5 minute read
Mapping Your Spiral
from Upspiraling Ebook
During this final phase up the spiral, you’re aligned deeply with your Extraordinary Side and your wisdom and strength. You’re able to let your Extraordinary Side lead the way and guide you to take all the right steps up the spiral. Life is flowing for the most part and you feel really good about it. There still might be those days when waves of doubts and fears arise, but you’re also experiencing the benefits that stem from all the inner work you’ve done during the strengthening phase. Your mindset is healthier. The mental chatter and Chief negativity officer in your mind have quieted down. You know how to tune in to your Extraordinary Side and manage your emotional waves so your confidence shines through. You’ve also reached the point in the journey where you’ve made it across the abyss. Life is changing, shifting, and rearranging in all the ways you need it to. More of what you’ve wanted for your life is finally showing up and your life is continually shifting, rearranging and more is beginning to fall into place. It’s also at this point where the next upward shift in your life happens. You deepen more into your true self and feel the impulse to further align with your life’s purpose. You have made your way up to the top of this spiral. You’ll have clarity and feel inspired to align even more with Extraordinary Side and tune into what’s most right for you next.
During this middle phase of the spiral, we’re being asked to commit to deep inner growth and letting our Extraordinary Side lead the way. Although we’re really focused on our inner work, the benefits and growth that results creates the essential foundation for the outer world results we’ve been hoping for. The experiences that surface during this phase will help us strengthen our inner resolve and ability to align with the wise voice of our Extraordinary Side that’s continually guiding us in the right direction. You know how people say, it’s those times in life when we’re pushed that we grow the most? Well, nothing could be truer and this phase gives us the opportunity to get stronger, aligned with our Extraordinary Side and prepared for all the good things that are meant to happen in our lives. Now, you know I like to keep it real, so I’m not going to pretend like this phase is a cakewalk. There may be times during this part of your journey when it feels like you’re confused and lost in the middle of a very big forest and you’ll never find your way out. But, there is always a way through and deep down you know there’s no turning back anyway. The best way out is working through “our stuff” and moving up the spiral (we’ll be getting into exactly how you do that a little later). Although this phase of the journey can get difficult at times, it is also one of the most profound and valuable phases of the journey. It’s when we learn even more how to allow our Extraordinary Side to lead the way. This phase builds and strengthens the foundation for everything important in your life.
This is a time often referred to as a “new beginning” or your “next chapter”. It’s a time of change and usually arises after something has shifted in your life and it’s time to focus on what’s next. At the beginning of this phase, one of the best things you can do is set a vision for what you want to see in this next chapter of your life. What do you want to shift, improve or grow in your life? What feels right? What direction are you being pointed in? By deciding what’s next, you set forces in motion that will be your metaphorical tail wind so you can take lots of steps and make a lot of progress. This is also the time when we want to start working on breaking any bad habits or learned behaviors that aren’t serving us or getting in the way (i.e. procrastination, resistance, negative thinking, limiting beliefs, etc.). It’s a time to do the work, eliminate any excuses and avoid falling into the trap of complacency, or “good enough.” It’s time to go!
Over the course of our lives, we move up our Spiral of Life and we can also choose to move up many different spirals. The ability to grow every area of our life is an ongoing opportunity. As an example, your relationship, your career, your finances, your mental wellbeing, and your relationships all unfold following this same spiral pattern. With each area of our life that we choose to journey up the spiral and improve, we learn more about ourselves and we experience benefits in both our inner world and outer world. Our inner capacities, our wisdom, intuition and inner strength all grow. We eventually reach the point where we’ve mastered the art of upspiraling. We’re aligned with our purpose in life and will choose to climb higher spirals so we can learn how to allow our Extraordinary Side to be the dominant force in our lives.
Your life dreams and goals Relationship/ significant other Your Work/Career Relationships: Your family and Friends Your finances Your Mental Wellbeing and Spiritual Journey
Our lives are full of both Extraordinary side and ordinary side instincts. The question becomes: which
are we going to listen to?
Chapter 5
Sometimes our own actions (i.e. procrastination, doubting ourselves, reacting to situations with anger, fear, focusing on the negative, etc.) are one of the main reasons for the challenges we find ourselves facing. When we continually repeat these patterns, we have fallen into a trap where we’re engaged in behaviors that can cause us to spin our wheels, or we repeat the same mistakes that prevent our progress. The challenges are pointing us to make internal mindset shifts because in order to make progress up the spiral we will need to do things differently than we have been. There are two specific patterns to be aware of: Infinite Loops and Downward Spirals. It’s important to understand both of these patterns because believe it or not, just about all of us have fallen into one of these traps or will at some point in our life.
Continually missing lessons and repeating bad patterns that keep you stuck
Repeating bad decisions that cause you to move the wrong direction.