Friendship Napisali učenici OŠ Kuršanec, polaznici literarno-recitatorske i knjižničarske grupe Prijevod na engleski jezik: učenici polaznici dodatne nastave engleskog jezika (8. a i 8. b razred) Ilustrirala: Vanesa Dobranić (7.a razred) Kuršanec, šk. god. 2016./2017.
Those were carefree days of having fun and playing games. Long,hot summer was just perfect for hanging out and spending time outdoors.
The girl called Christina was never apart from her old doll Mimi. Christina and her brothers and sisters were playing ˝Hide and seek˝, ˝Jump rope˝ and running around on the meadow, all day long.
Chiara was spending her days surrounded by picturebooks, her only friends. She was combing her golden hair, in front of her mum's mirror, waving with the magic wand and dreaming about living as a princess one day.
However, late that summer, Christina and Chiara didn't enjoy playing games so much anymore because the first day of school was coming. Finally, that special day, the first day of school, came. Chiara and Christina put on their most beautiful dresses. Mum agreed braids to Christina and Chiara put colorful beads in her hair. Everything was ready. But, that afternoon Chiara was late for school because her mum was late from work. When she walked into the classroom, all the children were already sitting at their school desks and the only empty seat was next to the quiet, little, dark-skinned girl. The teacher told Chiara to sit next to Christina. At that moment, they both thought how unusual that was because they were so different.
Soon, the pupils started to introduce themselves. Every pupil said her or his name, surname, her or his place of living, whether she or he has brothers or sisters and what she or he likes to do. They were all listening very carefully and slowly got to know one another. But, when it was Chiara's turn to introduce herself, she started to stammer because of the numerous audience. The pupils understood hardly anything and the worst thing was that they started to laugh. Chiara was embarrassed and felt very sad. Then she looked at her friend at the same desk and realized that she was the only one who didn't laugh. Chiara was very grateful to her. In gratitude for that, she gave Christina a pencil that looked like a magic wand, as a present. The next day Christina brought her friend a beautiful drawing with Chiara drawn as a fairy. That day their friendship became even firmer.
Chiara wanted to invite her friend to come at her place. Soon after, that happened because Chiara's parents realized how much Christina means to their daughter. That was the magnificent Saturday for Christina. When she entered Chiara's room it seemed to her as if she walked into an unusual world of fairytales. There were so many beautiful picturebooks and different toys with the popular cartoon characters in the room. Everything was so beautiful, almost unreal. The two girls hung out together the whole afternoon, as if they had known each other for years. Again, Chiara gave a present to Christina. It was a big picture-book about princesses, with the small mirror on the first page. Christina was happy and proud when she came home, and then, suddenly, she became sad. She also wanted to invite her friend to come at her place. But, she didn't know how to make it possible because she didn't have her own room, let alone so many toys and books.
Soon after that, Christina's mum realized what was it all about and she promised her daughter that she will make an effort and do her best for Chiara to feel comfortable in their home. Few weeks passed. On Saturday, parents brought Chiara to Christina's place for a visit. It was beautiful, sunny, autumn day. The sun was shining and inviting children to play. Christina decided to teach her friend how to play ˝Jump rope˝.After that, they were playing ˝Hide and seek˝ in the nearby small forest. Christina's brothers showed Chiara a tree house. She was thrilled and happier than ever. She realized that Christina is richer than she is because she has got brothers. That's why she can never be bored.
The two friends were still inseparable and some pupils from their class were even envious of their friendship. When they heard Christina was at Chiara's place, many girls wished they could be Christina because they knew Chiara has got the most beautiful things and that she always wears the most beautiful clothes. If it happened that Chiara started to stammer, pupils weren't mocking at her any more. They began to be friendlier toward one another and the teacher noticed that. Chiara's birthday was coming. The whole class was preparing for that big event. Chiara invited all the children from her class to the party and it didn't matter any more what any of them is like and where she or he is from. All the children were having a good time like they lived in some far away country, the country of friendship. After that, there were almost no snitching and quarrels. Friendship settled into class 1B and stayed there till the end of the school year.
The two, so different and yet so similar girls, continued to hang out during the summer holidays, too. As Chiara didn't have any siblings, her parents invited little Christina to go to the seaside with them, for their daughter to have company. It was the summer to remember. The two little girls enjoyed the summer, exploring the beauties of the Adriatic Sea. But, more about that in our next book. We want you to spend your summer holidays enjoying with your friends and having a good rest. Don't forget, friendship is one of the most beautiful things in the world. So, sometimes, it is worth to do your best for the smile and love of your friends.
O PROJEKTU „NAŠA PRVA KNJIGA“ Projekt „Naša prva knjiga“ realiziran je tijekom šk. god. 2016./2017. ETAPE PROJEKTA: 1. SASTAVLJANJE /PISANJE PRIČE : učenici literarno-recitatorske grupe i knjižničarske grupe; lektoriranje (jezično-stilsko ispravljanje i dotjerivanje teksta): učiteljica Anamarija Mihić 2. ILUSTRIRANJE PRIČE : učenica Vanesa Dobranić iz 7. a razreda; kreativno vodstvo i savjeti: učiteljica Ida Domišljanović 3. PRIJEVOD TEKSTA PRIČE (ENGLESKI JEZIK, NJEMAČKI JEZIK I BAJAŠKI) - prijevod teksta priče na engleski jezik: učenici polaznici dodatne nastave engleskog jezika (8. a i 8. b razred) pod vodstvom učiteljice Karoline Preložnjak - prijevod na njemački jezik: učenici polaznici izborne nastave njemačkog jezika (7. a i 7. b razred) pod vodstvom učiteljice Laure Trstenjak - prijevod na bajaški dijalekt (jezik Roma Bajaša): gospodin Elvis Kralj (otac učenice naše škole) i romska pomagačica u našoj školi Biljana Oršoš; lektoriranje: Petar Radosavljević 4. IZRADA (KLASIČNE/PAPIRNATE) SLIKOVNICE I IZRADA DIGITALNE SLIKOVNICE - učenici polaznici knjižničarke grupe i školska knjižničarka Jasmina Balog