7 minute read
How Your Life Is Unfolding on the Spiral
from Upspiraling Ebook
Chapter 2
There’s something in each of us deep down that is totally intelligent, knows our true potential, understands why we’re here, what we really need, and how we can best reach it. That’s Your Extraordinary Side. Your Extraordinary Side is the part of you that has been urging you toward everything that’s truly right for you. It’s on a mission to guide you there.. It’s why you’re reading this action plan right now. We just have to be willing to tune in, listen and take steps forward to move up the spiral. But, one of the best things about the spiral and upspiraling is that you don’t have to take my word for it. As you move through this 33-Day Action Plan, you’ll get to see it in action. In fact, let’s walk through an example right now from your life.
Today, where do you think you are on your Spiral of Life? Think about your life and whatever is going on for you right now? What do you want to focus on dialing in this year in your life? Maybe it’s your work, or your business, or your relationship, finances? Or, your personal development and growth journey? It could be any area of your life that feels really important to focus on. I’ll use myself as an example again in case it’s helpful. For me, what’s most alive right now when I step back and look at my life is that I’m at a point of new beginnings or a next chapter. I’m surrounded by new beginnings both personally and professionally after a period of doing a lot of inner and outer work. Today, it feels like I’ve reached the point where all that inner work has really settled in and I have an entire new operating system and perspective that’s impacting everything, including my relationships with my husband and kids. In an interesting way, although those relationships are not new ones in my life (I’ve been married for 18 years and my kids are 10 and 15), I have a new way of “Being” in those relationships and so that’s why it feels like each of them is at a point of the next chapter. There’s even more to learn and experience, but now from a new perspective. Professionally, I’m also at the next chapter both with Possibility of Today and Sounds True, the company I work with. You may know that a little over 10 years ago, I quit my job as an attorney in Corporate America because I wanted to find my way to the work that I felt deep down I was meant to do. It was the work my Extraordinary Side had been guiding me toward my entire life. But, in order to make this transition successfully, I needed to still pay the bills, support my kids, and get over the fears, doubts, worries, etc. Needless to say, there was a lot of work to do. Not only was I going to need to take a lot of steps forward in terms of creating my new career, I had to do A TON of inner work to move up this part of my Spiral of Life. But, at the end of last year, I finally hit the momentum phase and there were a lot of shifts forward. It’s now time for the next chapter. This year will be about deepening into my Extraordinary Side, upspiraling, aligning with the next phase of personal growth in relationships and completing a couple of big work projects.
That’s an example from my life in case it’s helpful. You may be at a similar place where it feels like you’ve entered a new chapter in your life. Or, you may be somewhere totally different. I’ve got a friend who just lost her son and when we were talking the other day she shared how she’s really at a point of healing and getting stronger. She is making her way through Phase 2. But, she’s very aware of what’s happening and aligning with everything she needs to do to work through her inner work. She’s joining a support group with other parents that have been through the same thing. She also is doing her own inner work and working through her fears, worries and all of her other emotions that have surfaced from losing a child. Another one of my friends just started a new business, and she’s in Phase 1, learning a lot about her limiting beliefs and building new skills. Another friend is farther along in growing his business and working through Phase 2, getting stronger and preparing to enter into the momentum phase and expansion of his company. And now, back to you. Let’s start your UpSpiral Reflection Process, which is the first part of the 33-Day Action Plan. But, one quick thing before we do that together.

I want to be totally transparent. Upspiraling is not a “quick fix”. If you’re not feeling ready and open to dive into your outer work and inner work, break any patterns, bad habits, or work through any of the other “stuff of life” that’s been getting in the way then this isn’t the plan for you. In order to upspiral, we’ve got to do the work. There are days I’ve personally had on this journey I wished were easier. And, after watching and answering questions from friends and other people who also embarked on this journey, there have been days when I wished it was easier for them too. In fact, I used to wish there was a magic wand we all could wave and voila, just like that, we could take some steps forward, and everything would shift and fall into place. But there’s no magic wand. I’ve also come to realize that we actually wouldn’t want that anyway because the real gift happens every single time we dig deep, align with our Extraordinary Side, and move up another phase of The Spiral of Life. If you commit to upspiraling and stick with it, you’ll never look back. You’ll also wonder how you ever went through life any differently. You can count on experiencing so many benefits– a peaceful mind, success, meaning, purpose, and lots of gratitude and joy. You’ll accomplish what’s most important to you and also what you’re meant to bring into the world. But, I’ve learned that it’s really important to share the depth of this journey with everyone upfront so anyone that’s not ready or willing can stop reading right now.
Throughout history, the Extraordinary Side and the ordinary side have gone by many If you’re here, then that means you’ve made the really good choice to continue and commit to the journey and upspiral. Congratulations! You’ve done the hardest part and taken a really important first step. I’ll help you with the next steps and also pass along all the different tools, practices, and information that will help you learn how to master the art of upspiraling your life. If you haven’t already downloaded your free 33-Day Action Plan, you’ll want to do that now. There’s a blank spiral and a quick self-audit with 7 Important questions for you to answer to help you fill out your own Spiral of Life. You’ll be able to find it in the last section of the book where you’ll also create your Customized 33-Day Action Plan. Download it now. Complete the questions, map out your Spiral of Life, and then when you return to the next section we’ll focus on unpacking the spiral and how the different cycles, the phases and the frontside and backside of the spiral work to create benefits in our lives. We’ll also focus in on how you can use the Spiral of Life moving forward and apply it to your job, your goals, your career, your business, your relationship, your inner growth journey, or any other area of your life where you’re looking for any improvement, development, accelerated growth, or success.
I used to wish there was a magic wand we all could wave and voila, just like that, we could take some steps forward, and everything would shift and fall into place. There’s no magic, but there is the Spiral of Life.