will be the information exchange about the development of the activities as well as enquiries that can be presented.

Protect PAAnET-TIC

newsletter n째 3 - july 2010

PRRnET-TIC LRTEfT nEWf Cornoro municipaL de Rgueda In order to innovate and give useful instruments to the community, the Municipal Authority of Agueda provides, based on the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a webmapping service which makes possible the plans location emission, already with the area, land or building correctly identified.

The emission of parcel location maps is only one of the units already completed, integrating a set that aims the Public Participation of citizens in Urban Planning and projects presented by the Municipal Authority. It has still as a goal the publicity licensing management, georeferred, through the Internet .

It is an innovative project not only because it is a free service but also because it makes possible to obtain this service without commuting to the Municipal Authority. From the internet, any citizen or company can create a file from home, enterprise or anywhere else. This is easier, faster and more economic than going at the Municipal Authority services and wait for assistance.

The access to the service is made through one existing connection in the Municipal Authority of Agueda website at www.cm-agueda.pt

This project was developed within the operation +MARia [financed by programme +Centro (National Strategic Reference Framework)]. with resource to free and open source software.

PRRnET-TIC LRTEfT nEWf C. m. de Rgueda The Municipal Authority of Agueda makes available to all community an online application for Public Participation focused on the MPTO - Municipal Plans for Land Use Planning. However, other small plans will be submitted for community participation in the same fashion as the Paving and Urban Refurbishing of the Parking Lot at Bairro do Redolho . After completing the registration, the application, available on the Municipal Authority of Agueda website. allows the user to pinpoint his/her opinion/ suggestion/ complaint. In other words, the application allows the opinion to be connected to the geographical point drawn by the citizen.

The application, completely developed with free technologies and open code, is a guaranteed move by the Municipal Authority of Agueda towards good practices in public management. After the public discussion of several projects in the recent past, the Municipality strengthens the wish to interact with the community by making available to the citizens, in a friendly environment, a platform for public participation that, most probably, will enrich the initial projects. Unlike the traditional methods of participation, the citizen gains time, has a better perception of the proposal and guarantees an important privacy and serenity when submitting his/her participation. After submitting the opinion, the citizen receives an e-mail containing the "voucher" of participation, confirming that the contribution is integral part of the process.

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