5 minute read
Your Extraordinary Side & The Journey Up the Spiral
from Upspiraling Ebook
I’ll use my life as an example because oftentimes it’s easier to see how to use the Spiral of Life as a tool when you see how the spiral is at work and being used in other people’s lives. So, I’ll be your guinea pig. Toward the middle of last year, there were several weeks where I had a long stretch on the backside of the spiral. We ran into this huge speed bump at work that threw things out of whack financially. At the same time I was working through all of that, my teenage daughter was going through that summer slump that some kids slipped into last year after a year of virtual learning and all that’s been going on in the world. As many of you know, when you’re a mom, your kids’ pain becomes your pain and so I really felt the weight of that. And, I was also trying to refinance my home, which if you’ve ever done that and are self-employed, it’s exhausting and WILD and can push you to your limits. All of this was going on in my life at the exact same time. It was A LOT. One afternoon, while I was processing everything and figuring out what to do, I got a call from Tami, the CEO of Sounds True, the company I work with. She started talking to me about all the work challenges we were working through. She said, “We’re really getting pushed hard right now. Or, as you say, we’re on the backside of the spiral for sure!”
I agreed and said, “Yes, we’re deep on the back of the spiral, but it’s all good because we’ve been here before many times and we can find our way to that frontside again”. We both laughed a little and that helped us let off a little stress that had been building up. Of course, we weren’t laughing because there was anything about the situation that was funny. There was a lot we had to figure out and we had some serious challenges to work through. Also, for me personally, it had been one of “those challenging times” for what felt like a really long time. In addition to trying to find the way through all the challenges at work, I also needed to figure out how to manage all the other stuff I was working through personally at that time. But, we found a moment of comedic relief in the situation because we both knew it was just a time when we were on the backside of the spiral. There was nothing to get worked up about or stay stressed out about. We just needed to zero in on the moment, find our lessons, insights, do the work and make our way back to the frontside of the spiral. For me, it was time to do my standard Backside of the Spiral Routine. I took several minutes and settled into my Extraordinary Side, reflected on the Spiral of Life to get a grasp of the bigger picture. I also thought about the specific lessons that had surfaced so I could do the inner work and outer work that work together to help resolve situations and shift things forward. We’ll be going through exactly how to do the Backside of the Spiral Routine because when you can tune into the exact lesson you’re supposed to be learning and do your inner work while also taking the right steps forward, it allows you to continually make significant progress and successfully navigate up your Spiral of Life. We’ll be getting into all of that though in detail later on and customizing your Backside of the Spiral Routine in the action plan section. But, first let’s talk a little more about the Spiral of Life and where it comes from.
It was a little over ten years ago when I discovered this spiral and a recurring pattern unfolding in my life. I spent thousands of hours studying it, reading books about spirals, sacred geometry, mapping out the spiral, analyzing the patterns, and examining how it worked in my life. It was fascinating to me! I could see how my own path to Harvard law school, reaching personal development goals, my career goals, my financial goals, my inner development journey, and even the growth of my relationship with my husband all grew and followed this same spiral cycle–from building, to strengthening, to momentum and then the cycle would repeat again. There also were consistently times in each phase when I was on the frontside of the spiral and times when I was on the backside. I then started examining how the spiral was unfolding in other people’s lives. It was the same exact cycle and the spiral pattern mapped perfectly again. That was even more fascinating to me because I could see that once we figure out the natural rhythm of how our lives grow and evolve, it’s so much easier to align with the path you’re meant to walk. It’s not just my life that’s unfolding on this spiral path. It’s all of ours. My life, your life (everyone’s life) is unfolding along a spiral path, the Spiral of Life.

The Spiral of Life informs the most important aspects of our lives–your relationships, your finances, your career, your goals, your personal development, your inner growth and even your spiritual journey (if that’s something you’re into). Each area of your life develops, grows, and evolves as you make your way up The Spiral of Life. And, each area of your life also grows in this same spiral pattern. The consistent theme and the way growth happens is in an upward spiral process. Once we understand how the spiral pattern unfolds, the 3 cycles, and how to align with the dynamics that arise, we can master the art of upspiraling and use it to grow the different areas of our lives, like our relationships, careers, work, finances, etc. We can figure out what’s most important to us at any point in time, really zero in on that area of our life, take the right steps forward, and move up our spiral of life to reach it. In other words, all those times you’ve heard people say that there’s a path to what’s most important to us…they’re right. Most importantly, when we upspiral, we really get in tune with who we are deep down, our true self. Why? Because not only are we successfully making progress in our outer life as we move up the Spiral of Life, we’re also aligning with our higher self, or as I like to describe it, learning how to let our Extraordinary Side lead the way.