Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2018 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Jarel Cheah
998651 Tony Yu, Studio 04
Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier? (Maximum 100 words) Le Corbusier states that pictorial space is a dimension that cannot be entered and is observed is on flat canvas. It is a representation of the world based on illusion to the eye, giving the subjective perception of depth to the viewer. All of this is possible through specific composition of objects.
Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against?(Maximum 100 words)
Le Corbusier restricts himself from using black to portray depth and shadows. The other method is the consistency in contour lines for separate objects, seemingly blending everything to create a frontality. Bothe these methods take away representation of three-dimensionality and resulting in flatness.
1ST MARIO’S WORLD First drawing using only the 2D Mario Images provided. This also gave me the opportunity to play with depth and be creative. The lines here are disjointed becauuse this was meant to be a quick sketch to give me an idea of what items to place in between.
COMBINED MARIO’S WORLD Next, I used the foundation of the images to go as wild as possible and tried to challenge myself to recreate a compelling Mario world, taking inspiration from the theme provided. I went with a floating mining town. This idea of a mining community came from playing other games during a similar period when Mario world was popular. It also reflects the playfulness and energy synonymous with Mario culture.
WEEK 4 READING: PRACTICE, ARCHITECTURE, TECHNIQUE, AND REPRESENTATION Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: Explain the difference between Pictoral (in this case perspectival) space and Projection? (Maximum 100 words) Perspective drawings create a realistic view of the object. It features a horizon line that represents eye level and vanishing points communicate depth. These representations are not to scale and only presents the scene with one viewpoint. In contrast, projection drawings provide an overall view of an object and allow the representation of hidden properties. Drawings are to scale and therefore, best used for technical drawings.a
Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? (Maximum 100 words) Axonometric projections were first used to calculate trajectiles topenetrate walls and barriers. It was very useful as it provides exact measurements of them; whereas perspective drawings provided a distorted representation.
ILLUSTRATED MARIO’S NEW WORLD After tracing my drawings on illustrator, I coloured them using mostly the eye dropper method. This is the easiest way to collect exact colours from the 2D images provided. After sampling the colours, I adjusted the brightness and hues to get effects I wanted to show such as shadows. The tunnels I created showcses the exciting journey the crates are going, it also adds an element of mystery into my axo drawing. Included are also melted gold streams, gold collected in crate, and some ores. These were very difficult to trace as they were tint and had to be detailed. I also added and underground layer to explore the world more. The pipe connects underground, and is another method of collecting resources. Finally I gave the landscape a backdrop representing the night sky, to bettter follow the theme given, it also made my Axo drawings pop.
Materials used are standard ones. I also used a combination of pencils and pens for light sketching, then marking it with a darker one when satisfied.
Next, I sketched the basic elevations provided, playing with depth along the way and trying to make things interesting.
Along the way, I also did some ideations on what I’d like in my Axo. These were quick sketches meant to generate ideas.
Next, I sketched the basic elevations provided, playing with depth along the way and trying to make things interesting.