FoDR Portfolio

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Foundations of Design : Representation, Sem 1, 2018


Jarel Cheah 998651, studio 04


Task: Represent the intricate texture of croissant with sketching methods, as well as construct anorthographic projections by hand.



The task involves closely hand-tracing the insides of the croissant using different analogue techniques to represent light, shadow and texture and producing and axonometric of it. The pages above shows scanned images of croissants and its cross-sections. This will be the reference used in hand-tracing it.



The finished product sketched by hand. A combination of hatching and shading were used. In hindsight, techniques used could be better improved on, be more consistent to represent the different elements of the croissant more accurately.



Finally, an axonometric of the croissant is produced by drawing up a graph that measured the dimensions of the cross-section and then joining them to create a hand-drawn axonometric that can be seen on the right of the page layered above the croissant sketch.



Task: Construct a 3D world and explore the spatial qualities of 2D and 3D representations. 2D images were provided to use as a template.


M02. FLATNESS VS PROJECTION This idea of a mining community came from playing other games during a similar period when Mario world was popular. It also reflects the playfulness and energy synonymous with Mario culture. The tunnels and railways explore the relationships between both frontalities. I also created shadows to represent the difference in height and lighting. Below, I have also attached a journal documenting the process.



Materials. Materials used are standard ones. I also used a combination of pencils and pens for light sketching, then marking it with a darker one when satisfied.

Ideation. Along the way, I also did some ideations on what I’d like in my Axo. These were quick sketches meant to generate ideasAlong the way, I also did some ideations on what I’d like in my Axo. These were quick sketches meant to generate ideas.

Spatial exploration. Next, I sketched the basic elevations provided, playing with depth along the way and trying to make things interesting.

Final Sketch. The final product is traced on tracing paper to produce neater lines. In hindsight,

Scanned drawing, uncoloured. 8


After tracing my drawings on illustrator, I coloured them using mostly the eye dropper method. This is the easiest way to collect exact colours from the 2D images provided. After sampling the colours, I adjusted the brightness and hues to get effects I wanted to show such as shadows. The tunnels I created showcses the exciting journey the crates are going, it also adds an element of mystery into my axo drawing. Included are also melted gold streams, gold collected in crate, and some ores. These were very difficult to trace as they were tint and had to be detailed. I also added and underground layer to explore the world more. The pipe connects underground, and is another method of collecting resources. Finally I gave the landscape a backdrop representing the night sky, to bettter follow the theme given, it also made my Axo drawings pop.


MODULE 03. Task: Manipulate a terrain to digitally and construct developable surfaces and replicate it physically via model making.



Module 3 composes of Rhinoceros to generate 3d panels using panelling tools. Physical model making was then used to assemble the digital construction. This image shows my final physical model displaying a wave like pattern at every corner of the beginning of an upwards slope. The surface consists of 4 individual developable panels in varying heights and shape.



Digital models were developed on rhino, with emphasis on creating developable surfaces for easy folding. A terrain was given and we were required to manipulate it using abstract ideas on developable forms. The final panels consists of 8 different shapes, with all of them rotated in the opposite direction, forming 8 shapes in total. These panels highlight the upwards slope on all 4 corners. A “zipper� effect is also created by the openings of the pyramid. After unrolling the patterns, I proceeded to fold them based on the numbering system from Rhino, creating a final, physical model.



Patterned terrain

This is the base surface used to create patterns by ecperimenting the relationship of the topography to the patterns.

Panels used on the surface, gradation of height is used.

Final product. Openings around upwards slope.



The triangular panels point to a specific direction and creates a concentration effect.


MODULE 04. Task: Graphically represent the experiences of Marco Polo in a fictional city based on the texts in the book “Invisible Cities� by Italo Calvino.


M04. FRAME VS FIELD Cities & the dead: Laudomia Laudomia has 3 cities within a city, the dead, livinf and unborn. An underground level is created to physically separate the unborn (abstract) from the living and the dead (physical), as if the unborn is living in the underworld. The crowds are placed on every corner in the unborn word, from columns to high up from the ground to communicate that there is infinite number of them. The dwellings on the living Laudomia can be seen mirrored in the Laudomia of the dead as tombstones, with crowds of people above each of them to signify that it is filled with bodies/families. The interaction symbol is placed directly above the negative feeling because of how the population feels after communicating with the dead and the unborn to look for answers. Final product. I used the “....” symbol to represent interaction based on how games used that when an “npc” talks to the player. Dwellings are represented as cubes and cuboids, all varying sizes as how buildings are in real life. negative feelings are placed to illustrate that the city is filled with anger, confusion and turmoil.







This view attempts to illustrate the city of the dead and the living interacting with each other. The mirror placed between both cities communicates a “mirror� of each other, like a parallel of the iving Laudomia whereby aarchitecture etc are similar. The scene shows the daily activity of the living Laudomia and the two lady peasants visiting Laudomia of the dead to retrieve answers, the grave digger is shown digging up a burial pit. The effect I tried to create for dead Laudomia was of a dark, narrow city street.


PERSPECTIVE 2 This view shows the living Laudomia interacting with the mass of unborn Laudomia. Since the unborn is interpreted as the future, all of them can be spotted wearing attires from the 19th century, while the two bearded men from the living Laudomia can be seen wearing attire of a much earlier time period. The curses mouthed by the living laudomia (the black strips) highlights the frustrations, anger and confusion after seeking the unborn for answers.


REFLECTION Throughout this unit, I have been exposed to new perspectives and knowledge of different representational methods and ideas. The combination of lectures, studio and workshops provided a learning environment where different ideas were delivered effectively. I started out with some experience using the adobe creative suites, allowing me to quickly learnt new concepts thought in lectures. These 4 modules gave me a greater mastery in them in addition to gaining a basic understanding on using rhino, in particular the understanding of the creation of developable surfaces. Modules 1 and 2 allowed me to improve my proficiency in technical drawings. Module 2 in partcular allowed me to explore relationship between 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional spatial constructions. I have gained an improved understanding in using photoshop and rhino in particular to accurately represent perspectival views. Module 1 and 4 proved least successful. My technical details were not as accurate as it coud have been, and some things like dimensions missing in my sketches, which I have added. In my opinion, module 4 was my best but better representation of the story could be made with more time. I have added textures and some interactions which better represented the cities and its environment. Overall, I am satisfied with the work I have been producing, this unit provided me with a background knowledge to develop my representation skills further. After one of the most strenuous 4 months of my life, I can say that I am proud of my achievements!


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